"I want to fall in love too..."

"And yet I never had a chance."

"I devote all my spare time to study and part-time work. I don't have any time to relax. I don't have time to think about a certain girl. Everyone says that youth is a rose-colored youth. Study and work hard in youth. , crying, falling in love, this is valuable, everyone except me, everyone's youth life is a rebellious life accompanied by love clubs and studies..."

"But I have nothing..."

"Stop talking about being in love..."

"I don't even have a girl I like."

"I don't even have a chance to like someone."

The young man smiled bitterly.

"Everyone's adolescent love troubles are that there is a girl you like, and you can't confess to her, you can't convey your heart to her, and you can't be with her."

"And to me."

"I can't even be allowed to spend the time that I have a crush on others for nothing."

Jiang Shangyi sighed remorsefully.

This mournful sigh under the light.

And the boy's ordinary but handsome side face in the girl's eyes, which involuntarily touched the girl's heart.


In the b221 bookstore.

It was already late at night.

The light shone faintly on the snow-white faces of the young girl, giving people a sickly pale feeling, both of them had a kind of sickly paleness.The paleness on the girl's face should be caused by years of domestic violence and malnutrition.And the paleness on the young man's face is probably due to the sallow and emaciated complexion caused by the long months of hard work.

The two people are obviously similar in age, but their experiences are completely different.The girl who escaped from the sea of ​​suffering is in a state of panic all day long and can't find her way, while the boy who grew up in the greenhouse struggles hard all year round for her ideal.

Everyone has their own way of life.

Leisurely people envy those who work hard for their ideals.

Although the life Kazuma Egami has experienced is extremely hard, but for a girl who is in constant anxiety and cannot find her future.

— but extremely envious.



Your desperation for your ideals.

It's so dazzling...


As the boy said these words, the girl's delicate body sitting beside her became slightly weak. Listening to the young man's story of his hardships and efforts, the girl's delicate body seemed to have lost her center of gravity and limp there.

But put aside your own envy.

The price of being a voice actor.

Obviously heavier than the girl imagined.

"50 million..."

"Is it so expensive to become a voice actor?"

Hearing the price paid by the young man, the girl's crystal clear eyes fluttered slightly, she gently pursed her thin lips, the cherry-colored lips were slightly dry, but still charming and charming.

Her effort to the master during this time.

I felt deep pity and envy.

It's only a little money for a week's part-time job...

What year and month will it be possible to save 50w?

"Do not……"

"It's just the tuition fee to go to the training institute."

The young man blinked slightly, his black eyes shining brightly.

Sitting there was very quiet, and seemed to have no emotion.

Continue to talk about the price that needs to be paid to achieve the ideal.

"Even if you graduate from a training institute, it just means that you have the skills of a voice actor and can embark on this difficult and difficult road. It does not mean that you have truly become a voice actor."

"After graduating from the cultivation institute, I will go to participate in the recruitment of major firms."

"That's the real way to cross the single-plank bridge."

"It's different from the seiyuu cultivation where you can simply give money, it is the destiny that determines whether a person can set foot on this path in the future."

"Even if..."

The boy took a breath. Even if he told such a tragic truth, the difficulties in front of him were still not the heaviest nightmare.

"Even if you overcome all obstacles in the end."

"Squeeze out the same period and enter the firm."

"—and very likely not to be able to find work."

"Many voice actors who have been in the industry for two or three years can't receive 10 animations a year. Even if they can be matched, they are passers-by A and passer-by B. The salary of ordinary voice actors is very low, and there are various commissions. They are eaten by people in Tokyo. In cities where they can’t even survive, the seiyuu who can support themselves is already a second-rate or above seiyuu. The third-rate seiyuu can only work obediently and take on multiple jobs, so that they can support themselves.”

"Only when you reach the stage where you can support yourself solely by dubbing, can you be regarded as a serious voice actor."


The sensational 50 yen is all that Kazuma Egami has worked hard to earn for nearly a year.However, this nearly one year of hard work is just a simple stepping stone to start his ideal tuition fee.

In the face of the terrible reality, this sincere effort is likely to be like a drop of water thrown into the sea, without causing any waves.

After graduating from the voice actor training institute, the teenager has to apply for a job, chasing and squeezing from a thousand people to only one person left, and scratching his scalp to become a voice actor.

Even as a voice actor.

Nor can it be considered ideal.

Even if he enters the office and has the most important job, the salary at the bottom is obviously not enough to support his life. In order to maintain a normal life and make himself live like a person, Egami has to work part-time and eat leftovers from supermarket discounts. The half-price bento, living in a cramped rental house, so that it is possible to turn your ideals into reality step by step.

Do not……

Even with such an effort.

Under the elimination mechanism of survival of the fittest.

——His ideal may not be able to become a reality.

After all, reality is such a thing.

Who can tell?





The girl snapped her slender and thin fingers, tearing at the bloody reality of the future, her beautiful face became stiffer and stiffer, the girl's pink lips slightly fluttered, her pretty eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and her complexion was pale.

Jiang Kazuma's words left a deep impression on her.

It is different from the dreams of uncles who are full of empty talk.

The boy's dream is both thin and bony, like a sharp and shiny knife, cutting bloody wounds on the human body.

"Then why continue to be a voice actor?"

She was puzzled.

"Since it's so difficult."

"Since you have to pay such a high price."

"Since it is so full of uncertainties."

"Isn't it good to just give up?"

The words breathed out by the girl gently, with this

Unmodified chapters: Chapter 130 Chapter 27 Jiang Shangshuanglin ([-])

The words that the girl exhaled softly carried everything she had seen in the bookstore these days.The uncles used to be people full of ideals, but the reality made them bow their heads, and they had to make compromises in order to live.

Like the uncles, if you can't realize your ideal, just give up, and treat it as a illusory dream that can never be realized, can't you put it on the shelf forever?

Many people choose this way.

An ordinary worker who works hard to move bricks on the construction site, he may have played the guitar well in the past, and he may have been a prominent figure in the club in high school, but now he has given up everything he used to be decent, breathing heavy dust, Get sweaty.

We all had various dreams in the past, but in the end, we still have to compromise for reality.

There is no shame in giving up your ideals.

Everyone lives like this.

Isn't it right?





"But ah..."


"Give up your ideals."

"I will be very unhappy..."

The boy sitting under the dim light heard her words.

Blinking sad eyes.

Suddenly he couldn't help laughing.

"You're right, since it's so difficult, wouldn't it be good to give up? Give up the indifferent fantasy, go back home to farm, or find a factory to work, and work hard every day from nine to five. It's very simple and basic to do it conscientiously. , Very repetitive work, and then get the funds to guarantee life, get married and have children, this seems to be a good plan."



The boy pointed to his chest on the left side.

His eyes shone with extremely bright colors.

"The blood of this thing."

"It's flowing."

"The things I love will never return, even if there is a bottomless abyss in front of me, I will plunge into it."

"You have also experienced this kind of experience. When facing a matter, you don't want to let yourself be perfunctory. You just want to do it perfectly. Even if you know that doing so will not bring you much help, I will not allow myself to gain more benefits, but I still choose not to compromise, and want to make this matter better."

"Don't allow yourself to compromise."

"I think……"

"It's also part of life."

The young man under the light muttered to himself with a smile, and a slight smile appeared on his pale face. Kazuma Egami told the girl that although the road ahead was bleak and the direction was invisible, the journey was extremely hard and he might fall to the ground at any time.

—but he is happy.

Girls don't quite understand.

For her, who has no ideal shell.

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