Looking at the clerk A Chuan who seemed to have misunderstood that the girl liked Kazuma Egami and was relieved, Yuki Shimorin did not refute.Rebutting at this time will make yourself look bad, and it will be rude to Kazuma Egami, and it will embarrass the clerk Achuan.

Compared to that kind of thing...

The girl cared more about the information revealed in Achuan's words.

Egami is really working hard for his dream.

——Collect tuition fees?

"Senior Achuan can tell me..."

"Master, is he working hard for something?"

At this time, the girl quietly asked the clerk A Chuan this crucial question.

And the clerk Achuan was taken aback.

A little dazed.


"Didn't he tell you?"

"He wants to be a voice actor in the future."

"Now I'm working hard to pay for the tuition of the institute."





Realizing a dream is a very heavy thing.

Montgomery said in "Anne of Green Gables": "We should understand that there is a price to pay for anything we want, and as for lofty aspirations, it will not be easily achieved. It requires all kinds of sad labor and suffering. Trials of anxiety and discouragement."

Jiang ShangYiZhen because of his own psychological problems.

Don't dare to face the camera.

Can't be an actor.


"Isn't it good that I choose to be an actor who doesn't face the camera?"

Actors who don't have to face the camera with teeth and claws.


——That’s the voice actors.

In Yuki Shimorin's past life, he didn't watch cartoons very much.But because cartoons are everywhere, and two-dimensional characters can be found everywhere, she has watched some cartoons and anime occasionally, just to pass the boring time, but she obviously doesn't know much about this aspect.

But even for a layman like her.

Also know behind the colorful performances of the animated characters.

It was created by a group of painters, sound owners, and various staff.

And Jiang Kazu really wanted to be the one who performed with his own voice.

But before you want to become such a person...

"First of all, we have to get together the tuition fees for going to school."

The boy showed a bitter smile.

The big-mouthed Achuan revealed to the girl the secret he didn't want to tell others, and Kazuma Egami, who realized that he finally couldn't hide it, finally decided not to hide it anymore, and told the girl what he had been doing all the time.

So after the work at the boat bookstore was over that day.

Go back to the B211 bookstore.

The boy poured a cup of steaming coffee to the girl.

Start telling your own story.

"I want to be a professional voice actor."

"Can be longed for

Unmodified chapters: Chapter 129 Chapter 26 Jiangshang Shuanglin ([-])

"A voice actor who can be admired by others."

Although the girl and Egami Kazuma worked part-time in two bookstores at the same time, but because the business of the inference bookstore was not very good, they usually worked in the big bookstore of Bianzhou when they were busy from 6:10 to 10:221, and returned to the small bookstore after [-]:[-]. Bookstore B[-] went on duty and fished, to do some of my own things, and waited for any customers to come by the way.

So that day after get off work at the boat bookstore.

The two of them went back to the bookstore in B221 to get along alone.

The boy thus began to tell his story to the girl.

"The essence of creation is transmission, and the essence of performance is empathy. I will perform the story that resonates through everything I have, and then convey it to the audience. Dancing in front of the camera, but performing behind the animation, I can still do it."

"So I want to be a voice actor."

"Keep working hard for my dream."

"And for this dream, I have worked hard for nearly three years."

Among the young man's murmured words.

He started his own story.

"Aren't you curious why I come here to work?"

"Then I'll tell you the answer."

There was a trace of heaviness in the boy's tone.

"The answer to why you're here is simple."

"--for money."

There are many ways to become a voice actor.

Professional schools, training institutes, participating in voice actor competitions, and even being discovered like a movie star...these are all kinds of ways, which seem to be full of infinite possibilities, but for high school students like Kazuma Egami, there are not many choose.

Because he usually has to go to class and study, so he absolutely can't go to that kind of full-time school-in addition, the professional voice actor school assessment is generally screened from a young age, or he can only enter after a very strict assessment.

For a person like Kazuma Egami who has no qualifications, wanting to enter such a school is simply a dream.

The only option left to him.

Only the threshold is relatively low.

A voice actor training center where you can sign up for a fee.

"There's the even more vexing problem of tuition fees."

"In this era of price inflation."

"I want to go to a voice actor school like that."

"At least 100 million is needed."

"Although my family can be considered a relatively wealthy family..."

"But it's really unreasonable to ask my parents to spend 100 million yuan for my unrealistic dream. After all, even if I really go to that school, I'm afraid I may not be able to become a voice actress."

"So my only choice is to find private training classes, the kind of cheap voice actor training institutes that can be seen everywhere..."

"But even so, the tuition fee is around 50..."

"Although it is still very expensive for me."

"However, this is already the cheapest way of training..."

"In order to reach the end of the dream."

"I have been working hard to earn money."

"That's why I work here."

"That's why I work part-time so I don't miss every day."

"That's why I have the fifty-yen rule."

"It's all for the tuition of the voice actors."





"50 million..."

In the dim light of dim lights.

The purple hair hangs down like a girl with a gentle waterfall flowing. Sitting there, she instinctively stretches out her five soft fingers and mutters to herself.

The girl's white and slender knuckles swayed slightly, and the swaying shadow of the lamp reflected on the table, beautiful and slender.

Each of her fingers represents 10 yuan.The slender nails were crystal clear, reflecting the light above her head, making the girl dizzy involuntarily, and an illusory double image appeared in her vision.

50 million.

For a high school student.

This number is really too heavy.

The girl's part-time job is only 1000 yen an hour, and Kazuma Egami, who is about the same age as her, should be the same.Nihong has strict laws and regulations on part-time work for high school students. At her age, she can only work up to 28 hours a week. It takes at least half a year or even nearly a year of part-time work to save 50w with your own strength.

Not only that.

It's different from someone like her who has been hospitalized and not in school for a year or so.

You know, Jiang Shangyizhen is still in school, and his study time occupies most of his main time in a day, followed by his rest time outside of study.

And the young man who is striving for his ideal wants to save nearly a year of working hours from his study and life. Kazuma Egami must completely sacrifice all his entertainment activities, and with extremely hard work, is it possible to earn this number.

"The school has very strict requirements. If the grades drop a little bit, then part-time work will be banned without any mercy. So I have to study hard in my spare time to prevent my grades from going down, so as to prevent the school from suspending my part-time job. license."

Under the dim light of the incandescent lamp, the young man showed a peaceful and bitter smile, which was euphemistic and desolate, which involuntarily touched the tender heart of the girl.

In part of Neon Schools.

If you want to come out to work.

It is necessary to obtain the permission of the school and the class teacher.

"I used to secretly read comics and play games in my spare time. After all, I couldn't restrain my playful nature—however, my grades quickly regressed. The teacher asked me to talk to me in private. The problem with my grades, I even planned to negotiate with my parents to suspend my work permit. I was so scared that I smashed the game console in my hand, tore up all the comics, and promised the teacher that I would take the midterm exam. I will definitely get No.1 in the class.”

"It's a path I've blazed myself."

"I have to keep going."

The boy muttered to himself.

"Since then, I have no so-called entertainment activities, and all the time I squeezed out is used to read books and study. In order to let me take the No.1 exam, I even secretly read books while eating, and closed the book before going to bed. I was thinking about English words when I was in the eyes, and even subconsciously used chopsticks to write unfamiliar Chinese characters when I was eating, for fear that because I was not diligent enough, I would not be able to touch the wall of ideals and reach the light of hope.”

In the darkness.

The young man's eyes are distant and long.

Looking far into the distance.

As if recalling the hard and arduous efforts that I have experienced.

His warm breath close at hand, like a big drum, made the heart of the girl who had never been able to find her ideal vibrate. This posture of working hard to realize her ideal made her feel sympathetic and jealous.

At this time, the boy smiled shyly.

Deep eyes.

It seems that there are many regrets and thousands of words that cannot express.

"To be honest, as an adolescent boy."

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