A ferocious look appeared on his unshaven face, and two more soul rings exploded, turning into soul power and merging into his body.

Although the pressure on his body has increased, his own soul power level has finally increased to level 96.

"Big Sumeru Hammer!"

Accompanied by Tang Hao's shout, the Clear Sky Hammer in his hand changed in the wind, becoming incomparably huge.

Afterwards, the pitch-black sledgehammer smashed directly at Mr. Xiong like an asteroid.

Faced with this all-out attack comparable to a level 97 Super Douluo, Mr. Xiong finally had some interest in his eyes, "It's not bad, human, but you still deserve to die!"

"Dark Gold Terror Claw!"

Mr. Xiong's dark golden claws were suddenly covered with a layer of dark golden soul power, and then he was thrown out by Mr. Xiong.

That powerful soul power turned into dark golden energy claws, immediately grabbed the Clear Sky Hammer that was about to be smashed down.

Having captured the Martial Soul and deciphering the unique skill of Yimai's single pass, Tang Hao was terribly frightened.

In an instant, Tang Hao gave up the attack, restrained his soul power, and the martial soul returned to its normal state.

Without further ado, he was about to run away.

Tang Hao, who was flying in the air, felt extremely remorseful in his heart, why was he so unlucky, didn't he just kill someone, why was it so troublesome.

"If you still want to leave, go to hell!"

A purple-black dragon shadow with huge dragon claws knocked Tang Hao down from the sky.

Xiong Jun, who was slowly following Tang Hao, made a timely move and used the stunt he is famous for - tearing the sky claw!

Tang Hao, who was falling extremely fast in the air, was hit directly by the Sky-Tearing Claw, and the incomparably sharp power of Ultimate Gold killed Tang Hao, the majestic Super Douluo, on the spot.

Except for those six exquisitely carved soul bones that shone brightly, there was not even a trace of dross left in Tang Hao.

This scene was seen by a group of people from the Heaven Dou Empire who were not very far away.

Near Shrek Academy, Tang San's eyes showed a hint of fear, and he watched his father Tang Hao die tragically with indifference.

The six soul bones that fell from Tang Hao's body attracted the attention of many people in the Heaven Dou Empire.

The quality of a titled Douluo's soul bone is naturally needless to say.

This also made many people in the Tiandou Empire and his party feel greedy.

But the terrifying strength of Mr. Xiong and Ziji, the abyssal dragon, made them daunting.

It was just destined to disappoint them, Zi Ji grabbed the soul bone in her hand and left here with Xiong Jun.

For ordinary soul beasts, soul bones are really useless, and the same is true for 10-year soul beasts.

But for Di Tian, ​​Xiong Jun, Zi Ji, etc., such ferocious beasts that have survived the catastrophe of 20 years, they are quite useful.

With the end of the great battle, the people of Tiandou Empire also recovered and continued to march towards the royal enclosure.

At Tianshui College, Lan Xiaoyue and Shui Ningshuang were also relieved to see Tang Hao being torn apart by Xiong Jun's claws.

Just like that, the sharp sword hanging over the head of Tianshui Academy completely disappeared, which made the two elders very happy.

But the joys and sorrows of people are not the same, just when the people of Tianshui Academy were happy and happy, and Su Qingyu was relieved, the atmosphere of Shrek Academy was extremely depressed.

Through a brief conversation, everyone finally knew Tang San's true identity and the fact that Tang Hao was dead.

Dai Mubai, who has always had a good relationship with Tang San, directly stepped forward to comfort the silent Tang San.

Xiao Wu was also wiping away tears beside Tang San, doing her best in front of him, performing an incomparable tea ceremony.

It can only be said that Xiao Wu's tea art is really good, Tang San finally cheered up a little under her hard-working performance.

Immediately afterwards, he came to Yu Xiaogang's side, "Teacher, can you tell me who are those two Titled Douluo who killed my father!"

Yu Xiaogang's face changed, he didn't even recognize the bodies of the two, how could he know the real identities of Xiong Jun and Zi Ji.

Yu Xiaogang, who just had a short crew cut, pretended to think deeply for a while, and said in a deep voice: "I heard people say that in the Wuhun Temple, there is a special existence called the Temple of Enshrinement. Many, those who can enter are basically Super Douluo. Therefore, I also guess that the death of Haotian Mianxia may have something to do with them."

Tang San's fists were clenched, like a wild beast, and he roared in a low voice, "Wuhundian!"

Chapter 191 The Unlucky Alligator

After the episode of Tang Hao's death ended, the Tiandou Empire group arrived at Cole City near the royal enclosure after walking for a day.

The last time I came here was almost two years ago. This time, the colleges were not arranged in Cole City, but in the barracks.

Tianshui Academy also came to a resting place under the guidance of a captain of the Royal Knights.

Walking through the endless grassland, everyone from Tianshui College came to the assigned resting place.

It was a small camp, with only five clean and bright barracks in total. Although it didn't look as luxurious as a hotel, it looked pretty good.

The purpose of Tiandou Empire to do this is nothing more than to protect the secrets between the various academy teams from different places.

Of course, that's what the Heaven Dou Empire said, there are quite a few exchanges between the high schools.

It's like the Five Elements Academy, which seems to be in harmony with the outside world, unless Shui Bing'er deliberately covers it.

Under normal circumstances, the teams of the five elemental academies know each other very well, and there are no secrets.

In doing so, the most important thing is to prevent conflicts between some colleges or students.

Just like the current Zhihuo and Shrek, it is almost impossible not to pinch each other when they meet in Cole City.

And in this military camp, there are more rules, which can well restrain the occurrence of accidents among the major soul master academies.

Because of the game time and the difference in the size of the competition area.

Others, there are more teams from the major kingdoms and principalities than the teams from the Heaven Dou Empire division.

Unlike the previous exchange competition, as long as it is a senior college, anyone can participate.

The teams participating in the promotion competition this time have gone through strict selection. For example, the Tiandou City division where the Tianshui team is located has a total of five teams.

There are also ten other teams selected from the major kingdoms and duchies respectively.

These fifteen teams will start fourteen rounds of round-robin arena challenges. Among them, the five teams with the most victories will be eligible to go to Wuhun City and participate in the finals of the Soul Master Competition.

In the royal paddock, apart from the thousand soldiers of the Royal Knights around "Xue Qinghe", there are also [-] soldiers of the Royal Knights here, responsible for maintaining the order of the competition.

A total of [-] soldiers of the Royal Knights directly surrounded the largest school grounds.

Different from Heaven Dou City's round-robin elimination competition, even ordinary people in the Heaven Dou Empire can enter the Great Soul Arena.

Here, no noble status, or soul masters with soul power above soul master are not eligible to come here to watch the competition.

There are a total of fourteen rounds in the promotion competition, and the time is half a month, so there is still plenty of time for the promotion competition.

As the first round of promotion competition began to draw lots, everyone's hearts were focused on the draw.

What the girls of Tianshui Academy didn't expect was that their first opponent was actually the Botanical Academy from Barak Kingdom.

All in all, good luck!

Although the School of Botany is quite strong, it suffers a serious disadvantage in terms of attributes.

Whether it is the blazing fire element or the ice element of Tianshui, they are not very friendly to the botanical academy, which mainly focuses on plant spirits.

The game was scheduled for three days later, and after the lottery was drawn, there was still plenty of time to study tactics.

However, from the current point of view, it seems that Tianshui does not need to study it. After all, it should be the School of Botany that should be troubled.

"Everyone, how is the residence? If you don't like it, you can report it to me."

The visitor has a thin figure, a delicate face, and a gentle breath that makes one feel like a spring breeze. He is the crown prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, "Xue Qinghe"!

"I have seen His Royal Highness!"

Including Su Qingyu, all the people from Tianshui Academy bowed slightly towards "Xueqinghe".

Even though the Heaven Dou imperial family doesn't have any strong people, they are still the rulers of the Heaven Dou Empire. The "Xue Qinghe" in front of him is the crown prince of a country, and even the elders of the Wuhun Palace have to give three points of respect.

Not to mention, a third-rate force like Tianshui Academy that doesn't even have a title Douluo.

Facing the concern of His Royal Highness, Shui Ningshuang, the deputy team leader, expressed his gratitude to him, and did not make any demands.

After exchanging pleasantries with Lan Xiaoyue and Shui Ningshuang, "Xue Qinghe" proposed to discuss something with Su Qingyu, and simply took Su Qingyu away.

Not long after leaving Tianshui Academy's residence, "Xue Qinghe" was getting faster and faster, and the guards who followed her couldn't keep up.

"Since you can't keep up, go back first, I'll just watch in the paddock for a while."

Several guards looked at each other, thinking that their prince has the cultivation level of a soul master, maybe there are master soul masters in the dark, and this is the royal enclosure, so there is generally no danger.

It might not be useful to have more of them, so he simply obeyed the order of "Xue Qinghe" and left directly.

Following her footsteps, the two came to a camp that was similar to the Tianshui Academy's camp.

There were also five barracks, "Xue Qinghe" looked quite urgent, and rushed into the barracks in the middle.

Su Qingyu followed closely behind, just in time to see Qian Renxue squatting in front of a gray-haired old man after shedding her disguise.

The old man had a burly figure, and although he was sitting there, he was very imposing.

The most important thing is that Su Qingyu is quite familiar with the old man in front of him, Golden Crocodile Douluo—the old man Tian Crocodile.

It's been a long time since I've seen him, his face is like gold paper, he looks very weak, and the hideous scar on his arm is really eye-catching.

After all, it was Qian Renxue who was regarded as a granddaughter by the old men in the hall of worship. Once the crocodile was injured, the wound healed greatly, and in a panic, she pulled Su Qingyu over.

"Grandpa Crocodile, don't worry, Herring must have a solution!"

After comforting Tian Crocodile, Qian Renxue's pretty eyes were red and swollen, "I'm really sorry, I didn't want to, but this time Grandpa Crocodile's injury is too weird, so I..."

The delicate shoulders kept trembling, and Su Qingyu was also very surprised.

But he also understood why Qian Renxue behaved like this.

She entered the Heaven Dou imperial family before she was ten years old, and she was intrigued by others. Perhaps she was the happiest when she was enshrining in the hall.

The old men who played with her were also one of the few people in the world who cared for her.

"Okay, I'll try my best!"

After finishing speaking, Su Qingyu stepped up to Tian Crocodile's side, and put three fingers lightly on his wrist.

"How about it, is there nothing you can do?"

Golden Crocodile laughed miserably, he never thought that there is such a domineering power in this world, even for someone like him who is about to end his path as a soul master, there is nothing he can do about it.

Su Qingyu glanced at Tiancrocodile with a strange expression, and a trace of pity flashed in his eyes, "Did you fight with someone, and that person still has a pair of terrifying dark gold claws in his hand."

Upon hearing this, the crocodile was dumbfounded, "How do you know?"

Sure enough, it really is, he doesn't know what to say, meeting Mr. Xiong is really a hopeless disaster.

Chapter 192 It Really Hurts

Su Qingyu also understood the strange force on the crocodile's arm, and it was clearly caused by Mr. Xiong's unique skill of tearing the sky claws.

In addition, there is also the ultimate elemental power that has been curbing the healing of his wounds.

In this case, even Ye Lingling's Nine-Hearted Begonia might not be able to heal it when it reaches the seventh ring. The will of 40 ferocious beasts is not so easily shaken.

The strength of the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear can be seen, otherwise Di Tian would not have been hurt by Mr. Xiong when he was fighting for the overlord position of the Star Dou Great Forest.

Qian Renxue at the side looked at the silent Su Qingyu, quite anxious and hopeful, "How about it, is there any cure for Grandpa Crocodile's injury?"

Su Qingyu sighed, but it made Qian Renxue's heart twitch.

Immediately, a smile appeared on the corner of Su Qingyu's mouth, and she looked at Qian Renxue playfully, "It can be saved!"

Sometimes it is really annoying to talk halfway, just like now, Su Qingyu has just dragged on for a few seconds, and there is an urge to kill him.

When Qian Renxue saw the smile on Su Qingyu's face, she also knew that she seemed to be being molested.

Angry in his heart, he couldn't help but want to beat Su Qingyu up.

However, she still knows the priorities, and the injury of the crocodile is the top priority.

"Then, Grandpa Crocodile, please, Brother Herring!"

Qian Renxue, who was about to cry, with a delicate and pitiful appearance, made people want to hug her in her arms to comfort her.

But for some reason, Su Qingyu's back felt cold, and she always felt that something bad would happen.

This time, there was no warning from his bloodline, and it might not be life-threatening to him, but it might come from other sources.

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