Ningxia especially cherished the time with Wendy and Gunhild on this day, and after accompanying Wendy to fulfill many things she wanted to do, Ningxia returned to the room with Gunhild in her arms.

"After tomorrow, we will be separated, but I will wait, Lord Baimeng told me, as long as I wait 3000 years, I will be able to be with Lord Ningxia again." Gurnhild said with longing.

"So, before we part, Lord Ningxia, can you punish me again?" Gunnhild said shyly, she didn't dislike the so-called punishment, after all, she wished to be punished by Ningxia every day for such a gentle punishment.

"You..." Ningxia hugged Gurnhild with some distress, although the time frame can freeze Gurnhild's thinking and body in the present.

But asking her to abandon everything here and go to the future with Ningxia is still a bit unfair to her.

When it was over, Ning Xia carefully covered Gurnhilde with a quilt. This time, he tossed and tossed from night to most of the night, which made another person suffer.

Ningxia walked out of the tribe carefully, and Andreus sat on a big rock beside him waiting for Ningxia.

"Are you leaving tomorrow?" Andreus asked.

"Yes, after you deal with Dekarapian." Ning Xia said while stroking Andreus's back.

"Do you really have to go?" Andreus asked.

"Everything about me is in the future, I must go back." Ning Xia said apologetically.

"Hmph! Then in the future, you must treat this king's remnant soul better, by the way! You must help me with it once a day! Otherwise, I will not forgive you!" Andreus said arrogantly, but this time His tone was somewhat disappointed.

Chapter 461 The Ending of Dekarapian

Dekarapian sat on the throne of the high tower and watched the movements of the subjects quietly. When they started to fight, Dekarapian knew their movements.

The tribe led by Gurnhilde and others has also come to the wind wall, and the wind wall of Dekarapian will not deny the entry of humans. This is the only race that the wind wall welcomes except for the pure wind elemental elves.

As the people inside raised their arms and shouted, the people of the tribe entered the old Mondry again.

Dekarapi quietly watched the people trying to kill the tower. She was not alone. The guards and people who trusted her volunteered to guard the entrance of the tower for her.

It's just that in terms of numbers, there are far too few people who trust her compared to those who resist her, so they can barely guard the entrance.

At this time, a girl holding a bow and arrow came to the high tower. She was extremely attached to Dekarapian's favor, confided to him in a gentle tone, and was intoxicated by her mighty power.

Dekarapian looked at the huntress without joy or sorrow. How could she not know that the girl in front of her was once extremely attached to her, but as a god, the girl in front of her was not the only one she wanted to love. She didn't know when it would start. , the once extremely fanatical believers in front of her have been disappointed in her.

The girl once said indifferently with countless mouths that respected her: "You have already lost."

Her bow and arrows are ready to go. In the eyes of others, the girl may be one of the leaders who oppose the lonely king of the tower. Only she knows that all she has done is to obtain the power of Decalapian. Just watch.

Liu Ya shot at Decalapian, which was her most perfect and deadly blow as a hunter. A glint of longing flashed in the girl's eyes, could she get Decalapian's gaze this time?

The gale on Dekarapian's body voluntarily knocked away the arrow, and the shattered arrow pierced through the girl's heart.

The brilliance of life in the girl's eyes gradually faded, and she lay flat on the spotless palace, and finally raised her body desperately to look at Dekarapian.

At this moment, she finally understood the distance between them.

"My strength...weakened?" Dekarapian saw that the strength of the gale on his body had weakened, and he fully understood what was going on.

Faith has been transferred from her turn, and gods can rely on human beliefs to gain strength, which is why she can withstand the wind wall that stops Andreus.

"Did you choose the little wind elf?" Dekarapian looked at the crowd led by Wendy. After understanding the choices of the crowd, she calmly ordered the guards and the people who supported her to give up resistance, and then closed her eyes Lost in thought.

"Ah... I lost." Dekarapian said with a wry smile, her power was being transmitted to Wendy at a speed that Wendy couldn't resist.

"I hope that my power can continue to protect my subjects in you, little wind elf..." Dekarapian whispered to himself. At this moment, she no longer needs the so-called power. In the sweet dream of her subjects loving her, this is her best ending,

After the power was handed over to Wendy, her body became weaker and weaker. Dekarapian closed his eyes weakly, muttering in his heart: "I'm sorry, big villain...I..."

At this moment, the wind wall collapsed suddenly, but Wendy had no time to take care of this, her good friend was hit by a stream of arrows coming from nowhere just now.

The negative effects brought about by the death of the demon god exceeded the imagination of human beings. Countless tornadoes rose from the collapsed wind wall all of a sudden, and coupled with the wind and snow outside, they continued to erode the originally prosperous capital.

Dekarapian tried her best to gather the tornado into the tall tower where there was no one left. She no longer has the strength to shelter her subjects. This is the only thing she can do now.

"Ningxia, we still have half a day." Baimeng grabbed Ningxia's hair and said, Ningxia did not choose to participate, but stood on the sidelines to watch the uprising.

"Okay, after I finish dealing with Dekarapian, let's say goodbye to them." Ning Xia said and jumped into the top floor of the tower.

"Why... are you here?" Dekarapian asked weakly, she was struggling to speak now.

"I'll save you." Ning Xia casually put his hand on Dekarapian's shoulder and said, now Dekarapian is about to die, but he can barely leave her a body, maybe we can meet again in the future .

"You really... hold grudges... I really don't want to be knocked down by you again." Dekarapian said with a wry smile.

"Don't think about it, I will definitely hit you in 3000 years, just wait honestly." Ning Xia said as he picked up Dekarapian and walked to the bearing pillar.

"This pillar is not bad, just stay here. When you wake up, it should be time for us to meet again." Ning Xia said while hugging Dekarapian whose body was constantly dissipating.

Without the blessing of power, plus her unwillingness to erupt the irreversible demon effect after death, her death was infinitely close, but Ningxia contained her death with the breath of life.

"Don't waste your efforts, you...can't save me now..." Dekarapian said dejectedly.

"Ouch! I'm... dying... You won't let me go..." Dekarapian said aggrievedly, covering his head.

"Just be honest and obedient. Although you did annoy me at first, but now I think you are a stupid demon god." Ning Xia reprimanded.

"I...I'm not stupid..." Dekarapian protested softly.

Ningxia carefully sent Dekarapian into the load-bearing column with her equal strength, and this time he finally understood why the load-bearing column of the Fenglong ruins would crack.

It wasn't caused by the aftermath of his battle with Twarin. After all, when a person as meticulous as Dekarapian built a tower, he would definitely choose the strongest materials. .

Now he sent Dekarapian into the load-bearing column, and in the future he witnessed the rupture of the load-bearing column, then he should be able to see the newborn Dekarapian when he returned.

If you look at it this way, when he returns to the future, there will be another free-living person in the family to support him.

"Ningxia, we have to hurry up, or we won't have time to participate in the big meal after the victory!" Baimeng said anxiously, she was looking forward to all kinds of fresh ingredients in the capital of Calabian.

"I see." Ning Xia said caressing the load-bearing pillar carefully, wishing this eccentric and kind demon god could feel the love of his subjects for the last time in his dream, just like she loves them.

"Sweet dreams, Dekarapian."

Chapter 462

"Ningxia!!!" Wendy threw herself into Ningxia's arms and burst into tears. They were indeed victorious, but her best friend was shot through the heart by Ruya for protecting a child. The girl who had been longing for freedom finally But fell on the eve of freedom.

"Wendy..." Ningxia hugged Wendy carefully, maybe it was a cruel growth for her.

"Lord Ningxia..." Gunnhild also came to Ningxia at this time, and there was a boy with the same blond hair standing behind her.

"Hello, Lord Ningxia, I am the younger brother of Lord Gunnhild." The blond boy said respectfully.

"Hmm..." Ning Xia nodded slightly, then looked at Andreus who was looking at the tower, she seemed a little sad.

"What's wrong with you?" Ning Xia asked while hugging Wendy, Gurnhild asked the blond boy to maintain the order of the crowd, and quietly followed Ning Xia.

"I used to have a good relationship with that guy, but after the demon war started, we started attacking each other." Andreus said sadly. Compared with humans, demon gods are often the easiest to understand eachother's.

But they will always attack each other for some reason, which may be a kind of sadness.

"How much time do you have?" Andreus asked.

Ningxia looked at Wendy who had stopped crying in her arms, then at Gunnhild who was beside her, and finally said helplessly, "Half a day."

"I'll wait for you here, you go and deal with your business first." Andreus said looking at the tower.

The carnival celebrating the victory was very lively. Even so, Gurnhild's younger brother still maintained strict discipline, which made Ningxia appreciate it.

"Ningxia, Master Baimeng has already told me." Wendy, who loves to join in the fun, did not participate in it, but sat on Ningxia's lap and watched quietly.

"Wendy..." Ning Xia stroked the little Wendy, unexpectedly, the little guy who could only act like a baby had already grown up.

"Okay, okay, won't we meet again in the future? Don't be so sad." Wendy said pretending to be relaxed.

"Gunhild, I will also watch for you. In the future, I will bring her back to you. By the way, her tribe is already planning to use her name as the name of the new city family. It seems that they It is also recognized."

"It's getting late, I'll go to participate first, after all, I'm still their leader in name, but I'm going to ask Andreus later, she is much older than me, it will be easier to let her lead All right." Wendy said and left in a sensible way, leaving Ning Xia and Gunnhild to be alone.

"Lord Ningxia..." Gurnhild hugged Ningxia's arm, greedily inhaling the scent of Ningxia's body, and the time for the time frame was almost up.

She already felt that her thinking was slowing down, and it took tens of seconds to make a decision that could have been made in a few seconds.

"We will meet again in the future." Ning Xia whispered.

"Hmm..." Gurnhild responded weakly, and fell asleep completely.

After Ningxia handed Gurnhilde over to Wendy for safekeeping, Zhong Xiaoli, who was still sleeping soundly on her back, went to the tower to look for Andreus.

"Are you leaving?" Andreus asked.

"Yes, there is still an hour." Ning Xia leaned on Andreus and said.

"Will we really meet again in the future?" Andreus said looking at the stars in the sky.

"Yes, definitely will," Ning Xia promised.

"Hmph! If you don't look for me, I'll look for you first!" Andreus said arrogantly.

Ning Xia lay quietly on Andreus's body without saying a word, the time soon came to an end, and Bai Meng, who ate a lot, also came to Ning Xia's side, saying that the time was up.

"Goodbye, Andreus." Ning Xia said after kissing Andreus' wolf head.

With the disappearance of the three of them, the correction of time quickly made the people of the tribe and the tower forget the memory of Ningxia.

Andreus looked at the place where Ning Xia disappeared. As a demon god, her memory will be deeper than others.

"Lord Andreus." Wendy, who had hidden Gurnhild, came to Andreus at this time, and she came to ask Andreus about his intentions.

"Little Wind Fairy? What's your name?" Andreus asked.

"My name is Barbatos. You can also call me Wendy if you want." Wendy introduced herself.

"Well... Barbatos, from today onwards, you are the wind god." Andreus said.

"Oh!? Me? Fengshen?" Wendy pointed at herself in a dazed expression. She wasn't going to be some kind of Fengshen.

"Yes, I can't create the freedom and happiness that human beings yearn for, so I voluntarily give up the position of Fengshen." Andreus said.

"Then are you ready?" Wendy asked in a panic.

"I, I naturally want to find that guy in Ningxia. I don't believe that we will meet again in the future. As long as he is still in Tivat, I will definitely find him." Andreus said arrogantly.

"But what about your dependents? What about them? They're not human!?" Wendy said hastily, she didn't think about being a wind god, she just wanted to wait in Mond until Ningxia came to pick her up.

"They...there is no Demon God Mond anymore. With their strength, they can live easily. Just like Mond doesn't need Demon God anymore, they don't need me, the wolf king either." Ender Reus said calmly.

"The land of Mond has been eroded by ice and snow for too long, and my strength is meaningless to me, so..." Andreus said, with a faint light emitting from his body.

"Master Andreus!" Wendy was very anxious watching Andreus continuously sending power into the ground. This kind of behavior was tantamount to giving up his life.

"Don't get me wrong, mere human beings, I don't bother to lead them, it's just that my disappearance can make you a wind god." Andreus said, looking at the carnival crowd in the distance.

It's just that she didn't know that the way she looked at the person she "abandoned" was so gentle...

With the power of Andreus injected into the ground veins, the dead plants under the ice and snow began to recover, and the tenacious green grass broke through the thick snow and grew stubbornly on the bitter cold ground.

Also at this moment, a snow-white light and shadow ran across every inch of Mond's land, and then completely disappeared in the north.

Wendy stared blankly at the disappearing Andreus, Ning Xia left, Gunnhild fell asleep, the Lone King of the Tower and her friends left, even Andreus chose to leave, now... There is only her left, and only her left...

(Mond finished)

Chapter 463 Violent spinster Moraxel

"Bai Meng! You idiot! Why did we land in this ghost place!!!" Ning Xia shouted while running with the sleeping Zhong Xiaoli on his back.

Just now they came to Liyue through time jumping. Originally, Ningxia thought it would be good to go to Liyue. Although Morax doesn’t know him now, he is still an acquaintance in the future anyway. Fishing under her hands should be a good thing thing.

However, he overlooked a very serious matter. The current Liyue is not the richest Liyue Port in Tivat in the future, but a battlefield where more than a dozen demon gods will fight to the death.

As a result, they came to the territory of a demon god as soon as they landed, and by coincidence, they met the demon god of this territory, that is, the demon god Sidi that Ningxia knew in Mond.

And this Sidi happened to be the demon god of the succubus, and her subordinates were also succubus, this Sidi saw his expression so surprised that Ningxia had a panoramic view.

Ning Xia, who was still surprised by Sidi's words, now fully understands why he chose Morax, because he is being hunted down by Sidi.

"I'm sorry!!! I didn't expect it to turn out like this!" Baimeng cried while grabbing Ningxia's hair, not to mention Ningxia, she was also afraid, the succubus looked at her as if she wanted to make soup with her After drinking the same, now he can only grab Ningxia to avoid being caught.

"Dear little beauty~ What are you running for? Come into my sister's arms, let's play together, touch something, or wax something, skin something, oh yes! I heard that electric stimulation is also good~" Sidi was behind He said with a smile on his face, but the speed was scary.

"Ahhhhh! I'm so sorry! You should find someone else! I'll let it go!" Ning Xia shouted while running. It's not like he hasn't tried to fight hard with Sidi before. Who knows that the guy in front of him actually has the ability to reduce damage to men. Ning Xia, who was originally slightly weaker than Sidi, couldn't beat her even more.

"Don't run away~ my sister will open a harem for you~ I will ask you for fifty boys first, then fifty girls, and then build a big villa near the sea, and then every day...hehehe~" Sidi laughed wildly from behind.

She didn't expect to meet such a boy who perfectly meets her requirements when she goes out for a walk occasionally. Looking at his strong body, it can obviously make her feel good for a long time, and he can also play tricks on her subordinates.

"Sorry! I don't play this kind of game!!!" Ningxia really ran away at full speed this time. It's not that Sidi is not good-looking, but the gameplay she said is too dark, he can't stand it ah!

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