"You have really changed a lot... If someone misidentified you before, he should be chopped into three parts now?" Heulia sighed.

"Eh... people... no matter what they say, they are also people who return to Liyuan, I can't do this!" Morax said with a slightly red face.

"That's it..." Heulia said with some disappointment. Compared with Morax, her situation was even worse. She couldn't even get to know Ning Xia, so she could only quietly watch Ning Xia and Ning Xia. Moraxe ended their interactions.

"Okay...you have to work hard today!" Morax patted his attractive cheek and said, she couldn't be delayed by this kind of thing.

But within a few steps, he squatted on the ground and started the battle between heaven and man again. Fortunately, there was no one else here except Heulia, and she had never seen her like this after all.

Ning Xia, who was running away, felt a little relieved when he came to the kitchen. He didn't think that a strong woman like Morax would like him, but he just wanted to be friends with Morax.

"Master Ningxia, what's the matter with you?" Maxius, who was making breakfast, asked, logically speaking, Ningxia should wait for it to deliver breakfast at home.

"Guoba, let me tell you something, don't be afraid, can you?" Ning Xia asked with a serious face, the three people Li Yue trusts the most are Kuai Mo, Maxius, and Liu Yun borrowing Feng Zhenjun.

"Look at what you said, I'm Maxius, the demon god, what can I be afraid of? Could it be that Oser's flesh is stinking?" Maxius waved his hand and said.

"Then I said..." Ning Xia looked at Maxius with a serious face and said, for the first time, he felt that this disciple who had been unreliable was finally reliable.

"Let's talk." Maxius made a pot of tea calmly and said, there are not many such good teas, and he is only willing to use them when he is with Ji Mo, Morax, Ning Xia and others.

"Just now someone... regarded Morax and me as husband and wife." Ning Xia said with a look of despair.

"Pfft!" Maxius, who wanted to savor the aroma of the tea, slapped Ning Xia's face suddenly.

"Master, are you kidding me?" Maxius asked in a trembling voice, it recalled some not-so-good memories...

"Am I that kind of boring person!?" Ning Xia said angrily. Morax was surprisingly irritable in this era, and he didn't dare to make fun of Morax.

"It's not that I don't believe it, it's just... let's put it this way! 200 years ago, a demon god came to confess his love to Morax. Guess what?" Maxius recalled with a look of fear.

"What's wrong?" Ning Xia asked curiously.

"I also know that demon god. He came from a carp demon god. I'm greedy... Bah! I've had a grudge with him for a long time. People who know him call him Lao Li. Although he looks a bit shabby, his strength is close to the top."

"At that time, he was in charge of the area in the northern part of the Bishui River, and he held [-] shrimp soldiers and crab generals. He was considered a powerful party. Just because Morax rejected him, this guy said something cheap, and he was screwed by Morax. Twist, since that day his name has changed from Lao Li to Li Twist..." Maxius said with a look of reminiscence.

"Gudong..." Ning Xia finally realized what kind of monster he had provoked this time. Would Morax turn him into a mess because of the incident just now?Or directly twist the crime tool into a twist?

"Not only that, but there is also the old king from the south of the Bishuihe River, a turtle demon god. No one but the top demon gods can break his iron skills. In a battle, that old boy wanted to take advantage of Morax, so he went directly to...just you He hit the place he knew, and was directly caught by Morakes, and then he unscrewed the cap of the sky that he was proud of with his bare hands." Maxius said with a sigh, Gui Liyuan was not so big back then, it was all Morakes. Si punched and kicked down.

Morax's fame also rose from the corpses of countless demon gods, and only Morax himself knew the blood and tears in it.

"By the way, I remember that kid Yunhua even wrote a poem for Lao Wang?"

"Di Ji grabbed me, and her hair fell to the ground.

If you want to peek at the top of the emperor, you will use your strength to open the sky. "

Maxius shook his head and said, it is very cute with its naive appearance, especially the chubby belly that trembles, which makes people want to touch it very much.

Chapter 508 Xiao Li Woke Up

After all, he led Mandrill to the place where Yasha lived, and it happened that Yingda had a rest today, so he could ask her to guide the newcomer Mandrill.

"Oh? Where's Yingda?" After all, he looked at the empty Yaksha's residence with a puzzled face and said, where did Yingda go in the morning?

"..." Mandrill looked at Gui Mo quietly, and told him a lot along the way, including but not limited to the fact that Morax and Ning Xia were not a couple.

Even a man like Mandrill, who has seen the big world, was shocked in his heart. How can someone ridicule two top bigwigs just after joining a faction.

At the end of the day, he comforted him that Ningxia and the current Morax had a good temper and would not do anything to him, but after all, the little fox-like smile always made him feel that things were not that simple.

"Well... If you can't find Yingda, you can only go to Fushe. He should be patrolling around Dihuazhou, right?" After all, he pinched his white chin and said.

After all, Yingda is resting today, so it's really not suitable to find her. It's better to ask the big brother Fushe of the Yashas to come and help.

At this time, Yingda came to Ningxia's house humming a little song that Ningxia taught her, and later played cards with Ningxia, chatted and ate snacks, and the happy day passed like this.

Every time she is with Ningxia, Yingda feels that her body's karma has been eliminated a lot, and that kind of long-lost sense of peace is something that every yaksha can't refuse.

"Master Ningxia~ I'm coming... eh?" Ying Da looked at the little Morax in Baimeng's arms with a dazed expression. Why did the Lord Morax she admired become such a cute little one?

"Baimeng! Where's Ningxia! I'm so big Ningxia!" Zhong Xiaoli yelled, grabbing Baimeng's Qing Yunding, she fell asleep, and when she woke up, the ice and snow disappeared, the house changed, and Ningxia didn't either. Now, there is only Baimon who can only eat and is fat to death in some places.

In the past, when she woke up, Ning Xia would always be by her side. As long as she acted like a baby, Ning Xia would hug her and give her a kiss, but this time Ning Xia was gone.

"I... I don't know... I just... I just woke up... Letting go... It hurts..." Baimeng grabbed Zhong Xiaoli's little hand and shouted, she also wondered where Ningxia went, Why is Ningxia as big as she is gone?

"Who are you!" Zhong Xiaoli looked at Yingda vigilantly, and she had already taken out a rock gun in her hand, but her appearance was fierce and cute, which was not threatening, but would make her One can't wait to hold her in her arms and ravage her severely.

But the aura of the top demon god exuding from her body is really terrifying, if Xiaoli is still desperately suppressing the impulse, now the entire Guiliyuan people will be lying on the ground because of Zhong Xiaoli's terrifying aura.

"Master Morax's hair color, his weapon, his aura, and even his appearance are [-]% to [-]% of that of Lord Morax... or in the house of Lord Ningxia... Is it possible!?" Ying Da suddenly felt that he knew a big secret, the kind that would be killed.

"Yingda! Help!" Baimeng said while grabbing Zhong Xiaoli's little hand, her Qing Yunding would be swollen by Zhong Xiaoli's scratching, that's fine, but Xiaoli only grabbed the left one, so looking at it like this Like Sidi, left and right are unbalanced.

"Did you take away my Ningxia!?" Zhong Xiaoli said angrily, she could smell Ningxia on Yingda's body, not only that, but the smell of Ningxia was everywhere, but there was no Ningxia.

Now Xiaoli can't take care of so much, her mind is only as much as a seven or eight-year-old child, and Ningxia, who she relied on most, is gone, which makes her feel very disturbed, if the only remaining reason is still telling her that she can't Do whatever you want, otherwise the whole Guiliyuan will be blown up.

"No! Yingda! You run! Xiaoli is terrified when she gets angry!" Baimeng said hastily, for fear that Xiaoli would suddenly go berserk and demolish Gui Liyuan. She believed that Xiaoli could do it.

"Where is my Ningxia!!!" Xiaoli asked again, restless emotions intertwined in her heart, if she couldn't see Ningxia again, she would really throw the rock gun out.

"Lord Morax...'s daughter? Please calm down! I'll take you to find Ningxia... Dad? You put down the gun first." Ying Da said quickly. The coercion that made her breathless was really terrifying.

"I'll say it again, where is my Ningxia!!!!!!" Xiaoli, who was about to lose her mind, raised her hand and was about to throw the rock spear out.

"Baimeng, you...Xiaoli?" Ning Xia, who was holding the fish porridge, looked at Xiaoli who was about to throw the rock spear, and was taken aback for a moment, then the expression on his face became agitated.

"Ningxia!!!" Xiaoli, who was about to throw the rock spear at Yingda, instantly returned to normal, and flew directly to Ningxia's body and hugged her tightly.

"Xiao Li, are you awake? That's great..." Ning Xia said while rubbing Xiao Li's head. Xiao Li's waking up was the only good news he heard these two days. It's much better to make twists or unscrew the Tianling cover.

"Where have you been? I'm so worried about you! I don't know what to do without you..." Xiaoli said aggrievedly, tears kept swirling in her two big shining eyes, and they were about to flow out.

"Oh...don't cry, Xiaoli, be good...don't cry, don't cry...it's my fault, I'm sorry..." Ningxia comforted Xiaoli carefully. This little guy usually kisses herself the most. I was so nervous when I didn't see myself.

Yingda, who was already frightened by Xiaoli's aura and sat down on the ground, was even more convinced that Zhong Xiaoli was the seed of Morax and Ningxia, because one day when he finally returned to Liyuan with Morax's private visit, Even with the name Zhong Li, she also made a cameo appearance as the maid at the end.

"Gudong... I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it. It's only been a few days since Lord Morax's attack is so fierce, and he has a child..." Ying Da thought with a look of surprise.

After all, the physiological and developmental conditions of Demon God and Yasha are different from human beings. She didn't think it was strange to have a child so soon.

"Is Yingda okay?" Ningxia asked Zhong Xiaoli in his arms, thanks to him coming back quickly, otherwise if Xiaoli threw down a rock spear, Yingda might say goodbye to this world.

"It's okay...it's okay..." Yingda said tremblingly, it was too exciting, this feeling, like almost being silenced after knowing the top gossip, made her both excited and scared.

"Ningxia... Huh..." Xiaoli hugged Ningxia's neck tightly with her two small hands, so that she could feel a little more at ease.

Chapter 509 Fire Element, Enthusiasm, Secretive

Because Xiaoli was too afraid that Ningxia would disappear again, she didn't want to get off Ningxia's body at all, and Ningxia didn't want to force her, so she could only let this little guy hug him.

"Ningxia!!!" Seeing that Xiaoli had returned to normal, Baimeng couldn't hold back anymore, he hugged Ningxia who had just put down his breakfast and began to cry bitterly.

Being pinched by Xiaoli was too painful, the burning pain made her feel wronged and sad, trying to get some comfort from Ningxia.

"What's the matter with you? Baimeng?" Ning Xia was puzzled looking at Baimeng who was hugging him and crying bitterly, and then his expression became stiff, because he...

Baimeng's Qing Yunding is slightly weaker than Morax, but it is definitely not small. Such a towering pair of Qing Yunding hits the body, and the effect of the whip soup still exists. The combination of the two feels like it is about to The extinguished flame meets Kaiya, and the ice cube that is about to melt is reborn as if meeting Kaiya.

"What... babble!" Baimeng also realized something, and she didn't let go of her hand this time, shyly looking down at Ningxia.

"Well... who can help me up?" Ying Da who was sitting on the ground asked weakly, why did she feel like she was superfluous.

"Um...please wait a moment." Ningxia said helplessly, it's fine for Xiaoli to be coquettish, why Baimeng also followed suit, and he didn't even separate after being chopped down by his wolf mob.

After recovering his emotions a little bit, Bai Meng reluctantly let go of his hand. She was a little shy at the feeling of being touched by the end of the wolf, but couldn't help being happy, which showed that Ning Xia had feelings for her.

Ningxia carefully helped Yingda up, and asked Xiaoli to apologize to Yingda. After all, Xiaoli was too excited just now, and Ningxia suspected that she was late.Xiao Li would really tear Gui Li Yuan down because she lost her mind.

"I'm sorry... Sister Yingda." Xiaoli said obediently, her big eyes blinked like a pair of shining suns, so bright that Yingda couldn't open her eyes.

"Master Morax's daughter is too cute, isn't it?" Ying Da couldn't help thinking, such a lovely daughter with such a beautiful mother as Morax, plus Ningxia's gentle, virtuous and very good-looking father is really too cute suitable.

"Yingda? Are you okay?" Ningxia asked with concern. Yingda is the one who has the best relationship with him among Yasha, and also the one who likes to play with him the most. Ningxia also likes this enthusiastic girl very much.

"It's okay, it's okay, I suddenly remembered something, I'll leave first!" Yingda left Ningxia's house excitedly, this kind of thing is really exciting, she needs to find a place to digest it, as for whether to say it or not... …

She, Yingda, swears by the name of General Fire Rat that she will never keep her mouth shut!

Ningxia didn't care about Yingda who ran away, Xiaoli's waking up made him feel much better.

"Ningxia, where are we now?" Xiao Li rubbed Ningxia's face and asked.

"Return to Liyuan..." Ningxia pinched Xiaoli's soft face and said, the baby fat feel that this little girl has is really great.

"Returning to Liyuan? It's a little familiar...but I really can't remember it." Xiaoli bit her finger and said, everything about Morax has long since been wiped out due to wear and tear and external invasion, leaving only some of the most precious marks, and then With Xiaoli's transformation, sooner or later she will completely disappear.

But for Xiaoli now, the past doesn't matter anymore, it is enough to have the precious present and Ningxia, her life has just begun, instead of sticking to the past.

"Shall I take you outside for a stroll?" Ningxia rubbed Xiaoli's head dotingly, her own Xiaoli is so cute, who can refuse her?

"Okay, but you can't let me go!" Xiao Li hugged Ning Xia tightly and said, her baby's fat little face stuck tightly to Ning Xia's neck.

"Okay, I will never let go, we will be together forever." Ning Xia comforted gently, in his opinion, Xiao Li is no longer Morax, but his family.

"Well! Together forever! When I grow up, I will be like Gurnhilde!" Xiaoli said happily.

"Cough, cough, cough! This won't work..." Ning Xia, who was drinking water, was startled by Xiaoli's words, and he didn't want to eat in prison yet.

"Why? I will grow up! Then I can be like Gunnhild!" Xiaoli looked at Ning Xia suspiciously. In her opinion, being the same as Gunnhild meant being closer.

"It's hard to explain, but this won't work anyway!" Ning Xia said with a serious face, but seeing Xiao Li who was about to cry again changed her gentle appearance and kept coaxing Xiao Li, and finally made her no longer obsessed with this topic up.

"Ningxia..." Baimeng looked at Baimeng coaxing Xiaoli with some jealousy, why did Ningxia's doting on her all go to Xiaoli when Xiaoli woke up.

"Bai Meng?" Ning Xia looked at Bai Meng. In order not to let her raise the flag again, Ning Xia tried her best not to look at Bai Meng's Qingyunding and other curvy places.

"It's nothing, I'll follow along..." Baimeng looked at his own Qing Yunding aggrievedly, the one on the left was bigger than the one on the right, but Ningxia didn't even look at it, could it be that he likes the flat plate after all?

"Baimeng..." Xiaoli, who was holding Ningxia, showed a sorry expression to Baimeng. She did grab a little too hard just now, but there was no other way. She couldn't grab Baimeng's neck, so she could only pinch Qing Cloud top.

The people passing by were very curious about the little glass that Ningxia was holding. After all, Ningxia often wandered around, and they were no strangers to this big man who is close to the people.

Today, this big man is actually holding a child, which makes people very curious. Although the current life is not as good as that of Liyue in the future, the atmosphere of gossip is engraved in human DNA.

But no one doubts that Xiaoli has any relationship with Morax. Morax's majesty in Guiliyuan is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In addition, what ordinary people see is her masculine appearance, which is blurred with a shield. , I just thought it was the heir of a certain fairy or the child of a great man.

Xiaoli wasn't too scared, she was very curious about this strange place, watching the passing people looking around, but she was unwilling to get off Ningxia's body.

"Ningxia! It's so strange here! Why is there no heavy snow? Gurnhild, Wendy, the big wolf who likes to look for you, and the idiot whose head was knocked by you are gone. Where did they all go?" Li asked suspiciously.

"I'm sorry Xiaoli, I left without telling you, they are waiting for us to come back far away..." Ning Xia said with a sad face.

"Ningxia, don't be sad, Xiaoli will be good." Xiaoli gently touched Ningxia's face with her white and tender hands, trying to comfort Ningxia in this way.

Chapter 510

"I'm fine, Xiao Li." Ning Xia said softly, he had accepted his fate, if he changed the history he was originally in, then many things would make sense.

Since he is destined to travel, he can only finish this journey seriously, whether it is for his sister, Huasanli, or others, he must not let the future become the world Zhong Xiaoli used to be in.

It's just that Baimeng at the back feels very uneasy. Although she also knows that this is an established fact, it is strange that Ningxia has no complaints when suddenly pulling a person to the past and making him travel in a strange era for 3000 years. Qing Yunding's grievances at being dragged by Xiaoli just now and Ningxia's attention to Xiaoli are still there, Baimeng has already started to think about some terrible things.

Istaru has lived in Tivat for a long time. She has existed as the manager of time since the first throne came. She has seen the rise and fall of many civilizations. She loves this world, so she did not choose to be with Farnese Leave, but stay in this incomplete world.

But...it doesn't matter how long she survived. Before she traveled with Ningxia under the name of Baimeng, time was just a noun for her, and what she witnessed was just a scene of a movie.

Whether it's for Baimeng or Istaru, the only time she really witnesses the world as a human being is the days when she travels with Ningxia.

The knowledge that exists in theory is also being practiced time and time again following Ningxia's life, which makes Baimeng clearly understand one thing, she knows a lot, but she is really good, whether it is socializing or fighting or other... …

Although Ningxia has said many times that she has accepted the reality, and Ningxia is really gentle to her, Baimeng is still very afraid that Ningxia will snub her, ignore her, or even don't want her. After all, Time Leap now has her without her It's the same, she who lost the power of time is a fool who can only eat, it's normal for Ning Xia to dislike her.

"Ningxia... I, I will also follow you... I will travel with you, please don't abandon me..." Baimeng cried and said, the more she thought about it, the more strange she was. She had already thought of the tragic experience without Ningxia, her Her fighting strength is not even as good as that of a wild boar, how could she live alone, and she is already used to the feeling of Ningxia being around, the kind of gentleness that can help her with everything, the kind of gentleness that can be comforted when she is wronged...

"Ah? Okay... Why are you crying Bai Meng? What's the matter? Are you feeling unwell?" Ning Xia was puzzled at first, and then asked with concern.

"I'm fine... I'm fine... I'm just... I'm just afraid that you will leave me... I'm stupid and can eat... It's my fault that I dragged you to this place suddenly, I'm sorry..." Baimeng hugged suddenly Looking at Ningxia and crying.

If the three of Ningxia hadn't come to the vicinity of Dihuazhou, because it was close to the original territory of Balam, basically no one would come here. Otherwise, if they were seen, they would think that Ningxia was bullying Baimeng.

"Baimon... I didn't want you... In fact, I am very grateful that you brought me into this world. I am very happy here. There are many family members who are worth waiting for, whether it is for them or for you. I will try my best to finish, so please rest assured..." Ningxia comforted Baimeng softly.

Unexpectedly, Baimeng, who is usually heartless, would have such a fragile side, which made Ningxia both helpless and funny.

"Then you promise, you will never abandon me, I, I can't live without you!" Baimeng sobbed and said, in her heart, she had already begun to rejoice that it was Ningxia who came to Tivat. If it was someone else, she might have disliked her long ago. used.

"I promise, we will complete this journey together, and then I will take you to meet my family. At that time, I will cook you the big meal you want, and let you know my sister, sister, and my confidant, Family members..." Ningxia smiled helplessly, and gently wiped Baimeng's tears with his left hand.

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