At the very beginning, the people on the rostrum noticed the clues, and Salas, who had been fighting against Ning Fengzhi, directly launched an attack, criticizing Ma Hongjun as an evil soul master.

Yu Xiaogang didn't say anything, the meaning was obvious, that is to give up Ma Hongjun.

However, this made Flender, the dean and teacher Ma Hongjun, unacceptable, and it caused a rift in the relationship between him and Yu Xiaogang for the first time.

Fortunately, with Ning Fengzhi as a local snake, even if Salas, representing the Hall of Spirits, was relentless, he still didn't dare to make too much trouble in the territory of the Heaven Dou Empire.

But even so, Ma Hongjun's qualification for the competition was still disqualified by Salas.

After this incident, Shrek Academy naturally fell into the discussion of the residents of Tiandou City, and the whole academy was even more clouded.

There was another thing that made Shrek's situation worse, Tang San got the Blazing Academy that restrained him the most.

Along the way, Tang San, who usually looked like a sunny boy on the surface, had a grim complexion.

Ma Hongjun, who was disqualified from the competition, said weakly, "This is too restraining us, if it really doesn't work, we have to admit defeat!"

However, this hit someone's pain point, to be precise, it was the pride of the prince of the royal family of the Star Luo Empire.

Dai Mubai glared angrily, "If you say something depressing, isn't it the Blazing Academy, how can it be better than the elephant armor!"

These words also aroused Tang San's inner unwillingness, "Mubai is right, Chi Huo is indeed very strong, but we are not weak either!"

After some discussion, Tang San brought Dai Mubai, Tai Long, Pao Shui Tu Xiaowu and three former Purple Star Academy students onto the stage.

In the auditorium, the Tianshui Academy group still sat in the front row arranged by Tiandou Empire.

It is worth noting that "Xue Qinghe", the crown prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, is also sitting here, which surprised many people.

But that's okay, after all, "Xue Qinghe" is not with Ning Fengzhi, but a member of the organizing committee of the competition.

Therefore, His Royal Highness did not attract much fluctuation, but it was obviously different in the eyes of Salas.

"Brother Herring, in this competition, can this new dark horse Shrek Academy win against Blazing Academy?"

"Xue Qinghe" looked at the 10-year-old soul beast Xiao Wu from time to time, without any intention of hiding it.

Obviously, the charm of a 10-year soul ring cannot be avoided even by her, the young master of the Spirit Hall.

Once her seventh spirit ring is 10 years old, her chances of accepting the God's Test will be much higher in the future.

"I can't beat it. After all, blue silver grass is just blue silver grass. We don't pursue the sublimation of martial soul, but only develop it. What potential does blue silver grass, a weed that can be seen everywhere by the roadside, have?"

In Su Qingyu's view, the so-called Wuhun without waste, and a soul master with only waste is nonsense.

The world is not fair, there are good and weak spirits, everything is just so unreasonable.

It's just that Su Qingyu didn't pay attention to the competition, a mouse in the background attracted his attention.

Su Qingyu's expression froze slightly, "I didn't want to talk to you at first, but it seems that I can't do without killing you."

Chapter 185 Shrek Suffers a Heavy Injury

On the ring, the two sides set up their lineups, and the match started with the host's voice.

Zhihuo and Shrek activated the martial spirit together, because of Shui Binger's strength, Tang San's ten thousand year spirit ring is the same.

In the beginning, Huo Wushuang with the one-horned fiery dragon took the lead, directly attacking Dai Mubai, who is also a power attack system soul master.

"Hey, your name is Dai Mubai, right? I know you, the fourth spirit ability is really powerful!"

After Huo Wushuang yin and yang said, Dai Mubai's powder keg-like temper could explode at a single touch.

In addition, just because he believed the words of the master, the fourth soul ability has always been a pain in his heart.

This is where Huo Wushuang is, which pot is not opened, and Dai Mubai, who became angry from embarrassment, directly confronts Huo Wushuang with his pair of tiger claws.

Because of Su Qingyu's interference, Dai Mubai, who did not have Qirong Tongtianju, but took some Earth Element Liquid, at most tempered his body and increased his soul power, just broke through to level 43.

In terms of soul power, it is much worse than Huo Wushuang who reached level 43 two months ago.

With the head-to-head consumption of the two sides, Huo Wushuang, who has the support of a fire attribute assistant soul master, obviously has the upper hand.

Tang San, who noticed the clue at the side, was about to remind Dai Mubai, but a fiery red shadow stood in front of him, "Heh, if you want to save others, let's see if you have the ability!"

Control system vs. control system, but the advantage of the fire attribute fire dance against the blue silver grass is really too great.

Tang San tried the first spirit ability Entangling and the second spirit ability Parasite in turn, but neither had any effect.

As soon as the parasitic seeds produced by the blue silver grass appeared, they were completely burned by Huo Wu.

And Tang San's third and fourth spirit abilities consumed too much, and he didn't dare to use them lightly.

Tang San, who was still smug at first, now has only one feeling, that is aggrieved!

His martial soul attack method is completely useless against Chi Huo Academy.

For a while, he also began to dislike his Blue Silver Grass Wuhun for being so useless.

If he had used that hammer spirit, it would definitely not be like this.

Thinking of the hammer in his left hand, Tang San's left hand flashed a black light.

"No, the Clear Sky Hammer is the symbol of the Clear Sky School. There must be many people on the mainland who know it. If I want to use the Clear Sky Hammer like this, then it must be..."

Right now Tang San was extremely entangled in his heart, but when he saw Huo Wu attacking Xiao Wu, he didn't think about anything.

With a flash of black light in his left hand, a small hammer that weighed hundreds of catties first appeared in Tang San's hand.

Su Qingyu had to be sharp-eyed, the moment Tang San used the Clear Sky Hammer, he was spotted.

The reaction speed of other people on the field was not much slower than Su Qingyu's. Xue Ye, Salas, Ning Fengzhi, Gu Rong, and the fake prince "Xue Qinghe" beside Su Qingyu all recognized the Clear Sky Hammer.

"Interesting, Clear Sky Hammer? Blue Silver Grass, Twin Martial Souls?"

"Xue Qinghe" had a playful look in his eyes, "He really deserves to be the heir of Haotian Douluo, this talent is quite powerful."

Now she still doesn't know the truth, and always thinks that Tang Hao is her father-killing enemy.

Although Qian Xun Ji died in Bibi Dong's hands, in fact, Qian Xun Ji's death had something to do with Tang Hao.

The only thing Su Qingyu didn't understand was why the original Qian Renxue fell in love with Tang San, the son who killed his father and enemy in her eyes.

Is it really like what others said, give it to the little angel for free?

It's just that Su Qingyu didn't realize how big of a problem she had, but she was quite smart.

Really couldn't figure it out, so Su Qingyu didn't think about it anymore.

On the field, Shrek's situation has changed.

Huo Wushuang, who had been fighting against Dai Mubai, was hit by the Haotian Hammer thrown by Tang San, and he vomited blood and passed out immediately.

However, this also angered Huo Wu. Under the cover of the fiery flaming flaming crane, Huo Yu and the others, she no longer hid, and directly resorted to Huo Wu Yaoyang, who needed to accumulate soul power for a long time.

As Huo Wu's own spirit power fluctuations continued to increase, Tang San's scalp was also numb, eager to break through the protection of Huo Wu from the members of the Blazing Academy.

But in fact, it's not that easy. Although the remaining five members of the Huo family are all soul masters, they are all of the 39th level.

Two of them have already touched the bottleneck of the soul sect. If the competition is held ten days and a half months later, there may be four soul sects from Blazing Academy playing together.

Fortunately, Xiao Wu, who has been paddling, no longer idles away when Tang San encounters difficulties.

Her slender thighs were her best weapon. Enduring the pain of being burned by the flamingo of the Blazing Academy, she forced the flamingo to break her limbs.

The Blazing Academy was about to fall, and Huo Wu's big move was finally ready, "Everyone, get down!"

Following Huo Wu's soft shout, everyone from Chi Huo Academy jumped off the ring one by one.

Huo Wushuang and Huohe, who were seriously injured before, were taken down by the referee long ago, and Huo Wu, who no longer had any scruples, immediately launched, "Huo Wu shines!"

Tang San's complexion became very ugly, after all it was a failure, even the soul emperor referee didn't dare to take this move, let alone a mere Blue Silver Grass Soul Sect.

It's just that knowing this made Tang San feel unwilling, but his Clear Sky Hammer really had no way to deal with such a large-scale elemental attack as Huowu Yaoyang.

His family's ancestral blacksmith's 81 hammer has no defensive ability at all!

The situation was so critical, Tang San still didn't intend to give up, he had a brother-sister relationship with Dai Mubai and Xiao Wu in the ring.

Su Qingyu, who was watching from the auditorium, almost vomited, "Oh, I really took Huo Wu's attack as air!"

Shui Bing'er nestled in Su Qingyu's arms and said softly, "Huo Wu's move is very strong. With the same soul power, if it weren't for the advantages in attributes, I wouldn't be able to fight alone. Guaranteed to beat her."

There is no way, Shui Binger's soul skills are too biased towards control now, and Su Qingyu also plans to find a powerful soul beast for Shui Binger when she obtains the fifth soul ring.

While Su Qingyu was thinking, she stroked Shui Binger's soft hair, while Xue Wu and others said that the dog food was almost full!

This time without ice and fire immunity, Tang San still faced Huo Wu Yaoyang directly.

Originally the soul emperor referee wanted to make a move, but Tang San and Dai Mubai were extremely "handsome" and declined!

Tang San activated his fourth spirit ability, Blue Silver Thrust Formation, but was swallowed by the exploding fireball in a blink of an eye, with little blocking effect.

The master outside the court shouted anxiously, but it was too late.

Roaring flames engulfed Tang San and the others, Dai Mubai who stood in the front was severely burned, his face was disfigured, his internal organs were already slightly burnt.

If there is no powerful healing soul master to take action, his career as a soul master and his life will basically be over.

After all, it was impossible for the Star Luo Empire to allow a prince who would insult the majesty of the empire, let alone someone who was defeated in a foreign country.

Tang San's injuries were more serious, but Xiao Wu was held in his arms, the burns were not serious, and that innocent face was still lovely and moving.

Chapter 186

"I protest, Chi Huo was killing people just now, I hope the organizing committee can cancel their results!"

It was none other than Yu Xiaogang who said this.

Huowu Yaoyang, who could make the soul emperor afraid, hit the severely restrained blue silver grass soul master Tang San, and the damage was too serious.

Even Flander of Shrek Academy, who is usually greedy for money but still has a certain bottom line, has no intention of stopping it.

Others don't know, doesn't he know?

Back then, Zhao Wuji only slightly injured Xiao Wu, Tang San almost knocked out his front teeth with a hammer.

Just letting Tang San exhaust his soul power for a while, Tang Hao came to the door and beat up Zhao Wuji.

Although there was a point of pointing, it also made Zhao Wuji secretly hurt until he recovered recently.

The Tang family's cruelty and unreasonableness, he understood too well, and Flender was upset, but he could only close his eyes and watch Yu Xiaogang actively fight against Tang San.

On the organizing committee's side, Ning Fengzhi's and Xue Ye's buttocks were obviously crooked.

Although Salas had made a lot of small moves before, but this time, he really planned to preside over justice for a while.

"Hmph, what a joke, the referee already meant to let you abstain, but if you hold on yourself, who can you blame if you get injured?"

After being ridiculed by Salas, Yu Xiaogang's face became quite ugly, "Salas, even if you are the cardinal of the Wuhun Temple, you can't just talk nonsense!"

"Bishop Salas, this matter is indeed inappropriate. Huo Wu's last move, Huo Wu Yaoyang, obviously couldn't control it. No matter how you say it, he hurt people first."

It was Xue Ye who said this. As the emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire, although he was not very stupid, he was not very wise either. Generally speaking, he could only be regarded as an emperor with mediocre talents.

Over the years, his age has continued to increase, and some words he just said directly from his brain.

Ning Fengzhi on the side was already secretly cursing Xue Ye as a pig teammate in his heart, you can do whatever you want in private, but if you say it publicly, isn't it meant to protect Shrek?

In desperation, he could only come out to smooth things over, "Well, I already know about Shrek Academy, and I will give you an answer."


When the arena was over, people kept pouring out of the gate of the Tiandou Great Soul Arena.

Only the two entrances and exits on the north side of the Great Spirit Arena are extraordinarily peaceful.

One of them is the exclusive entrance and exit of each academy team, and the other is the passage of such powerful forces as the royal family and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Beside Su Qingyu, on one left and one on the right, are Shui Binger and Ye Lingling, and behind them are several girls from Tianshui College.

The most daring one was Shui Yue'er, who actually let Su Qingyu carry her on her back.

I don't know what Shui Bing'er was thinking, and let this girl mess around.

As soon as the group came out, they ran into an acquaintance—Huo Wushuang.

"Everyone of Tianshui Academy, Huo Wushuang is being polite here!"

Su Qingyu is not very familiar with Huo Wushuang, the two of them have chatted a few times at most, and exchanged a few words.

"Brother Wushuang, I wonder if you are waiting for us here, what can I teach you?"

Huo Wushuang also has a straight temper, without any concealment, he just said it out.

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