The meaning is very simple, if you encounter Shrek Academy, you will automatically abstain, and when the two meet, Blazing Academy will automatically admit defeat!

Su Qingyu suddenly thought of something, "Brother Wushuang, other academies, did you promise the same?"

"How is it possible? It's just you Tianshui, Thunderbolt, and Kamikaze. We've given some compensation to the other academies."

The words have already been brought, Su Qingyu didn't say anything, but let Shui Binger decide, after all, she is the captain of Tianshui College.

Shui Bing'er didn't think about this matter at all, and agreed directly.

In order to reassure Su Qingyu and others, Huo Wushuang also made the Wuhun oath very simply.

Seeing off Huo Wushuang who strode away, Su Qingyu had to sigh, "This matter is really big."

The meaning of Blazing Academy is already obvious, it is to let Shrek Academy isolate itself from the high-level academy circle of the entire Heaven Dou Empire.

This matter is over, any senior academy will not deal with Shrek Academy again, and even be more ruthless, jointly appeal to cancel Shrek Academy, a senior academy with a bad background.

Under the operation of Blazing Huo Academy and the Huo family behind it at all costs, Shrek Academy will once again become a pheasant academy that no one knows about.

It's just that these have nothing to do with Su Qingyu, but he still has work to do.

After coming out of the Great Soul Arena, he never let go of his surveillance on that mouse.

Along with the movement of the Tianshui College group, Su Qingyu also found that the path she was taking was not right at all.

In other words, he was the only one who knew that he was going the wrong way, but in order to deal with the mouse, Su Qingyu followed Shui Binger and the others without making a sound.

Just like that, the girls from Tianshui Academy walked out of Tiandou City together with Su Qingyu.

As soon as she left the city, the delicate-minded Shui Bing'er faintly sensed that something was wrong, so she tugged at Su Qingyu's shirt beside her.

Under the deliberate guidance of a certain mouse, Su Qingyu and others have come to an empty place where no one passes by.

Regarding Shui Bing'er's small movements, Su Qingyu just squeezed her jade hand and gave her a reassuring look.

"Jie Jie Jie, the proud girl of Tianshui College is nothing more than that, so easy to be fooled."

Among the girls, only Shui Bing'er, Xue Wu, and Yu Hairou remained calm, and Shui Yue'er was so frightened that she hugged Su Qingyu's arm.

Shui Bing'er's pretty face was cold, and she asked coldly, "Who is Your Excellency, and why did you bring us here!"

Just like what Flender said, the man at that time was quite abnormal, his mind was smaller than a needle, and his jealousy was comparable to that of Feng Xiaotian's dead father, Feng Boxian.

"You know, what I hate the most are you so-called geniuses, and I also really enjoy the feeling of killing you geniuses!"

After all, Shi Nian was immediately possessed by the martial soul, and seven soul rings lingered on the strange remnant dream martial soul, and a terrifying aura rushed towards Su Qingyu and the others.


A scream sounded, awakening the girls of Tianshui Academy who were affected by the Wuhun of that year.

They found that they were in the wild, and there was a river flowing slowly beside it.

When they noticed the scream, they realized that there was a white sword stuck in Shi Nian's body only two meters away from them.

With a sound of touch, Shi Nian was kicked to the ground, and Su Qingyu just appeared from behind him.

Fortunately, the girls of Tianshui Academy had seen blood on their hands, so they didn't have much reaction to the dead.

It was Shui Yue'er, the girl looked around, then at Su Qingyu in front of her, "Brother-in-law, how did you do it?"

Su Qingyu rubbed the little girl's hair, smiled slightly, "Hey, I can't tell you yet!"

Immediately afterwards, Su Qingyu asked Shui Binger to take them back to Tiandou City as soon as possible, after all, the next step was a bit cruel...

Chapter 187

In Tianshui Manor, Su Qingyu is playing with the jade-like, colorful left soul bone in his hand (the original book hints that it is the left arm bone, but it is also a skull in the anime, so here we deal with it as the first time.)

This is the soul bone that can increase the spiritual power of allies by 20.00%, and at the same time establish a spiritual network that connects each other's minds.

It is indeed a good choice for the so-called team battle, especially on the battlefield, it has the ability similar to a certain white charging treasure.

In addition, this spirit bone can also have a psychedelic effect on the enemy, causing the enemy to have a wrong sense of direction, and even have the effect of weakening the enemy's spiritual power.

Excluding the lower age limit, which is less than 2 years old, this spirit bone is still pretty good.

Moreover, it was an extremely rare gem support system spirit bone, no wonder Tang San would treat it as a bone and throw it to Ning Rongrong.

For gem auxiliary spirits like the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, this spirit bone is second only to the 10-year spirit bone.

"It's no wonder, this year is really a boy who gives money."

Of course, to Su Qingyu, he is indeed a boy who gives money, but to ordinary soul masters, he is a deadly existence.

It was a bad time to meet Su Qingyu, after all, his current spiritual power is infinitely close to the spiritual realm exclusive to Limit Douluo.

Even though it was difficult for Contra to see the behavior of Shi Nian, he was an invisible existence in front of Su Qingyu.

To die at the hands of Su Qingyu can only be said to be not wronged at all.

The matter of the blazing Academy finally came to an end, with Ning Fengzhi fanning the flames beside Emperor Xue Ye, Salas, the Archbishop of the Spirit Temple, still failed.

In the end, the result given by the organizing committee was naturally that they each played [-] boards first, and Chi Huo and Shrek were both warned once.

But the result of the competition, under the covert operation of Ning Fengzhi who had already completely slammed into the Heaven Dou Empire chariot, was judged to be Blazing Fire's violation, and Shrek Academy won.

Although this wave of operations may cause some people's grievances, does Ning Fengzhi care?Don't care at all!

The memory of the world is very short, as long as you are not the person involved, no matter what happens, it will pass after a while, who will remember it?

Although the words are ugly, it is the truth.

In the next game, Tianshui happened to meet Zhihuo.

Without further ado, Huo Wushuang announced his abstention.

Then there was the Elephant Armor Academy. Although the defensive diamond mammoth had both offensive and defensive capabilities, it still lost to Tianshui in the end.

Led by Hu Yanli, the seven people were directly frozen into ice sculptures by the girls of Tianshui College.

In the last match, Tianshui Academy faced the fastest and only Kamikaze Academy among the five elemental academies.

But what people didn't expect was that Shui Bing'er chose to abstain, and Tianshui Academy, which had been winning streak all the way, now also suffered a defeat.

In the preparation area of ​​Shenfeng Academy, Feng Xiaotian, who was wearing a blue shirt and a black mask, punched the chair.

The disciple of the Feng family beside him took a sneak peek, but said nothing.

Feng Boxian's death, it's too late for these offshoots to be happy, after all, Feng Boxian hit their parents a lot in order to maintain his so-called reputation as the number one genius of Kamikaze Academy.

Even if they are direct descendants, because of Feng Boxian's affairs, Feng Xiaotian is rarely treated.

In the current Feng family, almost everyone wished that Feng Zhengjie, the head of the family, would die soon.

In any case, everything was done by Feng Boxian.

Because he is the son of the head of the family, no one of his generation is allowed to surpass him in cultivation.

And Feng Zhengjie himself was indifferent to Feng Boxian's actions, and even his family members held grudges.

Now that Feng Zhengjie is getting old and Feng Boxian is dead, these hatreds can only fall on Feng Xiaotian.

Tianshui Academy didn't accept the challenge, which made Feng Xiaotian somewhat depressed.

But thinking of what Huo Wu said to him yesterday, Feng Xiaotian's eyes were full of hope again.

Still the same as before, with the consent of Huo Li and Feng Zhengjie, the heads of the Huo family and Feng Zhengjie, Feng Xiaotian and Huo Wu went to find Salas together, taking advantage of the loophole of the soul master competition.

It's just that compared to the original, the actions of the Feng family and the Huo family were much earlier.

Besides, Shrek Academy is completely famous.

Ning Fengzhi never expected that the Huo family would dare to confront the organizing committee, convincing those teams that hadn't played against Shrek Academy to abstain from the competition as soon as they met Shrek Academy.

It is very normal to forfeit the game. After all, if you can't beat it, you can't beat it. There is nothing to be ashamed of.

But being dropped by sixteen teams in a row is not that simple.

This also means that the attitude of the vast majority of the colleges in the Tiandou competition area towards Shrek Academy is that they don't welcome it, and they acquiesce in pushing Shrek Academy out of the ranks of advanced colleges.

With each match, the people's impression of Shrek Academy completely changed.

This is naturally not a good impression, and even under the deliberate rumors that Shrek Academy colluded with the organizing committee, and Shrek Academy forced other academies to abandon the competition, rumors emerged endlessly.

All of a sudden, the entire Heaven Dou City and even some surrounding areas were spreading the shocking shady scene of the Continental Soul Master Competition.

Ordinary people don't have a certain vision, and blind obedience is inevitable. Coupled with the help of Salas, even Ning Fengzhi was dragged into the water.

Be it the Heaven Dou Empire or the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, who can control what ordinary people say in private?

Now this situation is getting worse and worse, and some not-so-famous high-level colleges are also making trouble.

Salas also took the opportunity to attack and directly suspended the game for one day!

In fact, Salas hoped to drag it on for a longer time, but the other divisions competed as usual and would not stop because of the Tiandou division, so they chose to suspend the competition for only one day.

Today's Shrek Academy is already famous, but it is notorious.

Flender, who would compromise every time, did not indulge Yu Xiaogang anymore, and planned to take the members of Shrek Academy to Blazing Academy to make amends, and then apologize door to door.

But in the end, there was only Ma Hongjun who followed Flender, and the others chose to remain silent.

Except for Ma Hongjun who regards Flender as his father, everyone else has their own thoughts, and they can't make an apology, otherwise it will be tantamount to admitting...

In Yunhua Teahouse, Su Qingyu, Shui Binger and Ye Lingling are drinking tea together.

The person sitting across from him was unexpected, but it would be the dean Shui Ningyuan.

Not long after Shui Ningyuan broke through level 86, she received a letter from Su Qingyu, and she didn't arrive at Tiandou City until early this morning.

"I didn't expect that just one game would cause such a big implication, Blazing Academy..."

Some words, she didn't know how to say, it was really a big road, everyone went to one side, Blazing Academy finally found a master for herself.

Su Qingyu smiled lightly, "We can't take care of other people's affairs, you must already know why I called Aunt Yuan here, right?"

As soon as this was mentioned, Shui Ningyuan glared at him angrily, "It will cause trouble, and Title Douluo will offend you too!"

Chapter 188

A few days passed, and Su Qingyu could clearly feel that the sense of crisis in the dark was getting stronger and stronger.

He could guess that Tang Hao must have been impatient.

Coupled with the fact that Tang San was severely injured by the Blazing Academy, he must now have the idea of ​​destroying the Blazing Academy.

Tang Hao has always been domineering, on the soul fighting arena, moves like Huowu Yaoyang couldn't be stopped at all, thus hurting Tang San.

In his opinion, this is enough, if he dares to hurt his son, he will definitely destroy Blazing Academy.

Even if Huo Wu didn't hurt her intentionally, the members of the Tang family can't be bullied by outsiders!

Before considering the Shrek Academy, the Huo Family behind the Blazing Academy was also well prepared.

As representatives of the younger generation of the Huo family, Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu also met Salas together.

For the Huo family to go to the Wuhun Temple, Salas was indescribably happy.

Of course, the Huo family's troubles are not small. The person behind Tang San is said to have beaten the Pope to death, even Salas, an old Jianghu who has seen many ups and downs, is quite afraid.

But this is also a great achievement. After all, Tang Hao killed the former pope, how could the Wuhun Palace not take revenge?

Salas also knew the one in the Temple of Enshrinement. Compared with that one, a mere Tang Hao was nothing to worry about.

With the end of the round robin competition, Shrek Academy won No.27 with 1 victories.

It's just that in the eyes of the Tiandou people, this No. 1 is not even as good as the number one vertically.

Tianshui Academy ranked second with 26 wins and one loss. They only lost to Shrek Academy with forfeit.

Thunder Academy ranked third with 25 wins and [-] losses. They forfeited Shrek and lost to Kamikaze.

Blazing Academy has 25 wins and [-] losses, ranking fourth, losing to Thunder, so the ranking is not as good as Thunder Academy.

The final No.5 is the Kamikaze Academy, with 24 wins and three losses. Why is it only ranked fifth? In addition to abstaining from Shrek, there is also an element of someone's release.

Emperor Xue Ye still had a smile on his face. Starting from the No.5 Kamikaze Academy, awards were presented to the top five who had qualified for the qualifying round.

Starting from Kamikaze, to Chihuo, Thunderbolt, Tianshui, when the awards were presented by the four elemental academies, they all received cheers and applause from the nobles and common people of the Heaven Dou Empire.

But when it came to the No.1 Shrek Academy, the entire Heaven Dou Great Soul Arena was eerily quiet, almost no one stood up to congratulate Shrek Academy.

The only few people were teachers from Shrek Academy, Zhao Wuji and the others.

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