"Lord Ningxia..." Gurnhild asked tremblingly.

"Why are you here!?" Ningxia subconsciously wanted to withdraw her hand, but Gunnhild grabbed it too tightly.

Following Ning Xia's hand, Gurnhild's whole body stuck to Ning Xia's body.

"Lord Ningxia..." Gurnhild hugged Ningxia tightly, and she thought a lot when she returned.

From the first time she saw Ningxia, she was very curious about the man in front of her. As the daughter of the tribe chief, she was the first person to come into contact with God.

She doesn't need to participate in hunting, which gives her enough time to pester Ning Xia to listen to stories, and Ning Xia is also happy to tell stories to pass the boring time.

At some point, Gunnhild had an ignorant feeling for Ningxia, and she was deeply fascinated by the mystery and gentleness of Ningxia.

This feeling gradually became clear after Gunter's death. Ningxia gave her a guarantee, special training, and a new bow specially made for her. She has already fallen in love with Ningxia without knowing it.

Even though she knew that Ning Xia would leave one day, even though she knew that Ning Xia didn't want to be with her, but...

"You..." Ning Xia said helplessly, he knew that he should persuade the girl to leave here now, he will not, and it is impossible to stay in this era.

"I don't care!" Gurnhild said firmly, she doesn't care about the ending, she just wants to be with the person she likes even once.

"Bai Meng? Why do I sleep with you, where is Ningxia?" Zhong Xiaoli rubbed his eyes and said.

"Cough cough cough! Ning! Ning Xia is doing very important things, don't disturb him, be obedient, otherwise Ning Xia will be angry!" Bai Meng said with a blushing face, she was so curious about such things.

"It's strange, why do I feel hot?" Wendy who had just peeked at it came back and said.

"Hey! Don't bother them!"

Chapter 456 Dekarapian: This man doesn't matter if he doesn't look for it

In the morning of the next day, the people who were accustomed to hunting led by the patriarch were urged by Ningxia to go hunting.

Just after returning to the house, the naked Gunnhild hugged Ningxia tightly.

"Lord Ningxia... I'm sorry." Gurnhild buried his head in Ningxia's chest and said.

"No... I'm sorry, it should be me..." Ning Xia said with a wry smile, but he had already made up his mind that he would take Gurnhild back no matter what. He had to be responsible for the girl in front of him who loved him.

"Okay, you go to rest now, I'll make you something to eat." Ning Xia comforted softly.

"Oh..." Gurnhild lay back on the bed obediently, his fair skin and Longji Snow Mountain trembled, as if he was tempting Ningxia to continue to commit crimes.

Ning Xia carefully covered Gunnhild with the quilt, and then gently kissed her white forehead. The girl's body fragrance was so charming that he was a little reluctant to leave.

As soon as she left her room, Ning Xia immediately kicked Bai Meng's room away.

"Me! I didn't steal it!" Bai Meng quickly hid the dried meat made by Ning Xia behind her back. In the past few months, she had been beaten by Ning Xia dozens of times for stealing it. Although Ning Xia was lenient, it still hurt.

"Bai Meng!!!" Ning Xia put his hands on Bai Meng's shoulders and looked at her seriously.

"Ning! Ning! Ning! Ningxia! I am not a casual person, no! I am not a casual god!" Baimeng said quickly.

"Ouch!" Baimeng squatted down covering his head, Ningxia had already had a well on his forehead, how could this Baimeng be so easy to think wrong?

"I'm not interested in you! I just want to ask you, is there a way to bring Gunnhild back to the future!" Ning Xia asked through gritted teeth.

"Oh~ are you begging me?" Baimeng's aggrieved expression gradually became presumptuous. Although he had no worries about three meals a day with Ningxia, he ate and drank well, but Ningxia would beat his head from time to time.

Doesn't her god of time want to be majestic?This time Ningxia asked her something, wouldn't she be able to do whatever she wanted?

"Ouch! What are you doing!" Baimen squatted down aggrieved again.

"What are you thinking!? Tell me quickly!" Ning Xia clenched his fists and said, this Baimeng didn't fight for a day, and went to Jiewa in the house.

"I can't help it either!" Baimeng said aggrievedly.

"Listen to me first, because pulling you into this era, my few divine powers have been exhausted, and the rest is used to correct the time, not just what you say I can bring." Baimon explained road.

"..." Looking at Baimeng, who I really can't help, Ningxia turned around helplessly. He should go and make some food for Gurnhild first.

"Ningxia!" Zhong Xiaoli came to Ningxia's side at this time, and pulled Ningxia's pants with her fleshy little hands.

"What's wrong? Xiaoli?" Ning Xia forced a smile.

"Aren't you happy?" Zhong Xiaoli said worriedly.

"Hmm..." Ning Xia hugged Zhong Xiaoli and said, although he considers himself a scumbag, he will do his best to be responsible for every woman who confirms his relationship.

But only Gunnhild, he has no way to give a real guarantee, he will not, and it is impossible to stay in this era.

"Ningxia, she's here again." Zhong Xiaoli tugged at the corner of Ningxia's clothes and said.

"Huh?" Ningxia looked at Dekarapian, who was hiding aside, and he was a little annoyed because of Gunnhild's incident, and he ignored this idiot Demon God.

"Hey! Let's continue the duel today!" Dekarapian couldn't help jumping out when he saw Ning Xia who was about to leave, although he was very grateful to him for stopping Andreus for himself.

But Dekarapian felt that he and Ningxia were still enemies, and the revenge of knocking on the head and spanking had not yet been avenged!

"Not interested, let's go." Ning Xia hugged Zhong Xiaoli and said to himself, with a disgusted expression on his face.

"Huh?" Dekarapian looked at Ningxia who was leaving a little strangely. Normally, as long as he yelled, Ningxia would immediately go to the beach to duel with her.

It was the first time that she rejected her challenge with such a look of disgust.

This time, Ningxia took out almost all the good ingredients of Yu Peili, and stewed the medicinal pigeon soup for Gurnhild, the pigeon stuffed with sweet flowers, and a deluxe version to satisfy Sarah.

"Wow! It smells so good!" Drooling Baimen came to Ningxia's side, with a restless little hand trying to steal the freshly roasted sweet flower stuffed pigeon.

"Ouch!" Baimeng covered her little hands aggrievedly, Ningxia patted quite vigorously, her hands were all red.

"This is for Gurnhild!" Ning Xia said while filling the pigeon soup.

"Hmph! I'm not envious!" Baimeng said drooling, and then left the stove angrily.

Ningxia looked at Baimeng who turned back three times at a step, and reluctantly took out another pigeon, and the remaining Tiantianhua was just enough to make another one.

"Xiao Li, do you want to eat?" Ning Xia asked.

"Xiaoli is not hungry, and she doesn't want to eat anything." Zhong Xiaoli said quickly. After entering the metamorphosis period, she would feel disgusted by any food, because the strength accumulated in her body was too sufficient, which kept her in a state of fullness.

"Okay..." Ningxia first sent the prepared sweet flower stuffed pigeon to Baimona, and then returned to her room with the luxurious set meal that belonged to Gunnhild.

The curious Dekarapian looked at Ning Xia treating the woman on the bed so tenderly, and suddenly felt it was unfair. She thought she was no worse than Gurnhilde in appearance!

Why would Ning Xia treat Gunnhild so tenderly, while she would be beaten on the head and spanked! ?

Dekarapian gritted his teeth and looked at the gentle Ningxia, not to mention Gunnhild, the Baimeng Ningxia was willing to coax him just now.

I cried so badly yesterday, and Ningxia didn't say a word of consolation. After all, they also communicated in physics for two months, right?

The angry Dekarapian turned around and prepared to go back to his capital, so it doesn't matter if Ningxia doesn't look for it!

After Dekarapian left, Baimon secretly stood at the door and watched Ningxia and Gunhild, feeling a little helpless.

If she was in her prime, she might be able to send Gurnhilde to the future, but now she is so weak that she has to rely on Ningxia's protection, there is no way to do this at all.

"Bai Meng?" Zhong Xiaoli suddenly came to Bai Meng's side and looked at her suspiciously.

"Xiao Li..." Bai Meng said while clutching his chest, she thought Ning Xia had caught her.

"What are you peeking at?" Zhong Xiaoli asked suspiciously.

"Go, go! Children can't watch it!" Bai Meng picked up Zhong Xiaoli and prepared to leave after saying that. If there was really no other way, she could only use that grievance to wrong herself.

After all, Ningxia was brought by herself, and she was ultimately responsible for Ningxia.

Chapter 457 Andreus is in a hurry

Wendy and Zhong Xiaoli, who were originally sleeping with Ningxia, were entrusted to Baimeng by Ningxia at the cost of a piece of barbecue every day.

But Wendy, who was used to Ningxia beside her, cried and made noises while sleeping, which made Baimeng stay up all night, and asked Ningxia to add more meat with a black circle on his head the next day. In the end, Ningxia paid the price of three pieces of meat per day Successfully reached a cooperation with Baimon.

In the days that followed, Ningxia stayed by Gurnhild's side. Dekarapian, who asked him to duel, and Andrius, who asked him to make up his hair, were rejected by him many times.

It's just that Ningxia's repeated rejections recently gave Ershen the idea that Ningxia began to dislike him.

Dekarapian panicked at this moment, she hadn't completed her revenge on Ningxia yet, how could it just end like this.

And Andreus panicked even more, she hasn't been fucked enough yet, how could she just watch Ning Xia drift away from him like this.

Wendy was forced by Ningxia to become independent. He will leave here sooner or later. Before that, let Wendy learn to be an independent god.

The future Wendy is so lazy that he will shake him when he is indecisive. Co-authoring is a habit he has developed in the past.

A month passed like this, because Dekarapian was so annoying, Ningxia finally couldn't help knocking her and crying, but this time Ningxia didn't use too much force.

He also saw that Dekarapian was not as cruel as the story said, but just too paranoid, so paranoid that Ningxia couldn't change it after two months of beating his head.

Dekarapian skillfully used Ningxia's back as a stool, and was beaten on the head for two months. She was not particularly opposed to this punishment.

"Get up." Ning Xia sat down on a decent rock and said.

"Huh? Will you stop hitting me today?" Dekarapian asked suspiciously.

"Are you addicted to being spanked by me? Do you want to be spanked?" Ning Xia rubbed his hands and said.

"No!" Dekarapian stood up quickly and said, clutching her injured part in fear. She had been in pain for several days before she recovered.

"Do you still want to stick to your own ideas?" Ning Xia asked, out of guilt, Ning Xia still wanted to persuade Dikalabian.

"Of course, my subjects love me very much!" Dekarapian said confidently, obviously not knowing the emotions of his subjects.

"..." Ning Xia gave her a caring look, and then left. He still has to go back to accompany Gunhilde, and the only thing he can give Gunhilde now is now.

Dekarapian looked at Ning Xia with a frustrated face. She always felt that Ning Xia was getting farther and farther away from her, and she was not even willing to knock her head to force her to admit the atrocities.

On the way back, Andreus squatted at the gate of the tribe early. She also came to look for Ningxia.

"What's wrong? Andreus?" Ning Xia asked, but his body didn't stop and continued walking towards the tribe.

"Ahem! Human!" Andreus said coyly. Ningxia has slapped her twice in the past month, which frustrates Andreus. Could it be that her wolf form has become less attractive?

"Huh... well, let's finish it soon." Ning Xia said after taking a deep breath, he just wanted to go back to accompany Gunnhild.

Seeing Ningxia's appearance, Andreus couldn't take it anymore, and angrily threw Ningxia to the ground, his blue eyes could vaguely see the resentment.

"Is there something I can't do well? We got along so well before! Is it because I'm not attractive!?" Andreus asked resentfully.

"Hey! Andreus!" Dekarapian, who had been hiding behind, couldn't help but jumped out. From her perspective, it was Andreus who was attacking Ningxia.

"Decalapian!" Andreus was also angry. From her point of view, it was the appearance of Decalapian that made Ningxia farther and farther away from her.

"Ouch! / Aww~" Looking at the two who were about to fight, Ning Xia first slapped Dekarapian, and then grabbed the weak spot in Andreus' stomach.

"Let's go back." Ningxia said lightly. Dekarapian is definitely stronger than Andreus, but Dekarapian is too bad. If there is a real fight, Andreus, who has more actual combat experience, has a better chance of winning .

"Hmph! Wait for me!" Dekarapian snorted and left.

"Why are you angry..." Ning Xia asked calmly, he had indeed been too estranged from Andreus recently.

"Not yet! It's not you! It's you~ don't come to me!" Andreus said resentfully, the demon god is lonely, especially Andreus, although she leads the wolves but as the king, the bitterness and Helplessly, only Dekarapian may know.

It was not easy to meet a foreign demon god. Although the encounter was a bit accidental, Andreus didn't dislike Ningxia too much.

Although he said that he was afraid that Ningxia would steal his Fengshen position, Andreus was not so persistent about Fengshen's position, and Ningxia's performance did not look like he wanted Fengshen's position.

"What? You like me?" Ning Xia teased, he still thinks Andreus just likes to be rubbed.

"Yes... a little bit..." Andreus said as he lay on Ningxia's lap, his big tail wagging uncontrollably.

"Although you are a little... a bit annoying, but I still like you..." Andreus said arrogantly.

Ning Xia stopped touching Andreus, whether it was Gunhilde or Andreus, he just wanted to get through this era and go back, why did this happen.

"Andreus...we will meet again in the future." Ning Xia said without thinking.

"Huh? Why are you meeting again? Are you really going to leave!?" Andreus asked anxiously. She thought that Ning Xia said that she was only staying here temporarily to reassure her.

"I..." Ning Xia turned her head helplessly.

"You can't go!" Andreus violently pressed Ning Xia again, she had finally waited for such a demon god she liked, so she wouldn't just let her go.

"No, listen to me..." Ning Xia said seriously

Chapter 458 One Week Countdown

"So, I will lose my power and become a remnant in the future?" Andreus said in disbelief.

"Yes, and your future hand feel...is not as good as it is now." Ning Xia thought for a while and said, the current Andreus does feel more fluffy and comfortable, and the strong milky fragrance makes him very addicted.

"Huh? You think I'll be old in the future, don't you?" Andreus said angrily, co-authoring the future makes her less attractive now! ?

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