"I can feel that feeling right now, why don't we take my eldest brother to show Mr. Kui Zhong? I always feel that he ate something wrong." Ying Da whispered.

"I agree." Fanan nodded and said.

"Me too." Mi Nu continued.

"Don't be outside! Come in and eat!" Fu She shouted again.

When the three yakshas were hesitating in front of the house how to get in, Ningxia also encountered a very embarrassing thing.

"So you, Master Ningxia..." A Ping looked at the whip soup in front of Ningxia's bed with a complicated expression. She didn't expect that her most beloved master would rely on this thing to make up for her.

"I repeat, I just consumed too much! It's not empty!" Ning Xia immediately appeared on his forehead, interrupting Maxius, who was still chattering about the efficacy of tiger penis soup. Who is he?You don't have to be afraid of hitting three with one hit, and you still need this thing to make up?

"Ningxia, stop pretending. I've already inquired about it. You have a kidney deficiency condition." Bai Meng said as if I understood you.

"Baimeng..." Ning Xia looked at Baimeng with a 'moved' face, never expecting that the emergency food he had raised for so long would stab himself in the back.

"Well... what are you doing?" Gui Mo asked, holding the medicinal materials for restoring vitality.

"After all... explain to me." Ning Xia said with a speechless face, if there were not too many people present, he would have wanted Bai Meng to experience what cruelty is.

"Pfft..." After all, after listening to Baimeng's behavior, he couldn't help laughing out loud. Although Baimeng cared, his concern was too far from the original purpose.

"I'm sorry, I remembered... I remembered something happy..." After all, seeing the expressions of Baimeng and others, he said hastily.

"Kidney deficiency...hahahahaha...whip soup...hahahahaha..." Finally, he couldn't hold back his laughter.

After laughing for a long time, finally, out of breath, he briefly recounted the story of Ningxia being squeezed dry to the girls.

The most embarrassing Baimeng already wanted to jump off the building, she actually thought that Ningxia was finally squeezed out of something, and the matter in her heart was too embarrassing.

Maxius covered his face and didn't know how to look directly at Ningxia. When Baimeng asked him to make whip soup just now, he was a little excited. After all, he rarely cooks nourishing dishes, so this bowl is made with a tiger close to the demon god. The whip soup has a lot of good stuff added to it.

But looking at it now, Ningxia doesn't need to drink at all, so this stuff...

"Gudong..." Out of respect for the ingredients, it will definitely not waste this bowl of soup, but it has a little resistance to this thing.

At this time, Maxius began to regret why he added so many ingredients. After drinking it, he might have to run in Guiliyuan for three days and three nights.

Chapter 505

"Then this bowl of soup..." Baimeng looked at the steaming whip soup with a stiff face. If she drank it, would it cause her seven orifices to bleed because of too much nourishment?

"Ahem, Ruo Tuo has time today, you go and learn from it, and Ah Che, what are you doing at home in Ningxia every day, a group of newcomers are here today, why don't you hurry up and go for a checkup?" The melons were driven away.

Then he looked at the hesitant two and said, "What are you going to do with this bowl of soup?"

Baimon and Maxius looked at each other in blank dismay. Originally, the two formed a deep friendship in eating, but this time the whip soup was too much, so...

"Baimeng/crispy rice!" The two sold each other out without hesitation.

"Cracker, you made this bowl of soup, so you should be the one to drink it, right?" Baimeng said with a guilty conscience.

"Bai Meng, you asked me to make this bowl of soup. It stands to reason that if Master Ningxia doesn't need to drink it, you should drink it?" Maxius countered.

"It seems to be the reason... No! My daughter drinks this..." Baimeng blushed and looked at the bowl of soup, regretting his self-indulgence just now.

"You guys go out for a while, I have something to talk with after all." Ning Xia interrupted the dispute between the two.

"Oh..." The two who originally wanted to push the blame were embarrassed to stay here, and left one after the other.

"Is Heulia okay?" Ning Xia asked.

"It's all right, she just can't leave the salt cup for the time being, everything else is fine." After all, he said with a smile, and then took out the tonic that he had collected.

"Here are some tonics. Tomorrow I'll let the crispy rice cook for you. You should be able to feel better soon after eating it." After all, she thought about what happened just now and said, what's not good for tonic, but it's just this thing, she almost died laughing up.

"It's a tonic again..." Ning Xia looked at the bowl of soup, he had had enough, well, his body still needs a hammer!

"Hahahaha...these are nourishing vitality, not...um." After all, he suddenly realized something, and shyly turned his face away.

"You don't think I'm that kind of person, do you?" Ning Xia gritted his teeth and said, when was he ever questioned like this?Can he bear it?

"No, I didn't, it's just..." After all said shyly, she was a girl after all, so it's no wonder she wasn't shy when talking about this topic all the time.

"Cough cough cough...Okay, it's time for me to rest. If there's nothing else, I'll go to bed first." Ning Xia also saw the embarrassment in the end.

"Well...then I'll go first." After all, he left as if running away.

Ning Xia was lying on the bed, looking at the steaming whip soup, lost in thought.

When Baimeng came in, Ning Xia asked Baimeng to tidy up, he was about to rest, Baimeng put away the empty bowl with a moved face, as expected, Ningxia loved her the most.

Ningxia silently covered his body with the quilt, and he could only say that the tiger who was close to the demon god was really extraordinary, he was already so energetic that he could dance when he heard the chicken, but there were no beauties by his side...

In the middle of the night, Ningxia wandered around alone, and came to the vicinity of Longji Snow Mountain after walking.

Ningxia has no plans to cross the snow-capped mountains to go to Mond. After all, Wendy has forgotten about him now, and the area where the Demon God War has been completed will be closed by heaven until the winners are selected in other areas. It is only the part that is not closed.

Ningxia walks casually on the snow, and you can see Mond, which is already a green land, from a distance. It seems that the wheel of history has turned to New Mond.

"Phew...it's much better..." Ning Xia found a rock and sat down. The love is really good, and it lasts for a long time, but it's easier to live in the snow-capped mountains. It's just too boring.

Suddenly Ning Xia sensed an ominous breath, but it was very faint, and it was already in danger. Out of curiosity, Ning Xia came to the source of the breath, and saw a disheveled boy kneeling on the snow.

"He... is eating snow?" Ning Xia looked at the boy's unconscious behavior. His body was very bad. There were countless wounds of different sizes all over his body, some of which were congealed into blood scabs, or were still bleeding.

The young man seemed to have lost his mind, and he knelt on the snow in a daze, his hands were covered with dried blood, and his left hand, which lost three fingers, picked up a ball of snow and was about to put it into his mouth.

Ning Xia couldn't help but move closer to him to have a look, and found that he was an acquaintance.

"Drill?" Ningxia looked at Mandrill with dull eyes in disbelief. Although he felt that Mandrill would join Guiliyuan or Liyue sooner or later, he didn't look like he could survive today.

"Huh..." Ning Xia didn't care about so much anymore, Mandrill was a friend he would be familiar with in the future, and he couldn't just watch Mandrill die like this now.

Although the negative effect of the whip soup is indeed serious, at least Ningxia has not stopped yet, but it also restored a lot of vitality, which can be used to rescue the mandrill in front of him.

Under the warm light, Mandrill, who had lost consciousness, seemed to have regained a bit of sanity, and stared blankly at Ningxia exuding the breath of life. The ominous atmosphere of killing on his body was gradually dispelled. become delicious.

"Relax... Mandrill." Ning Xia said softly, Ning Xia's voice seemed to have magical powers, and the sluggish Mandrill couldn't help closing his eyes, his trembling body clinging to Ning Xia.

When the sun was about to rise, Ningxia returned to Guiliyuan with Mandrill on his back.

"Ningxia? What you're carrying on your back is..." Morax, who had already got up, looked at the boy behind Ningxia suspiciously.

"He seems to be controlled by something, can I trouble you to untie it?" Ning Xia asked.

Chapter 506 Mandrill: Hello, Lord and Mistress

"Balam's mark, he should have been abandoned." Morax said lightly, nodding Mandrill's forehead.

"It may be that Ruo Tuo and I went to Shimen before, so that Balam didn't dare to procrastinate, so he abandoned him at Shimen who was no longer worthwhile."

"And because of years of fighting and killing, his body was eroded by ominousness and resentment. He couldn't help coming to the snow to try to calm down. It's hard to imagine how he survived. His body is worse than Fushe and the others... said Morax, frowning.

"He... can he still be saved?" Ning Xia couldn't help asking, the breath of life he had just recovered was all used to rescue Mandrill, and there should be no physical problems.

"It's ok... You should have treated him, right? His body has recovered a lot, and I've also unlocked his mark and sealed the resentment." Morax helped Ning Xia to sit on the chair.

"Hmm..." Ning Xia nodded slightly, since Morax has made a move, it should be fine.

"It looks like he won't be able to go back to Balam. I don't know if he is willing to go back to Liyuan. Fushe and the others will welcome new members very much." Morax said, looking at the unconscious Mandrill.

"Yes." Ning Xia said with certainty.

"I hope, but..." Morax opened his mouth, but still didn't say anything. After all, she was too embarrassed to say that Ning Xia had been watching her dance since just now! ! !

At this time, Ning Xia also noticed that his Hot Sky Nail was still standing proudly between heaven and earth because of the whip soup, and turned his face away in embarrassment, trying to hide the unyielding Hot Sky Nail as much as possible. want to run away.

Morax's body stiffened and made Ning Xia a pot of calming tea, not only to let Ning Xia calm down, but also for her to calm down.

I think she, Morax, broke the legs of Balam, the speaker in the north of Liyue, broke the hands of Sidi, the male of Liyue, and smashed all the tentacles of Oser, the speaker in the south of Liyue. In this place, which demon god dares to disrespect her Morax?

Not to mention letting her see this kind of thing, if it was someone else, Morax would have blown this person up long before he had this idea.

But for Ningxia...

Morax took a sip of the tea lightly, trying to calm down the heart that was about to burst out. Although with the help of the end, she has gradually become a qualified leader, but...

"He...is he interested in me? But after all, he told me that Ningxia is not interested in me, and he can't lie to me after all... Could it be that he is shy? Or is he afraid that I will beat him? But now He already looks like this, and he still stays because of... No! He is just for that Yasha, I can't be sentimental! Am I still afraid that I won't find someone else in Liyue? Er... But in Liyue Ningxia, it seems It's my only choice..."

wrong!People are final!I still have to manage Guiliyuan, so I don't have time to do romantic things... Morax, calm down! ! "

"Cough! Cough cough!!!" When Morax was so ashamed that he was about to hit the wall, Mandrill woke up in good time, and finally broke the atmosphere that was so embarrassing that he was about to be kicked out of the Jade Pavilion.

"Here is..." Mandrill asked with a hoarse voice, and then saw a man and a woman sitting in front of him drinking tea, as if... a husband and wife.

"Are you awake? You're already... Bah! Your body is already healed." Ning Xia stood up and said, trying to hide her appearance of smelling chickens and dancing as much as possible.

"Here is..." Mandrill glanced around. It was a very neat and clean house. Morax and After all are not the kind of demon gods who like extravagance and waste. The house they live in is just one floor more than Ningxia's house. , Coupled with the carefully arranged scenes after all, it gives people a very warm feeling.

"No! I'm leaving!" Mandrill struggled to leave as if thinking of something. After he was controlled by Balam, he has been in a state of losing his mind all year round, doing many cruel and bloody things. Returning to sanity meant he was going to kill again.

"Hey! What's wrong with you? Your body is still very weak." Ning Xia hurriedly stopped Mandrill and said.

"I've lifted Balam's control for you, and I've suppressed the ominous resentment in your body for you, so stay here with peace of mind." Morax lightly tapped the void with his green finger, letting Mandrill be honest. lie back.

"I... free?" Mandrill looked at his hands in disbelief, no!The finger he lost from fighting with Chi's family last time is also back!

Mandrill carefully sensed every part of his body, relief... the long-lost sense of relief, the long-lost sense of relief since he was controlled by Balam...

Mandrill was very excited, he was finally free, but this feeling didn't last long, followed by guilt and pain that were about to overwhelm him.

He killed too many people, including countless poor and innocent people. His tenderness and innocence have long been obliterated by ruthless killings, leaving him with only killing skills and unforgettable pain.

"You should not be able to go back to Wuwangpo. If you don't mind, you can join Guiliyuan. There are also many Yashas here." Morax asked gently.

"Stay here?" Mandrill looked at Morax in disbelief. Could a person like him really have a home?

"Stay here...you are all welcome." Ning Xia followed suit.

"Beautiful Dream..." Mandrill looked at Ning Xia's face, he vaguely felt that when he was about to die, he met Sweet Dream, but he couldn't grasp that feeling, he could only vaguely remember the taste.

"I've seen the lord and the mistress..." Mandrill looked at the two people who were a match made in heaven, an indescribable feeling rushed over his chest, and regardless of the fact that his body had not fully recovered, he knelt heavily on the ground and said.

The title of lord was requested by Balam, so Mandrill subconsciously thought that Ningxia was the lord and Morax was the mistress.

"Oh?" Ning Xia looked at Mandrill with a dazed expression, countless Paemons rushed past in his heart, I'll take you to hang out with Morax, you actually want me to die?

Ning Xia turned his head stiffly to look at Morax, he didn't dare to look at his face, he only saw Morax's jade hands trembling.

"Gudong..." Ningxia felt despair at this moment, maybe Morax hated him so much in the future because of what Mandrill said.

"Morakes... why did you pick someone up again?" Gui finally went downstairs and shouted after having changed his clothes.

"After all, it's early. I'll make you boiled fish for breakfast. Please explain to him first!" Ning Xia took this opportunity and ran away.

No matter how beautiful Morax was, he didn't dare to move. After all, he was the top demon god among the top demon gods. If he really had any unreasonable thoughts, he would be able to discount him casually.

Chapter 507 Li Mahua and Kai Tianling

"Um... I want to eat beef noodles for breakfast." After all, he looked at Ning Xia who seemed to be running away and said, and then looked at Mandrill kneeling on the ground and Morax in a daze, wondering if these two did it behind his back What.

"This is...Morax, don't you want to explain?" After all, he leaned over curiously and asked, the appearance of Mandrill...how should I put it, the hair is like a chicken coop, the face is like black charcoal, and the body is covered with black charcoal. The clothes are dirty, even the beggar gang will call out the elders of the Dirty Clothes Sect when they see them.

"My... name." Mandrill lowered his head, his name was stained with too much blood, it was like a curse that kept haunting him.

"Since that's the case... from now on, you will be called Mandrill, right? In the legends of foreign countries, the word Mandrill represents suffering. A ghost who has been tempered. You have also experienced a lot, so you can use this name in the future. "Morax said lightly, she also understood Mandrill's thoughts.

"Yes..." Mandrill replied softly.

"Uh, that, should I be the one to do it next?" After all, he pointed to himself and said, it stands to reason that when Morax picks up someone, she should bring them to familiarize themselves with Gui Liyuan.

"Drill, let's get acquainted with the environment first." Morakes pointed to Guizhong and said, although on the surface she was no different, in fact, the impact of what Mandrill just said on her was not much worse than that of Ningxia.

"Yes." Mandrill quickly got used to his new name, and after a respectful reply, he followed and left.

"Huh..." Morax quickly picked up the teacup and drank it down. What kind of princess mother, Mandrill directly regarded her as Ningxia's wife, and this kind of thing...

If Morax had a crush on Ningxia, then he definitely did. Ningxia's appearance was much better than those crooked demon gods.

And the strength is not bad, at least in the future when there is a conflict, he won't miss it and become paralyzed. There will be opinions, so Ningxia is the best choice for her to get married.


Morax looked at Yuan and Mandrill going away, and slapped himself hard twice, trying to wake up a little bit, since they already had their own owner, and he couldn't do anything that would make him sorry.

"Alas..." Morax sighed heavily. She used to have no interest in Ningxia, but now she can only bless him.

"Morakes? Are you and Ning Xia originally married?" Heulia, who had been watching on the table, asked. If that was the case, she could only bless him.

"Me? I'm not..." Morax shook his head lightly and said, trying not to show a lonely look on his face.

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