"It's okay. After we calm down Liyue, we will have a lot of time to discuss together. Now let's go to Guiliyuan first. Maybe Maxius has prepared your favorite stone amber and night stone." Morakot Si changed the subject and said, it would be bad if we continue to dwell on this topic, maybe Ruo Tuo will remember it.

Although the rock elemental creatures like the Dragon King Ruo Tuo do not need to eat, they enjoy the process of gnawing on minerals, especially high-quality minerals.

In addition, they also have a sense of taste, but Ruo Tuo dislikes the trouble of eating human food, so he doesn't eat much. Even Maxius can't make Ruo Tuo Dragon King eat obediently, he can only provide ore.

"Left, it happens that the dragon tooth can be given to Guizhong and Ningxia." Ruo Tuo didn't think too much, nodded and turned into the size of a rock dragon baby lizard, and followed Morax back home.

"Since you don't mind, then I won't be polite." Morax put away the dragon's teeth with a 'ashamed' face, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

The poor Dragon King Ruo Tuo was once again played by Morax in the palm of his hand.

Chapter 523

"Morakes! Ruo Tuo! Long time no see~" After all, he greeted the two very warmly as soon as he saw them.

"We've only been away for a week?" Ruo Tuo couldn't help complaining.

"Hehehe~ Ningxia is right, seeing each other every day is like three autumns. If we haven't seen each other for a week, it means we haven't seen each other for 21 years." After all, he said with a smile, and there was no change before leaving with Morax , if I have to say it, it is more relaxed when mentioning Ningxia.

"By the way, where is Ningxia? When I came back, I was attacked by that guy named Wolf Worship. Can you please help me treat it?" Ruo Tuo opened his mouth, and the two most powerful teeth disappeared.

"Eh..." After all, she couldn't help but look at Morax at the side. She was too familiar with this kind of thing, but at most she was fooling around with her mouth. She didn't expect Morax to be so cruel. Maybe Ruo Tuo yelled A violent spinster?

"Cough cough, after all, Ruo Tuo's good friends, Shi Po and Ye Ming Shi, should be ready?" Morax coughed heavily, trying to keep her from talking about this topic as much as possible.

"Oh, oh, it's ready, and Ningxia will cook in person, Ruotuo~ You don't want to miss it, do you?" After all, he asked while holding Ruotuo's naive faucet.

"Me? Let me forget it? I always feel that the human form is weird." Ruo Tuo refused. In its view, the human form has no armor, and it is not easy to exert its full strength. The most important thing is... She followed Gui always the same.

"Ruotuo~ Based on our relationship, you won't reject me, right?" After all, he asked pitifully.

"Okay, okay..." Ruo Tuo couldn't resist Gui Zhong's enthusiastic request, especially when the couple rolled around on its face, flustered.

With the continuous shrinking of the rich rock elements, the originally not very handsome Dragon King Ruo Tuo became a petite and lovely girl, with a little reluctance on her immature face, wearing a robe similar to Morax, However, compared to the pair of proud Qing Yunding, Ruo Tuo's flat land can be seen at a glance, and it can only be compared with the end.

Originally, the height of the dragon king was equivalent to that of a mountain peak, but it was a big reversal of the human form, and was even a head shorter than the end. If you didn't know that she was the dragon king Ruo Tuo, you might think that the girl in front of you was not yet an adult.

"Why am I so short...it always feels so strange..." Ruo Tuo moved her hands and feet in disgust. In this form, the armor and body shape she was proud of were gone. Apart from looking thinner, there was no benefit.

The human forms of demon gods and other species are divided into real bodies and false gods. The real body is naturally the unchangeable human form of each demon god, and the fake body is to change its appearance through magic, but a slightly stronger person can see through it directly, and this It is a very impolite behavior.

You can either use the original or the real body, if you can't even be honest with each other, why should I be friends with you?

Otherwise, in the end, it would not be possible to carry a pair of regular threes every day and go back to Liyuan. As for the breast pads, although some special materials can make the breast pads invisible to the demon gods, if they are discovered...

After all, she had already lost someone in front of Ningxia once, and she didn't want to lose it again. If it was in front of acquaintances, she might be laughed at.

"Look at how cute you are now, let's walk around in this state more, even if it's just to accompany me." After all, he pinched Ruo Tuo's baby fat face with a healing expression, and it felt really good.

"Well... next time, I will definitely, I still don't like it very much..." Ruo Tuo's small face was constantly ravaged by the end, and the small mouth opened to reveal two missing teeth.

"Okay, okay, I'll let my elder sister carry you to Ningxia~" After all, he happily picked up the little Ruo Tuo and left.

Morax is a little envious of where she is now, but she still has to deal with some work coming back, so she can only let her be in charge of organizing the banquet, and she is looking forward to the surprise that she will say.

"Ningxia~ Look who I brought here!" After all, Ruo Tuo asked with a helpless expression on his face.

The Dragon King Ruo Tuo has shown an expression of indifference, which is also the reason why she is unwilling to transform into a human form. Every time, she will be hugged and hugged enthusiastically, and even hug her to sleep at night. Tuo and Guizhong are also good friends, it's normal to sleep together, but being hugged by Guizhong makes them sleepy!

In order not to let herself be tortured, Ruo Tuo is not very willing to transform into a human form, and she is also quite flat. Every time she sees Morax's terrifying pair of Qing Yunding in human form, she always feels inferior for no reason. stand up.

"This is... Ruo Tuo?" Ning Xia looked at the lovely girl in front of him suspiciously, who looked only about 34 or [-] years old.

"Hello...Ningxia." Ruotuo grinned, revealing two small black holes.

"Where... are your teeth?" Ning Xia couldn't help asking.

"Eh... I was attacked by that guy Balam when I came back, so I lost two teeth, I can trouble you..." Ruo Tuo explained helplessly.

"Okay." Ning Xia knew what was going on before even listening to it, just like the last time Morax said to pull out a tooth, it was just a reason to beat Ruo Tuo.

"Well, you are indeed the opponent I expected, and you are straightforward enough to do things. Now that I think about it, I feel that this matter is a bit outrageous. I didn't expect you to trust me so much." Ruotuo said with a face full of emotion.

"You...don't believe it?" Ning Xia asked.

"Hmm...Morax probably wouldn't lie to me, and I do have a headache..." Ruo Tuo touched his head and said, with doubts on his cute little face.

"Well... let me treat you first..." Ning Xia twitched the corners of his mouth, and stopped asking questions, and used the breath of life to give birth to the two lost teeth of Ruo Tuo.

"Okay, don't use these two teeth to bite things in the next few days, and it will be back to normal in about a week." Ning Xia poked Ruo Tuo's regrown teeth in satisfaction, except that there was no original dragon tooth. Except for the terrifying power, it is almost the same as the original tooth.

"Thank you!" Ruo Tuo hugged Ning Xia, and the girl's soft body stuck to Ning Xia's body. The only pity was that her chest was tight.

"Hey! What are you doing! Don't touch my Ningxia!" Xiaoli, who didn't want to talk at first, couldn't help but shouted, and Xiaoli was full of resentment when she came over suddenly after all.

Seeing another guy hugging Ning Xia suddenly, she couldn't bear it any longer. Now Xiaoli was staring at her like a kitten protecting her food, for fear that another person would snatch her Ning Xia away.

"You? Are you that Morax's younger sister?" Ruo Tuo jumped off Ning Xia and said, biting his hand and looking at Xiao Li.

No matter in appearance or strength, they all resembled Morax frighteningly, they were almost carved out of the same mold, but Morax was Qing Yunding, and Xiao Li still had a chance to develop, so it wouldn't be impossible to lose all opportunities.

Chapter 524 One Punch Little Glass

"Interesting, do you want to compete with me?" Ruo Tuo said eagerly, fighting with Morax every day, she was a little bored, since she had a new opponent, she would not be polite.

"Who's afraid of whom!" Xiao Li, who was full of resentment because of the sudden killing, took out the rock spear in an instant, and her small face became swollen with anger, making people want to poke it.

"Xiao Li..." Ning Xia hugged the swollen little Li helplessly, looked at the swollen little face, and couldn't help poking her. The originally fierce and cute Xiao Li immediately became obedient.

As long as Ningxia is by her side, Xiaoli thinks it is enough. Anyway, she will protect Ningxia, and sooner or later she will complete the transformation period, and Ningxia will not reject herself by then.

Of course, if Ningxia wanted it now, Xiaoli would be more than happy to assume the responsibility of his wife immediately, so that she would not have to worry about that Morax who robbed her of Ningxia's ending and his strange eyes made her feel uneasy.

"Ning Xia, it seems that she is also very interested, so let her make gestures with me." Ruo Tuo said with great interest. In Liyue, the only person who can compete well is Morax.

Now seeing Xiaoli who is the younger sister of Morax in name, he is naturally very interested. Although Xiaoli in front of him seems to have the strength of a superior demon god, this does not prevent Ruo Tuo from wanting to try Xiaoli's ability.

After listening to Ruo Tuo's words, Xiaoli also became interested. Because of the metamorphosis period, Xiaoli only has the strength of a superior demon god on the surface, but her real strength is a genuine top demon god.

As long as Xiaoli doesn't intentionally reveal her strength, even Morax will subconsciously think that Xiaoli only has the strength of a superior demon god.

Moreover, Xiaoli has followed Ningxia for so long, and has never encountered any opponent worthy of her full strength. Now it is rare to see a top demon god, and Xiaoli doesn't want to miss it no matter what.

Afterwards, the enthusiastic Xiaoli was worried that Ningxia would not agree, so she immediately pretended to be pitiful and said, "Let me make gestures with her~ We just play casually, nothing will happen, how is Ningxia?"

No matter how hard-hearted Ningxia is, seeing such a cute little Li, there is nothing he can do, especially the begging expressed by those big blinking eyes, which seems to say that if you don't agree, I will cry.

"Ningxia, since Ruotuo has promised to be careful, let Xiaoli try it, she is about to cry." After all, she also helped Xiaoli to speak at this time.

In the end, Xiaoli is just a child who has not yet distinguished ethics. As long as she teaches her more in the future, she will not be clamoring to marry Ningxia every day like she is now.

However, she didn't know that Xiaoli's feelings for Ningxia were deeper than she imagined, and she even started to have some paranoid impulses.

"Okay... okay..." Ningxia finally agreed without resisting Xiaoli's coquettish offensive, but he also wanted to keep an eye on her so that no accident would happen to Xiaoli.

After getting Ningxia's consent, Xiaoli voluntarily jumped off Ningxia's embrace, and then bounced and followed Ruo Tuo to the flat ground near Guiliyuan, which happened to be close to the hall master level, just right for competitions.

Ruo Tuo stood opposite Xiao Li, with his hands behind his back and said calmly: "Since you are Morax's younger sister, I won't bully you either. Kai, attack as much as you want!"

She learned this pose from Morax, and every time she saw Morax standing on her head like this, Ruo Tuo was envious for a while, but she never expected to be able to pose in front of Morax's sister today.

"Okay!" Xiao Li was not polite, she held her breath and concentrated all the elemental power on her pink right hand, and then turned into a flash of light with all her strength and flew towards Ruo Tuo.

The moment Xiaoli's fist was infinitely close to his cheek, Ruo Tuo realized that Xiaoli in front of him was not a superior demon god, he was clearly a real top demon god!

At this moment, elemental power, rock armor, and all kinds of defensive methods that Ruo Tuo could think of were used. At most, it would hurt a little bit if the superior demon god hit her, but if it was a top demon god, the defenseless Ruo Tuo would take three It's not good to go down.

Xiao Li's fist containing rich rock elements slammed Ruo Tuo's hastily defensive little face. At this moment, with Gui Li Yuan as the center, he traveled east to Jue Yun, west to Yaoguang, north to Shimen, and south to Tianheng. There was a small earthquake. (At this time, it is reasonable to say that the rocky beach should still be a large area, and it has not been submerged by water, but for the convenience of understanding, I just wrote it like this.)

Ruo Tuo also flew backwards because of the strong force, but Ning Xia reacted quickly enough to stop her small body.

"Ruotuo? Are you okay?" Ning Xia asked while hugging the little Ruotuo. Her own strength didn't drop too much, especially after Liyue woke up, Xiaoli was no longer weaker than Morax.

In addition, Ruo Tuo thought that Xiaoli was a superior demon god with poor information and underestimated the enemy and did not make any defenses, otherwise Xiaoli would not be able to punch her away.

"Woo~ I, I'm fine..." Ruo Tuo pouted aggrievedly, as if he wanted to cry, but kept suppressing his feelings like a child desperately holding back.

Ningxia really wanted to complain at this time, you are the Dragon King Ruotuo!The Dragon King Ruo Tuo who almost killed me!

Chapter 525 The Dragon King can cry too.

The stubborn little Ruotuo still didn't cry in the end, but the tooth that had just been healed... This time there was no physical paralysis by Morax, so Little Ruotuo kept an expression of wanting to cry but desperately suppressing it, not wanting to cry. Lose face in front of Ningxia.

"Why is this! It's you who told me to let me, and I'm the one who should be there!" Xiaoli looked at Ruo Tuo who was acting like a baby with Ningxia with aggrieved eyes, and logically said that after the fight, she should have jumped into her arms in Ningxia Acting like a baby in Li, then Ruo Tuo watched from the sidelines, why are the positions of the two of them switched now, obviously she came first, no matter whether they were acquaintances or together!

"Ningxia! I want to hug too!" Xiaoli squeezed in angrily, she was fed up with watching, and that was her special place.

Originally, he wanted to hide Ruo Tuo, who was about to cry, by burying his face in Ning Xia's arms.Just like that, being squeezed aside by Xiao Li, she could only look at Ning Xia with her mouth pursed, and finally couldn't hold back her tears.

"Ruotuo...you are the Dragon King..." Ning Xia said helplessly. If Morax was a super big sister, it was already beyond his expectations, but Ruotuo, who was originally as tall as a mountain peak, had a criminal physique. .

"Who told you that demon gods can't cry!?" Ruo Tuo said confidently. She was beaten and cried by Morax several times before, and she didn't see any objections from their enemies!

"..." Ning Xia couldn't help laughing, and touched Ruo Tuo's horns helplessly to comfort her, unexpectedly, the simple and honest Dragon King Ruo Tuo also had this side.

After Xiao Ruotuo recovered, Ning Xia once again healed her dragon tooth that was blown away by Xiao Li, and then please lead Xiao Li to sit at their table first, and he will go to help Maxius cook.

"Xiaoli~ Ningxia said to let you and me be good~" After all, Xiaoli hugged Xiaoli with a 'happy' face and rubbed his face, which caused Xiaoli to push him away in disgust. She was naturally happy when Ningxia did this , but in the end she doesn't like it.

Especially after knowing that Gui Mou had actually robbed Ningxia from her, Xiaoli had already regarded Gui Mole as her number one enemy besides Morax.

"Ruotuo, I've already prepared high-quality Shipo and Yeboshi for you, let's sit at a table later." After all, the insatiable man hugged the little Ruotuo who was beside him again, using the slightly flat land Squeeze Ruo Tuo's small face again.

"Okay, don't hug me, it's so hard...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?" fart.

"Ruotuo... Aren't you the same as me? You have the nerve to despise me with the same specifications?" After all, he said kindly, and the resentment rising from his body had already turned into a black mist.

"No! I'm very sorry!" Ruo Tuo said aggrievedly, this is the reason why she doesn't want to use the human form, she is in the same order of magnitude as Xiao Li after all, and she has no possibility of continuing to transform like Xiao Li, that is to say, she While it may seem illegitimate, she is legal in her own right.

"What's so good about this kind of thing? If it's too big, it will affect the fight?" Xiaoli asked, biting her finger. Although being thicker can increase some resistance to blows, the interference in exchange is too much, and the gain outweighs the gain.

"Xiao Li, you're still young, you'll know when you grow up." After all, he squeezed Xiao Li's face helplessly. It's better not to tell children about such things, and the knowledge in this area...

After all, he subconsciously covered his chest, it hurts too much, it hurts too much.

"Hmph! When I grow up, I will watch Ning Xia every day, so that he can only be with me!" Xiaoli said arrogantly pushing away Gui Zhong's hand.

"You little guy..." After all, she couldn't help pinching Xiao Li's chubby face again. She still felt that Xiao Li simply regarded Ning Xia as her father. I will regret saying that, after all, children are like this.

"I'm not a child! I'm just getting smaller! I, I, I'm much older than you!" Xiaoli hastily interrupted the final truth.

"Yes, yes, my sister Xiaoli, please sit with Baimeng obediently first, and I have to greet other people." After all, Ying said with Xiaoli's words, and then greeted Baimeng just left.

"Xiao Li, what's wrong with you?" Bai Meng asked.

"Bai Meng, why is she thinking about this thing so much after all?" Xiaoli pointed at her own Pingyuan suspiciously and said, she didn't understand After all's obsession with it.

"This...this is a proof of strength!" Baimeng proudly held out his hand to celebrate Yunding. In Liyue, she was no match for Morax.

"Is that so? No wonder Ruo Tuo is so weak. After all, she is as flat as Yu Mou." Xiao Li said thoughtfully, thinking that the stronger the strength, the bigger the one.

Ruo Tuo, who was gnawing on Shi Po, froze, how could she lie on the gun after eating anything?What's wrong with leveling off?Everyone Morax said he was cute like this.

"Xiaoli, you are still young, you will understand when you grow up." Baimeng touched Xiaoli's head and said, as long as it is not related to Ningxia, Xiaoli is still easy to talk, like Baimeng finally Xiaoli is very happy to contact people who have a close relationship with Ningxia.

"Oh... when will I grow up..." Xiaoli said distressedly, she had a premonition that her transformation would not end once or twice, not to mention the time needed.

At this time, Maxius in the kitchen was already so busy that he wanted to split himself in half, and the chef Gui Liyuan who was called by him to help was also very busy. The clean and tidy kitchen had become messy before he knew it. stand up.

Ningxia looked at the long menu in the messy kitchen, the corners of her mouth twitched uncontrollably, good guy, this time it's a high-end game.

After making some preparations, Ning Xia took over part of Maxius's work. Without him, Maxius might have died of overwork today.

At this time, the outsiders are also facing a big challenge after all. Although she claims to be slick in all directions and can have a good relationship with anyone, there are too many immortals and other friends who came here today.

After all, I had to wave to Master Yunhua when I greeted Zhenjun Liuyun Bianfeng, and then turned around to entertain Zhenjun Lishui Dieshan and Zhenjun Yixiao Daotian who were carrying gifts. Senior immortals, she has not yet become the immortal who lives in Liyue in the future, so she is naturally very respectful to these seniors who have given her some advice.

After all the immortals returned to their seats, finally she put away her warm smile and sat in her seat exhausted physically and mentally. The people sitting at the table were all very close friends, so she didn't have to pretend anymore.

"Hehehe, Maxius and Ningxia are cooking today, so please look forward to it." After all, she sat on the chair and said, she was still very confident in Maxius and her man's cooking skills.

Chapter 526 Same Master and Apprentice, Different Locations

With Ning Xia's guidance and help, Maxius finally completed the task assigned to it. For fear that Ning Xia would miss the banquet, Maxius hurriedly pushed Ning Xia out of the kitchen, and he and his cooks could take care of the rest. Need to trouble Ningxia.

After seeing Ning Xia coming to the banquet, after all he held Ning Xia's big hand happily and led him to their table. Immediately, the eyes of the immortals and the demon gods who came to the party looked at Ning Xia. up.

In their memory, after all, it was the first time they had such an intimate contact with a man, and judging by her appearance, she seemed to be enjoying it.

"Hiss...Old Shui, pinch me." Shangxian Yunhua, who was originally a rogue in every possible way, has been torn apart. In the war of demon gods, the one who repeatedly jumped and cheated away the hearts of countless innocent demon gods was unexpectedly killed by the newcomer. The foreign demon god took it?

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