"It's okay, I'll sit here first, if you have something to discuss, you can discuss it, I won't bother you." Ning Xia sat down on the ground and said.

This feeling of being squeezed dry was too terrifying, and it also made Ningxia even more grateful that she was not caught by Sidi back then.Otherwise, the end would definitely not be much better than it is now, or even worse. After all, a Sidi doesn't know how terrifying it is, let alone the succubi under her who have been wiped out by Morax and others.

You must know that what Sidi said before is not just that, what kind of sandwiches, hundred-man battle, etc., just listening to it makes my scalp tingle, who knows how much Sidi played.

"Morax... Let's go prepare to bring those people back to Liyuan." After all, she said with some worry, Morax is in a very bad state now, and she also understands why Morax is so angry.

"But... After all, why did Heulia treat them so well, or was she betrayed by them?" Morax said in frustration. She didn't understand that Heulia was so good to humans, but in exchange for Such an end.

"Because she's too weak." After all, he suddenly changed his serious expression and said, whether as the leader of Guiliyuan or Morax's friend, she had to enlighten Morax.

"As a leader, you have to act tough a lot of the time, isn't that what I told you before?" After all, he said seriously.

"But they..." Morax looked at the statues of different shapes. She is not as mature now as she will be in the future, and her understanding of human beings is not so thorough after all.

"Morax..." After all, he patted Morax on the shoulder lightly, and then pointed at the shivering people of the Salt God.

"Those little people are as small and fragile as dust. Because of their smallness, they don't know when they will perish in natural disasters and man-made disasters, so they are always afraid."

"Because of fear, I always work hard and want to become smarter...you and I, didn't we understand this truth a long time ago?"

"Human beings are very weak, and their hearts are like a piece of white paper, black and white are all in one thought, so I hope I can practice it myself, and use wisdom and morality to let them learn to restrain themselves instead of giving up on them. Isn't this the original idea of ​​your creation of Gui Li Yuan?" Yu Mo said softly.

At this time, after all, he completely lost his usual inconspicuous eccentricity and seriousness when dealing with work, but enlightened Morax with the appearance of a gentle and patient mentor.

"Okay...it's time for us to do what we should do." After all, he carefully buried Morax in his not-so-big bosom to comfort him.

"Then... let's go." Morax stood up and said, the place where it was first founded hadn't been called Guiliyuan yet, and she was still very confused at that time, whether it was because of a moment of kindness or because she really wanted to do it. What?It wasn't until she finally joined that she strengthened her belief.

Ning Xia sat on the ground and looked at the second daughter quietly. He always felt that he was a little redundant now, as if he was an outsider.

"Ningxia!" After seeing Morax recover, he finally helped Ningxia up quickly. Fortunately, Ningxia just collapsed due to excessive consumption of strength, and there was no serious problem.

However, the 1.6-meter-tall Ji Mo is supporting the 1.8-meter-five Ning Xia, which always looks a little strange, and it looks more like Ning Xia is holding Ji Mo in his arms.

"It seems that I can't cook boiled fish for you today, after all." Ning Xia said with a wry smile. He hadn't experienced this kind of powerlessness for a long time.

"I'll talk about the boiled fish later, if something happens to you, I'll be guilty for the rest of my life!" After all, he said carefully supporting Ning Xia.

"Let me help too..." Morax said after recovering his mind, his slender and graceful body was attached to Ning Xia's body, and Ning Xia could clearly feel how soft the incomparable pair of Qing Yunding was at this moment.

"Hmm..." Feeling Qing Yunding and Zhengsan's left and right attacks, Ning Xia suddenly felt that this time was worth it, and could let Yan Wang Di Ji and Dust Demon God stick to her. If this spread, most of Li Yue would still be single and The demon gods who still feel that they have hope will be heartbroken.

"Are you all right? Can you still walk? I...I can carry you on my back." After all, he asked cautiously, with more worry on his face.

"It's okay, I can still walk." Ning Xia comforted, letting the little one carry her on her back after all, even a thick-skinned person like Ning Xia felt guilty.

"..." Morax silently looked at the end who cared for Ning Xia meticulously, and understood something. Although her heart was empty, if the two of them really made things happen, then she would also sincerely bless them.

"Morakes? Is there something wrong with you?" Ning Xia who was originally talking to Ji Mo asked concerned, thinking that she was still thinking about what Ji Mo said just now.

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking about something." Morax said casually.

"If you're still thinking about Heulia, I have a story, I wonder if you're interested?" Ning Xia said.

"Let's talk, I'm very interested..." Morax said with a smile, she didn't want to embarrass Gui Mo and Ning Xia because of her, it would be best if she could change the subject now.

"The former rice wife had a domineering king. She built a castle that no one could break through in her own territory, and generously took in countless displaced people."

"She is very kind, very kind, and protects her people in every possible way, but she is not willing to listen to people's opinions. She is self-righteous and oppresses her people with strong winds to bend down to worship her. Her wind only accepts praise, but ignores it. people's opinions."

"Under the ebb and flow, people have less and less respect for her, leaving only the hatred of the oppressed. In the end, the eccentric and benevolent king understood this truth during the uprising, and chose to disappear by himself to leave freedom to future generations. And the people." Ningxia slowly finished telling Morax the story of Dekarapian.

Morax lowered his head thoughtfully. The king that Heulia and Ningxia spoke of represented two extremes. Excessive love and excessive surlyness made the two of them fall apart.

"Hey~ Ningxia, is the she you're talking about your friend?" After all, she caught hold of her and began to ask. Ningxia's story was told in too much detail, as if she had experienced it personally.

"Uh... Recognition is recognition, but she has really disappeared." Ning Xia said embarrassingly.

"Really?" After all, he looked at Ning Xia suspiciously, his delicate little nose moved, as if he wanted to smell the vixen from Ning Xia.

"Really... I saw her with my own eyes..." Ningxia said with a look of reminiscence, not only Dekarapian, Gunnhild, Wendy, and Andrius, they didn't know how they were doing.

"I'm sorry... Ningxia, I didn't mean it." Realizing that she had questioned too much, she quickly apologized. Although she was a little jealous, Ningxia's appearance made her think that Dekarapian was an important person in Ningxia's past.

(Dekarapian: Head hurts.)

Chapter 502 It's time to reach emo

However, because of Ji Zong's gag, the originally heavy atmosphere recovered a lot, and everyone began to talk about some more peaceful topics, but most of them were provoked by Ji Zong. Ning Xia followed up and Morax listened.

When they came to the exit of the salt in the ground, the surviving people of the Salt God kowtowed frantically to the three of them, trying to gain their mercy and escape from the sky. Be willing to bow down.

"Get up... I promised the God of Salt, you and I will return to Liyuan..." Morax said bluntly, even after being enlightened by the end, she still had a grudge against the people who betrayed Heulia.

"Thank you, my lord, thank you, my lord..." Everyone expressed their gratitude to Morax. Only after experiencing the despair just now, did they deeply understand the horror of the demon god.

Let alone Moraxe now, even if Heulia, who had died in their hearts, came, they would still kneel down.

Morax created a long ladder of rock elements for everyone to climb up by themselves, and then led Ning Xia away from the salt in the ground.

Seeing that Morax created such a magnificent long ladder with a wave, everyone couldn't help but get excited. They subconsciously felt that the power of this new god was much stronger than that of Heulia.

"Ah!? Lord Morax? Lord Finale? Lord Ningxia!!??" Yingda, who was a step behind the three of them, came just barely, but the scene in front of him made Yingda's brain fall into emo.

In her heart, the most admired Lord Ultimate and the respected Lord Morax were actually supporting her favorite Lord Ningxia together.

But now Yingda likes Ningxia because Ningxia likes to mess around with gadgets and delicious food, and also has no pretensions towards Yingda and other nominal subordinates.

So Yingda likes to bring Fa Nan to Ningxia to play together, even though Yasha's big brother Fu She reprimanded her several times, Yingda's enthusiasm for Ningxia has not changed, and he even brought Mi Nu with him.

Then Fu She discovered that Mi Nu, who was originally on his side, had also betrayed, and started running to Ning Xia.

They drank tea and played chess, but in the end he had no choice but to vote, because Yingda complained many times that his cooking was unpalatable and he didn't understand women's feelings, which made him want to learn how to cook from Ningxia, at least until he was not rejected by Yingda. To the level of complaints.

However, the four of Yasha are busy with work, and they often have to patrol Guiliyuan's surroundings. They have very little time to come to Ningxia, but they can feel a sense of fulfillment every time.

This made Ningxia respectful to Ningxia who had been living all year round. In their view, he was like a gentle and generous elder who could always make them let go of all their guards.

"Yingda, you came just in time." Morakes didn't care about Yingda's surprise, she only supported Ningxia out of her friend's concern.

"Those people of the God of Salt, you are in charge of bringing them back to Liyuan. After all, I and I will protect Ningxia back." Morax said solemnly.

"Ah? Yes!" Yingda nodded stiffly. What she saw today had a great impact on her, no less than Fushe wearing the pink apron Ningxia gave her to cook for her.

"Okay, then let's go first." Morax said, and left with Ning Xia and Gui Mo, leaving only Ying Da who was still dazed, and she hadn't recovered yet.

Although she also thinks that Ning Xia and Morax are a good match, Fa Nan insists on Ning Xia and Gui Mo, and the two often struggle with each other on this topic, but neither of them thinks that Morakes and Mo Lax will be with Ning Xia together!

"Hahaha~ Even if I tell Fanan about this kind of thing, she probably won't believe it, right?" Ying Da smiled awkwardly and said to himself, then looked at the people of the God of Salt who had already come up, and planned to take them back to Li Original.

Chapter 503 Whip Soup

After returning to Guiliyuan, Morax had to prepare for the resettlement of the people of the God of Salt, so he left first, and was responsible for sending Ningxia home after all.

"Ningxia!" Baimeng looked worriedly at Ningxia who was being supported by Jizhong. When he was asked to go out just now, Baimeng was so worried that he would die. As a result, Ningxia looked drained when he came back. Baimen couldn't help but doubt...

"Baimeng, it's not what you think!" After all, she quickly waved her hand, she was still there the first time, how could she squeeze Ningxia like a shameless succubus like Sidi?

"Ningxia...do you want me to ask you to make some whip soup or something? I heard that a tiger just got into it." Baimeng carefully snatched Ningxia back, and then watched Guimo vigilantly.

She didn't have much communication with Gui Mo, to a large extent, because Ji Mo always liked to talk to Ning Xia intentionally or unintentionally, which made Bai Meng feel a great sense of crisis.

"I..." After all, she had no choice but to turn around and leave. She knew that Ningxia would explain later. It was normal for Baimeng to worry about her enthusiasm for Ningxia.

But after all, I don't feel that I am robbing Baimeng, because Ning Xia is more fond of Baimeng than love, which is the reason why he dares to be so close after all.

"Ningxia...you won't really be..." Baimeng looked at Ningxia unwillingly, after all, he was too cowardly.

The small form didn't think so much, and he hesitated in the large form, otherwise Ningxia's time in Liyue and the future would definitely belong to her.

"What are you thinking about?" Ningxia tapped Baimeng lightly, and looked at Baimeng with a speechless face, why did Baimeng keep thinking about such weird things after he became bigger.

"But your appearance..." Baimeng looked at Ning Xia worriedly, as if he had been squeezed dry no matter how you looked.

"It's just that some things are too exhausting." Ning Xia comforted.

"You can't have an accident... I will be very worried!" Baimon said with a pouted mouth.

"Okay, okay, I will." Ning Xia gently rubbed Baimeng's little head, his aggrieved look was very cute.

"You go back to bed and rest first, Aping and the others have something to leave, I will take care of you." Bai Meng said while supporting Ning Xia, a pair of white and tender hands inadvertently touched the big and white chest muscles.

"Hmm..." Bai Meng turned his face away shyly, but his little hand didn't move away. After all, she was going to support Ning Xia, so it's normal to touch some parts, right?

Bai Meng carefully helped Ning Xia back to the bed, poured him a glass of water, and stared at him worriedly.

"What's wrong? You care so much about me today?" Ning Xia asked while holding a water glass.

"I've always cared about you...it's just that you don't know it!" Baimeng complained, the more popular Ningxia is in Guiliyuan, the more uncomfortable she is, obviously she came first, no matter if she was acquainted or together.

"Okay, I'll go find the crispy rice and make you something to eat first." Baimeng reflected that his words were too intimate, so he quickly changed the subject, and then left as if to run away.

On the other side, Gui, who was going back, started to help Morax to prepare for the people of the God of Salt. It happened that they had already laid down the stone gate and the mine, and there were many places where Gui Liyuan needed manpower. The two of them were going to break up the people of the God of Salt. They divided into Guiliyuan's sphere of influence.

After seeing Morax recover, he felt much better after all, took out the salt cup and began to observe.

"Heulia? Can you hear me?" Finally asked in a low voice.

"Yes, after all..." Heulia's voice came from the salt cup.

"That's great... It seems that Ningxia's efforts were not in vain." After all, he showed a reassuring smile.

"Ningxia..." Heulia silently remembered this name in her heart. Now she really wanted to see Ningxia again, and she really wanted to thank Ningxia for her help.

"My people..." Heulia asked worriedly. Even now, she was still worried about those humans who betrayed her.

"They, don't worry, Morax and I are ready to divide them into Guiliyuan, but if this is the case, they may..." After all hesitantly looked at the salt cup, divided the salt The people of God are in a way no different from the people who deprived Heulia.

"It's okay, what they need is not me, but a patron saint as powerful as Morax, isn't it?" Heulia said quite freely, if the people were taken in by Morax, they would definitely be more powerful than her. Protection is safer, so that she can hide in the salt cup and wait for resurrection with peace of mind.

"If you can let it go... that's great." After all, she said sincerely, she was very worried that Heulia would be devastated because of the people's betrayal, but now it seems that she recovered very quickly.

"By the way, can you... tell me more about Ningxia? I'm curious how he joined Gui Liyuan." Heulia said coyly.

"Uh... well, let me tell you how he joined Gui Liyuan." Gui Mo said calmly, she was not worried that Heulia would snatch Ning Xia away, or that if Heulia If Ya succeeds, she will sincerely bless the two instead of being jealous.

Chapter 504

After bringing the people of the God of Salt back to Liyuan, Yingda returned to Yasha's residence very tired, finally saw her appearance, and specially approved her to take a day off.

On the way back, Yingda had already figured out where to go to play, he must be playing cards with Master Ningxia!

"I'm back...huh?" Ying Da opened the door and said, and then found out...

"Brother...Brother?" Yingda stared stiffly at Fushe who was wearing a pink apron and holding ingredients and kitchen utensils in each of her four hands.

"Yingda is back. I learned how to make soup from Lord Ningxia. You can drink a bowl first and try the taste." Fushe held a small bowl in one big hand and began to savor the soup he made for the first time.

"Well, it should be more fragrant if you add some pepper, right?" Fu She smacked her lips and said, completely unaware of how much impact her current outfit would have on Da.

"Ah~ I'm going outside to get some air, ha~ to get some air..." Yingda walked out of his home with a stiff face, and then saw the difficulty of returning home.

"Fa Nan!" Ying Da quickly stopped Fa Nan who wanted to go back, and looked at her seriously.

"What's the matter?" Fanan looked at Yingda with a puzzled expression, thinking that she was trying to play some prank again.

"Don't go in, your eyes will get dirty." Ying Da said seriously, Ying Da is sure that other brothers and sisters can't stand the same appearance of the rough and bold elder brother.

"Did you take the wrong medicine? Today I had a fight with Oser's people again, and I'm covered in sweat. Don't hinder me from taking a shower." Fanan pushed Yingda away with a puzzled expression and said, then walked into the house to prepare Take a quick shower.

But within five seconds of entering, Fa Nan walked out the door with a stiff face, regardless of whether his body was dirty or not, he quickly hugged Ying Da and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was too naive."

"It's okay, Fa Nan, it's okay..." Yingda comforted Fa Nan in a low voice. After all, this kind of incident had too much impact, and her performance was not much better than that of Fa Nan.

"What's the matter with you two? Why didn't you come in?" Mi Nu asked with a folding fan, he was the slowest one to come back today.


The two women looked at each other, and then said in unison: "Don't go in, your eyes will be dirty."

"Huh?" Mi Nu looked at the second daughter in a daze, but Fu She told him that there was a surprise today before going back, so he went in anyway.

Within three seconds, Mi Nu walked out of the door silently, squatting at the door shivering, not daring to accept what happened inside.

"Mi Nu! Yingda! Facing Nan! Dinner is ready!" At this moment, Fushe in the house shouted, he was very satisfied with today's dinner, after learning a few things from Ningxia, Yingda, the pickiest sister, would probably praise her His cooking skills?

"Hahaha~ Well, what did Lord Ningxia say before?" Ying Da stood up stiffly and said.

"The wind is rustling and the water is cold." Fa Nan said silently.

"A strong man will never return..." Mi Nu added.

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