Although Tang San was severely restrained by Blazing Fire because of the Blue Silver Grass, he was finally judged to lose the match.

But he himself is a powerful soul master at level 48 after all. In the entire Tiandou competition area, his soul power is second only to Shui Bing'er.

Without being restrained, combined with the martial arts he secretly learned in his previous life, he is almost invincible among his peers.

The last match fell to Tianshui Academy, but this made Ma Hongjun of Shrek Academy active.

In his opinion, as long as he doesn't run into the captain of Tianshui Academy, with the strength of his "Fire Phoenix" martial spirit, he will definitely be able to penetrate him.

As Shrek Academy's tactical guide, the master also recognized Ma Hongjun.

In his eyes, ice would be restrained by the fire element in the first place, and Ma Hongjun would definitely consume a lot of the opponent's combat strength when he played.

At Tianshui Academy, Shui Bing'er stood up lightly, with a smile on her face, "The last match, everyone, take a break and leave it to me."

Shui Binger's age ranks first in the Tianshui team, but she will always be the one with the highest prestige in the team.

No other members of Team Tianshui objected to her decision. Lan Xiaoyue stepped forward and touched the soft cheek of her eldest daughter-in-law with great satisfaction, "Binger, come on ^[-]^~ oh!"

In front of the elders, Shui Bing'er smiled sweetly, nodded, and walked towards the ring.

Her appearance also attracted a lot of people's comments. Tianshui's captain, the proud girl of heaven, countless people set their eyes on her.

As soon as she came on stage, Shui Bing'er also recognized Ma Hongjun who had insulted her back then.

There is a saying that the country is easy to change and the nature is hard to change. Although Yu Xiaogang's rigorous physical training has consumed a lot of energy, he will talk nonsense whenever he meets a beautiful girl. This cannot be changed.

"The chick is really beautiful. Is there a man? If not, I don't mind, sir!"

"Shut up, if you dare to interfere with your opponent, get down now!"

Coincidentally, the match between Tianshui Academy and Shrek Academy was still the same referee who presided over the match between Blazing Academy and Shrek Academy—Ming Yu.

Because Tang San hit him with his right hand, he didn't have a good impression of Shrek Academy.

In addition, the popularity of Tianshui College is quite good, even if Ming Yu did this, the people present felt nothing, and even supported him.

On the contrary, it was Ma Hongjun, the fat man was fine, but the wretched demeanor on him was too unbearable.

After being warned once, Ma Hongjun snorted, apparently not convinced.

In his eyes, Ming Yu is nothing more than a soul emperor, and he will be able to achieve it sooner or later.

The competition was just beginning, and before Ma Hongjun had time to possess his spirit, he was frozen by the Frost Imprisonment.

Immediately, Shui Bing'er walked over slowly, and kicked Ma Hongjun who was frozen into an ice sculpture with one kick. (Is there an inexplicable sense of familiarity!)

Everything happened very quickly, and before most people could react, the game ended directly.

"In the first round, Tianshui Academy successfully defended!"

As soon as Ming Yu's voice fell, the faces of everyone in Shrek Academy turned dark.

Shui Bing'er's Frost Confinement can be cast instantly, which is really too incomprehensible.

Especially for attack type soul masters, it is quite unfriendly.

Although Flender had some gaps with Yu Xiaogang, he still listened to Yu Xiaogang most of the team issues.

Apart from being greedy for some money, his biggest shortcoming is indecision and it is difficult to be cruel.

Yu Xiaogang also saw Flender's hesitation, and said quite confidently: "I have studied the tactics of Tianshui Academy, the instant soul skill, as long as there is enough speed, it should be able to dodge."

The master said so, precisely because the second player was none other than Zhu Zhuqing from the Agility Department.

As soon as Zhu Zhuqing came to the stage, he said apologetically to Shui Binger: "I'm sorry, I really don't want to fight with you."

Shui Bing'er didn't care, her quiet and pretty face was still calm, and she didn't take it to heart.

And Zhu Zhuqing also nodded, after the referee Ming Yu announced the start, his own speed doubled the moment the spirit possessed him.

Immediately afterwards, the white hands turned into jet-black cat claws, and directly attacked Shui Bing'er.

Zhu Zhuqing is the calm one. After thinking about it, she took a risk and chose to use the first soul skill, Nether Thrust, while possessing the martial soul.

But this is very difficult for her who has never practiced dual-purpose, but she still succeeded.

Seeing Shui Binger was right in front of her eyes, but she didn't see Shui Binger's smile. An ice blue armor was attached to Shui Binger's beautiful body, like a goddess of ice and snow.

The arena was also covered in frost, everything seemed to be his home field!

The second soul skill, Lin Bing Sacred Armor!

Seeing that the situation was not good, Zhu Zhuqing was about to escape, but was frozen by the ice confinement used by Shui Binger again.

Like Ma Hongjun, Zhu Zhuqing was also thrown down by Shui Binger, the only difference was that his movements were softer.

It also happened at this time that Su Qingyu and Ye Lingling also rushed back, just in time to see Shui Bing'er on the ring like a goddess of ice and snow.

"Sister Bing'er, you are really amazing!"

Ye Lingling, who has no fighting ability, is usually very envious of the powerful Shui Binger.

Su Qingyu took Ye Lingling's slender and tender hand, and let her lean close to her mother Lan Xiaoyue, and said with a smile: "Lingling, you are not bad!"

Lan Xiaoyue gave Su Qingyu a look, as if telling him, young man can do it.

Regarding her mother, Su Qingyu smiled helplessly, and then paid attention to Shui Binger who was still on the ring.

The third player from Shrek Academy was Dai Mubai, whose spirit power was second only to Tang San's. He was thrown down without being able to survive under Shui Binger's 3 minutes in the assault department.

The same goes for the fourth Xiao Wu, Shui Binger's Frost Imprisonment is very unfriendly to attack-type soul masters (I'm confused, a rabbit is an attack-type?), just like Dai Mubai, she didn't escape the change The fate of becoming an ice sculpture.

However, this also provoked Tang San, that face without any features had a ferocious look, and it looked even uglier.

Just when the fifth Tai Long was about to enter the stage, he was stopped by an angry Tang San, "Tai Long, leave this match to me."

It's still the Clear Sky Hammer, now Tang San is completely broken, and his desire to give up the Blue Silver Grass spirit is getting stronger and stronger.

"Tang San, Wuhun Clear Sky Hammer, please advise!"

After all, Tang San shot directly, directly using the ancestral blacksmith 81 hammer, and smashed towards Shui Bing'er.

The corners of Shui Bing'er's mouth turned up, secretly happy in her heart: It's really as what Herring said, rabbit fans, father and son both like soul beasts, it's really strange enough.

Chapter 197 Ice Explosion Tang San

The Tang family's blacksmithing 81 hammer is generally a type of stacking hammer.

One hammer is more powerful than one hammer, but it has a very fatal shortcoming, that is, when stacking hammers, it is impossible to leave the place at all.

Otherwise, the change of the lower body will easily cause the stack hammer to lose control, which may hurt the muscles and bones, or even threaten your own life.

Different from the people of Haotianzong, Tang San not only can forge 81 hammers, but also has the corresponding physical martial arts-Ghost Shadow Mistrack.

Therefore, he can be regarded as the first person to overcome the defect of the Tang family's blacksmith 81 hammer.

Tang San, holding the small Clear Sky Hammer, kept approaching Shui Bing'er relying on his ghostly shadow.

But Shui Bing'er responded calmly, attacking with ice arrows condensed from ice elements from time to time,

Tang San dodged all of them one by one, and finally all shattered on the field.

Seeing Tang San directly swung the Clear Sky Hammer stacked 36 times towards Shui Binger's head.

Shui Bing'er quickly used the second soul skill Lin Ice Sacred Armor!

This time she didn't attach the armor to her body, but directly released it, blocking Tang San's face.

With the Clear Sky Hammer stacked 36 times, its lethality has already reached the limit level of a soul king.

Even Shui Binger's Ultimate Ice only blocked it for a moment.

With the shattering of Lin Bing Sacred Armor, Tang San's expression was solemn, and his heart was very entangled.

As Douluo Continent's current first martial soul, its quality is naturally needless to say.

But although it is easy to use, the use of the Clear Sky Hammer has extremely high requirements on soul power.

Even if Tang San absorbed more of Ma Hongjun's earth essence liquid, his spirit power level reached level 48, but with the Clear Sky Hammer, he still couldn't last long.

So Tang San's idea now is to make a quick decision. If he is really dragged down by Shui Binger, once his soul power is exhausted, it is very likely that he will be pierced by Shui Binger. Shrek Academy is ashamed.

He Tang Hao is dead, Tang San understands that his biggest backer is the teachers of Shrek Academy, and maybe the reclusive Haotianzong.

But he didn't know anything about Haotianzong, so he was more willing to stay in Shrek Academy.

Everything in the world has a marked price. If Tang San wants to be blessed by the teachers of Shrek Academy, he must really work for Shrek Academy.

Immediately, Tang San retracted the Clear Sky Hammer, and blue silver grass vines gradually appeared on the field.

Two yellow, one purple and one black, four spirit rings appeared behind Tang San in turn.

Facing such a formidable opponent as Shui Bing'er, Tang San had no choice but to go all out, and directly used his fourth spirit ability - Blue Silver Spike Formation!

The blue-green vines became straight like spears, with pointed ends, pierce the ground, and went straight to Shui Bing'er.

This move can be said to be Tang San's Blue Silver Grass's only attacking spirit ability at present, but it may cause headaches for ordinary soul sects.

But to Shui Binger, it was nothing.

The third soul ring that floated beside Shui Bing'er shone, turned into a cold phoenix, a pair of ice blue wings blowing against the cold wind, and the referee Ming Yu who was also in the ring sneezed.

The frightening low temperature instantly froze Tang San's blue and silver spikes, and then, Shui Bing'er slightly parted her red lips, and sipped softly, "Ice—burst!"

As soon as Shui Binger's words fell, Tang San's face changed drastically, but it was too late.

The entire arena has long been turned into a world of ice and snow. As long as Shui Binger is willing, she can destroy the arena completely at any time.

Pieces of solid ice exploded, no matter how useful Tang San's Ghost Shadow Bewildering Trace was, he could no longer avoid it.

Fortunately, Shui Bing'er's ice blast was well controlled, very measured, but Tang San suffered a lot of skin injuries, and didn't cause him too serious injuries.

This is also the master Yu Xiaogang who originally wanted to criticize and had nothing to say, but Shrek Academy can't avoid the shame of wearing seven.

Tang San left the stage sadly, Shui Binger walked down slowly after smiling at Ming Yu who was the referee.

The final promotion match ended with Tianshui Academy ranking first with [-] victories.

As soon as she returned to the preparation area of ​​Tianshui College, Shui Binger saw Su Qingyu for the first time, and ran over quickly, throwing herself into his arms.

Although Su Qingyu has only been away for less than half a month, Shui Binger still misses her very much.

"Brother Herring, I am also the soul king now, and I have caught up with you again!"

A pair of blue yingying pupils smiled and blinked at him.

It is also difficult for her, the ultimate element is difficult to cultivate, and it is very rare to be able to break through the soul king so quickly.

But one thing is not very good, that is, Shui Bing'er can't get the fifth spirit ring before the final.

Even going to the nearest Star Dou Forest is too late. After all, the hunting of ten thousand year soul beasts is different from the one with hundred thousand years of cultivation. Sometimes it is quite normal to hunt for a month or two.

In addition, the mainstream of Star Dou Great Forest is not ice attribute soul beasts, so it is much more difficult to find suitable soul beasts.

We can only go to the extreme north after the Wuhun City finals are completed.

At the end of the promotion match, the Heaven Dou Empire, the major kingdoms, and the principality's sixteen teams all stayed on the sidelines.

The colleges that finally qualified for the competition were Shrek, Blazing, Tianshui, Thunder, Kamikaze and Botanical College.

Like the interval between the knockout round and the promotion round, the interval between the promotion round and the final is also one month.

For a month, the girls in Tianshui were still training.

Shen Liuyu and Qiu Ruoshui, the only soul masters in the team, have now felt the peace of the soul sect.

They are also like Shui Bing'er, they don't plan to make do with it, but plan to go to the extreme north together after returning to Tianshui City.

The most remote northwest corner of the Royal Enclosure, Shrek Academy's camp.

Losing in the hands of Tian Shui, the Shrek Seven Devils headed by Tang San felt depressed.

But Tai Long, who joined temporarily, and those former Purple Star Academy students were joking and joking all the time, which angered the grumpy Dai Mubai.

"You guys are enough, you lost to a woman, you are so happy!"

Dai Mubai, the sick cat, grinned in front of the former Purple Star Academy students, but didn't have much courage in front of his big brother.

"Okay, sit down, if you lose, you lose, anyway, our skills are inferior to others!"

Seeing the former vice president Zhao Wuji talking, Dai Mubai also sat down obediently, and didn't make another sound.

Little fat man Ma Hongjun was naturally timid, so he tugged Dean Flender's black sleeve, "Dean, will we not be able to graduate this year? That Tianshui Academy is so powerful, we simply can't beat it!"

Flender didn't say anything, and he knew it was true, after all, Shui Binger's strength was obvious to all.

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