"Does Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing Wind's mother want to marry big brother?" Gan Yu followed up.

"I, I have something else to do, I'm leaving first!!!" Liuyun Borrowing Wind directly hugged Gan Yu and knocked Yingda into the air, and then left Ningxia's house as if fleeing.

"My ass..." Ying Da clutched his small buttocks, feeling aggrieved, how could he still kick her ass with Liuyun borrowing the wind to bump into her.

"Ningxia, can you go out with me? I have something I want to ask you." After all, he asked with a stiff face, and squeezed Yingda's buttocks with one hand. She didn't have time to figure things out and the things she talked about just now.

"Well..." Yingda didn't dare to say anything this time, it was the first time she saw Gui Mo like this.

Chapter 520 Cutting the Sea

After all, he took Ningxia to Liulihua Beach in Dihuazhou, and shy red clouds quickly covered the whole face.

"Ningxia...do you like me?" After all, she plucked a glazed lily and asked, she thought a lot, and instead of continuing to be coy, she might as well ask Ningxia directly.

"I..." Ning Xia looked at Jing Jing, who pinned the Liuli Lily on her head, and it was hard to tell if she didn't like it.

"I like it..." Ning Xia said seriously after going through a psychological struggle.

"Then... can we... can we try to be together?" After all, he asked seriously.

"Finally..." In front of her was a beautiful girl like a glazed lily. From probing to being honest, Ningxia had already vaguely understood their feelings for her.

"Of course, if you like Morax or Liuyun more... I, bless you." After all, he said with a smile, but the little hand holding the collar was still trembling uncontrollably.

"No...it's just me..." Ning Xia took a deep breath, and decided to be honest about his origin and fate. He believed that after all, there was no point in hiding it like this.

"I am indeed a rice wife, but I am not from this era, but..."

After all, she quietly listened to Ning Xia's story. Although there was a puzzled expression on her face, she could hear the sincerity in Ning Xia's words.

"Everything about me is in the future. As I said before, my stay in Liyue is only temporary. I can't stay in Liyue... at least not now." Ningxia looked at Huahai and said.

"3000 years?" Finally asked calmly.

"Well...it should be 3000 years, so I..." Ning Xia turned to look at Gui Zhong and said, 3000 years...he didn't want the girl in front of him to wait so long.

"I... can wait for you." Ji Mo suddenly hugged Ning Xia and said.

"3000 years is enough time for Morax and I to guide the growth of Liyue's humans. When you come back, I can meet you again." Finally said seriously.

"But I'm a very carefree man, my..." Ning Xia hugged the end and said, he is a top-notch scumbag, so he dare not make promises to others casually, not everyone can accept that kind of Yes.

"Hmph! You think I can't see it! You look like the kind of big villain who likes to lie to ignorant girls like me! I, I have just been deceived by you... Otherwise! I, I must let Morax beat you!" After all, he said half complaining and half coquettish.

"Are you really alright?" Ning Xia asked again, Gui Mo's delicate body was tightly attached to his body, Ning Xia couldn't help but hug him even harder.

"Also! You still need to ask! Really... please! I hate it! That thing touched me!" After all, he hammered Ning Xia's chest shyly.

"Since you were cheated by me, then I won't let you go~" Ningxia hugged the princess with a smirk on her face, trying to hide the complicated feelings in her heart, Liyue Port 3000 years later , but there is no demon god named Guishang...

"Huh! This, this kind of thing can't be casual, just... just that, you met me again! Really, really..." After all, she kept struggling in Ningxia's arms, and her shame and anger made her want to run away. go home.

The two leaned on each other on the sea of ​​glazed flowers. It was not until night that Ning Xia parted from the reluctant Gui Mo. After watching Gui Mo leave in shame and indignation, the smile on Ning Xia's face gradually disappeared. No matter what, he must leave after leaving Take protective measures in advance, and we must see the end again in 3000 years.

"Ningxia? What's the matter with you?" Baimeng looked at Ningxia with a gloomy face worriedly. Even she rarely saw Ningxia showing such an expression.

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking about something." Ning Xia put away her worries and showed a warm smile.

"Ningxia hug!" Xiaoli raised her hand and shouted.

"Okay." Ningxia smiled and picked up Xiaoli and kissed him. No matter how distressed he was, he couldn't make Xiaoli and Baimeng worry in front of him.

"Master Ningxia..." Ying Da leaned against the wall aggrieved. It was the first time that Ying Da had been seriously injured three times in one place after so many years of war.

"Do you want me to heal you?" Ning Xia asked.

"Yes? Is it okay?" Yingda shyly covered her buttocks. If it was Ningxia, she would not be unacceptable, but it was the first time she was touched there by a man, and Yingda was still a little ashamed.

"It'll be all right." Ning Xia didn't think too much about it, his mind is now full of how to ensure that he can be safe when he is not around.

It stands to reason that after all, it is Morax's best friend, and will definitely be protected by Morax, but the future Guiliyuan has become ruins, and there is no trace of history after all.

"Hehehe~ Master Ningxia, your ability is really convenient. It would be great if I could take you with me to fight, so that I can get injured like this... Aww!!!" Ying Dagang, who was lying on the bed, was lamenting the usefulness of Ningxia's ability , and was severely pinched by Ningxia.

"That's right...carry it with you..." Ning Xia remembered the way he could store the Seventh Gold Sword Qi on the sword. It stands to reason that he could also make some utensils that store the Seventh Gold Sword Qi and the breath of life.

"Master Ningxia... If you are still angry at me for talking nonsense, you can actually punish me directly..." Yingda covered her buttocks aggrievedly, she admitted it with her big mouth, but why did everyone spank their butts?

"Uh...Sorry, I was just thinking about something." Ning Xia said embarrassedly, but Yingda's touch was really good.

"My butt...it must be purple! Maybe it's swollen!" Yingda said aggrievedly, she swore that she would never talk anymore, she already knew she was wrong.

In the end, after Ningxia treated Yingda again, the aggrieved Yingda left with her head down. It seemed that the multiple serious injuries that day had cast a great shadow over her.

After sending Yingda away, Ning Xia began to try to store Seventh Gold Sword Qi on the grass shaving sword. Xiaobai, who had begun to vaguely awaken the body of the Demon God, naturally would not feel so uncomfortable because of one or two Seventh Gold Sword Qi. Safely hiding in the Kusanagi sword.

For the experiment, Ningxia brought Xiaoli to the beach, so as not to accidentally injure Guiliyuan with Gengjin's sword energy.

"Xiao Li, try it." Ning Xia handed the grass shaving sword to Xiao Li, asking her to try to activate the Gengjin Sword Qi inside.

"Okay!" Xiao Li used a trace of rock element to stimulate Seventh Gold Sword Qi, driven by Xiao Li, Seventh Gold Sword Qi spurted out from the tip of the sword.

But in an instant, the Gengjin sword energy cut open the sea, and the sea water in the area it passed through could not merge for a while, leaving a long road behind.

Chapter 521 After I finish the war, the person I like is already my best friend

Ningxia tried a few more times later, and came to the conclusion that only items of the Demon God level are the most suitable storage items for Gengjin Sword Qi, among which the Dragon Tooth Sword is the most effective.

And the breath of life is not so particular. As long as the gentle breath of life is stored in the item, it can be stored for a long time, but the item of the demon god level is the best.

Thinking of this, Ningxia silently took out the dragon tooth that Morax had given him. It was dropped by Morax when he dragged Ruo Tuo to fight at Shimen last time. According to Morax's explanation, she accidentally knocked it out. Anyway, if Tuo could grow back his tooth decay, he would simply give it to Ningxia as an apology.

Originally, Ningxia only had a mentality of collecting dragon teeth. After all, Ruo Tuo's dragon teeth are very beautiful, with a soft luster on the milky white surface, and it feels surprisingly good to the touch. It is hard to imagine that this is a tooth decay. a good tooth,

And it contains a trace of Ruo Tuo's terrifying power. It is hard to imagine how Morax could break it with his bare hands, and it was broken so neatly, it was more like being pulled out by the roots.

After admiring the power of Morax for a bit, Ningxia took out the Kusanagi Sword again. Since it was given to Guizhong, it must be carved first, otherwise it would be too careless to only give Longya.

In the following week, Ning Xia was besides carving dragon teeth and accompanying Gui Shengsheng. After confirming the relationship, Gui Mo was not very resistant to the intimacy with Ning Xia.

Occasionally hugging, holding hands, etc., feeling the shy reproach and coquettish complaints of the girl in her arms, Ning Xia felt that she was jumping repeatedly on the verge of breaking the law every time.

"Ning... Ningxia, you met me again!" After all, she said shyly, sitting in Ningxia's arms, she could only reach her chest, feeling that Ningxia's wolf end had begun to be enchanted by fire, and couldn't help but use The little hands beat their chests angrily.

I thought in my heart if it was not good to go on like this, after all I heard that men can't hold back, but when I think of doing strange things with Ningxia here, I will be too shy to speak after all.

"What do you want to eat today?" Ning Xia touched the dragon tooth bracelet and finger ring in Gui Mo's hand, both of which were made of Ruo Tuo's dragon teeth, which also stored half of Ning Xia's life breath, and also stored twenty Daogeng Jin Jianqi.

If it weren't for the lack of dragon teeth, Ningxia would have wanted to make another dragon tooth necklace for the end. Unfortunately, under Ningxia's suggestion, the dragon teeth of the Dragon King Ruotuo were used to fight the Dragon Tooth Sword. Shall I beat Ruo Tuo?

Moreover, the carving of the Dragon Tooth Sword was witnessed by Ningxia, and the process was very pleasing to the eye. After all, Morax's Qing Yunding...

It's just that the dragon tooth sword carved by Morax at the back... At that time, Ruo Tuo was autistic when he saw it, but Ningxia suggested reshaping it, leaving only the very wise Dragon King Ruo Tuo on the hilt.

"Boiled fish, some fried chicken and Gudong meat, and some fried three delicacies and jade white jade soup, yes! I want tofu flower for dessert, remember to add more sugar!" After all, she broke her fingers and said, her mouth was completely Adopted by Ningxia.

"Okay, I'll do whatever you want." Ning Xia kissed her tender and smooth face hard.

"Really! Really, it's all saliva..." After all, he wiped his face shyly, but then smacked Ningxia's face again.

"I've already thought about it... When Morax comes back, I will confess our relationship to her, and I think she should bless us."

"As for the wedding... I, I'd better wait 3000 years, but I'm yours now, your lady, and when Morax comes back, we'll be husband and wife, and I, I should also call you Husband~" After all, he said his thoughts coyly.

She wasn't quite sure whether Morax was really not interested in Ningxia, but it seemed that she had no interest in Ningxia... right?

"After all...it's hard for you." Ning Xia rubbed Gui Zhong's little head lovingly. After all, being so considerate always made him feel distressed.

"Okay~ Hurry up and cook for me~ Husband~" After all shyly pushed Ningxia, waiting for 3000 years is not just talking casually, but after all he didn't want to embarrass Ningxia, and knowing that Ningxia will leave sooner or later, After all, I always cherish the time with Ningxia.

After arriving in the kitchen, Ningxia skillfully cooked boiled fish, which is his favorite, and Maxius sighed: "Master Ningxia is really good, even the girl in the end was taken down by you."

"Go, go, do you ever tease Master like that?" Ning Xia picked up a wooden spoon and tapped Maxius on the head.

"Hey hey~ Isn't this still Master Ningxia, you are amazing?" Maxius said with a smile.

"You..." Ning Xia said helplessly, this apprentice became more and more disobedient, and even teased his master.

"By the way, Moraxus is coming back today, and I may need your help, Master Ningxia, tonight. I wonder if I can..." Maxius approached Ningxia and asked tentatively.

"No problem, anyway, I have time." Ningxia waved his hand and said, his life will be more enriched after the end, he will accompany Xiaoli and Baimeng in the morning, then practice Aping, and drink tea at noon , eat snacks, and accompany Guizhong to go to Tianheng Mountain to look at the stars at night, and proudly show off the Guizhong machine made by her and Liuyun Borrowing Feng Zhenjun.

Seeing the girl's proud appearance, Ning Xia will also give a timely compliment, so that she can get a shy kiss after all.

The distance between the two of them is only the last layer of paper, but after all, it is too busy to manage Gui Liyuan alone, and Ning Xia didn't want to embarrass her so he held back.

At this time, Morax, who had suppressed Wuwangpo, was slowly walking back to Liyuan. The current state of Liyue North is very good. Balam and Sidi ran away. Unification is complete.

"I don't know how it will end up with Ningxia and the others? Liyue North has been unified. After I finish Chi and Oser, the unification should be completed, right?"

"When the time comes, Ningxia... umm!!! It's not clear whether people will be interested in me or not!" The shy Morax thought while covering his face.

"Morakes, what's the matter with you?" Ruo Tuo asked with concern.

"Ah!" The shy Morax accidentally punched the unsuspecting Ruo Tuo away.

Ruo Tuo, who was thrown into the side hill, lay there with a dazed expression on his face. The place where Morax had his tooth pulled out last time was still aching. He wondered that he hadn't done anything bad recently.

Chapter 522 Poor Dragon King Ruo Tuo, Being Toyed Between the Palms of Gui Mo and Morax

"Ruo Tuo...me." Morax stretched out his hand to touch Ruo Tuo's head to express his apology, but instead, the terrified Ruo Tuo backed away again and again, fearing that he would be blown away by Morax's punch again.

Although the two fight with all their strength, Morax is too tough. If it really fights, it can only rely on its rough skin and thick flesh to fight against Morax with all its strength. Whoever has no physical strength will lose first, and It hurts too much for Morax to punch someone, and pure power is not something to talk about lightly.

"I'm sorry! Morax, I shouldn't have secretly said that no one wants your violence in the stratum abyss, and I shouldn't have smashed and eaten your favorite plate of century-old walnuts, and I shouldn't have secretly rummaged through it while you were away. Your clothes make sure you don’t have a breast pad..." Ruo Tuo, who was too panicked, thought that Morax had found out about the shit he did, and quickly began to repent of the shit he did behind Morax's back.

"..." Morax felt hard for a moment, and her fist hardened again. It was the first time since she led Ruo Duo to the ground that she regretted it.

"Ruotuo, I'm not angry, really, I'm not angry." Morax said with a warm smile, but the bulging veins on a pair of white tender jade hands showed that she was not in such a good mood as she said.

Morax's violence is obvious to Liyue. Morax doesn't particularly mind a few words of teasing from her friends, as long as she doesn't call her a violent spinster.

But the pair of walnuts that she used for self-cultivation, she has been coiling for hundreds of years, and the feelings she injected into them are self-evident, but if it is Ruo Tuo, she can bear it and let it go, after all, Ruo Tuo is so Simple and honest, she can't be angry.

But I suspect that she padded her breasts...

"Huh...Ruotuo, I was still thinking about what gifts to bring to Guizhong and Ningxia when I returned to Liyuan, but now I have already thought about it." Morax said with a straight face. The genuine ones, Quan Liyue couldn't find another pair of the same size.

"What gift?" Ruo Tuo asked suspiciously, but Morax didn't seem to be very angry, so he tried to get close to Morax, maybe he would forgive him for the fact that the north is close to unification Maybe.

"Your tooth decay~" Morax said with a smile still, his hands raised and his teeth dropped, followed by an indescribable scream and the loud sound of fists piercing through the mountain.

Then the whole world fell into peace, and Morax looked at the two big teeth in his hand with satisfaction. Although they were as white as jade, warm and bright, they were indeed Ruo Tuo's decayed teeth.

"Ruotuo, it's not good for you to doubt, you have to doubt this pair of genuine things..." Morax picked up the unconscious Ruo Tuo and said, although Morax didn't say anything about this pair, but as a woman, she still very proud.

"Brother Fushe, that was the scream of Dragon King Ruo Tuo just now, right? Shouldn't we go and see?" Fa Nan couldn't help asking, it was hard to imagine what happened in front of her, and it made her think of the invincible Dragon King Ruo Tuo They all made such horrific screams.

"It's okay, it's Di Ji who is walking with the Dragon King Ruo Tuo, presumably Di Ji is competing with the Dragon King Ruo Tuo." Fu She pressed Fa Nan and said, the matter between the two top demon gods is not like them Little Serenade can be blended.

But at this time, Fu She couldn't help worrying about that Jinpeng boy who had just joined Guiliyuan. He was once forced by Balam to indulge in devouring his dreams. In fact, he had been troubled by nightmares all the time. He was very worried about Mandrill's mental state.

Indulging in the pleasure of devouring the dreams of the losers and suffering from their pain, it is hard to imagine the endless suffering that Mandrill has experienced in the past.

"Brother, are you worried about Mandrill?" Mi Nu asked. When Mandrill first joined, the Yashas were very happy. Yashas were already rare because of Liyue's chaos. It is very rare for ten yakshas to meet a compatriot from outside.

"That's right, his condition is very unstable, if it wasn't for the fact that we must be together for this expedition..." Fu She said worriedly.

"With Yingda...it shouldn't be a problem, right? She...should be able to have a few words with Mandrill... right?" Fanan is hard to say at this time, Yingda's enthusiasm is enthusiasm, but Mandrill is too indifferent, even Even now, Fu She can only have some simple communication with him.

"I hope Yingda won't do anything strange..." Fu She supported his forehead and said, Yingda is good at everything, but his mouth can't keep secrets, and he is too enthusiastic, Fu She always feels that Yingda is not suitable Get along with Mandrill.

"One week...it shouldn't be a problem..." Mi Nu was not very sure at this time, Yingda's style review belonged to the type of people who like it very much, and those who don't like it very much, but it's great to return to the original Most people appreciate the hospitality that should be expected.

It can be said that Yingda changed everyone's stereotype that Yasha was indifferent, cruel and capable of fighting by himself, and let people know that there are passionate and simple people in Yasha.

"Forget it, we have already arrived at Dihuazhou, and we will arrive at Guiliyuan in a while. I will be responsible for the report. You go back and have a look." Fu She said with her arms folded.

"Okay." Fa Nan and Mi Nu nodded and said.

After returning to Liyuan, Morax awakened Ruo Tuo who was unconscious. After all, he knew that after they came back today, they had already arranged a banquet, and when the two wrote to each other, they finally said that there was a surprise waiting for her to come back.

"Molakh died? Why did I sleep on the left side?" Ruo Tuo touched his head and said, because he lost two more teeth, his words began to leak. (Ruotuo's words leaked, not a typo.)

"Ah, I'm sorry Ruo Tuo, on the way back we were attacked by Balam who came back suddenly. It was because I didn't notice him that caused you... alas... two teeth fell out." Morax had a guilty look on his face. 'He took out two jade-like dragon teeth.

"Worshiping the wolf? That family hasn't left Liyue yet?" The Dragon King Ruo Tuo was honest and honest!Because of the headache, he is still not so clear-headed, and subconsciously believed Morax's clumsy lies.

"It's okay, I've seen with my own eyes just now that he's far away from the Liyue Realm, and he will definitely not come back." Morakes said nonsense in a serious manner, and she and Ji Mouluo already had a set of professional procedures in this regard.

"That's it...Kexi, Bailang's family lived in Wuwangpo so hard that I ran away after two hits. I still want to have a good time with him." Ruotuo touched his head and said, originally thought that Bailang Lang mainly relied on rock fire elements to fight, but he didn't expect that his physical strength was at the same level as Morax's.

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