Known daughter Moruo father, Gunnhild pesters Ningxia Gunter every day and sees it. At the end of his life, he wants to fight for even the slightest possibility of his daughter's happiness.

Chapter 453 The girl's ignorant love

Gunter finally chose to die naturally. Before he died, he handed over the position of tribal leader to his daughter, and then passed away in peace.

Gunnhild was crying very sad, Ningxia could only give her some comfort and a shoulder, he did not promise Guentel, he is destined to leave the current Mond, everything about him is not in this era, he can't guarantee Can give Gunnhild happiness.

Because of Ningxia and Wendy's guarantee, Gunnhild succeeded in inheriting the position of patriarch. From then on, she could not follow Ningxia freely and listen to his stories.

As the head of the clan, she wants to pick up a bow and arrow to obtain food for the clansmen. Ning Xia personally taught Gunnhild, this is the only help he can give to the girl.

Gurnhilde's talent is very good, and she has just succeeded as the patriarch, and she is also working hard to learn the duties of the patriarch.

After more than two months like this, everything is back on track. On this day, Ningxia lay on the roof looking at the stars in the sky with some melancholy. In this boring era, these things are the only things that can relieve the boredom.

"Master Ningxia, are you homesick again?" Gurnhild, who has become the patriarch, came to Ningxia and said. Compared with the past, the youthfulness of the girl has completely faded now, and Gurnhild is now As beautiful as a Cecilia flower on a high mountain.

"Hmm..." Ning Xia responded.

"Sometimes I really envy the people in the future. Even in the distant past, you miss them." Gurnhild said while sitting beside Ningxia, looking at the stars in the sky with smart eyes, and couldn't help feeling Hold Ning Xia's arm.

Ningxia pulled out his arm a little stiffly, Ningxia's behavior made the atmosphere awkward, Gunnhild lowered his head a little bit disappointed, his originally bright eyes became dim.

Just at this time, a mass of green streamer rushed towards Ningxia, which eased the awkward atmosphere.

"Ningxia!" Wendy threw herself into Ningxia's arms excitedly, and her velvety soft body rubbed against Ningxia again and again. After getting along with her for the past few months, she has completely depended on Ningxia, and she can't sleep without Ningxia every day. Didn't sleep well.

"You! I told you to be more independent, how can I leave with peace of mind..." Ningxia raised the little Wendy and said.

"Hey hey~" Wendy scratched her face with her little hands in embarrassment, her dependence on Ning Xia has become more and more serious, even if Ning Xia would occasionally teach her to work harder.

But she will still be taken by her with a "hey", after all, what is she trying to do with Ningxia?

"Okay, it's time to go to bed." Ning Xia helplessly hugged Wendy and jumped off the roof, then returned to her own house.

In the past two months, besides Andreus, Ningxia had a new communication partner, and it was Dekarapian who was severely beaten by him.

Unwilling to admit defeat, she would always come to Ningxia for a duel every once in a while, although every time she would be punched and cried, and then Ningxia would sit on the bench.

However, Decalapian is very stubborn. After Ningxia told Decalapian about the tyrant's throwing people from the tower in the future story, Decalapian would always refute it firmly, and then exchanged Ningxia's knocking on the skull.

And Zhong Xiaoli seems to have entered a metamorphosis period. Although his body shape has not changed, he will fall into a deep sleep from time to time. Ning Xia asked Bai Meng and said that Zhong Xiaoli himself is strong enough, so the metamorphosis period needs deep sleep to purify his past strength.

"Lord Ningxia..." Gurnhild jumped off the roof and said that although he wanted to hide it intentionally, there was still a hint of sadness on his face.

"What's wrong?" Ningxia turned her head and asked pretending not to know, Ningxia was a little scared, it wasn't that there was something wrong with Gurnhild, on the contrary, Gurnhild was a very good girl, so good that Ningxia didn't dare to touch her .

The natural fair skin and the body-building curves of perennial hunting and training are hidden in the rough animal fur coat, and the long blond hair like big waves is tied into a high ponytail with rubber bands made in Ningxia, which makes Ningxia always look at her at first. Cheng Qin.

And she has a very good personality, heroic when hunting, decisive as a leader, ignorant yearning for the future when listening to the future, and inadvertently shy when getting along with Ningxia...

Getting along these days, Ningxia, who is already an old scumbag, can't understand the girl's intentions, but he doesn't want to have anything to do with Gunnhild, after all, he will go back to the future, Gunnhild 3000 years later It may have turned to dust long ago.

In the future, he can still be responsible, but in this era, one day he will suddenly leave Mond because of the time jump period, and go to Liyue, Zhidong, Fontaine...

At that time, the jump may be decades or hundreds of years. At that time, even if he comes back here, what he will see will be Gunnhild who has forgotten him.

"No, it's nothing...I'm going to rest first." Gurnhild said disappointedly, then turned and left.

"..." Ning Xia looked at Gunnhild's bleak figure, he really didn't want to hurt this girl, but he also didn't want to leave so irresponsibly in the future.

"Wendy, you go back to your room first, I'll go back later." Ning Xia said helplessly.

"Okay!" Wendy flew back to the house humming music.

Ningxia turned around and looked at Dekarapian who did not know when he arrived, and said, "You're here to fight again, aren't you?"

"Hmph! This king has studied tactics for a long time, and I must be sitting on you today!" Dekarapian said with his arms crossed.

"Your skin is itchy? You bitch." Ning Xia moved his body and said, he has always been very gentle to women, except for Dekarapian, because she is so annoying and kills him every two or three days to take revenge .

In the past two months, he has developed the habit of masturbating Andreus in the morning, playing Dekarapian at noon, and playing with Wendy in the evening. Now that Dekarapian is here to deliver supper, he is not polite anymore.

Dekarapian has been trying to take the initiative to attack for the past two months, but every time Ningxia resisted and directly pressed her to the ground, and then sat down and knocked her head.

Dekarapian himself felt that he was going to be knocked stupid. In order to prevent this from happening, Dekarapian worked hard for three days and nights to study hundreds of defensive wind walls, trying to seal off Ningxia.

They fought, or Ningxia unilaterally bullied Dekarapian's beach has become potholed, and most of them were repaired by Dekarapian with a tornado.

"Hmph~ I have studied the wind wall maze for three days and three nights. Although it is not as good as the wind wall in the capital, it is definitely more than enough to trap you!" Dekarapian said proudly.

At first she wanted revenge, but after being beaten several times, her nature changed. She had to sit on the man in front of her and beat him on the head to relieve it.

Chapter 454

Dekarapian opened his arms, using the power of his body to the extreme, and countless wind walls erected beside Ningxia, perfectly curbing the possibility of Ningxia's escape.

Ningxia didn't even bother to take out his weapon this time, and watched Dekarapian's operation with his arms crossed.

Dekarapian gave him the impression that she was not only good, but also stupid. Her strength was definitely stronger than that of Andreus, but her actual combat experience could only be described as horrible.

In addition, the two of them have been on point for the past two months, neither Ningxia nor Dekarapian has the intention of taking the other's life.

Ningxia hit the wind wall with a punch. It must be said that Dekarapian had a good idea. The strong wind wall blocked him inside, so that he could only be at the mercy of Dekarapian.

It's just that she overlooked one thing, or because Ning Xia hadn't used all her strength, Dekarapian didn't know that Ning Xia was already infinitely close to the body of the top demon god, and it couldn't be trapped by the wind wall.

"Hmph~ The Gale Maze invented by this king refers to the structure of the tower. If you can break it, I'll be on the spot..." Just when Dekarapian wanted to set up a flag.

"Bang!!!" Ning Xia pierced through the wind wall with pure strength, and then walked out of the closed space slowly.

"What did you do on the spot?" Ning Xia raised his eyebrows and said.

"I, I..." Dekarapian stammered and didn't know what to say. What she wanted to say was that if she could break the wind wall, she would give up the position of Fengshen on the spot.

"Get down." Ningxia patted Dikarapian's fragrant shoulder and said.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" Dekarapian lay on the ground aggrievedly, she has been lying on the ground dozens of times in the past two months.

Ning Xia skillfully sat on Dekarapian, and then moved her hands to prepare to knock her head.

"Did you hit your head again today?" Dekarapian said, covering her head aggrievedly. As the king of Mond, when did she suffer such humiliation?

Besides, how could she be considered a beauty?

Her long, emerald green hair fluttered under the strong wind, and her fair skin was between healthy ruddy and sickly pale. She had a bold nose, willow eyebrows and phoenix eyes, and a small cherry mouth that was as red as alluring.

In terms of beauty, although Dekarapian doesn't know how other regions are, she doesn't think she is inferior to anyone in Mond except for Andreus, the wolf king who doesn't like to become a human.

Besides, her figure is not bad at all. A pair of Longji snow-capped mountains that can easily fill the basin show her majesty as a king. At least in this era of Mond, she is the tallest.

"Could it be that you still want to have something new?" Ning Xia said with his fingers moving. Ever since he met Dekarapian, he began to awaken some strange hobbies, although it was limited to Dekarapian.

"As long as it's not the head!" Dekarapian said hastily, she was afraid that if she went on like this, she would be knocked stupid by Ningxia.

"Okay, let's spank." Ning Xia readily complied with Dekarapian's request.

"Huh?" Dekarapian hadn't reacted yet.

"Slap!" Ning Xia slapped Dekarapian's buttocks hard.

"Don't! No! No! It hurts! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... You're too bad!" Dekarapian cried, feeling the feeling from her own buttocks, this sense of humiliation directly broke her Guarded.

Originally, he wanted to hit him a few more times, but seeing Dekarapian lying on the ground crying so sadly, Ningxia's heart softened no matter how hard-hearted he was.

"You! You are so bad! You are so bullying! Why do you wrong me! I am! I did not throw people from the tower! I never!" Dekarapian cried, she was too Wronged.

Although she is a bit eccentric and doesn't like to listen to the opinions of her subjects, she will never do such a thing as losing her subjects. However, Ningxia can still say bad things about her in a decent way. Although some of them are indeed true, but false The part made Dekarapian very aggrieved.

"Bad guy! Me! I'll fight you!" Dekarapian beat Ning Xia with her small fist, although her fist was just a weak massage for Ning Xia.

Ning Xia was a little surprised to see Dekarapian venting his anger on her. Although it was very strange, but after two months of physical communication, Ning Xia felt that Dekarapian was not as cruel as the story said, but unexpectedly honest in character .

Rather than saying that she is a tyrant, it is better to say that she is a very stubborn and paranoid demon god, whether it is governing the country or taking revenge.

However, neither the thrashing Dekarapian nor the surprised Ningxia noticed that Andreus, who was glowing with a faint blue light in the distance, was slowly approaching. Her anger suddenly caused a severe blizzard to blow around.

Andreus is very satisfied with his recent life. Compared with the unchanging life in the past, now he occasionally goes to Ningxia Shun Shunmao for a massage, and his life is really happy.

It's just that she wonders why Ning Xia despises her human form, which frustrates her arrogance. In terms of human aesthetics, she is also very beautiful, right?

In Mondry, except for Dekarapian who squatted in the wind wall every day and couldn't come out, Andreus was confident that his beauty was absolutely top-notch, although it was a little smaller than the Dragon's Back Snow Mountain in Dekarapian.

It's not that she doesn't know about the beach in the past two months, but she will not leave the vicinity of Mond except for occasionally looking for Ningxia just to squat on Karapian.

Until today, she finally couldn't hold back her curiosity and came to check, but the scene in front of her shocked her unceasingly. The human being she trusted and loved the most was flirting with the enemy she hated and hated the most.

Especially that big-breasted girl Dekarapian, who suddenly beat Ningxia's chest like a baby, what is this?It's not enough for Dekarapian to want Fengshen's position, so she wants to snatch away Ningxia, her favorite smooth hair tool, right?

"Dekarapian!!!" Andreus roared angrily. In her opinion, Fengshen's position is not as good as Ningxia, a smooth-haired tool that makes her happy!

"Andreus?" Dekarapian, who had calmed down after hammering for a while, jumped aside like a child who did something wrong. The sudden appearance of Andreus made her feel a little helpless. In Si's eyes, this is Xiaosan's guilty conscience when she meets Zhenggong!

"You!!! Damn it!!!" Andreus said angrily, obviously she came first!Either meet or be together!

Andreus angrily pawed at the white snow on the ground, ready to deal a fatal blow to Dekarapian.

"Me!? What's wrong with me? I didn't use any strength!?" Dekarapian said with a guilty conscience, thinking that Andreus was angry because he beat Ningxia, so he could only say that he didn't use much strength.

"Could it be that you still want to use more force!!?" Andreus said and was about to pounce on Dekarapian, and she was going to fuck Dekarapian today, and then become Mond Fengshen! ! !

Chapter 455 The Courageous Love of a Girl

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Help!" Dekarapian shouted from behind Ningxia.

"Get away from him!!!" Andreus said angrily, she couldn't accept that her person was touched by the enemy.

Ning Xia opened his hands to catch Andreus who was pounced on him. He now knows more about Andreus' wolf form than Andreus.

Dekarapian took this opportunity to run away. Before leaving, she looked at Ningxia who controlled Andreus for her. Although she felt that Ningxia was a little violent, after being knocked down by Ningxia for two months, she was not very special. Dislike Ningxia.

It's just that when he moved his long, slender and white legs, Dekarapian still felt a little pain in the slapped part. Although Ning Xia only slapped her, she was really too big, and she took all the damage perfectly.

"Let go of me! I must be with this guy today~ Hey~ I want~ I want to be with that guy~ Don't leave me~" Andreus just wanted to go after Dekarapian, but was caught Ning Xia touched her chin and stomach.

"You~ you~ actually~ behind my back~ and our common~enemy to fight together~don't~don't~ think that I will~I will~forgive you~" Andreus still wanted to speak a few words, but his body It has softened down quite honestly.

After finishing the work, Andreus's huge wolf body lazily pressed Ning Xia under him, watching Ning Xia as if he was about to prey. Andreus was angry at the humans who dared to "betray" him, but she I can't bear this scumbag in front of me.

"Tell me! Did you form an alliance with Dekarapian behind my back?" Andreus said with some resentment, what's wrong with her?Isn't it just a little bit smaller than Dekarapian?

"Would you believe me when I said we were fighting?" Ning Xia said with a wry smile. He vaguely remembered that he wanted to find Dekarapian to vent his emotions.

"Fight? Do you want to accept my punishment?" Andreus said angrily.

"Okay, what do you want to do?" Ning Xia said, feeling guilty about Andreus.

"Hmph!" Andreus just wanted to bite Ning Xia to vent his emotions, but seeing his big mouth in wolf form, he relented and changed to human form.

Andreus in human form sat on Ning Xia in a rage. She just didn't want anyone to smooth her hair in the future, otherwise she would have to bite her in wolf form.

The small mouth with two fangs bit Ning Xia's neck fiercely, Ning Xia did not resist out of guilt, the real pain made Ning Xia gasp, the general didn't bite him so hard back then.

However, Andreus switched to sucking after biting halfway, and his little tongue licked the skin mischievously. This painful and itchy feeling made Ning Xia feel weird.

"Taste, the taste is not bad. If you let me take a few more bites, I will forgive you." Andreus said arrogantly. Although he really didn't want to admit it, Ningxia's body full of vitality is really attractive.

"Come again..." Ning Xia rubbed his neck and said.

"Hey! You betrayed me!" Andreus said with his arms akimbo.

"Okay..." Ning Xia stretched her neck towards Andreus as if resigned to her fate.

"Forget it, let me bite a few times, look at your appearance... Humph! How can humans be so reckless!" Andreus turned her head proudly, and led her dragon, which was slightly smaller than Dekarapian, The ridge snow mountain swayed for a while.

"Hey! Are you really allied with that guy Dekarapian!?" Andreus said suddenly angrily.

"No, I really don't!" Ning Xia said hastily.

"Then why did you touch me with a weapon? Did you want to sneak attack?" Andreus said angrily.


In the end, Ningxia calmed down Andreus's anger by talking about it. As for the weapon, Ningxia didn't explain much. This kind of thing is too embarrassing.

"Huh! I'll come to you tomorrow! If you don't satisfy me, don't talk to me anymore!" Andreus said pretending to be angry, and then left without looking back.

Ning Xia waved his hands helplessly, and then returned to the tribe. If he didn't go back, Wendy might have to wait.

Although Ningxia taught the tribe to make oil lamps, after what happened just now, it was almost early morning, and Ningxia crept to her bed.

But this time he didn't touch Zhong Xiaoli and Wendy who were sleeping beside him. Instead, he touched something soft, something that Zhong Xiaoli, Wendy and Hall Master Hu didn't have.

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