"Well, this chicken with soy sauce is rich and mellow, and this stewed beef with potatoes is soft, glutinous and salty, um, it's really fragrant, it's so fragrant~" Maxius commented with a happy face.

"Wow... What a good Ningxia, you still secretly cook other delicious food behind my back?" After all the food was full, she finally came to the kitchen smelling the smell.

Although I was full just now, but smelling the aroma in the kitchen, I still have the desire to eat after all.

"Aren't you quite full?" Ning Xia said looking at the slightly protruding belly.

"Hey hey, it's you and Maxius who cooked so delicious, my figure will lose shape if it keeps going on like this." After all, he said with a satisfied face.

"Delicious! Delicious!" Gan Yu who was lying in the arms of Zhenjun Liuyun borrowed wind followed suit.

"Meet you again." Liu Yun borrowed Feng Zhenjun to take the initiative to greet him.

"Hmm..." Ning Xia nodded.

"You guys know each other?" After all asked suspiciously.

"I saw it when I brought Gan Yu here just now." Liu Yun borrowed Feng Zhenjun to say.

"Is that so..." Returning to the end, he nodded in understanding.

"Liuyun Borrowing the Wind Zhenjun's mother! Delicious! Delicious!" Xiao Ganyu excitedly pointed to the emerald white jade soup on the table.

"Gan Yu...be obedient." True Monarch Liuyun borrowed wind and said helplessly as he pressed Xiao Ganyu, this little Ganyu was good at everything, but he loved food so much that he couldn't be persuaded.

"Is it Gan Yu?" Ning Xia looked at the little Gan Yu who was restless in the arms of Zhenjun Liuyun and Borrowing Feng. He didn't expect that Gan Yu, who was quiet and quiet in the future and still insisted on losing weight, would now be a snack food, and the chubby little Qilin looked still. Quite cute……

"It's okay, if she wants to eat, I'll serve a bowl." Ningxia said and filled a bowl for Xiao Ganyu.

"Thank you big brother!" Xiao Ganyu said politely, and then looked longingly at the emerald white jade soup in Ningxia's hand.

"You..." Zhenjun Liuyun took the bowl in embarrassment, and then began to feed Xiao Ganyu.

"Hehehe~ Ningxia, don't you mind if I eat a little too?" After all, he approached Ningxia with a smile and said,

"Whatever you want." Ning Xia said indifferently, then sat back in her seat and continued eating.

"Wow! Maxius, your current body shape is too cute! Keep this body shape in the future!" After all, he said pleasantly.

"Go, go, go! After all, it will be no good if you laugh!" Maxius said with a look of disgust.

"But I've been laughing~" After all smiled and hugged Maxius and said.

"Mom Liuyun Borrowing Wind Zhenjun, can I go and sit with big brother?" Gan Yu asked after finishing the emerald and white jade soup at the speed of light.

"Gan Yu..." Zhenjun Liuyun borrowed wind and looked helplessly at the excited little Gan Yu in his arms, how could she not know that this little guy just wanted to go to Ningxia to show off his cuteness and cheat.

"Little Ganyu is really quick at learning..." After all, she pouted and said, just now Ganyu was acting cute in front of Morax, and her big sister was so happy that Morax couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear, and now she has her eyes on Ningxia again.

It's not that she thinks Gan Yu is bad, she's just jealous that Gan Yu doesn't act cute to her, which frustrates her, obviously she's not bad, right?

"Big brother!" Gan Yu rubbed Ning Xia's arm with a face like I was very obedient, and then looked eagerly at the green vegetables in Ning Xia's bowl.

Ningxia was feeding Ganyu vegetables while touching Ganyu's horns. Seeing Ningxia's appearance, Baimeng, who was eating meat, suddenly became a little jealous.

After all, Ning Xia treated her so well before.

Chapter 472 The embarrassment of the end

Ning Xia looked at Xiao Gan Yu who was enjoying himself, he never thought that Gan Yu was so cute before, and Ning Xia couldn't bear to act coquettishly.

"I'm sorry, Gan Yu is still young..." Zhenjun Liuyun borrowed Feng said awkwardly. She didn't expect Xiao Ganyu, who is usually shy, to be so active today, which made her both happy and helpless.

The happy thing is that Gan Yu is finally willing to communicate with others, but the helpless thing is that Gan Yu only communicates for food.

She was quite worried that Gan Yu would be unable to walk because of eating too much fat. When Gan Yu first followed her up the mountain, he rolled down the mountain because of carelessness.

"It's okay, Gan Yu is very cute, and I like her very much." Ning Xia said with a smile. The type coaxed in his arms, but one is a lover and the other is a daughter.

"Hey hey~ I like big brother too~" Gan Yu lay lazily on Ningxia's lap, letting Ningxia touch her horns.

Qilin actually has the ability to distinguish between good and evil, which is why the young Gan Yu dared to bury himself in the arms of Morax and Ning Xia.

As for why she didn't fall into the arms of Gui Mo, she had to mention the reason why she wanted to stew her joke before and her Ao Zang Mountain was not even comparable to Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing Wind.

"Oh... Xiao Ganyu is really eccentric..." After all, she said with a look of jealousy, she really wanted to touch Xiao Ganyu's horns, and the fur on Ganyu's body also looked easy to touch.

"Big brother protect me!" Gan Yu was stared at after all, and she was frightened and pulled Ning Xia's chest.

"Hey!" After all, it was the first time that she felt that her identity as the number one beautiful girl in Liyue was being questioned. She wanted to have a good appearance and a good figure, unlike Ning Xia who said that she wanted to have a good appearance. For appearance, you need a figure with big white legs.

"After all, did you do something to little Ganyu? Look, you scared her." Ningxia said while touching Ganyu's head.

"I, did I just make a little joke... You know me well, I'm not that kind of bad person." After all, he said with a guilty conscience.

"I've only been here for less than a day..." Ning Xia said speechlessly.

"Ouch~ Brother Ningxia, although we haven't known each other for a day, I still regard you as a brother after all, don't you feel it?" Yu Mo said with a sad face while covering Aozang Mountain.

It might be embarrassing if someone else did this, but after all, her lively girly appearance matched her behavior very well, as if she really knew Ning Xia very well.

"Well, it doesn't feel as good as Morax." Ning Xia said calmly.

"..." Gui Mo's heartbroken expression froze immediately, Ning Xia's words were simply killing for Gui Mo, who lived in the mountains all year round.

"Okay, Xiao Ganyu, come down first." Ningxia said after eating.

"Okay!" Gan Yu said obediently, and then jumped into Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing Wind's arms. Compared with Ningxia whose body was a bit stiff, Qing Yunding of Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing Feng was still more comfortable.

Standing up, Ningxia took the initiative to wash the dishes, but Maxius stopped Ningxia and said, "Master! There is no reason for a master to wash dishes and an apprentice to rest. You can sit and rest. I will wash, I will wash."

As Maxius said, he changed back to his original shape and took the bowls and chopsticks to wash. He was very happy with so many new dishes learned from Ningxia today. Now he thought that he would be happy to write bowls for Ningxia for a lifetime.

"Ningxia, wipe my mouth!" Baimeng floated in front of Ningxia and said coquettishly.

"Okay." Ning Xia carefully wiped off the oil on Bai Meng's face with a face towel, and then tapped her little head lightly.

"Hey hey~" Bai Meng happily touched his head, although she hated Ning Xia at first, but after getting along for a long time, Ning Xia is still very gentle to her.

"You two have such a good relationship, when did you meet?" After all, he asked intentionally or unintentionally.

"We are..." Bai Meng was interrupted by Ning Xia just as he was about to speak.

"We are good friends that Dao's wife has known since." Ning Xia said calmly.

"Oh, so, then you can be regarded as your friends who share weal and woe." Finally praised.

"Yes, yes, if there is no Ningxia, I don't know what to do with my small body." Baimeng also realized what Ningxia meant, and quickly echoed.

"I understand, I understand, just like Morax protects me." After all, he said with an expression of understanding.

She is not very strong among demon gods, but she has good personal relationships with many demon gods, so she can be regarded as a duck to water in Liyue.

Even Morax, who was not born, became a good sister through hard work. Later, when she saw that Morax chose to participate in the War of Demon Gods, she followed suit and joined.

The days with Morax behind her are indeed much better than before, as long as there is a demon god who dares to bully her, just howl "Morax!!!"

Then the demon god who wants to bully her will be evaporated in the physical sense.

"By the way, Liuyun, don't you want to learn how to cook from Ningxia? You can ask him for advice now!" After all, Master Liuyun borrowed the wind and said.

"Yeah! True Lord Liuyun Borrowing Wind's mother has learned that she can make it for me!" Xiao Ganyu in the arms of True Lord Liuyun Borrowing Feng said happily.

"Yes, it's fine, but it's already night, I plan to take Baimeng back to sleep first." Ningxia looked at the tired Baimeng and said, and he wanted to go back and see if Zhong Xiaoli, who had turned into a stone, had changed.

"It's okay, it's okay, Liuyun hasn't seen me for a long time, just so you can stay with me for a few more days." After all, he said enthusiastically.

"It's okay, it's just little Ganyu?" Zhenjun Liuyun borrowed wind and looked at Ganyu in his arms with some worry, she was worried that Ganyu would not sleep well.

"I am willing! I am very willing!" Xiao Ganyu said happily. She can eat delicious food and the top soft seat of Morax, of course she is happy to stay here.

Chapter 473 It's All About Being Young and Vigorous

After exchanging a few pleasantries with Guizhong, Ningxia took Baimeng and left the kitchen, but because of the small talk with Guizhong, it was almost late at night

In order to save lamp oil at night, people usually choose to go to bed early and get up early, which causes Guiliyuan to fall into endless darkness at night.

Walking in the dark Guiliyuan, Bai Meng hugged Ning Xia's neck with some anxiety, trying to gain a sense of security from Ning Xia's body.

"Ningxia, can you walk faster? I'm afraid..." Baimeng said tremblingly, she always felt that something was staring at her, which made her very uneasy.

"Aren't you coming out yet?" Ning Xia stared at the dark front and said, he noticed that someone was staring at him halfway, but the person who came was still very confident in his concealment skills.

"What's your plan for sneaking around Guiliyuan at night!?" A blue-haired girl with a spear walked up to Ningxia and asked.

She had just come back from Cloud's Absolute Room, and it was impossible for anyone to wander around at night in the usual way, unless it was an outsider, so the blue-haired girl subconsciously felt that this was a spy from somewhere else.

"I'm a member who just joined Guiliyuan. If you don't believe me, you can go to Guizhong or Morax to confirm." Ning Xia looked at the blue-haired girl in front of him, feeling a little familiar.

"Hmph! When is this? You actually asked me to disturb the resting Lord Kui!? At first glance, you are a foreign spy!" The blue-haired girl snorted coldly, and then wanted to subdue Ningxia with a spear.

"Tsk... little girl, I just want to go back and rest now. If you stop me again, don't blame me for being rude." Ning Xia said with a frown. He just wants to go back and have a good rest now. His patience was at its limit.

"You're welcome? I see why you are impolite?" The girl didn't notice the gap between herself and Ningxia. She played with a long spear like a tiger, stabbing at Ningxia's hands and feet with every move, intending to control Ningxia's body with one blow. action.

"Hey... I've come to Liyue, why do you want me to force me to shoot?" Ning Xia grabbed the spear helplessly, and then pulled it hard, the girl was forced to lean forward.

Ning Xia tripped the girl up, then skillfully sat on her waist and controlled her hands.

"Bah! Sex devil! Disciple! Shameless little thief!" Even if the blue-haired girl is controlled, she still speaks stubbornly, as if she would not reveal the information even if I die.

"Ningxia, this guy, is his brain not working well?" Baimeng couldn't help complaining.

"Well, I think she should be the kind of hot-blooded young man who is still in full swing?" Ning Xia said while rubbing his chin.

"Let me go and fight for another [-] rounds! I will never lose this time!" the blue-haired girl shouted.

"Crack!" Ning Xia, who thought the blue-haired girl was too noisy, subconsciously slapped her on the buttocks.

"You! Shameless! A pervert! A disciple!" The girl's fair face was instantly flushed, and she was ashamed and indignant at the slight tingling.

"Crack!" Ningxia slapped him hard again, the feel was much better than Dekarapian's, but it might be because of just one slap, so it's hard to tell.

"No, shameless! There is something..." The blue-haired girl with a red face still shouted stubbornly. She has been the proud daughter of heaven all her life, so she has never suffered such humiliation.


"Bad..." The girl felt that her buttocks were completely numb, and her feelings of shame and indignation went straight to her sky. The girl dared to swear that if she could get revenge one day, she would definitely make the man sitting on her pay a heavy price. .


"Woo..." The girl felt that her dignity had been trampled on like never before. At this moment, she deeply remembered the man's profile. She must take revenge on the man in front of her! ! !


"Big villain! Woohoo, how can you bully people like this!" The girl cried and shouted, she finally learned some fairy arts from Jue Yun Jian, and just wanted to come back to say hello to Ji Zhong and Morax.

Who knew that when he came back, he ran into a sneaky spy. He thought it would be her first effort, but it turned out that he was going to over-prepare for her.

The girl who was originally very proud was lying on the ground crying and making a fuss, and felt ashamed of Ningxia's behavior.

"Wow... she cried so badly, it's obviously her fault, right? She wounded someone with a gun for no reason." Bai Meng said while hugging Ning Xia's neck.

Ning Xia didn't continue to sit on the girl, stood up and looked at the girl who was lying on the ground, it seemed to be Liyue's fairy named... Aping?

"Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo L Lv L

"Ningxia, she seems to be the person of Guizhong, right? How about we take her to Guizhong's place first? Otherwise, it would be bad to be misunderstood." Baimeng suggested.

"That's the only way to go." Ning Xia reluctantly lifted A Ping up, and was going to return to the end to explain.

"You! What do you want to do!? I, I won't give in! Don't try to touch me! I won't let you succeed!" A Ping said with red eyes, frightened like a frightened rabbit No end, but still want to maintain their own threat.

"If you keep arguing, I'll spank your ass." Ning Xia said impatiently.

"Woo..." A Ping quickly covered her mouth, for fear that she would be spanked severely again, especially after feeling the burning pain, she was even more afraid.

The trembling body and the crying pear blossom's rainy face are very pitiful.

"It's pretty good-looking, but it's a pity that the brain is not very good." Ning Xia commented.

"That's right, no one would make a move without inquiring clearly about the situation, and they were killed instead." Baimeng continued.

A Ping stared at Ning Xia fiercely. If eyes could kill, Ning Xia would have been killed hundreds of times by her.

Ningxia went directly to Guizhong's house and knocked, and then heard Guizhong's impatient voice: "Ha~ come here, who will disturb my beauty sleep at night?"

As the door was opened, Gui Mo, who was wearing light gauze pajamas, rubbed his eyes and looked at Ning Xia, his expression gradually changed from confusion to astonishment.

"A Ping? Ningxia? Why are you two together!?" After all asked with a confused face.

Chapter 474 Mindless and Unhappy

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