"No, no, your future is also very good." Ning Xia quickly explained.

"Then you dislike me now!?" Andreus gritted his teeth.

"..." Ning Xia was speechless for a while.

"But don't think too much, mere human beings, I won't give up my strength for them!" Andreus said proudly, raising his head.

"However, you can't ignore me! I'm...huh!" Andreus turned around and ran away hesitating.

Ningxia waved his hands helplessly, and when he was about to go back to the tribe, he saw Baimeng standing at the door waiting for him.

"Bai Meng? What's wrong with you?" Ning Xia asked.

"Ningxia... the time is coming soon..." Baimeng said seriously, she didn't expect the time jump to come so soon.

"..." Ning Xia let out a heavy breath, he was already prepared, but he still felt a little uncomfortable.

"I'm very sorry, but...we still have a week left, and we'll be leaving after a week," Baimon said helplessly.

The time jump is uncontrollable, she can only know the time to leave when she is about to jump, and she can't do anything about the specific situation.

"Let me go and see Gunnhild first." Ning Xia said calmly.

"Ah!!! I really don't want to use that!" Baimon roared crazily in his heart.

"Lord Ningxia..." Gurnhild embraced Ningxia with a look of greed. These days, it can be said that he gave her wholeheartedly. This feeling of being favored alone made her very obsessed.

"By the way, can you accompany me for a walk outside today? I've been staying at...staying at home... woo~" Gunnhild lowered her head shyly, her flexibility is very good, which means... …

"Okay." Ning Xia kissed Gunnhild's cherry one mouthful.

"By the way, Lord Ningxia, Lord Andreus has been a little angry recently, can you go and accompany her?" Gunnhild asked.

"But what about you?" Ning Xia asked while hugging Gunnhild, his soft body was tightly attached to Ning Xia's body, and he could clearly feel Gunnhild's dependence.

"Baimeng has already told me, I am very grateful to Master Ningxia for his love for me these days, but you have your responsibility, and I also know her relationship with you, so... I am very satisfied." Gu Emhild forced a smile.

"Ouch~" Gurnhild clutched her little butt aggrievedly, she had made a lot of mental preparations before she said such a thing, why did Ningxia spank her.

"If you force yourself, you will be punished by me!" Ningxia hugged Gunnhild and said.

"Punishment is punishment...I, I don't like it~" Gurnhild whispered, Ningxia was too gentle to her, even punishment made Gurnhild feel very happy.

"But is it okay to punish at night? I want to go out for a walk..." Gurnhild said weakly.

"Where do you want to go?" Ning Xia asked gently.

"I'll go to Mond first..." Gurnhild said.

The two came together to the ruins of the wind dragon that Alice and Ningxia had tossed about, that is, Old Mond. The wind wall that protects Old Mond is a structure similar to a one-way mirror. Ningxia and Gunhill Germany can clearly see the prosperity of the interior from the outside of the wind wall, but the people inside cannot see the outside scenery. From the perspective of the inside people, the wind wall is a gust of wind that never knows to stop. Yearning for freedom.

The tall and complex towers and the neat buildings around them were all designed by Dekarapian himself. Even Ningxia had to admit that Dekarapian's architectural talent was indeed very high.

From Ningxia's point of view, this kind of one-way mirror structure should be Dekarapian to attract refugees from outside to enter, but after entering the same way, you can no longer see the outside scenery.

"Lord Dekarapian is indeed a great god. The city and shelter she built are impeccable. Without her, perhaps humans would have disappeared in Mond long ago." Gurnhild said.

"My father once swore to stand by Lord Dekarapian's side forever, but..."

"She did protect people, but she never listened to any opinions. My father once asked her to let go of the gale that oppressed people, but Lord Dekarapian did not listen to my father's opinions."

"It was also on this day that my father and some of the tribe chose to leave Mond. We yearn for a free life, but we also know the achievements of Lord Dekarapian."

"Master Barbatos is ready to join forces with the people inside to rebel against Lord Dekarapian in six days. Now, as Lord Barbatos's tribe, we still have to obey her command, but the same, as once Dekarapian Ann's tribe, I feel embarrassed with some tribesmen..."

"Are you going to stand by and watch?" Ning Xia asked,

"No, I will take action, but only as a team to maintain order. I... believe that Dekarapian is a gentle person. She will not be willing to hurt her own people, and I don't want to hurt her." Gu Emhild said disappointedly.

This is no longer a simple question of who is right and who is wrong between Wendy or Dekarapian. Dekarapian's extreme love for human beings has overwhelmed many people, and a rebound is inevitable, even if Without Wendy, there will be people in the future who will raise the banner against Dekarapian.

Wendy was just helping her as a girl's friend, maybe she didn't even think that she would become a wind god.

And history is also the story of the brutal towering lonely king being overthrown by the free Fengshen. Ningxia suddenly felt a bit dull in his chest. Although Baimeng once said that the future history is already doomed, no matter what he does, history will become the future.

But this feeling of witnessing history made him a little out of breath, as if he was hit by a thick rock on his chest.

"Lord Ningxia?" Gunnhild asked worriedly.

"No...it's okay, let's go back first." Ning Xia said, and then glanced meaningfully in the direction of the capital.

Eavesdropping is not a good habit, Dekarapian.

Chapter 459

After returning to the tribe with Gunnhild, she realized that Dekarapian had not left, so Ningxia had no choice but to walk out of the tribe and said, "When are you going to overhear?"

Dekarapian walked out of the hiding place. In fact, when Ning Xia and Gurnhild came to Old Mond, she already knew about it.

It's just that Gunnhild's words revealed what she least wanted to admit, her subjects' dissatisfaction with her, but she believed that her subjects would explain it one day, so she didn't choose to explain it, but wanted to use the future Prove everything.

"What are you going to do?" Ning Xia asked. Most people should be preparing to suppress the resistance when they hear this kind of thing, but what Dekarapian said...

"Will you kill me?" Dekarapian asked back. She was ready. If Ningxia chose to kill her, she would let Ningxia kill her after arranging the future of her subjects. she.

She also saw the tribe governed by Ningxia, maybe Ningxia can be the new god of Mond, so she can feel at ease.

"I used to do it, but after knocking too much, there is always a little bit of reluctance." Ning Xia said with his chest in his arms. If he had just arrived, he would definitely have taken action to deal with Dekarapian, and then let Wendy be the wind god, but after a long time of contact He is always easy to soften his heart after breaking up.

(Dekarapian: Is the person who knocked on me for two months qualified to say this?)

"Then let's make a bet?" After hearing Ning Xia's words, Dekarapian said calmly.


"If my people don't say what the little girl said, then I won, and you will be beaten on the head by me, no! You will also be spanked. If my people recite..." Dekarapian Zhang He opened his mouth, but still didn't fully say the word betrayal.

"That means I lose, and I will give up the position of Fengshen. Whether it is Andreus or you, or whoever becomes Fengshen, I will not care anymore." Dekarapian said pretending to be confident.

But the trembling fingers seemed to prove that her heart was not as confident as the surface.

"Then how about I add another condition?" Ning Xia said

"What do you mean?"

"If you lose, you must not die." Ning Xia said seriously, even though she knew that Dekarapian would definitely die, Ning Xia still wanted to persuade her.

"Huh? Are you concerned?" Dekarapian said with a smile.

"No, if you die, I won't have such a good head." Ningxia said, knocking on Calabian lightly.

"You look a lot like Andreus now~" Dekarapian said with a smile, it was the first time she was hit so lightly by Ningxia.

"Ouch!" Ningxia couldn't help but knocked on Dekarapian again.

"As for it? It's just a joke, you violent villain!" Dekarapian said aggrievedly.

"Give me a good life! Otherwise, if you die, I will catch you back and beat you on the head!" Ning Xia threatened.

"Oh~ Then I'm so scared~ Couldn't it be that I beat you, a bastard, and then knocked your head and spanked your ass?" Dekarapian said as if a dead pig is not afraid of boiling water.

"Your skin is itchy, right?" Ning Xia said, looking at Diekalapian who was madly dying in front of him.

"Hey~" Dekarapian seemed very satisfied with Ning Xia's attitude, and then ran away without looking back.

Ningxia looked at Dekarapian who was running away, shook his head helplessly, and then returned to the tribe.

For a week, he was able to accompany Gurnhild too little, too little.

"Ningxia!" Baimeng flew in front of Ningxia angrily, but now she has become smaller than Paimeng, only the size of Ningxia's fist, with her arms akimbo.

"Bai Meng? What's the matter with you?" Ning Xia couldn't help pointing to the little Bai Meng and said.

"It's not because of you! Gunnhild, I can't send her to the future, but I can freeze her time in a moment, and go find her when you go back to the future."

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooish In the future, this law of causality will be better.

But she was originally in a state of kidney deficiency. After using time to freeze the frame, she is now as if her waist has been stabbed. Except for occasionally reporting to Ningxia for a time limit, she has no ability.

"Then how is she now?" Ning Xia asked.

"You! She is fine now. I have set that she will enter the frozen state after the seventh day, and she has agreed." Baimon said helplessly.

"Thank you, Baimeng, thank you very much." Ningxia said holding Baimeng carefully.

"Don't make these fools! Today I want to eat ten yuan! No! Twenty yuan meat!" Baimeng turned her head shyly and said, although she has shrunk, her body still has the original Longji Snow Mountain, it's no wonder Ningxia pinched her Excuse me.

Chapter 460 The Eve of the Uprising

A week is not too long, and Ning Xia is with Gunnhild, and Andreus, and occasionally has some physical exchanges with Dekarapian who came running over.

"Hey! If I die, will you be sad?" Dekarapian said, clutching her buttocks. She lost again today and was beaten three times in a row.

"No." Ning Xia hugged Zhong Xiaoli and said, Zhong Xiaoli's deep sleep became more and more frequent, this time she slept for almost a week before waking up.

"Hmph! I don't care if you are sad." Dekarapian limped to Ningxia and said.

"Are you really not prepared?" Ning Xia couldn't help asking, he didn't believe that Dekarapian would not know what his subordinates wanted to do.

"I'm their god, how can I not trust them? Could it be that you are afraid of losing?" Dekarapian asked with a smile. Ever since Ningxia didn't call her a tyrant, she dared to tease Ningxia.

"Devil's lover... What a strange setting..." Ning Xia couldn't help but say.

"Who knows? Maybe it's because they're too lonely. Seeing them grow up tenaciously can always give them some comfort."

"Human beings are too weak. They can't stand the bad weather and fight the ferocious beasts. Is the so-called freedom really worth their lives?" Dekarapian couldn't help but said.

"Who knows? My sister can fly." Ning Xia said.

"Huh? Isn't flying very common?"

"For human beings, it is very rare to be able to soar in the sky. We are always envious of the birds in the sky, flying freely and unrestrained..." Ningxia looked at the sky and said, he thought of his sister taking him to fly time.

"But... small birds may encounter violent storms every day, and they may be hunted and killed by bigger predators. They are not so happy!" Dekarapi said.

"Yes, but people are so contradictory. Sometimes they yearn for the sea and the sky, and sometimes they just want to live in one place." Ningxia said helplessly.

"Today is the sixth day..." Ning Xia said.

"Well, get ready to be hit on the head and spanked by me tomorrow." Dekarapian said confidently.

"Don't die." Ning Xia stood up holding Zhong Xiaoli and said.

"I won't!" Dekarapian said confidently.

"Ningxia, are you worried about her?" Zhong Xiaoli bit her finger and said, her eyes were about to close, but Zhong Xiaoli tried her best to make herself more energetic.

She had a hunch that if she fell asleep this time, she might not wake up for a long time, so she wanted to spend as much time with Ning Xia as possible.

"A little bit, after all, she's not a bad person, she's just a little paranoid." Ningxia said while stroking Xiaoli's head.

"It's really tiring to be a god, I won't do it!" Zhong Xiaoli sighed.

"But Xiaoli used to be a very powerful god." Ningxia looked at Zhong Xiaoli with a disgusted look on his face and said, after all, Xiaoli's predecessor was a hard-working Morax in the Seven Gods. He even hated it.

"Hey!? That's definitely not me! I won't rush around for this kind of thing. If Ningxia is here, I just need to be obedient!" Zhong Xiaoli said in disbelief, what kind of god should I be? Isn't it good to fish?

"Perhaps we may go to her territory tomorrow, and you will know then." Ning Xia looked in Li Yue's direction and said.

"Ha~ I may, I may not last until tomorrow, I'm so sleepy~" Zhong Xiaoli said with a yawn.

"Sleep, I will be by your side." Ning Xia whispered.

"No~ I still want to talk to Ningxia~huh~" Zhong Xiaoli finally closed her eyes and went to sleep.

"Morakes... If you go to Liyue...you can be considered an acquaintance?" Ning Xia carefully hugged Zhong Xiaoli and said to himself.

He also promised many people in Liyue to go back, but now he is still 3000 years ago, and he is far away from returning to the future.

After returning to the tribe, many people inside, including Gurnhild, had prepared their weapons, apparently preparing to overthrow Dekarapian in response to Mond's people tomorrow.

"Ningxia!" Wendy flew to Ningxia's side and turned around, then sat next to Zhong Xiaoli, rubbing her velvet-like body against Ningxia's body.

"You!" Ningxia felt helpless looking at the coquettish Wendy. He didn't tell Wendy the news that he was going to leave. She was too dependent on herself. If Ningxia said something, Wendy would cry and make a fuss. let him go.

"Hey hey~ I've been working very hard recently! So let me be lazy~" Wendy said coquettishly.

"Okay..." Ning Xia touched Wendy's limp body and said.

Bai Meng floated to Ningxia's side, looked helplessly at the coquettish Wendy, and then coughed heavily, Ningxia has not served her barbecue today!

"Okay, Bai Meng, I'll do it for you later." Ning Xia said and put the quiet Zhong Xiaoli back into her room. This time Wendy was not naughty after a long absence, and quietly accompanied Ning Xia.

"Wen...forget it, anyway, there will always be opportunities in the future." Baimeng opened his mouth to tell him that Wendy knew that Ningxia was leaving, but he gave up.

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