At first, when she thought that Xiaoli was Morax's daughter, she panicked. After all, in this case, she could only bless Morax, but looking at it now, she obviously still has a chance.

"I just don't know if you have any objections, Xiaoli? But Xiaoli, you don't want to embarrass Ningxia, do you?" After all, he smiled and said to Xiaoli's side.

"I don't want to..." Xiaoli glanced at Ningxia and then at Morax, and finally agreed with disgust.

"Hehehe, let me rub it again, Xiaoli is so soft~" After all excitedly hugged Xiaoli and said, it would be great to have a lovely daughter like Xiaoli after marriage in the future.

"Don't be like this!" Xiaoli pushed away after the end, and then took the initiative to rub Ningxia.

Chapter 517

The next morning, Morax and After all sat on chairs and began to sort out the plan to attack Balam.

"Morakes... Are you ready to attack Balam?" After all, he frowned and asked, Heulia's death had the shadow of Balam, and both after all and Morax knew.

Although the current Balam is still not at the peak due to his injuries, there are at least eight demon gods under Balam's command. If these demon gods die, the effect it brings is likely to turn Wuwangpo into a desperate situation.

Moreover, Chi and Oser have been forcing the scattered demon gods in Jueyunjian and southern Liyue to stand in line recently. Sidi's departure has already broken the balance of the four parties. If they attack Balam again, it is likely to cause other demon gods to join forces From the original.

"Time doesn't wait for me. I was wounded by Balam before. If Ruo Tuo and I attack together, we should be able to finish Balam as quickly as possible. In this way, only Chi is left in the north of Liyue." Morax wrote the plan.

"Okay... Now that you've made up your mind, I won't stop you. Gui Liyuan, I'll watch for you." After all, he patted his tablet and said.

"Well, with you and Maxius...and Ningxia, it will definitely be fine to return to Liyuan." Moraxus nodded and said, Maxius is a senior demon god and Ningxia is close to the top demon god, unless Oser or Chi will make a move, otherwise it will be more than enough to defend Guiliyuan.

"Yes, Ningxia is here..." After all, he looked up at the ceiling and said, the atmosphere between the two of them gradually became dignified, and they both wanted to know whether they had a crush on Ningxia.

"Di Ji, can we come in?" Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing Wind's voice came from outside the door, and other people could vaguely be heard talking in low voices.

"Please come in." Morakes said, True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Wind came just in time, breaking the embarrassment between her and Guizhong.

It's just that after opening the door, Morakes became stupid. Headed by Zhenjun Liuyun and Borrowing Feng, there are many immortals who have signed a contract with her or have a good relationship with her. look at her.

"Liuyun? What's going on here?" Morax asked in a dazed expression, it looked like someone got married.

"Di Ji, you are too mean. You have children, and you still have to answer without telling our friends... I only found out when I went to Ningxia." Zhenjun Liuyun borrowed the wind helplessly.

After leaving Ningxia's house, she ran around all the immortals and demon gods who had a good relationship with Morax, except for some who really couldn't come, they were almost all dragged by her.

"Child?" Morax's face suddenly changed. She hadn't prepared to explain Xiaoli's matter to others in detail, but Zhenjun Liuyun borrowed the wind with the loudspeaker and found out.

Silently looking at the friends behind with all kinds of expressions, and then seeing the sincere expression of Zhenjun Liuyun borrowing the wind, Morax really wanted to find an old crooked neck tree and hang himself.

"Yeah, I've seen it before. The child was almost carved out of your mold in terms of appearance and aura. At first I thought it was Diji, and you got smaller." At this time, Morax hadn't noticed yet. True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Feng said very proudly.

As soon as she saw Xiaoli, who was not yet mature and stable, and added Yingda's words, she was completely sure that Morax had a child behind their good friends' backs.

"..." Morax looked at the crowd quietly, she didn't know how to explain this matter at this time, explain it, friends are embarrassed, don't explain it, she may marry Ning Xia soon, uh, it seems to choose The back is fine...

"Hey! Liu Yun, where did you hear the fake news? I've met Xiao Li, she is Morax's younger sister, how did she become Morax's daughter?" Si asked with an innocent face beside him.

"Xiaoli? Younger sister?" This time, True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Wind was stupid, didn't Yingda mean his daughter?How did you become a younger sister?

"That's right, Xiao Li is Morax's younger sister, but she has been asleep for a little longer, so everyone doesn't know her." Finally said, blinking.

Seeing Zhenjun Liuyun borrowing the wind and their appearance, she knew that Xiaoli's rumors had been spread. After all, the two were so similar. If Morax and Xiaoli hadn't denied it, she would have thought that the two were Really mother and daughter.

Whether it's to clear Morax's innocence or to clear obstacles in Ningxia's relationship with herself, she must explain.

"Liu Yun, didn't you say that Lord Diji is married? How did it happen?" One of the immortals with a leaf in their mouth couldn't help asking, and the other immortals began to discuss.

Even Zhenjun Sheniu Ruliuyun Borrowing the Wind is embarrassed at this time.

"Hehehe, Liuyun must have misheard, blame me, blame me, I asked Liuyun to find you, because Morax's sister just woke up, and originally planned to invite everyone tomorrow, I didn't say anything It's clear that Liu Yun made a mistake about the time." After all, he said with a smile, and put the responsibility on himself calmly.

Listening to the end explaining to himself, Master Liu Yun borrowed Feng to show a grateful expression, as expected, after all is his best girlfriend.

Under Gui Mo's explanation, the immortal who was upset because Zhenjun Liuyun and Borrowing Wind bothered Qingjing also returned to normal. Blame something.

"So in the end, when will we see Di Ji's younger sister, this is my treasured Siguotou, let's treat it as a gift for her." Said the immortal with the leaf in his mouth.

"Hey hey, Yunhua, just give me two bottles? This is Morax's younger sister!" After all, he weighed the weight and said, Yunhua is also known as Guhua Shangxian by ordinary people. Wu Yi is still a person who loves wine, when the jar of Sanguotou shocked the whole Liyue, many demon gods were proud of getting a jar of Sanguotou.

Naturally free and easy, he doesn't mind his secret recipe being spread. Even Guiliyuan or other places know how to brew Sanguotou, but a jar of Sanguotou requires a lot of grain and fine craftsmanship.

Except for the relatively wealthy Gui Liyuan, there are not many places willing to brew wine, and those who are naturally thrifty are not willing to use grain to make wine. In her opinion, these grains are better than trading with other demon gods for things that Gui Liyuan does not have. .

"After all, you are still the same. Who am I, Yunhua Shangxian? What I sent must be good things!" Yunhua said proudly. He had just developed Ningxia Suffering Wine-Siguotou. The taste is better than that of Sanguotou, which is just right for giving to Di Ji.

Chapter 518 Good Sisters

(Please see what the author has to say!)

In the end, he persuaded all the immortals away with good words, and only Zhenjun Liuyun borrowed the wind was left in the hall that was originally crowded with immortals.

"Liuyun... Morax was almost killed by you!" the blushing Gui finally said helplessly, she had just opened Siguotou and drank a few sips, and she was already a little bit overwhelmed.

"No, I'm very sorry, Di Ji, after all, I just thought... I thought Di Ji was finally married and was very happy..." Zhenjun Liuyun said awkwardly.

" don't know Morax? She has already told me that this kind of love affair has to wait for Liyue to calm down before considering it. How could there be a daughter? Right! Morax." After all, he tiptoed and hooked up with Morax, and hiccupped from time to time.

"Ah... yes, I haven't calmed down Liyue yet, how can I have time to think about this kind of thing?" Morax replied awkwardly, if the immortals pushed her just now, she wouldn't be able to admit it.

"Di Ji, it's my fault, I'm very sorry..." Zhenjun Liuyun said in shame, until now she had never thought of confessing Yingda.

"It's okay, it's okay, we all know that Morax has no interest in Ningxia, so..." After all, he cheerfully picked up the Siguotou given by the Immortal Yunhua and took a sip.

Although Gui Mo looks like a girl, she is actually a little alcoholic, but after joining Gui Li Yuan, in order to keep her head clear, she seldom drank. Two cups of fun.

"I understand, I understand. Di Ji focuses on her career, so naturally she has no time to care about love affairs. I'm too self-righteous. I'm going to apologize to Ning Xia and restore his innocence!" Liu Yun borrowed Feng Zhenjun to feel that he understood The meaning of the end turned into a streamer and flew towards Ningxia's house, leaving only the end lying on the table and the hesitant Morax.

"No, I..." Morakes wanted to rescue him just now, but Zhenjun Liuyun borrowed the wind had already run away, leaving him lying on the table and sleeping soundly, with a smile on his delicate face, no I know what a sweet dream it is.

In the end, the helpless Morakes picked up the sound asleep after all and threw it back into the room, and began to regret why he didn't just let it go and admit it.

However, Morax was not too obsessed with this matter. She still had to prepare for the attack on Balam tomorrow. Let's talk about emotional matters after she finished the battle.

Ningxia's morning was much happier. Aping served the breakfast made by Maxius early, brewed Ningxia's favorite tea, and even helped Ningxia tidy up things for brushing her teeth and washing her face.

"Master, how is A Ping doing?" A Ping asked respectfully. It doesn't matter if the master is a little bit, she just likes him.

"Well, very good." Ningxia was very satisfied with Aping's attitude, what a good apprentice, except that he was a little stupid and couldn't warm up...cough cough, everything was fine.

"It's been a while since Master came to Guiliyuan, right?" A Ping asked after pouring a cup of tea.

"Well, it's been two months, right?" Ning Xia gently blew on the hot air, and then took a sip of tea.

"Then have you ever considered... getting married?" A Ping asked tentatively.

"Pfft!" Ning Xia was almost startled by A Ping's words. After all, he didn't understand the attitude of Morax, and he was married with a hammer, and he would leave sooner or later, so he couldn't stay here forever. .

"Don't think about it! Ningxia will marry me!" Xiaoli said angrily. She is obviously the best candidate for Ningxia's wife. Why do women who don't know good and bad always come here?

"That's right, that's right! I will marry my big brother too! So he doesn't have to think about anything!" Xiao Ganyu continued, naively, she still didn't fully understand the meaning of marriage, but she heard Xiaoli say that getting married can keep us together forever , then she must marry her favorite big brother too.

"Gan Yu!" Zhenjun Liuyun borrowed Feng, who just came to apologize to Ningxia, shouted angrily, this little guy was still trying to persuade him to marry Ningxia, and he rebelled within a day.

"Wow! True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Wind's mother is back!" Xiao Ganyu greeted excitedly.

"Ningxia...about Xiaoli..." The embarrassing Zhenjun Liuyun Bianfeng stammered to explain to Ningxia what he did, and gave a sincere apology.

"I'm very sorry for the influence I have caused you, I hope you can forgive me..." Master Liuyun borrowed wind shyly.

"It's okay, I don't mind..." Ning Xia said with a smile, rather than being angry or helpless, it would be better to say that Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing Wind in front of him made him feel cute.

"It's really great... But Gan Yu, how can you... Girls are like girls! You can't just talk about getting married! Don't you know!?" Liu Yun borrowed the wind and said with a blushing face. At the beginning, I decided to teach Gan Yu this knowledge later, even though she was half full.

"But? Liuyun Borrowing Wind Zhenjun's mother doesn't want to marry big brother, so Gan Yu has no choice but to marry big brother!" Gan Yu said innocently.

"Boss! Anyway, this is a very important thing! You can't agree to it casually! And! Me! I didn't say anything! No! Gan Yu! You go back with me first! I, I will teach you!" Stay Zhenjun Yun borrowed the wind to speak incoherently, then picked up Gan Yu and ran away.

Only A Ping, who I couldn't understand, was shocked, and Ningxia, who was holding tea, looked confused.

"Master, does True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Wind like you?" Aping pulled Ningxia's clothes and said, she didn't expect that True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Wind, who is famous among the immortals, would look like this to Ningxia.

"I don't know!" Ning Xia said helplessly, but she had already guessed most of it in her heart, no wonder the future Zhenjun Liuyun borrowed the wind would say that she likes herself, so it turned out that she did it at this time.

Chapter 519 Yingda: Three times, three times

On the second day after Gan Yu left, Zhenjun Liuyun borrowed wind and rushed to Ningxia anxiously to ask if Gan Yu had been here.

She took Gan Yu yesterday and planned to stay at Guizhong's house for one more day, but Gan Yu disappeared after Morax went out the next day.

"What to do, what to do? Gan Yu is gone, what should I do?" Liu Yun borrowed the wind to sit restlessly at Ningxia's house, she almost searched all over Gui Li Yuan but couldn't find Gan Yu.

"Zhenjun Liuyun and Borrowing Wind... Calm down, Gan Yu will be fine." Ning Xia comforted Zhenjun Liuyun and Borrowing Wind in a low voice. He also searched all over Guiliyuan immediately, even Shimen Dihuazhou Searched all over the place.

"But...but...Gan Yu is gone, I, I promised her parents to take good care of her, but I failed in my duty..." Liu Yun borrowed the wind to cry, even though she often disliked Gan Yu Fat, but her feelings for Gan Yu are not bad at all.

"Will she be stewed by unknown humans as a sheep? Will she be captured by the Qiuqiu people because she slept too dead, or will she be captured by demon gods from other places and used as a puppet?" Liu Yun borrowed the wind. The more Zhenjun thought about it, the more frightened he became. Since Gan Yu was with her, it was the first time he lost it.

"Take a break first, how about I go look for it later?" Ning Xia comforted Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing Wind. Although he knew that Gan Yu would be fine in the future, he was also very worried about Gan Yu's disappearance.

"I, I'll look for it too, I can still..." As soon as Zhenjun Liuyun borrowed the wind to stand up, Ningxia forced him on the bed.

"Be obedient and rest." Ning Xia said forcefully, he understood True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Wind's feelings, but her condition was too bad and she had to rest.

The gentle breath of life comforted the restless Zhenjun Liuyun borrowed wind, and then he closed his eyes.

"Xiao Li, you and Bai Meng will take care of Zhenjun Liuyun and Borrowing Wind, and I will go find Gan Yu." Ning Xia whispered, afraid of waking up Zhenjun Liuyun and Borrowing Wind.

"Okay." The sensible Xiao Li nodded and said.

This time Ningxia flew directly towards Dihuazhou, just in time to meet a familiar figure limping towards Guiliyuan.

"Yingda? Ganyu!?" Ningxia looked at Ganyu sleeping in Yingda's arms in surprise.

"Ning...Master Ningxia...Good morning..." Yingda greeted guiltily, and she also knew that Xiaoli was the younger sister of Morax.

As the instigator of the rumors, she was too embarrassed to talk to Ning Xia, that kind of thing was really embarrassing.

"Yingda, why is Gan Yu here with you?" Ning Xia quickly took Gan Yu and asked.

"This...Actually..." Yingda couldn't stop laughing as if thinking of something funny, and then touched the wound on his buttocks, and couldn't help showing a painful look.

"It's actually like this. Didn't Xiao Ganyu finish talking about losing weight yesterday? As a result, she fell asleep on Mr. Ruotuo while running, and then told us..." Yingda roughly talked about their attack on Balam .

Because of his serious injuries, Balam didn't dare to face Morax head-on, and after resisting for a while, he ran away with his men.

And Gan Yu, who just woke up, was caught by a low-level demon god who was about to escape. The demon god was happy when he saw Gan Yu. Gan Yu swallowed it.

Then because Gan Yu was too fat and stuck in his throat, he lay on the ground rolling and beating his chest, which happened to give Morax a chance to kill him.

"..." After Ningxia heard the story, her worrying emotions disappeared. It's really... so funny.

A majestic demon god, even a low-level demon god, missed the chance to escape because of being choked, and was killed by Morax.

"Yeah, we, pfft, we couldn't help laughing after the war, but later on we thought that Wuwangpo had just been pacified, and Lord Morakes was afraid that he would leave the clouds and borrow the wind to worry about Zhenjun, so he sent me to send Ganyu back. " Yingda said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll take Xiao Ganyu back first, and you too, maybe True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Wind will thank you very much." Ning Xia said, touching Gan Yu who was sleeping soundly.

"I, I won't go...I'm afraid she will hit me..." Yingda said with a guilty conscience, and there was one thing she didn't say. When Gan Yu was rescued just now, she was pushed to the bottom by Gan Yu. That's why she was considered a wounded person, so she was allowed to come back.

"If you're referring to Xiaoli's matter, it's actually okay." Ning Xia said helplessly.

"Did Master Ningxia forgive me?" Ying Da asked expectantly, the wound on his buttocks didn't feel so painful.

"Forgive me, it's okay, if Master Liuyun is angry, I will help." Ningxia comforted, and healed Yingda's injury with the breath of life, so that she would not feel so uncomfortable.

"Well, then I'll go too!" Ying Da hugged Ning Xia directly and said, Ning Xia's breath can eliminate some karma, Ying Da likes it very much.

Ning Xia directly brought Gan Yu back to her home, just in time to see Xiao Li pressing Zhenjun Liuyun borrowing the wind who wanted to leave.

"Liu Yun Borrowing Feng Zhenjun, Gan Yu is back." Ning Xia said holding up Gan Yu.

"Gan Yu!" Liu Yun borrowed Feng Zhenjun to quickly snatch Xiao Gan Yu from Ning Xia's arms.

"Huh? Liuyun Borrowing Wind Zhenjun's mother?" Gan Yu, who had just woken up at this time, was still very puzzled.

"Where did you go! Do you know that I'm worried about you! I'm going crazy!" Liu Yun borrowed Feng Zhenjun to cry and laugh, holding Gan Yu tightly and refusing to let go.

"By the way, Ningxia, thank you! Thank you for bringing Gan Yu back!" Liu Yun borrowed Feng Zhenjun to hold Ning Xia directly and kiss him for a while. He sent his own sweet kiss stingily.

"Liuyun, I found... huh?" Originally, he wanted to come to Zhenjun Liuyun and borrow the wind to tell him that he had a clue, but he just stared blankly at Zhenjun Liuyun and borrowed the wind to hug Ning Xia for a kiss.

"Ah? I, I'm just, I'm just..." Liuyun Borrowing Feng Zhenjun realized his behavior at this time, and let go of Ningxia in embarrassment. She just thanked Ningxia so she couldn't help it...although she also had a little liking .

"This, so..." Finally said with a stiff face.

"In short, I am very grateful to Ningxia for helping me find Gan Yu. I, I have nothing to repay, but, I can only..." Master Liuyun stammered, unable to figure out what he was talking about. That's it.

"Promise with your body?" Ying Da beside him couldn't help but said.

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