Su Qingyu shook her head vigorously, trying not to think about other things, and devoted herself to treating the crocodile in front of her.

The tearing effect of the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear's damage mainly comes from the rich blood of the Beamon clan of ancient soul beasts in their bodies.

There was also a legend that the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear inherited the blood of the strongest Golden Behemoth in the Behemoth Clan.

In the Douluo Continent, as long as the word "gold" is on it, there is basically no one who is too stretched.

As Xiong Jun, who inherited the blood of the Golden Behemoth and is also the patriarch of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear Clan, his attack power is terrifying, even the Sky Crocodile with the Golden Crocodile King Martial Soul is slightly inferior.

Fortunately, Su Qingyu has the origin of the Ice and Fire Dragon King in his body and has been helping him temper his body. As the most powerful dragon clan in the Douluo Continent, his powerful breath can easily remove the tearing effect of Lord Xiong.

Su Qingyu mobilized the breath of the Fire Dragon King in his right arm, and the tearing effect dissipated for a while, and the soul power of Tiancrocodile also felt that the power that had been tearing him had disappeared.

Immediately, the crocodile subconsciously wanted to use its soul power to control the wound on its arm.

But it was only with a thought in his mind that he mobilized a little soul power, which attracted a counterattack from another force in his body.

The ultimate gold element is the one with the strongest lethality and penetrating power among many elements.

The golden crocodile king of the crocodile is generally biased towards the earth attribute and the water attribute.

Therefore, this also led to the temporary formation of a small internal circulation in the body of the crocodile.

According to the principle of intergeneration of the five elements, the earth element in the crocodile's body is constantly giving birth to the ultimate gold that Mr. Xiong left on his wound.

And these extreme gold elements are promoting the increase of the water element in the golden crocodile.

If this continues, it is very likely that the two elements of water and soil in the crocodile's body will become unbalanced, which will also kill him.

The problem is quite serious, but fortunately, Su Qingyu can control the wind element other than the five elements, and will not have any conflicts with gold, water, and fire.

Using the element of wind, Su Qingyu temporarily separated the three elements of gold, water and earth in the crocodile.

Immediately afterwards, the nemesis of the ultimate gold element staying in the crocodile's body, the ultimate fire element was used.

There was indeed no problem at the beginning, but Su Qingyu thought a little less, that is the strength gap between him and Xiong Jun.

Therefore, the refinement of the ultimate gold element Xiong Jun left on the crocodile's wound was very slow.

In this way, it lasted for nearly three hours, and it was already dark for a long time.

As Su Qingyu's soul power was about to be exhausted, he finally completely wiped out the last trace of the ultimate gold element in Tian Crocodile's body.

Su Qingyu put down the arm of the crocodile, and quickly ran to the side to adjust his breath.

Seeing Su Qingyu's movements, Qian Renxue never dared to disturb her, and silently guarded her.

About a quarter of an hour later, Su Qingyu recovered some soul power and stood up, "Don't worry, the old man's injury has healed."

Qian Renxue lowered her head, her crystal ears were dyed red, and said softly, "Thank you!"

During the healing process, Tian Crocodile also passed out. After all, Su Qingyu, the chief surgeon, has never been given anesthesia.

When the crocodile woke up, it was just one word, it hurts, it really hurts.

"Hiss, it hurts me to death, Xue'er, if you have any dissatisfaction with Grandpa Crocodile in the future, just say it directly, don't let this kid come and punish me again."

Qian Renxue also quietly looked back at Su Qingyu, but Su Qingyu didn't take Tiancrocodile's words seriously, and said softly: "Next time I'll grow old for you, so happy!"

"(▼皮▼#), good boy, wait for the old man if you have the guts, let me practice!"

Su Qingyu resolutely refused, an old man with a three-digit age, and bullying young people.

Fortunately, with Qian Renxue around, the crocodile was just arguing with Su Qingyu.

Following Qian Renxue's insinuations, she finally asked the reason why the crocodile was injured.

It's very simple, when he saw Mr. Xiong while hiding in the Heaven Dou Empire's team that day, his hands were itchy and he wanted to learn from each other.

Anyway, Tang Hao was already beaten to death, and Qian Renxue still had the Second General Hum Ha by his side, so he went away without any problems.

In the end, the result was obvious, the crocodile was beaten badly by Mr. Xiong, and his old life was almost lost.

"You guys don't know, once I open the soul ring, that guy looks like a lunatic."

Well, he thought it was Mr. Xiong who made the move first, and it was you who took the initiative to lean over and get beaten.

"I also didn't expect that in the Douluo Continent Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, that woman's ambition is not easy!"

Tian crocodile sighed in his heart, but didn't say it outright.

For their mother and daughter, both of them are thorns in each other's hearts, but they still care about each other in their hearts, and Tiancrocodile doesn't know what's going on.

After chatting with Tian Crocodile for a while, Qian Renxue took Su Qingyu and left the barracks, and She Long, one of the two generals, stayed behind to protect Tian Crocodile.

The two stepped on the grassland under the dark night, looking at the starry night sky, Qian Renxue had already put on Xue Qinghe's mask.

"This time, thank you!"

Su Qingyu didn't say anything, just walked side by side with her silently.

Chapter 193 Blazing Counterattack

Three days passed quickly.

The promotion match officially started. The first match, whether it was done secretly or not, would be between Shrek Academy and Blazing Academy.

As the so-called enemies meet, they are particularly jealous.

Facing Shrek Academy again, Blazing Academy's side sent the captain for the first match, Huo Wushuang whose soul power had just broken through to level 44.

Shrek Academy didn't pull too much, the first one to play was Zhu Zhuqing.

Both sides have a strong attack and a sensitive attack.

Although Huo Wushuang has a lot of advantages in soul power, but in terms of speed, he can't compare with Zhu Zhuqing.

Zhu Zhuqing, who had entered the assassin state, was like a black civet cat in the ring, with impeccable skills and movements.

The speed advantage also allowed her to temporarily suppress Huo Wushuang.

Frequent attacks put Huo Wushuang under a lot of pressure. After all, he is not a defense-type soul master. Although he can resist beatings, he can't be beaten all the time.

While resisting Zhu Zhuqing's attack, Huo Wushuang kept suppressing Zhu Zhuqing's activity area.

After all, this is an arena with limited space, and Zhu Zhuqing, who was forced into a corner, was an opponent of Huo Wushuang who was an agility attack-type Soul Sect.

A pair of resolute and agile eyes flashed with determination, and he immediately used his most powerful soul skill, "The third soul skill, Nether Slash!"

The purple-black light blade directly slashed towards Huo Wushuang. Huo Wushuang didn't evade, and directly resisted.

On his right shoulder, there was an obvious cut, dripping with blood, and Zhu Zhuqing was knocked off the ring immediately.

In the first match, Huo Wushuang won.

From the second to the fourth round, Huo Wushuang was like a bamboo shooter, winning four games in a row.

Until the fifth game, it was none other than the 10-year-old rabbit Xiaowu.

Although she didn't know what was used to interfere with her aura, Su Qingyu still saw her true appearance.

The huge blood-colored rabbit behind her has been staring straight at Su Qingyu who is watching the game in the auditorium.

Su Qingyu gently caressed Shui Binger's soft and delicate body, and the blue eyes like glazed eyes flashed a little clarity.

I thought to myself: It turns out that the plan has been started a long time ago, and there are really many tricks.

"What's the matter, Brother Herring, I always think you are a little weird."

Shui Binger rubbed against Su Qingyu's arms, her white arms gently wrapped around his arms, "I always feel that you have something to hide from me, can you tell me?"

Caressing her tender face, Su Qingyu really couldn't put it down, and couldn't help but peck her gently on the face.

In front of the crowd, Shui Binger was stunned immediately, her pretty face blushed, she glared at Su Qingyu reproachfully, and quickly hid in Su Qingyu's arms again in shame.

While they were playing, Xiao Wuhong on the stage with her rabbit eyes threw Huo Wushuang onto the ring with her legs and hair burnt.

"Damn Blazing Academy, you hurt Sangua, I want you to pay the price!"

Xiao Wu's violence caught the referee's attention. Yu Xiaogang and the others sitting in the preparation area were also stunned. He had never seen such a violent Xiao Wu.

It was as if he was desperate, but luckily the referee made a timely move and saved Huo Wushuang.

But Huo Wushuang was still seriously injured, even with the help of a healing soul master, without ten days and half a month of cultivation, it was almost impossible to recover.

Therefore, Blazing Academy once again complained to Shrek Academy, requesting that Shrek Academy be disqualified from the competition.

But behind Shrek, there is the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, and the support of Xue Ye, the emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire, in the end it was only a judgment of Xiao Wu's failure in an attack.

After Xiao Wu was forced to leave, Huo Wu from Blazing Academy stepped onto the ring, and the person who confronted him was not Tang San, but Ma Hongjun.

Troubled by the evil fire, his cultivation speed was doomed to be very slow, slow as hell.

As a level 35 soul master, he didn't last long in front of Huo Wu.

With Ma Hongjun's resignation, Blazing Academy won the fifth game!

After experiencing the loss in the Tiandou City competition area, Huo Wu's personality has changed a lot, and the person has also changed a lot.

Sometimes, even the elder brother Huo Wushuang couldn't see through her.

Obviously he didn't like Feng Xiaotian so much, but he agreed to Feng Xiaotian's matter, and he didn't marry unless Feng Xiaotian, which really made Huo Wushuang a little puzzled.

Looking at Huo Wu who had won the victory on the stage, the broken words from the injured Xiao Wu's mouth could be described as extremely vicious, no matter how ugly it was.

Even Ning Rongrong, who is a good sister, couldn't stand it anymore. After all, she was a well-educated young lady, how could she be willing to listen to a shrew yelling in her ears?

Zhu Zhuqing's situation is similar to Ning Rongrong's, he is also a lady, and he really doesn't like Xiao Wu who is dirty.

Tai Long played in the sixth game. He was forcibly promoted from level 38 to level 41 by Tang San using the land essence liquid. His strength is good, and his strength is already comparable to the standard attack system soul king.

Possessed by a powerful orangutan spirit, two yellow and two purple standard spirit rings flashed in sequence.

Huo Wu's expression changed, "The Li Zhi Clan, it's really difficult!"

Tai Long, who came from a family of strength, all the spirit rings on his body are to increase his own strength.

In the face of such brute force freaks, very few people dare to confront them head-on.

Huo Wu took a shallow breath, and saw that the four soul rings on her body quickly fused together, two century-old soul rings plus two thousand-year soul rings, as well as Huo Wu's own soul power, together formed a dark as ink black soul ring.

Fu Huan, such a high-level innate ability, made Yu Xiaogang dumbfounded. He really didn't expect Huo Wu to have such a skill.

Huowu Yaoyang broke out again, and Tai Long was a little flustered just after he came to the stage.

Unlike her fourth soul ring, which needs to be charged, its power is difficult to control. Through the fusion of the rings, Huo Wu can control the power and extent of Huo Wu Yaoyang.

Tai Long couldn't resist a skill that was comparable to the fifth soul skill of the soul king for a while, and the sixth game was still defeated by Shrek Academy.

Yu Xiaogang looked dull, "This is impossible, how could Zhihuo be like this, with such a desperate style of play, is it possible that they don't plan to participate in the finals?"

It really made Yu Xiaogang guess half of it right, Chi Huo really didn't pay attention to appearing.

Their purpose this time is to avenge their shame, to wash away their grievances in Tiandou City.

In the last scene, Huo Wu didn't have much soul power, but she still didn't give up.

People didn't expect that Tang San, who was extremely restrained by Blazing Huo, would still appear on stage, not the Dai Mubai predicted by Blazing Huo Academy.

Tang Hao's death gave Tang San a bit of a blow, and now he regrets why he coveted the fairy grass of Tianshui Academy that might not exist.

"Tang San, you are the only Shrek, admit defeat!"

Huo Wu has the capital of arrogance, the two of them, brother and sister, defeated six members of Shrek Academy, and five members of Blazing Academy did not appear, it is basically impossible for Tang San to win.

Chapter 194 Tang San, Killed!

Fighting Blazing Academy, if Tang San used the Blue Silver Grass, it would be tantamount to suicidal.

At some point, a small black hammer appeared in his hand.

The Haotian Hammer, just in its initial form, has a weight of more than 400 jin.

Before becoming a soul master, the Clear Sky Hammer was similar to the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon's martial soul, its strength was not too strong, it could only be said to be at an excellent level.

But once after the third ring, the strength of the Haotian Hammer soul master is the same as the soul master of the Blue Lightning Overlord who has obtained the dragon transformation, and his strength is incomparable.

"Tang San, Wuhun Haotian Hammer, please enlighten me!"

The current Tang San is still the very proud genius of the Tang Sect from another world, who believes that hidden weapons are the strongest weapons in the world.

After knowing his true identity, as well as Tang Hao's strength and the Clear Sky School, he was more or less proud.

But seeing his biggest backer die with his own eyes, Tang San's heart calmed down again.

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