"Finally, my lord!!!" A Ping, who had already lost her mentality, cried and shouted. Now she is still a mortal who is learning art in Absolute Clouds. You will not be able to see the gap between yourself and Ningxia.

"You guys... started fighting?" After all, he looked at A Ping, who was crying so hard, and then at Ning Xia, who had a helpless face, and had already guessed a lot.

"He! He!" A Ping pointed at Ningxia. She was too ashamed to say what Ningxia did just now.

"Please explain to her, I just want to go back and have a good rest..." Ning Xia said with a speechless expression.

"Oh~ I'm pitiful, A Ping won't cry~" After all, hugging A Ping, he comforted her, and then waved, two figures, one red and one blue, suddenly appeared.

"My two subordinates will escort you back first, blame me for not telling the others, I will give you an explanation tomorrow." After all, he comforted A Ping and said with a guilty expression on his face.

"Tsk..." Ning Xia turned and left with a displeased face. It was really unpleasant to be suddenly treated as a spy or something at night, but seeing that the attitude of admitting his mistakes was still sincere, Ning Xia didn't bother to care about it.

The red-haired girl and the blue-haired girl followed behind Ningxia, their bodies exuded a faint light, which made the originally gloomy Guiliyuan also have a glimmer of light.

"You are...Yasha?" Ning Xia said after looking at the girls on the left and right.

"Yes, Lord Ningxia, we are all Yashas, ​​my name is Yingda, and her name is Fanan." The enthusiastic red-haired girl said.

"Master Ningxia...?" Ningxia looked at the girl who was as familiar as Guizhong, and couldn't help but wonder if everyone in Guiliyuan was so familiar?

"Hey hey, we are four Yakshas under Di Ji's seat. When Lord Ning Xia signed the contract with Lord Di Ji, we were watching from the side." Ying Da said enthusiastically.

"Four Yashas? Can you tell me who it is?" Ning Xia asked suspiciously, he vaguely remembered that Mandrill had said it was Wu Yashas.

"This one, cough cough, respectively...

Marshal Teng Snake-Floating House

General Fire Rat - Yingda

Spiral General - Facing Difficulties

Heart Ape General - Wrath"

"Are there only four?" Ning Xia asked suspiciously.

"If we go back to Liyuan, there are only four of us who can really rank Yasha, but I don't know about the other demon gods." Ying Da waved his hand and said.

"Well, that's how it is." Ning Xia nodded and said, guessing that Mandrill hadn't joined Gui Li Yuan yet.

"By the way, Lord Ningxia is the Daoqi Demon God, right? Can you tell me about the delicious and interesting things Daoqi has?" Yingda asked curiously, compared to the temptation at noon after all. , Yingda in front of him seemed to be really curious.

"Yingda... don't disturb Lord Ningxia." Fa Nan who was silent at the side suddenly said.

"Hehehe, Lord Ningxia is so approachable, I don't think he would mind, right?" Ying Da said with a smile.

"Yingda..." Fa Nan covered his face helplessly, feeling very helpless towards his sister.

Enthusiastic Yingda can always find some novel topics, which gives Ningxia a new understanding of Yasha's cold and chilling impression.

And the taciturn Fa Nan at the side is not so much afraid of society as she just doesn't like to talk. Hearing Yingda's hot chat with Ning Xia, he just smiles helplessly at the side.

"Okay! Master Ningxia, please rest first, we'll go back first." Ying Da waved his hand and said.

"Well, go slowly." Ning Xia nodded slightly and said.

"That man named Yingda is really a good person." Baimon sighed, not only is he easy to talk to, but he can almost answer every question about Ningxia, and he can also expand some new knowledge in the answers.

"By the way, do you think that after all it looks like a cushion?" Baimeng said suddenly, she just took a sneak peek, after all, there is a big gap between wearing pajamas and wearing ordinary clothes.

"Okay, don't talk about this kind of thing, let's go to bed early..." Ning Xia stretched his waist and said, today's events made him a little physically and mentally exhausted, and he needed to take a good rest.

I just came to Liyue today, but I was chased and killed by the succubus all the way, and then the hero was rescued by the beauty of Morax, and after several games, I successfully sneaked into Guiliyuan to catch fish.

Although there was a little accident during the period, Ningxia was quite satisfied, after all, fishing is the most comfortable way of working.

"Ningxia, don't do strange things to me!" Baimon said shyly, although he had slept together before, but Gurnhild was there at that time, so that Baimen would not be too embarrassed, and only with Ningxia like this Sleep is the first time.

"Look at your current body shape, if I want to do it, I have to wait for you to get bigger, right?" Ning Xia said helplessly, Baimeng is only the size of a fist in front of him, no matter how frantic he is, he won't be able to get in, right?And he's not that kind of person.

"That's right, but this can only be recovered slowly with time..." Baimeng looked helplessly at his little self.

"I'm very sorry, Baimeng." Ningxia said guiltily, Baimeng became like this because of him.

"Okay, okay, I'm not angry now, what are you guilty of, but you have to cook more delicious food for me during Liyue's time!" Baimeng comforted.

"By the way, is Xiaoli still a stone?" Baimeng looked at the golden stone on the bed and changed the subject.

"It seems that she will remain like this for a while, alas..." Ning Xia caressed Zhong Xiaoli helplessly and said, his heart-warming little padded jacket...

"Hiss..." Morax, who had changed into black suspender pajamas and was about to go to sleep, suddenly felt someone touching him. This feeling was really strange.

"After all, are you on the bed?" Morax said, getting up, thinking that after all sneaked onto her bed again to play tricks on her.

"After all?" Morax walked out of the room with a puzzled expression, just in time to see A Ping who was comforting and crying after all.

"What happened?" Morax asked suspiciously.

"A Ping, she..." In the end, she helplessly said that A Ping mistook Ning Xia for a spy and was beaten up by him.

"Pfft~" Even Morax couldn't help laughing out loud, even if you asked the storyteller to process the plot artistically, it would be hard to hold back.

And no matter what it sounds like, A Ping mistook Ning Xia for a spy because of her own preconceived ideas, and wanted to beat her without listening to her explanation.

Even though Morax was not very familiar with Ning Xia, he felt that it was A Ping's fault this time.

But A Ping can be regarded as her half apprentice, so she also comforted A Ping with Gui Zhong.

Chapter 475

The next morning Ning Xia stretched comfortably, and when he woke up, his fatigue and fright from yesterday had disappeared.

"Master Ningxia~" Maxius' voice came from outside, Ningxia yawned and opened the door, and saw Maxius standing outside the door holding a basin of hot water.

"I'm here to bring you hot water to brush your teeth and wash your face. I'll make breakfast later." Maxius said enthusiastically.

"It's really troublesome for you, rice cracker." Ning Xia thanked.

"That...can you call me Maxius?" Maxius said helplessly. Although he was used to it, he still wanted to save it.

"Okay crispy rice." Ning Xia took the basin and woke Bai Meng who was still sound asleep, and prepared a special small toothbrush and small towel for her to brush her teeth.

"Ha~ What are you eating in Ningxia today?" Baimeng asked, yawning.

"What do you want to eat?" Ning Xia asked dotingly.

"Well~ I can see the materials there~" Baimeng lazily said while hugging Ningxia's neck, and it was Ningxia who reassured her the most.

"Okay." Ning Xia said after wiping her face with a towel.

"Master Ningxia, today's shrimp is very good, by the way, the glutinous rice is also very good, do you have any ideas?" Maxius asked, rubbing his bear's paw.

"Hmm..." Ning Xia stroked her chin, already having an idea in her mind.

Perhaps it was because the expectations Ningxia gave to the girls yesterday were too high. Even Xiao Ganyu, who is usually greedy for food, sleep, and playfulness, got up early, lying on the table eagerly waiting for the food to be served.

After all, she yawned and sat next to A Ping. She had already explained to A Ping what happened in Ningxia. No matter what she said, it was A Ping who attacked Ningxia on her own initiative, so she finally persuaded A Ping to apologize to Ningxia, so as not to make people feel uncomfortable. .

"Morax, did you sleep well yesterday?" After all, Morax, who was making tea by the side, poked his elbow. He was obviously still young and vigorous, but he had already started to make tea like an old grandma.

"Fortunately, it just feels weird." Morax remembered the feeling like being touched, but still didn't understand the reason.

While everyone was chatting, Maxius twisted his dynamic buttocks and served today's breakfast.

Considering that Morax does not eat fish, shrimp and crab, Ningxia made a Cantonese-style breakfast for today. The exquisite and delicious breakfast immediately captured the hearts of Gui Zhong and others.

Looking at the delicious breakfast in front of me, it was hard to break the beauty after all.

"Steamed buns! I want buns!" Xiao Ganyu said excitedly, she could already smell the aroma of vegetables, bean paste and quicksand in the three cage buns.

After Liu Yun borrowed Feng Zhenjun to give the bun to Gan Yu, the little guy ate it into his mouth, feeling the hot bean paste dancing in his mouth, the greedy little Gan Yu still stubbornly swallowed it without spitting it out inside.

All the girls here were eating happily, and in the kitchen, Fa Nan with a helpless face and Ying Da who was smiling were already sitting on chairs and looking at Ningxia's breakfast.

"Lord Ningxia's hands are really clever. Look at this dumpling. It's crystal clear. I'm not willing to eat it." Ying Da pointed to the shrimp dumpling and said. No hands and mouths.

"Master! The breakfast is finished, let's have dinner too!" Maxius said cheerfully, not caring about the two Yashas beside him.

Yingda is open-minded and cheerful by nature, and has been acquainted with Maxius for a long time, and occasionally comes to the kitchen to get some new dishes from Maxius, and the two of them also have a feeling of confidant.

"Lord Ningxia, let's go first." Ying Da said, taking one last look at the shrimp dumpling, while Fa Nan looked at a table of exquisite breakfasts with some reluctance, after all, girls are very interested in this kind of things .

"What are you going to do, come here and stay to eat." Ning Xia waved his hand and said, he liked the two girls in front of him quite a bit, anyway, he made so many breakfasts that he didn't miss their portion.

"Hey hey, thank you Lord Ning Xia~" Ying Da said with difficulty.

"What a nice person, it's just a matter of a few more pairs of chopsticks." Maxius said holding the bowl and chopsticks.

"Excuse me..." Fanan said, who had been silent all this time, and she couldn't refuse the beautiful breakfast in front of her.

"Hehehe, Lord Ningxia is much better than my elder brother who doesn't understand girls' hearts and my second brother who likes to drink tea." Ying Da said with a shrimp dumpling in his mouth.

"Big one!" While Ning Xia was drinking tea and eating breakfast, Gan Yu came to the kitchen excitedly with a bun in her mouth, and rubbed Ning Xia's calf coquettishly.

"Gan Yu, why are you here again? Where's True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Wind?" Ning Xia said while hugging the chubby little Gan Yu.

"Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing Wind's mother was chatting with Sister Morax, so I came to find Big Brother." Gan Yu said after swallowing the steamed stuffed bun.

"Hehehe, you little unicorn, you want to eat and drink, right?" Yingda beside him couldn't help touching the fluffy Ganyu, it felt really good.

"I, I'm still a little hungry..." Xiao Ganyu said with a guilty conscience, although she wiped out more than half of the breakfast that Maxius sent over.

"It doesn't matter, if Xiao Ganyu wants to eat, just ask me." Ning Xia said while touching Xiao Ganyu's corner.

"Really? Thank you, big brother! It's much better than that big sister who lay down hard." Gan Yu said happily, but didn't notice the stiff look of Ji Zhong standing at the kitchen door, and looked at her with a complicated face. .

"Ningxia..." After all, she said through gritted teeth, she is not angry, she cannot be angry, she is the reserved number one beautiful girl of Liyue, she cannot be angry, she cannot be angry.

"Wow! The big sister with fake breasts is here!" Gan Yu shouted subconsciously, but she didn't know how much harm her childish words had caused to a demon god who had lived for thousands of years.

"Huh...Yingda, Fanan, you go out first, I have something to tell Ningxia, Maxius, you too." After taking a deep breath, he said with a kind smile.

Before leaving, Yingda came to Ningxia's ear to remind Ningxia that he must never bring up topics such as altitude, and then gave Ningxia an expression that said, "I can only help you to this point." He shrank his neck and left.

Xiao Ganyu shrank into a ball trembling, she felt that this bad sister really wanted to stew her this time, so she could only gain a little sense of security from Ningxia.

"Xiao Ganyu~ You can go out too, Liuyun is waiting for you outside~" After all, she said as gently as possible, although her eyes were a little piercing.

"Big brother, save me, save me!" Gan Yu said in a crying voice, what she was most afraid of was that this woman who once said she wanted to stew her would end up.

Chapter 476

Ningxia tried her best not to laugh. Although it is not uncommon for people to pierce their breasts, it is a bit unusual for people who padded their breasts nearly 3000 years ago.

"Big brother! Help me! I'm scared!!!" The chubby Gan Yu nimbly crawled up to Ning Xia's neck under the threat of Ji Zhong, and hugged Ning Xia's head tightly with her four hooves, fearing that Ji Zhong would suddenly kill over here.

"Gan Yu? Why haven't you come out yet?" Zhenjun Liuyun borrowed wind and asked, who was waiting outside.

"Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing Wind's mother!!!" Gan Yu hurriedly threw herself into the arms of Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing Wind, only this place could prevent her from feeling the danger of the outside world.

"Liu Yun, you go out first, I have something to tell Ningxia! Don't come in unless I call you." After all, he stared at Gan Yu and said.

"Okay." Master Liuyun borrowed wind and said inexplicably, although after all, he would stare at her enviously before, but it was the first time she saw such eyes.

On the other hand, Gan Yu buried her head in the Aozang Mountain, and refused to show her head when she said anything. Today's trip made the young Gan Yu understand that there are some things that cannot be said.

"Huh..." Seeing that the outsiders had left, she was finally ready to talk about something serious, but seeing Ning Xia's mouth tightly pressed together, she knew that this guy was holding back a laugh.

"Laugh if you want." After all, he said with a face of despair. After studying the super-strong defensive breast pad for so long, he thought he could fool the newcomer Ningxia, but he found out the next day.

"Although I haven't received any professional training, I can still bear this matter." Ning Xia said with a suppressed smile, at least he didn't get into it after all, and it was already much better.

"Okay..." After all, I was still a little moved at this time, I didn't expect Ning Xia to be able to hold back her laughter. She was ridiculed by Sidi for hundreds of years because of this incident.

"A Ping, come in." After all, he said to the outside.

Last night, A Ping, who was severely beaten by Ning Xia, walked into the kitchen awkwardly. When she saw Ning Xia sitting on the chair, she remembered the scene of being spanked by Ning Xia yesterday.

"Yesterday... what happened yesterday was my fault. I... I shouldn't have used force against you without understanding the situation. Yes... I'm sorry..." A Ping said hesitantly.

"It's a small thing, it's just a young man...you have to know how to restrain yourself, being too aggressive is not a good thing..." Ning Xia patted A Ping on the shoulder pretending to be sophisticated.

At this moment, A Ping swore to herself that one day she would use the spear in her hand to make Ning Xia kneel down and beg for mercy. Although she knew that she was wrong, A Ping felt her ass that was still burning and hurting...

"Okay, okay, since the reconciliation is made, let's turn this matter over like this?" After all, he said with a smile.

"En." Ning Xia responded casually.

"Okay...Okay." A Ping blushed and blushed, but she was roaring wildly in her heart that she must make Ningxia pay the price in the future, and must avenge her spanking! ! !

"Hmm... Speaking of which, can you fight in Ningxia?" After all asked while touching his white chin.

"Ah? Although I fought in Daoqi, I'm not very good at fighting, I just know some swordsmanship." Ning Xia waved his hand and said, he didn't want to be entrusted to fight or something, it's troublesome.

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