This scene made even Xue Ye, the emperor of the Tiandou Empire, feel extremely embarrassed.

But he is an emperor after all, it is the most basic thing to show his emotions and anger, his face is still full of smiles, waiting for the cautious Xiao Wu to take away the edict of promotion and the card with [-] gold soul coins in his hand.

Although the scene was already a bit cold because of Shrek Academy.

But the person in charge of the host still waited for Xiao Wu, who received the award on behalf of Shrek Academy, to come down, and then handed over the right to speak to the most honorable Emperor Xue Ye present.

Xue Ye's eyes swept across the student representatives of the five colleges in front of her, and she especially stayed on Tang San for a few more seconds, before smiling calmly, "My children, I want to congratulate you!"

"You have successfully qualified for this year's All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition. As the ruler of the Heaven Dou Empire, I will be proud of you. You are the future hope of the Heaven Dou Empire.

And as the captains and vice captains of each team, your strength also played the most important role in the game.Therefore, I decided to confer the title of ten viscounts on you.The titles of baronets of other participating students from your five academies.

After you graduate, the door of the imperial family will be open for you at any time.Your fiefs will be distributed uniformly after you graduate. "

Xue Ye's words stirred up thousands of waves with one stone, and made the students of several colleges feel excited.

Even Shui Bing'er, who has a calm personality, is a little unbelievable. There are ten viscounts and 25 barons, and they are all fiefs. Isn't this too big a deal.

In an empire, except during the founding period, it is impossible to have such a large-scale distribution of titles of real power.

Although they are only the bottom two of the fifth-class titles, the titles of real power are different from those titles of honor that have nothing but a title.

The first difference is the fiefdom, even if it has the honorary title of duke, it doesn't have it.

Then there is hereditary, only the title of real power is allowed, otherwise no matter how high the title of honor is, there is no hereditary power.

Salas never imagined that Emperor Xue Ye would spend so much money and use so many powerful titles to attract talents.

With the biggest background and backing of Wuhundian, even if it is the king of a country, Xue Ye, he refuted the other party, "Your Majesty, this seems a bit inappropriate!"

Emperor Xue Ye smiled lightly, "Why is it inappropriate, they are the pillars of our Heaven Dou Empire, so what are some small rewards?"

Salas also refused to admit defeat, and directly stated the conditions of the Wuhun Temple, which were exactly the same as those of Emperor Xue Ye.

The confrontation between the two for a while made the five academies including Tianshui in the audience feel like they had to choose between the two.

Unlike other colleges, Tianshui College didn't care much about the conditions of the two parties.

Xue Wu and the others have made up their minds, and they will teach in Tianshui College after graduation.

Shui Yue'er is still young and has a restless temper. She said that after graduation, Su Qingyu and Shui Bing'er were asked to take her out for fun.

But Ye Lingling, she actually chose to stay in the academy, which Su Qingyu did not expect.

After Emperor Xue Ye announced the rewards for the promotion competition, after the Heaven Dou Empire unconditionally helped the top three winners in the promotion competition to obtain a soul ring under 3 years old, Salas finally stopped fighting with him.

After all, this is the Heaven Dou Empire, not Wuhun City, it's already pretty good for him to beat Xue Ye.

After all, the Heaven Dou Empire is their territory, and Salas is just an outsider, what should be restrained is still to be restrained.

The place where the competition is held is still near the Giant Sword Mountain, which is the royal enclosure there.

During the last exchange match, the use of the venue there was also taken care of with the Heaven Dou Empire in advance.

However, there is still one month left before the start of the promotion competition.

During this period of time they are still staying in Heaven Dou City, and the teams that have qualified for the promotion competition will naturally step up their training.

Although Tianshui Academy's manor in Tiandou City is not very big, it is enough for the girls of Tianshui Academy to train.

After this period of fighting, combined with some pills that Su Qingyu usually refines, Shui Bing'er has already touched the bottleneck of the soul king level, and I believe it will not be long before she can break through.

Similarly, Su Qingyu's soul power has also taken another step and has reached level 59, which is only one step away from the soul emperor.

Chapter 189 Tang Hao Can't Help Hitting

One month passed quietly, and the students of Tianshui College did not make much progress during this period, and Shui Bing'er did not break through the bottleneck of level 17 (not to mention Shui Bing'er's slow cultivation, Huo Gua was only [-] years old. worthy of level [-]).

There are many reasons, the most important of which is that they really can't calm down.

Facing the prosperous Tiandou City, the girls of Tianshui Academy almost inevitably go out for shopping every now and then, so the effect of practice is naturally not very good.

Another thing is that one month is too short, Shen Liuyu and Qiu Ruoshui, who have the lowest soul power at present, can barely touch the bottleneck of the soul sect.

Finally, it was Lan Xiaoyue. During this period of time, she was already hitting Contra's bottleneck. As a good sister, Shui Ningshuang had been protecting her, so she naturally lost the discipline of the Tianshui Academy team members.

From Shui Ningshuang's mouth, he knew that when his mother attacked Contra, he was quite surprised.

It has been a year and a half since Lan Xiaoyue took Snow Lotus Essence to break through level 79 last time.

According to Su Qingyu's understanding, the soul saint should be more cautious in breaking through the Contra, and first polish his soul power.

But he didn't expect that his mother would play cards so unreasonably, and break through directly when her soul power reached it.

Fortunately, she really succeeded in breaking through.

Before leaving, Shui Ningshuang looked helplessly at Lan Xiaoyue beside her, full of grievances.

The two went to school together, but she remembered that her innate soul power was one and a half levels better than Lan Xiaoyue's. Why was she stuck at level 78, and she broke through so quickly.

Shui Ningshuang, who was somewhat unhappy, obviously lost her temper on Shui Yue'er.

Poor little girl, she sneaked out to play these days, and was caught by Shui Ningshuang, even if she admits her mistake, it won't work.

Soon, the teams of the five colleges gathered, and Tianshui College was arranged by "Xue Qinghe" in the best middle position.

Shrek Academy, as "No.1", was arranged at the front.

The leader of the team for this competition is none other than "Xue Qinghe" and the Thousand Royal Knights.

Seeing these soldiers of the Royal Knights, Su Qingyu remembered what happened a few years ago, and immediately felt bad.

He retreated directly into the carriage, just in time to bump into Shui Bing'er with his small head sticking out, and the two bumped into each other without paying attention.

Unlike Su Qingyu, Shui Binger's body is at most the level of a top soul king, and Su Qingyu's movements are very urgent.

How to put it, Shui Bing'er was hit by Su Qingyu to some extent.

After reacting, Su Qingyu hugged Shui Binger's delicate body in time, and said apologetically, "I'm really sorry, it was my fault just now."

Gently rubbing Shui Bing'er's red and swollen head, Su Qingyu took out the ointment made with cinnabar lotus.

Just a simple swipe, and the slight redness disappeared immediately.

Feeling the coolness on her forehead, Shui Bing'er quietly lay in Su Qingyu's arms and said, "What were you thinking just now, so engrossed?"

While gently rubbing Shui Bing'er's forehead, Su Qingyu said, "I was wondering when the man behind our convoy would make a move."

As soon as Su Qingyu finished speaking, a long cry was urged by powerful soul power, which greatly frightened the Royal Knights, who were not even soul masters.

Usually the so-called elite, in front of the real strong, is nothing more than chickens, dogs, or even ants.

Dressed in a worn-out black robe, two yellows, two purples, four blacks and one red appeared on his body, nine soul rings, and the Royal Knights, who had no soul power, were almost out of breath.

It was Tang Hao who came, without saying a word, he rushed towards the carriage where Su Qingyu and Shui Binger were.

Because of Tang Hao's sudden appearance, the expression of "Xue Qinghe", who was undecided, changed, and he hesitated inwardly.

In the end, rationality prevailed over emotion.

She has plotted the Heaven Dou Empire for so many years, no matter how talented Su Qingyu is, she is still a person after all, how could her value be comparable to an empire?

The Clear Sky Hammer was too eye-catching, so Tang Hao didn't use it. He was confident that a little soul king couldn't be his opponent.

In fact, Su Qingyu is indeed not his opponent, but someone is dealing with him.

Before Tang Hao could get close to the convoy, a bronze-skinned, burly, tall man who was close to [-] meters punched him out.

The punch was thrown out, and the surrounding air exploded instantly, and even the space became a little precarious, as if it was about to deform and collapse.

Tang Hao was not a fool either, the punch made him shiver, he hurriedly adjusted his figure, his speed was not slow, but he was still rubbed on the arm by a group of burly men.

For a moment, on Tang Hao's right arm, a large piece of flesh was directly obliterated into a small puff of dark red smoke.

The bone-piercing pain brought Tang Hao to his senses for a moment, and he thought he could count among the Titled Douluo.

But the burly man in front of him, to be precise, is a ferocious beast of 40 years old, the Star Dou Great Forest's combat power is second only to Ditian, the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear Lord.

In terms of real strength, even if Tang Chen came here, he would not dare to say what winning percentage he had.

After all, even Ditian, the number one under the god, was injured at the hands of Mr. Xiong.

Therefore, when Tang Hao thought that the other party might be a strong man like his grandfather Tang Chen, he clasped his fists decisively and saluted, "Senior, forgive me, I'm ignorant, please spare my life!"

In this match of peerless powerhouses, how dare the Heaven Dou Empire side stay here, and quickly retreat back under the command of the crown prince "Xue Qinghe".

Su Qingyu and Tianshui Academy also retreated together.

Seeing that everyone ran away, the expressionless Xiong Jun moved his hands and feet, his eyes were fixed on Tang Hao's 10-year-old soul ring from the Blue Silver Emperor.

Immediately, a murderous intent flashed across Mr. Xiong's dark golden eyes, "Forgive me, it's easy to say, then use your life to forgive me!"

A golden claw appeared in Xiong Jun's hand, and he patted Tang Hao directly.

As a soul beast with the ultimate metallic nature, the Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear's attack power is simply unreasonable. If this claw hit Tang Hao, it would be enough to kill him.

Tang Hao, who sensed something was wrong, also hastily took out his Clear Sky Hammer. Although his strength is not small, it is still a comparison with others.

In front of Mr. Xiong, Tang Hao is at best a little sheep.

After a collision, Tang Hao was thrown flying by Xiong Jun, knocking down more than 100 meters of trees before he could barely stop.

The most important thing is that under Mr. Xiong's casual blow, Tang Hao's old illness broke out at this moment.

A burst of blood mist mixed with internal organs spewed out, which stunned Mr. Xiong, as if he had only used [-]% of his strength.

This human looks like a Super Douluo, why can't he help himself?

Chapter 190 Tang Hao - Broken to pieces

In the team of Tiandou Empire, everyone was shocked.

Especially "Xue Qinghe", who is the crown prince of Tiandou, because of the environment she grew up in, she knows a lot more about Title Douluo than ordinary people.

She had guessed that the person holding the Clear Sky Hammer was most likely Tang Hao.

That kind of powerful soul power fluctuation completely surpassed the Second General Heng Ha beside her. Although she didn't know the exact level, according to her inference Tang Hao was also the strength of a Super Douluo.

As for Mr. Xiong, she was already terrified that there is actually a fourth extreme strongman in this world!

Also in the formation of the Heaven Dou Empire, walking by the front carriage, Tang San looked at the scene before him in disbelief.

In his eyes, his father Tang Hao, who was already an absolute strong man, was so vulnerable?

In the eyes of Douluo Continent's monopoly on knowledge, Tang San didn't know the gap between title Douluo.

Even Yu Xiaogang himself only knows that a Title Douluo who reaches or exceeds level 95 is a Super Douluo.

The rest of Shrek Academy, except for Ning Rongrong who often watched Sword Bone Douluo fight, all looked like foreign devils watching a show.

Looking at Tang Hao again, he was punched to the ground by Jun Xiong, which caused the recurrence of his old injury, and he also understood that Jun Xiong didn't mean to let him go.

But Tang Hao is not stupid, he can play tricks with people who are not as good as him, but in front of an existence on the same level as his grandfather, if he dares to do so, he will die.

Thinking of the blood feud with Wuhundian, Tang Hao kept reminding him that he can't die!

"Senior, please spare my life for the sake of my grandfather Tang Chen!"

Xiong Jun's thick eyebrows frowned, and there was a puzzled look in his dark golden eyes.

Tang Chen?What is that?

In Xiong Jun's eyes, besides Di Tian, ​​who else deserves him to save face?

Even Su Qingyu is reluctant, after all, Mr. Xiong is just a bodyguard, not a nanny.

"Rory, you're so wordy, go to hell!"

The huge golden claw exudes an extremely sharp aura, and its terror seems to split the sky.

Tang Hao no longer begged for mercy, and directly resorted to Haotianzong's unique skill of ring blasting!

The first five soul rings were directly exploded by Tang Hao, turned into pure soul power, and merged into his body.

But it's just a drop in the bucket. For Tang Hao of Super Douluo, this bit of soul power is not a big improvement.

Furthermore, the current Tang Hao's old illness broke out.

Exploding rings will do some damage to the body, Tang Hao's body can no longer support him exploding too many rings, at most he can reach the seventh soul ring.

Once he exploded to the eighth ring, the huge soul power could make him explode and die without anyone else doing it.

The huge golden claws collided with Tang Hao's Clear Sky Hammer, this time Tang Hao shot with all his strength, and was thrown flying.

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