All this is really obscure.

At the last dying moment of her life, she wanted to find something more meaningful besides bearing the suffering for her sister.

However, after searching for this period of time and hearing the boy's words, she found that not only did she not find it, but she became even more confused.

in love……



Try to move forward? ?

The combination of these words sounds full of the value of life, and the teenager in front of her is also showing her the value of some of these words. She saw the answer she wanted to seek during this time, but when she saw the answer , the girl became more and more confused.

Why do some people know that the future hope of doing this is slim, but they still have to work hard?

Why do some people know that doing so is likely to be a waste of effort, but they still try to climb up?

Just because I love these two words.

Is there such a great magic power?

After all...

Love, love—this thing is like a spell, two simple words, but so tempting, it makes people fly to the flame.

love this thing...

What is it?

Girls don't understand.

life is short...

She, who will die among the cherry blossoms in the spring of next year, feels that she will never be able to understand the meaning of this word in her entire life.


When Jiang Shangyizhen sent her back, she kept thinking about the boy's words. She saw the boy's love and heard Jiang Shangyizhen tell his own story.But she still doesn't think clearly about her own existence.

What should we do in the future...

Only then can it be regarded as...

Worth living in this world?

The girl does not know the answer to this question.

But Egami Kazuma is more active than her. As the mentor in the girl's mind, he made a decision to make the girl look up to him.

When the girl was still working in a bookstore and continued to be confused, she thought that this life of working every day, being sent home by Kazuma Egami, and watching the boy's ideal step by step would continue until the next spring. When quietly disappearing.

One day, Jiang Shang Yizhen, who had been working full-time in the bookstore and was raining and raining, suddenly asked for leave, and then she received a message from Jiang Shang Yizhen in her mobile phone.

Kazuma Egami: "I found out that a voice actor training center only needs 40 yuan!"

Kazuma Egami: "I'm going to sign up!"

Kazuma Egami: "In the future, the hours of part-time work will be reduced"

Kazuma Egami: "I can't send you back either"

Kazuma Egami: "Talk to the store manager, how about letting you get off work earlier? In the future, you won't get off work so late, and you will be safer when you go back..."

The master in the phone was babbling like a lady, telling her to pay attention to safety when she went back to work, which was very annoying.

Looking at the long string of gentle and entrusting words in the phone, the girl sitting at the counter of the bookstore was a little dazed at first, feeling astonished, then involuntarily felt sad, and finally the corners of her beautiful lips could not help but gently twitch.

Yuki Smoorin: "Got it"

Yuki Shuanglin: "You just drown in your ideals!"

Yuki Smoorin: "Come on, come on"

Yuki Smoorin: "You must work hard to become what you want to be!!"





--that's all.

Two people who have become friends.

Because Kazuma Egami began to study at the voice actor training institute.

The relationship between them gradually became strange and distant.

The time for the boy to work in the bookstore has been reduced by more than half. After work, he will only hurry home to review his homework and voice acting skills.

She no longer sends the girl home, no longer protects her back to the ward like a flower protector, no longer chats with the girl about happy things, and the two of them no longer have an ambiguous relationship in the eyes of others. The title of his master is no longer used because of the estrangement of the relationship.

The time that the two of them spend together on weekdays is only a very short time when they are busy supporting each other in the Bianzhou Bookstore.

Besides working together.

The two of them would never be alone again.

As Kazuma Egami's friend, Yuki Shimorin.

I don't even know what to do at this moment.

I can only helplessly wish him a better future.

The girl just looked at Kazuma Egami's back, and continued to work in the bookstore.After such a day lasted for a while.

The girl noticed...

I am gradually becoming hollow.

It's like playing games in the game hall.

— gradually becoming hollow and numb.


Ever since Kazuma Egami took part of his part-time job and began to study at the seiyuu training institute intermittently.The relationship between Yucheng Shuanglin and him became more and more strange, and the gap between the two became deeper and deeper.

The two of them had been like parallel rutted carriages traveling side by side on the same dirt drive.The two have been supporting each other, encouraging each other, advancing together, progressing together, and chasing each other.

Although this period of time worked very hard.

But it's unquestionably entertaining.

——and at this very moment.

Jiang ShangYiZhen ran to the seiyuu training institute to study.

It was like the carriage that was always running alongside her.

Run away in front of the girl.

The girl could only look at the back of the carriage.

Stamping his feet and beating his chest, but unable to reach.


Looking at Kazuma Jiang's busy and exhausted but fulfilling expression every day, watching his back figure chasing his life goal and working hard for it, I feel the growing alienation between the two.

The girl became more and more dissatisfied.

She was not dissatisfied with Jiang Shangyi, but dissatisfied with herself.

Ever since the teenager started to move forward busyly, her experience of finding the meaning of life stopped updating.

When Jiang Kazuma accompanied her to work in the bookstore, she even found it interesting to write a diary.

Every time I write a diary, every time I record the time with Kazuma Egami on the keyboard, the corners of the girl’s lips will be slightly raised, and the heart will be extremely happy, even the slender and graceful fingers tapping the keyboard are like dancing elves All the same, sing and cheer.

At that time...

She often writes down the meaningful things today.

I feel like my life has been enriched a bit.

Even at the end of the day, when the next spring is closer to her, she doesn't feel that her disappearance is something worth fearing.

Now Jiang Shangyizhen is busy with his own affairs, no longer making noise with her, and she no longer has the opportunity to look at the boy's profile in her spare time.

Her diary had returned to its original shriveled and limp state.

Now the content recorded in the diary is very boring, like a running account.For example, what did I eat at noon today, for example, what books were unloaded in the warehouse today, and for example, my sister "Yueki Yukika" recovered a lot today, and the doctor said that she borrowed school textbooks and planned to leave the hospital and resume classes... …

Things like that.

Inexplicably, she began to hate keeping a diary again.The last time she had started to hate journaling was when her sisters had all disappeared one by one.

She is still working part-time in the bookstore, but she doesn't know why she continues to work part-time.Obviously spring is coming soon, and obviously her last despair is about to arrive, but she is wasting time here meaninglessly.

She promised to grasp the straw of Kazuma Egami's hope at the last moment of her life, and find the value of realizing life, but since the boy started busy with her own affairs, she actually watched the other person's back, and she didn't know what to do next. What did you do.

In ignorance, describe the matter of one's ideal life in detail.

It's really tough.

Although the part-time job paid a lot of money, she also saved a lot.In addition, her mother went to prison and left her with a lot of money, so she can be regarded as a little rich woman.However, she has no desire to spend money, and she doesn't know what she should buy with the money.

What she does every day is to open her eyes at [-] o'clock in the afternoon until [-] o'clock in the morning. When she opens her eyes, she will go to work, and then she will return to the hospital bed after working in a daze. For my own sister.

——This is too boring.

She doesn't know why she exists now.

I don't even know what I want to get.

The relationship between her and Jiang Shangyizhen is getting weaker and weaker. Jiang Shangyizhen is busy with her own affairs, and becomes more and more reticent in the bookstore, and the two of them have less and less topics to talk about. boring.

Finally one day, when she was going to pack up her things and talk to the store manager, when she was planning to resign and leave here to find a new meaning in life, she learned something from the store manager that made her heart shudder and her scalp tingle.

"Jiangami is really planning to resign."

The bald store manager said with a sad face.

His face crumpled into a ball.

During this time, Kazuma Egami kept running back and forth between the bookstore where he was working, the school, and the voice actor training institute.

A person's energy is obviously limited. He originally went to work in the bookstore to squeeze out time from his studies and life, and his schedule was already tight. The schedule of voice actor training classes is forcibly inserted into my daily life.

Too much to do means not doing everything well.During this period of time, he was exhausted and running around all day long. Not only did his academic performance decline, but he also seemed to be unable to keep up with his voice actor courses.

In order to allow himself to have the energy to attend classes at the seiyuu school and study at the school at the same time, Kazuma Egami submitted his resignation letter to the store manager, intending to quit his part-time job in the bookstore.

"If he quit his part-time job in the bookstore and could balance his homework and going to a seiyuu school, I wouldn't be so worried about him now." The bald store manager sighed sadly, "Now for The kid's biggest problem is that the class he signed up for - the level is too bad."

"He can't learn at all now."

"It's not like him to be anxious and anxious every day."

"Everyone told me that his frowning look..."

"Every day when I get along with him, I am terrified."

"I'm afraid he will hit someone in the next second."

As the saying goes, you get what you pay for. Although Kazuma Egami's class is very cheap, the teachers who teach him seem to be very bad.The bald store manager doesn't know much about voice actors, but there are all kinds of customers in the bookstore, among them...

An old acquaintance in the voice actor industry.

The store manager still knows a few.

Because he was worried about Kazuma Egami, the store manager went to ask a knowledgeable customer, wanting to know how the BB seiyuu training institute that Kazuma Egami had reported, but the answer he got from the customer made the store manager feel cold .


—— Said the old voice actor who has been immersed in this way for more than 20 years.

"In the end, if the voice actor teacher's level is very high, then she should continue to work in the front line. The voice actors who can go to education and training and teach the basics of voice actors to others are often third-line voice actors who can't get along and are eliminated. Even if the first-class and top voice actors stop working, and go to educate new voice actors, the money they charge is probably several times that of 40 yen, which cannot be touched by ordinary newcomers like him. When he signed up for 40 yen, he was doomed to return home in disgrace."

The voice actor old man wearing glasses seems to be an old pedant.

"The 40w he spent, in exchange for the only valuable thing, I'm afraid it's just the introduction certificate of the voice actor training institute."

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