"How late?" Qiyana couldn't help but thumped in her heart, this familiar feeling came up, and the recovery of memory reminded her of Baimeng's unreliable behavior in the past.

"Probably...three days?" Istaru said with a guilty conscience.

"What!?" Qiyana suddenly felt a tightness in her chest. In three days, she, a weak Tianli, had to face the Seven Gods for three full days?

Then she didn't hesitate to expose herself and ran to the sundial for what?

"What are you afraid of? I still remember how Ningxia taught me how to pull the banner. Just learn it." A small hand reached out from the sundial and tapped Qiyana's forehead.

"Huh... If the memory you gave me was so magical, I would definitely! Absolutely! I would never come here!" Qiyana took a deep breath and said, she is not angry, she is the maintainer of heaven, absolutely Can't be angry.

"Hehehe, that's why I am so good in the revised memory~" Istaru said meanly, and Kiyana was still easy to play tricks as always.

"Okay, hurry up and deal with them, or it would be bad if they come to me." Istaru urged.

"Hmph!" Kiyana snorted coldly, and then her body gradually turned into a young girl, and then from a young girl to Yujie, but in a moment, Kiyana, who was originally harmless to humans and animals, turned back into a maintainer of heaven.

Her body could barely last for three days, but Tianli thought it was difficult to fool the group of old foxes, but she had no choice.

As the body turned into a Rubik's cube, Tianli, who was originally floating in front of the sundial, came to the four gods in an instant.

"Coming?" Tianli said indifferently, his eyes indifferent to life casually glanced at the four gods and their subordinates.

"..." For a moment, all the gods fell into silence, even Ying bowed slightly in fear, the law of heaven was much stronger than them.

"Since you're all here in Mond, why don't you find a secluded place to have a good chat?" Tianli said lightly, the power radiating from her overwhelmed all the girls present.

"Let's go." Tianli didn't care about the reaction of the crowd, he waved his hands at will and gathered the crowd into the Rubik's Cube, without giving them a chance to resist at all.

The next moment, everyone came to the second floor of the Deer Hunter's restaurant. Tianli, who had exuded a terrifying coercion, slowly withdrew, and gracefully called Sarah.

Because the matter of the Golden King Beast passed not long ago, and most of the Mond people hadn't recovered yet, only Tianli and the gods brought over were on the second floor of the Deer Hunter Restaurant.

"Since it's Mond, then let Barbatos order." Tianli pushed the menu in front of Barbatos. On the surface, she was very calm and calm, but in fact her heart almost jumped out. The Rubik's Cube transfer just now Almost turned her back into Kiyana.

Thanks to her immediately withdrawing her coercion and reducing her consumption as much as possible, otherwise she wouldn't be able to survive the first day.

Wendy took the menu stiffly, the gods look at me, I look at you, I really don't have the idea of ​​​​guessing the law of heaven.

Morax looked at Tianli with his eyes closed and meditating, gently pushed Wendy and said, "Since Tianli asked you to order, you can order."

"Uh, oh..." Wendy looked at the menu and ordered many signature dishes very stiffly.

Sarah skillfully recorded the dishes Wendy ordered, and she was already happy. The last time she saw such a big customer was when Kaya invited Paimon.

"Okay, ladies, please wait a moment, the dishes will be served soon." Sarah said enthusiastically.

"May I ask Tianli... where is he in Ningxia?" After a stalemate for a while, Morax couldn't help asking, she really didn't understand what Tianli meant, and simply invited them to dinner?Or the Hongmen Banquet?

"Ningxia... you mean that human being?" Tianli said lightly, trying to clear up his relationship with Ningxia as much as possible.

"You should have known him in the past too." Bronya said suddenly, her eyes fixed on Tianli, trying to find even the slightest flaw.

"Yes, I met him in the past." Tianli said calmly. If she hadn't suppressed it desperately, her heart would have jumped out. She didn't expect Bronya, a crazy woman, to recover her memory before her.

"Where did he go?" Bronya picked up the coffee and said, then took a sip of the bitter pure coffee.

"Are you questioning me?" Tianli suddenly opened his eyes and said, the coercion was violent again, and the gods almost lost their composure.

"No... I'm just asking if Lord Tianli has taken my fiancé away." Bronya said calmly, but the sweat on her forehead proved that she was not as calm as she seemed.

"Your fiancé?" Tianli looked at Bronya with a mocking expression, as if pitying her.

"That's why I said we can't let Ningxia meet Bronya, she is too paranoid..." Wendy covered her face and thought.

"Excuse me, where did Lord Tianli take my fiancé?" Bronya asked again, not angry because of Tianli's expression.

"He is in the past." Tianli said lightly.

"What does this mean?" Bronya asked again.

"He in the past came from the present, and he in the present is going to the past." Wendy said suddenly, she knew that this matter could not be hidden, she might as well explain it to her.

"When will he come back?" Morax couldn't help asking. At this time, Morax and Ying were in a daze. Their memories hadn't been fully recovered, and they only had a half-knowledge of the conversation between Bronya, Wendy and Tianli.

"Three days later..." Tianli still said calmly.

"Master Tianli, how do you treat him..." Bronya continued to ask.

"He is the hero of Tivat, what can I do to him? Or what do you think I need him to do?" Tianli said calmly, already starting to roar that I need Ningxia very much.

As he said that, Tianli looked at the Nail of the Cold Sky, and the gods who noticed this action couldn't help shaking. If the thing was thrown with all its strength, it would be able to destroy the country, and Tianli didn't seem to have anything wrong with it, so the gods also There is no way to test it out.

At this time, the enthusiastic Sarah broke the silence by pushing a cart full of Mond specialties. Seeing that everyone except me, Wendy and Vanessa, were dressed in foreign clothes, Sarah also enthusiastically introduced the characteristics of the dishes. where.

After Sarah left, the atmosphere fell into a heavy atmosphere again. Facing the sumptuous meal, everyone didn't do anything, but stared at Tianli.

Tianli glanced at the sumptuous dishes, and couldn't help but comment in his heart that he was not as good as Ningxia, and then said, "You guys, who brought the money?"

Chapter 483 The Days When Ningxia Was Absent 2

"..." The gods looked at each other, they didn't even bring Mo La.

"Barbatos, this is your country, so you should pay the money, right?" Morax sold Wendy without hesitation, but she was really nice to Wendy in Liyue, so it's not too much. guilt.

"Vanessa..." Wendy turned her head to look at Vanessa, where she had no money, she could only look at Vanessa's.

"I still have some Mora...it doesn't seem to be enough to pay." Vanessa said awkwardly. She usually doesn't need to spend money. Although Ningxia gave her some pocket money, she didn't use it very much. , and I don’t want to ask Ningxia for it.

"Morax, as the creator of Morax, you should have Morax on you, right?" Bronya said to Morax.

"God's Heart...was out of my hands a long time ago, so...I'm very sorry." Morax said meaningfully, and threw the blame for the loss of God's Eye to Bronya. The moment it is achieved, the heart of God is not just hers. Even if the law of heaven wants to overturn the old score, Bronya must be brought to share the damage.

"It's Bronya, don't you own the Northland Bank? You must be rich, right?" Wendy continued. Although Morax sold her immediately, they did feed her well in Liyue.

"What does it matter to me, Bronya, that Beiguo Bank has money? I don't have any money." Bronya said lightly, no matter how she looked at it, it was not her turn to be the one who should pay.

Seeing the three gods ignoring her, Ying felt an inexplicable sense of frustration. Why would she be excluded if it was the bill for four people.

It's just that she doesn't know that both Morax and Wendy are very guilty of Xiangying, afraid of letting her know what he did to Ningxia, and dare not take her.

"Huasanli..." Ying pulled the Huasanli aside, she had no money, but she had the almighty Huasanli!

"Master Ying, I only brought this Mora..." Hua Sanli said helplessly, she only brought money because she was afraid that Ying would suddenly run out to eat desserts, so it wasn't too much.

"This... oh! Sara!?" Ying suddenly saw Sara passing by, and immediately found the feeling of being in Dao's wife. Although Ningxia's wallet was not there, Ningxia's sister rounded it up as a wallet!

"Ahem, excuse me." Ying said pretending to be solemn, and then jumped from the second floor, landing right in front of Shaluo.

Sara was in a bad mood at this time. Although Qiyana said that she had something to do with Ningxia and would come back later, but today's incident and the big night, she really couldn't stand it and wanted to go out to find Ningxia.

"Please don't... Lord General!?" Sara said in a bewildered expression, how could General Raiden, who had devoted himself to the castle tower, suddenly come to Mond.

"General, help me!" Ying anxiously asked the general for help, she was not very embarrassed to ask Sharo for money.

"Oh... I really can't help you."

The general replaced Ying helplessly, and then said calmly: "Lend me the money, and I will return it to Dao Wife."

Sara, who hadn't reacted yet, had faith in the general, and was absolutely convinced that the person in front of him was the general. Although he looked confused, he still took out a bag of Mora.

"Thank you, I will find you later." The general said lightly, and then cut a crack and left. She didn't want Sharo, who trusted her the most, to know that the general she respected asked her to borrow money in order to make a fat face. .

"I... have been away from Inazuma for a long time, and I'm hallucinating?" Sara touched her empty pocket, her Mora was indeed gone, but so was the general.

"Sister Sara!" At this time, Mona also caught up with Sara, and she was also very worried about Ningxia, but as far as Sara was concerned, it might be difficult to find Ningxia.

"Mona, didn't you tell me to wait at home for my brother to come back?" Shaluo asked.

"I checked Ning Xia's fate with water divination, and I found him..." Mona looked at Sha Luo hesitantly, this kind of thing is too magical.

"What's wrong!?" Sara asked anxiously.

"I found out that the trajectory of Ningxia's fate extends from 3000 years ago to the present..." Mona said with a heavy face. She also tried to divination Ningxia's fate in the past, but she failed every time, so she also gave up until this time Divination, Ningxia's fate became brighter.

"3000 years!?" Sara was even more confused. She watched her younger brother grow up, how could he live for 3000 years.

"In short...according to our words, we may not be able to find Ningxia." Mona said decadently, this is the first time she has seen such a strange fate. It's like drawing a circle and then continuing to draw a straight line.

"Master General! Yes! Sir General said he would come to see me!" Shaluo said suddenly, she suddenly understood why the General came to Mond, it must be for Ningxia.

And the general who took the Shara money appeared again on the second floor of the Deer Hunter's restaurant, and at this time he had already changed his shadow.

"I'll take this meal." Ying said as he put the money on the table.

The gods quietly looked at Mora in the shadow's hand, even Tianli, who wanted to pretend to be deep, couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

But how to say, the meal is paid, and the gods have nothing to say.

"Eat, why don't you eat?" Tianli stretched out his hand and said, people who didn't know thought it was her treat.

"Master Tianli, what can we do for you in Mond?" Bronya asked, with no thoughts on her calm face.

"I owe Ningxia a favor. He asked me to protect his family for three days, so I want to stay in Mengde." Tianli said lightly, and he began to scold his mother for this lame reason in his heart. Who would touch Ningxia except Abyss family!

It's just that Wendy has already started to make up her mind, especially Wendy knows that Ningxia has had several skirmishes with Abyss, so she subconsciously thinks that the law of heaven is to protect Ningxia's family from Abyss.

Morax also knew something about Ningxia's rescue of Fenglong because of Wendy's disclosure, and he also subconsciously thought that the law of heaven was to resist the abyss.

Bronya looked at the peaceful Tianli thoughtfully. She always felt that there was something wrong with Tianli, but she really couldn't see it.

Only Ying has a confused face, whoever dares to touch Ningxia and his family, she will definitely make them disappear in one step!

Chapter 484 The Days When Ningxia Was Absent 3

"Then what are you going to do?" Morax asked, Tianli's operation was too confusing, she really didn't understand why Tianli stayed in Mond.

"Since I promised Ningxia, I naturally want to protect his family, that is to say, I will stay at Ningxia's house until Ningxia returns." Tianli said calmly.

I still don't forget to add a sentence in my heart: "I will continue to stay at home in Ningxia after I come back. The security you guys give me is not one ten-thousandth of his."

"Oh? It just so happens that Ningxia and I are Liyue's life-changing friends, and I have an obligation to protect Ningxia's family because of love." Morax looked at Huasanli and said, she was afraid that Huasanli would suddenly fuck herself Things broke out.

"Ningxia helped me a lot when I was in Mond, so I naturally want to help protect his family." Wendy said quickly, and began to complain in her heart that she was Ningxia's family, but unfortunately she didn't do it in front of Morax and Ying. Dare to admit it.

"He is my fiancé, so I am naturally obliged to protect his family." Bronya stared at Tianli and said, she hated Abyss as well as Tianli, and she also did not want to lose Ningxia anymore.

"I, I..." Ying opened her mouth, the reason was given by the three gods, and she didn't know why she stayed.

"Ahem, Mr. Ying is Dao's wife's manager, and Mr. Ningxia and his sister are not only our Dao's people, but also our most valued generals, Mr. Ying. Because of love and reason, Mr. Ying should stay Protect them." Hua Sanli said lightly, but she was also very guilty, it would be bad if Ying knew about her.

"Yes, what Huasanli said is right." Ying nodded again and again. Compared with these old foxes, Ying was really too difficult. Without Huasanli, she didn't know why she stayed.

"Okay, you can stay if you want, but I already have a place in Ningxia's family, so you can do it yourself." Tianli said lightly.

"Well, we will naturally have our own way." Morax said with a nod, rejoicing in his heart that it was right for him to have a good impression of Sara at the beginning, and as far as his relationship with Sara is concerned, eating and drinking for nothing is not living for three days. Is it easy?

"That's that, how can this kind of thing bother you?" Wendy continued. Not only did she and Vanessa have the keys to Ningxia's house, but she also had her share in the guest rooms of Ningxia's house. What was she afraid of?

"Hmm..." Bronya nodded slightly. She knew that she was the weakest among the four gods, but she had already found Ningxia's information from the doctor on the way to Liyue. As long as Zhi Tong fools Sara one step ahead of everyone, the problem shouldn't be too big.

Ying was stunned again, how could one or two be so relaxed, what about her?What should she do?

"Master Ying, Shaluo is your subordinate..." Hua Sanli leaned into Ying's ear and said helplessly.

"Oh, yes, Sara is my subordinate, so I'm fine." Ying nodded and said.

"My identity in Mengde is the younger sister I recognized outside Ningxia. I have changed the cognition of Saluo and the others and rationalized my identity, so you don't need to panic when you see my appearance in Ningxia's house." Tianli said lightly .

"En." The four gods nodded one after another. Although Tianli was a little strange at first, what she said and the power she exuded made them subconsciously feel that there was no problem.

"Then I'll go first." Tianli said, turning into a Rubik's cube and disappearing.

"I still have something to do, let's take a step first." Bronya said lightly, and immediately rushed to Ningxia's home in Monde in the information.

After brewing her emotions for a while, the red-eyed Bronya knocked on the door of Ningxia's house.

"It's the general..." Sara opened the door excitedly, only to see a pretty woman with red eyes.

Waist-length white hair was tied into a high ponytail with a black ribbon, snow-white skin was as dazzling as jade under the dim light at the door, and the delicate face formed a perfect fusion between Yu and Moe. Between the eyes and the smile, there is both the youthfulness of a girl and the maturity of a sister Yu.

"Excuse me, is my fiancé Ningxia here?" Bronya asked with red eyes, her voice trembling like a yellow warbler, as if she was about to cry at any moment.

"Fiance!?" Shaluo was stunned, isn't Beidou the only fiancée of her precious brother who hasn't divorced?Why did another one pop up.

"Things, things are like this..." Bronya whispered to Shaluo about the encounter and engagement with Ningxia that she made up.

Sara, who is used to this kind of thing and was moved by Bronya's acting skills, finally brought Bronya into the house softly.

The relationship and stories Bronya made up are very good, not only in some places, but also a lot of her personal emotions.

Although Sara had some doubts in his heart, since Kapaqili was at home, it was enough to ask her to confirm.

It's just that the moment Kapaqili saw Bronya, she was confused by the prepared Bronya, and said in a daze that she knew Bronya.

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