Just when Morax was thinking about how to turn defeat into victory, a golden sword directly opened a hole in the demon gods surrounding Morax.

"It's now!" Ning Xia shouted lightly.

Morax also lived up to the opportunity Ningxia gave her, breaking through the demon god's siege without hesitation.

"Balam of 'Liyue Guocui', what are your subordinates of 'Liyue Guocui' doing? You let Morax of 'Liyue Guocui' escape!" Sidi pulled out his rock spear on Qing Yunding Said, looking distressed at Qing Yunding, who has collapsed into a negative three, it will take at least a hundred years to restore the original altitude, and it seems so strange to have a Qing Yunding and a negative three.

Morax landed beside Ning Xia in embarrassment, almost staggered and fell because of the wound on his leg.

"Are you okay?" Ning Xia said while supporting Morax, and began to heal her body with the breath of life.

"I can't die, but..." Feeling the numbness in his body, Morax's face, which was slightly messy due to the battle, turned slightly red.

Looking at the many demon gods staring at him and Morax, Ning Xia reckoned that he would not be able to escape.

"Can you still fight?" Ning Xia increased the power of his life breath, trying to restore some physical strength to the main force Morax.

"But...you can..." Morax said in a low voice. Although his body was very comfortable, this strange feeling was like feeling his body was touched yesterday, but it was more... warm.

"'Liyue Guocui', today we either have to give Moraxes the end, or Moraxes overprepared for us!" Sidi said angrily, she didn't expect that the little boy she let go yesterday would actually cheat her.

In her opinion, whoever the rock god loves will do it, but she must kill Morax, which is why she wants to unite with Balam.

Ning Xia breathed out lightly, and his body couldn't help getting excited. He hadn't had a good fight for a long time, and the high-pressure battle in front of him made his heart, which was silent because of sex, start to burn again.

"You...you just have to deal with the little guy, and leave the rest to me. If you can't hold on, I'll help you." Morax said in a low voice. Although his body felt strange, most of his injuries had recovered.

"Okay." Ning Xia said enthusiastically, the grass shaving sword trembled slightly with Ning Xia's emotions, she couldn't help but drink the blood of the Demon God.

Balansidi and the two superior demon gods surrounded Morax, and now they could only try their best to get rid of Morax, otherwise, if Guiliyuan's demon god came to kill them, they would really have no chance.

Ning Xia casually looked at the four middle-level demon gods and low-level demon gods surrounding him. He was not afraid of the siege, and being close to the flesh of the top-level demon gods made him careless of any melee combat.

Ningxia approached the weakest low-level demon god with a stride like the speed of sound, and then cut off most of his body with a sword.

At the same time, other demon gods also noticed Ning Xia's actions, and combined their own elemental power to try to win a chance for that unlucky man.

Ning Xia didn't care about those people's attacks, and cut off the head of the unlucky demon god, and then strangled him to pieces with Gengjin's breath.

It wasn't until the smoke cleared that the demon gods found that Ningxia had no signs of injury except for the torn clothes, and the low-level demon god had completely lost the ability to fight, leaving only his broken body shaking uncontrollably on the ground.

Ning Xia moved his arm casually, it seems that since he traveled to the past, his strength began to increase automatically, and he can easily beat himself before the time travel in terms of body and vitality.

"Ningxia!" Morax, who was fighting four, couldn't help shouting, she just knew that Ningxia's strength was not bad, but she was really worried about the siege of a group of intermediate demon gods.

"Hey! Morax of 'Liyue Guocui', don't forget we are still there!!!" Sidi shouted angrily, just now Morax pierced her another Qing Yunding, and now she Really negative three!

Balam panted heavily to deal with Morax. It was not a good thing to be chased and beaten by Morax who was in a state of berserk just now. If he hadn't relied on his hard body to fight against the rock elemental armor, he would have become Morax's opponent long ago. The dead under the gun.

The other two high-level demon gods were even more unbearable. One was nailed to death on the beach by a rock spear, and the other was suppressed by Morax and thrown into the clear water river.

Moreover, Balam noticed that the little boy who looked like Morax raised him, and his strength was not bad. He could easily kill a low-level demon god, which was at least an enemy of their level.

Thinking of this, Balam felt powerless for a while, he couldn't beat Morax, let alone Ningxia, who was crushing the demon god on the other side.

"Escape?" Balam, who was very proud of his own strength, suddenly had such an idea. Morax, who still had the energy to care about Ningxia, and Ningxia, who was fighting fiercely with the intermediate demon gods, imposed extremely terrifying pressure on him. Pressure, he was scared, let alone Morax himself, but the little boy she raised was still so scary, so he hit him with a hammer.

Chapter 480 The Gentle Sidi

Ning Xia looked at the demon gods who beat him up in surprise, that's all?Although the group attack of this group of demon gods can break his defense, it is not too heavy. Ning Xia can recover with a little bit of vitality.

One of the demon gods of Shuiyan held his arm that was almost severed by Ning Xia, trying not to let his arm fall to the ground. At this moment, he remembered the despair he faced Morax at the beginning.

It doesn't matter if you can't touch it at all, if the long sword held by Ning Xia touches the wound, this weird long sword will snatch the elemental power in his body with terrifying suction.

The weakest low-level demon god was easily killed by Ning Xia, and he was also seriously injured. Seeing the other two demon gods being chased and hacked by Ning Xia, he couldn't take it anymore and turned around and fled here.

"Bai Lang of 'Liyue Guocui'! Your subordinates of 'Liyue Guocui' are too unreliable!" Sidi scolded angrily.

Balam, who couldn't take it anymore, completely collapsed. He was about to be turned into a hedgehog by Morax. In addition, Sidi had been attacking him mentally. Balam, who was under great pressure, forced Morax back for the last time. Rush to Ningxia.

"Ningxia!" Morax bit his red lower lip, and was about to go to support, but was stopped by Sidi.

"'Liyue Guocui' did a great job! Get rid of that little boy! No! Leave me alive! I'll squeeze him out!" Sidi thought that Balam was going to shake Morax's mind by solving Ningxia , desperately stopped Morax.

This ambush battle used almost all of their strength. If they failed, it would be tantamount to withdrawing from the rock god's hegemony.

Sidi subconsciously felt that Balam would not run away, but Balam let her down.

Balam didn't make much contact with Ningxia, and after punching Ningxia back, he grabbed the two intermediate demon gods and ran away without looking back.

Ning Xia clutched his sunken chest. Although his body was close to a top demon god, it was only close. There was still some gap between him and a real top demon god like Balam.

"Bai Lang of 'Liyue Guocui', I, 'Liyue Guocui', your family! I, 'Liyue Guocui', wish you prosperity and wealth! I..." Sidi's mouth was like a series of cannons, scolding Balam for being unreasonable , just left herself, the number one beauty of Liyue, and ran away.

After Ning Xia slowed down a bit, he took the Kusanagi sword and ran to support Morax. Sidi, who was already exhausted, sent Kaiya off even more when he saw Ning Xia coming.

Originally, she wanted to run away, but Morax, who was staring at her, and Ning Xia, who had already killed her, made it difficult for her to deal with it. If the fight continued like this, she would have no choice but to blow herself up.

When Sidi was about to despair, Morax suddenly stopped Ningxia who wanted to give Sidi a final blow.

"You have already lost, get out of Liyue, and don't come back again." Morax said coldly, she also wanted to personally deal with this enemy in front of her, but whether Sidi died or blew herself up, Liyue would not be happy. It was a huge disaster, and she didn't seal the top demon god if she wanted to. Even if she hated Sidi, she could only drive her out of Liyue.

At this time, Sidi no longer has a few intact skins on her body. Morax's rock spear and Ningxia's Gengjin aura made her who was not good at defense even worse.

Sidi sat down on the ground and stared at Ning Xia. She was sure that if the little boy in front of her didn't get in the way, she would be able to fuck Morax today and become the real number one beauty in Liyue.

"What's your name?" Sidi gritted her teeth and asked, the injuries from this battle could not be healed in hundreds of years, and besides, she had offended too many people here in Liyue, so she had to leave.

"Ningxia..." Ningxia replied, he understood why Sidi knew him, and he and Morax were the ones who drove her out of Liyue.

"Okay, one day, we will meet again. At that time, I will definitely! Definitely! Definitely!!! I will avenge you!" Sidi gritted her teeth and said, she will not just go to the dark sea, she will go Mond and other countries outside Liyue gather strength, and then return to Liyue for revenge.

After finishing speaking, Sidi flew towards the east of Liyue without looking back, only in this direction would Morax not let Morax take action, even if it would be troublesome to go to Sumeru like this, that was the only way to go.

"Huh..." Ning Xia sat on the bumpy ground without any image. If he was in the past, he probably wouldn't have dared to single out several demon gods by himself, but this era really allows him to do so.

"Are you okay?" Morax looked at Ning Xia worriedly. She was surprised by Ning Xia's attack. Secondly, Ning Xia's strength is not as good as the top demon god, but no one under the top demon god can match him. Ning Xia broke her wrists.

"It's a pleasure not to die." Ning Xia said while twisting the scorched earth. He liked this sea of ​​flowers quite a bit, but it just disappeared.

"Morax!!!" At this time, the finale with Maxius and a huge frog finally arrived.

"Morakes!? Are you okay...Ningxia!? Why are you here?" After all, she asked in panic. After realizing the situation in Dihuazhou, she immediately called Maxus to follow him. The Ruo Tuo Dragon King who came to support him.

"After all, you should deal with him first." Morax didn't answer, but just pointed at the low-level demon god who had been cut to half by Ningxia.

"I understand..." After all, he immediately understood the meaning of Morax, and began to prepare to seal and suppress the low-level demon god who was about to die in front of him, lest the aftermath of his death affect the land of Liyue.

"Master Ningxia, are you okay?" Maxus helped Ningxia and asked, except for the slightly sunken chest and a few huge wounds from Sidi's beating, Ningxia seemed to have no problems.

"It's okay, but I still have to lie down and rest for the next two days." Ning Xia said helplessly. The injury on her body was not considered a serious injury, but it was not a minor injury, but it was still a work-related injury.

"Are you the new demon god? Interesting." The Dragon King Ruo Tuo said curiously.

"You... okay..." Ning Xia reluctantly greeted him, remembering that he was almost beaten to death by this guy before, so he couldn't talk to it with a smile.

"Strange, what do you mean?" Ruo Tuo looked at Ning Xia suspiciously, as he always felt that this guy had some opinion of him.

"Okay, Ruo Tuo, they helped me repel Balam and Sidi today, so don't chase after them to ask questions." Morax smoothed things over.

"Ningxia? You helped Morax repel that stinky woman, Balam and Sidi?" Gui finally asked after suppressing the low-level demon god.

She vaguely remembered that Ningxia said: "As you can see, I am just an ordinary demon god who wants some protection, and I am not as powerful as you."

Chapter 481 Princess Hug

"I'm just helping Morax as a support." Ning Xia waved his hand and said.

"Okay, you guys have something to keep talking about, Guoba, why don't you take me back first?" Ning Xia said to Maxius, he didn't want to get involved in their affairs.

"Good master." Maxius obediently hugged Ning Xia in a princess hug, then left with his big buttocks twisting.

"Cracker, can you change your position? It's a bit embarrassing." Ning Xia said helplessly on the way. He was the only one who hugged others before, such as Ling Hua and Xiao Gong who were in Dao's wife before, and he couldn't walk after being beaten up by himself, which caused He had to hug Ling Ren.

By the way, he carried Ling Ren all the way through Daozuma City with the idea of ​​dying together, which directly made Ling Ren dare not go out for half a month.

"But this position is the most comfortable, right? Master Ningxia doesn't like it?" Maxius scratched his head and said, it likes to hug people like this, because humans are very comfortable.

"I don't like it very much." Ning Xia said with a twitching corner of his mouth, he would not be hugged by others as a princess even if Ning Xia carried Ling Ren around Dao's wife.

"Okay." Maxius obediently placed Ning Xia on his furry back.

"Hiss..." Ningxia couldn't help but gasped, the unhealed wound was very painful when it came into contact with Furry.

"Are you all right? Master Ningxia?" Maxius asked worriedly.

"It's okay..." Ning Xia gritted his teeth and healed the wound with the breath of life. The wound caused by the top demon god can't be healed casually. He is also as strong as Xibailang and dare not start a war casually, because the recovery time is too long .

In the ghostly place where Liyue's family members walk everywhere and there are as many giant beasts as dogs, not maintaining peak combat power is tantamount to slow death.

This is also the reason why Morax is in a stalemate with demon gods of other forces. The price of defeating a demon god of the same level is often not at the peak for a long time.

After all, not everyone has the terrifying recovery ability of Ningxia, who can recover wounds that would take years or even decades to heal within two or three days.

"Ningxia!!!" At this moment, Baimeng, who looked worried, threw himself on Ningxia's shoulder.

"Hiss..." Ning Xia couldn't help but gasped, Bai Meng just touched his wound.

"Yes! I'm sorry!" Bai Meng stepped back quickly and said, she didn't want to hurt Ning Xia, but she was too excited.

"It's okay, it's just a small injury..." Ning Xia comforted, he also knew that Bai Meng was worried about him.

"How can there be such a big and small injury!" Baimeng said with his mouth pouted, his eyes that originally reflected the starry sky were faintly red, and he was a little angry at Ningxia's comfort.

"Okay, I'm really fine. I'll recover from this injury in two days." Ning Xia comforted with a smile, but she thought in her heart that she should make Moraxe let go of her vigilance this time, right?

"Really? Your kind..." Baimeng closed his mouth as soon as he wanted to ask. It is better for her and Ningxia to compare this matter.

"Really... I'll cook something delicious for you when I get well." Ning Xia coaxed Bai Meng helplessly.

"Then, then you can't lie to me!" Baimeng felt a little relieved now, only Ningxia could give her a sense of security in this world.

When Maxius sent Ningxia back to the house, he enthusiastically bandaged Ningxia. Although the technique looked like wrapping rice dumplings, the wounds were indeed covered.

After bandaging Ningxia, Maxius planned to learn how to cook some dishes in Ningxia, and left after making a pot of good tea for Ningxia.

Ning Xia was lazily lying on the bed, but there was no entertainment at this time, Ning Xia yawned and was about to speak.

Bai Meng lay beside Ningxia and accompanied Ningxia to sleep. After confirming that Ningxia was asleep, she looked towards the east again, and she felt that there was something attracting her there.

Looking at Ning Xia who was sleeping in front of her, Bai Meng gritted her teeth and flew out of the window. She felt that there was something there that could restore her.

Even without Ningxia, she decided to take a look by herself. The loopholes about time are too rare, and she can't miss them if they come across them.

On the other side, Sidi, who was kicked out of Liyue by Morax and Ningxia, complained cursingly that he was cheated by the pig teammate Balam, and was thinking about whether to go to Sumeru or Fontaine to accumulate strength so that he could fight back to Liyue later.

When Sidi praised her enemies in Liyue with elegant and easy-going words, a vortex suddenly rose up in the calm sea, and a huge force that Sidi could not refuse domineeringly pulled Sidi into the vortex.

"'Liyue National Essence'!!!" These were the last words Sidi left on Tivat Continent. To the end of the time maze.

Shortly after Sidi, Baimon also flew in front of the vortex. This place is no less unknown and terrifying to other creatures than a black hole, but for Baimon, the vortex produced by this time disorder is simply a great supplement.

When Baimeng opened his mouth, the vortex turned into the size of a mung bean and was swallowed by Baimeng. The obscure power of time was constantly fermenting in Baimeng's stomach. It seemed that it would take some time to fully absorb it...

"Huh...it's a pity that it doesn't taste good." Baimeng rubbed his stomach and said, this time she ran out secretly and didn't encounter any danger, which is considered a good thing.

Just when Baimeng was secretly rejoicing, a big bird noticed Baimeng on the sea, and it was planning to go to the beach to order some humans, thinking about having an appetizer first?

"Wow!!! What a big bird!" Baimeng couldn't help shouting, then turned around and flew in the direction of Guiliyuan, she already knew that this big bird wanted to eat her.

At this time, Baimeng once again understood the importance of Ningxia. If there was Ningxia, the big bird chasing her would have been turned into a stuffed chicken with sweet flowers.

"Ningxia!!! Help!!!" Baimeng cried and shouted.

At this time, a blue fork pierced through the big bird chasing Baimon.

"Are you... the little pet next to Lord Ningxia?" Fanan, who was patrolling the seaside, said, she just noticed Baimeng's voice, so she came to check.

"It's not a pet! I'm Baimeng! I'm Ningxia's partner!" Baimeng said angrily, and then looked at the big bird floating on the sea with lingering fear. She almost became an appetizer today.

"Then Lord Baimeng, why did you come here?" Fanan asked, she just happened to be patrolling in the south and had a fight with Oser's men, so she didn't know anything about Dihuazhou.

"This...can you send me back to Ningxia's house first?" Baimeng thought about it, and she thought it would be better for Ningxia to talk about this kind of thing.

Chapter 482 The Days When Ningxia Was Absent 1

(These two chapters are mainly to explain what the gods did when the protagonist was not around)

"Istaru, bro... When will that Ningxia guy come back?" Qiyana frowned and said, logically speaking, the time travel should be completed in an instant, why she didn't see Ningxia come back after waiting for half an hour.

"Uh... well... because I had an accident during the last 300 years of travel, so Ningxia...may come back a little later."

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