Even if the so-called Seven Shrek Monsters come out together, they may not be their opponents.

Another point is that Flender's joke was taken seriously by everyone, and everyone was astonished by the champion and the spirit bone.

Longing to get three high-quality soul bones, but never thought about how many could be kept with the strength of Shrek Academy

Chapter 198 Shrek With a Ghost in Mind

"Flender, what are you talking about? I said if you can win the championship, then you will definitely win it!"

Not far away, Yu Xiaogang and Xiao Wu walked over, supporting Tang San, who was temporarily disabled by Shui Binger's ice blast.

Right now Tang San's appearance was very funny, although he wasn't seriously injured, his whole body was blown to nothing good.

Everyone gave way to Tang San, and Xiao Wu, who loved Tang San the most, also sat beside him, holding his arm.

"There's something wrong with Shui Bing'er from Tianshui Academy. I only found out today that her ability to control ice seems to be much better than others."

Tang San's voice was hoarse, and he slowly told other people in Shrek Academy about his blue and silver spike array being frozen by Shui Bing'er and used to use Ice Burst.

This also caused Yu Xiaogang to fall into memories. Don't look at his own theories are messed up, for the training of soul masters, he only knows about exercising his body and fighting souls.

But after all, he was the one who won the heart of the former young master of the Wuhun Palace and entered the Wuhun Palace's collection by virtue of his rhetoric.

Although some things have passed for a long time, he still remembers them.

After nearly a quarter of an hour, Yu Xiaogang trembled his hands with great excitement, and his eyes showed excitement.

"I remembered, I finally remembered!"

Excited and unable to control himself, Yu Xiaogang's already somewhat long and ugly face became even more disgusting.

Fortunately for the man, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing, the three young girls, tried their best not to look at Yu Xiaogang's disgusting face.

But because of Yu Xiaogang, Liu Erlong, who left the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, said very worriedly: "Xiao Gang, calm down first, and speak slowly if you have anything to say."

Yu Xiaogang remembered that it was none other than the Ice Jade Scorpion, one of the overlord groups living in the extreme north!

In the classics of the Wuhun Temple, there is an introduction to the ice jade scorpion, a super soul beast.

Some of them have shed the scorpion's original toxins, and correspondingly, their ability to control ice elements has reached an unprecedented level.

Strong ice control ability, coupled with the constant wind and snow all year round in the extreme north, almost no one is their opponent.

"The one who recorded this incident was a level 92 Title Douluo, and he himself said in that book that he fought a 5-year-old ice jade scorpion, and that ice jade scorpion almost killed him. Even so, that Titled Douluo also died of unhealable frostbite three years later."

Tang San couldn't understand what Yu Xiaogang said, how could the dignified Titled Douluo lose to a 5-year-old soul beast.

Others didn't believe it either, and at this time it was time for the master Yu Xiaogang to show off, "As far as I know, although that Shui Binger's martial soul is not an ice jade scorpion, his martial soul may also be moving towards this On the one hand, it has developed. Didn't you find out that when she knocked you off the ring, she helped you thaw out?"

Yu Xiaogang did guess right, but he is just a person who is good at learning theories, and he really didn't have good results in the study of Wuhun.

His rigid personality also determines his theoretical path. It is okay to be a theoretical professor, but if he is a guide in the world of soul masters, it is really flattering him.

Compared to Yu Xiaogang, who calls himself a master, Bibi Dong, who has solved the problem of twin martial soul cultivation for thousands of years, is more suitable for this title.

Just when Yu Xiaogang was secretly proud of everyone's admiring eyes.

The evil fire chicken Ma Hongjun suddenly said: "No, master, I am a fire attribute soul master, I should be a restraining ice attribute soul master, why am I still frozen into a popsicle?"

All of a sudden, the master Yu Xiaogang was slapped in the face by the lively Ma Hongjun without the slightest precaution.

"Ahem, I'm not too sure about this. After all, I saw it in the library of the Wuhun Temple. It's been too long and I forgot a lot."

Flender glared angrily at Ma Hongjun who was deliberately trying to tear down Yu Xiaogang.

He has raised Ma Hongjun since he was a child, and he really knows him very well. After all, Ma Hongjun's flamboyant nature was influenced by Flender to a certain extent.

After being warned by Flender, Ma Hongjun was a little more honest, and said inadvertently that after being beaten by Shui Binger, the evil fire in his body could rest comfortably for a long time.

Yu Xiaogang, who had just been shaved by Ma Hongjun, became active again, a chrysanthemum-like smile appeared on his ugly old face, "That's great, big brother, congratulations!"

Yu Xiaogang's congratulations made Flender a little confused, "What's wrong, Xiaogang, what are you congratulating me for?"

Hearing Flender's doubts, Yu Xiaogang once again pretended to be profound, "I just heard from Hongjun that Shui Bing'er's only attack can suppress his evil fire for a long time, so if Ma Hongjun and Shui Binger Let's make a pair together, wouldn't it be..."

Not to mention, Flender, who had always regarded Ma Hongjun as his successor, was really moved.

But he was still able to remain calm, "Xiao Gang, you don't know that Shui Bing'er's surname?"

However, Yu Xiaogang's next condition made Flender's heart flutter again, "Oh, so what, don't forget that the Elemental Academy has a long history. If you have the support of Tianshui Academy, in the future you want To develop Shrek Academy, but can we take many shortcuts?"

Dai Mubai, who was watching from the side, changed his face, and a strange look appeared in his eyes.

To his surprise, it was Zhu Zhuqing who suddenly stood up, "No, I don't agree with you doing this!"

Yu Xiaogang frowned, but he didn't have a good look at Zhu Zhuqing who disturbed him, "Zhu Zhuqing, what do you mean?"

Seeing her teacher and classmates plotting her savior, Zhu Zhuqing couldn't stand it anymore, just when she was about to speak, she suddenly passed out.

From behind her, a person suddenly appeared, just hugged her, it was Dai Mubai who was her fiancé.

"It's okay, Zhuqing may be tired, I'll take her back first."

Half an hour later, Flender agreed to the master's attention, Flender gave the most attention, and to Ma Hongjun, he was really more like a father...

The night left quietly with the silence of the grassland.

Early in the morning, Ning Fengzhi, who had just woken up, found Feng Youniao by his window, and couldn't help showing a smile, "Girl, what happened early in the morning."

Taking out the small letter box on Feng Youniao's body, and slowly unfolding it, the content inside made Ning Fengzhi, who was maintaining a refined smile, suddenly look condensed, and the smile disappeared.

"Such a despicable method really made me misunderstand you!"

After thinking for a while, Ning Fengzhi made his own plan, "Uncle Jian, please invite Qing He over."

Chapter 199

Royal enclosure, palace.

Only the royal family of the Heaven Dou Empire can live here, and now there is only one person living here, and it is the Heaven Dou prince "Xue Qinghe" who is in charge of the process of the Soul Master Competition

Early in the morning, she also received information from her cheap teacher.

After reading it, "Xue Qinghe" showed a hint of coldness in his eyes, "Hehe, are you testing me?"

All along, she had a certain understanding of Ning Fengzhi, a cheap teacher.

He tried his best to resist the Wuhun Temple, and wanted to join forces with the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect and the hermit Haotian Sect, and the Tiandou Empire he kidnapped might not have the intention of dominating the Douluo Continent.

After all, the Tiandou Empire's religion of protecting the country is much better than being the overlord under the Wuhun Palace.

It is true that the usual Ning Fengzhi looks gentle and refined, but he also has ambitions in his heart.

Telling her about Shrek Academy's conspiracy was just to see how she, the crown prince of the empire, would behave.

If she told Su Qingyu about this, then Ning Fengzhi would most likely run to his good-for-nothing "brother" Xue Beng the next day.

What Ning Fengzhi wants is nothing but benefits, maximized benefits, if she can't bring benefits to Ning Fengzhi, the result can be imagined.

However, Ning Fengzhi did not expect that this matter was a collision of her interests.

If she wanted a 10-year soul ring, she would definitely not be able to give up on Xiao Wu. After all, the 10-year forest is not easy to mess with. This is her only chance to obtain a 10-year soul ring.

After thinking about it for a while, "Xue Qinghe" showed a calm smile on his face, "Xue Qinghe really can't go, but it has nothing to do with me, Qian Renxue."

After a long time, where there is still Prince Xue Qinghe, there is only Qian Renxue, the young master of the Wuhun Palace with magnificent blonde hair and golden eyes.

On the one hand, Tian Crocodile, who had recovered from his injuries, sighed slightly in his heart: I didn't expect this girl to grow so big in a blink of an eye.

From Qian Renxue's body, he also saw the shadow of that woman.

But after all, this is a contradiction within the Qian family. As an outsider, it is difficult for him to say anything.

"Uncle She, Uncle Lixue, please help me guard the palace, Grandpa Crocodile, let's go!"

With the help of Tian Crocodile, a level 98 Super Douluo expert, Qian Renxue left the palace quietly without disturbing anyone nearby.

In Tianshui Academy's residence, in the past few days, except for Shui Bing'er and Ye Lingling, everyone else is still training and competing in silence.

Of course, they were also training, but Su Qingyu was their opponent.

Facing Su Qingyu, who also had the ultimate element, Shui Binger's ever-invincible Ultimate Ice was deflated for the first time.

In the end, Shui Bing'er gave up the battle unhappily.

There is no way, as long as Su Qingyu uses any element, she can easily block her attack.

In terms of soul power consumption, although both are soul kings, there is a gap of nine levels of soul power.

But in fact, even if ten Shui Bing'er add up, the total amount of soul power can't be compared with Su Qingyu.

(Shui Binger (.>?<.), when did it become Brother Herring’s unit of measurement)

"Don't fight, don't fight, brother Qingyu, why do I feel that you are deliberately bullying me?"

Ye Lingling smiled slightly as she followed Shui Binger, and the petals of the nine-heart crabapple gradually merged into Shui Binger's body, gradually recovering her soul power.

That's right, you heard me right, after Ye Lingling's Nine Heart Begonia absorbed the soul bone of the Blue Silver Emperor, she already had the ability to recover her soul power.

Half of the ability of spirit bones depends on the produced spirit beasts, and half depends on the spirit master who uses them.

Flying itself is actually the manifestation of the blue silver grass that flutters with the wind when it spreads its seeds on human beings.

It can be used as the second soul ability of a 10-year soul bone, and it has a powerful healing ability.

But Jiuxin Haitang itself is a martial soul with full healing ability. The two powers are mutually incompatible, but the soul bone is foreign after all, and its ability was absorbed by Jiuxin Haitang, which evolved the ability to restore soul power.

In the past few days, every time he saw Ye Lingling, he always heard a word - moving spring water.

That's right, the current Ye Lingling can recover her injuries and soul power, isn't it just the blood and mana of the spring water in the game?

Shui Bing'er, who was healed by Ye Lingling, felt a warm and crispy feeling, and stretched involuntarily, revealing her beautiful figure that already had a scale in front of Su Qingyu.

For some reason, Su Qingyu, who always felt that she had strong concentration, suddenly felt a little dry.

Shui Binger is no longer the little girl she used to be. The charm of the dignified and elegant girl gave Su Qingyu the urge to eat Shui Binger.

Fortunately, Su Qingyu suppressed her own thoughts. Although Shui Binger would not reject him, he would not touch the other party before the Soul Sage.

Ultimate Ice's cultivation speed is already very impressive. If he slows down Shui Bing'er's cultivation speed and affects her future, he will never forgive himself.

The same is true for Ye Lingling, she will not touch her body unless she reaches the level of soul sage.

"Yo Yo Yo, it feels good to hug left and right!"

With loose golden hair, a playful smile in the starry eyes, and an alluring face, even the top beauties like Shui Bing'er and Ye Lingling are slightly inferior.

But in terms of temperament, Shui Bing'er firmly overwhelmed the golden-haired royal sister Qian Renxue in front of her.

Su Qingyu now has a headache when she sees Qian Renxue.

Every time she came to find herself, nothing good happened.

A gentle smirk appeared on Su Qingyu's face, "So it's Sister Xue, I'm really disappointed!"

Looking at Su Qingyu's hypocritical appearance, and at Shui Bing'er who was always by his side, Qian Renxue couldn't help but feel a little upset, "Forget it, who are you showing off for? I'm here today, and I have something to tell you. "

Immediately, Qian Renxue seemed to have thought of something, a sly smile flashed in her eyes, "I'm here, but I have something to tell you, after listening, don't be angry!"

Su Qingyu smiled lightly, "As long as you don't play tricks, how can I be angry?"

"This is what you said, don't go back!"

With that said, Qian Renxue directly told Su Qingyu the information Ning Fengzhi had given her.

For a moment, Shui Binger's eyes were cold and filled with frost, Qian Renxue who was so close shuddered.

The crocodile, who was peeping secretly, almost pulled off his beard, "This girl is no worse than my young master!"

What's more exciting is yet to come. The violent water, scorching fire, biting wind, thick soil, and eerie darkness, the five elements linger around Su Qingyu's side, unexpectedly forming a delicate balance in a certain sense.

Shui Bing'er will always be Su Qingyu's reverse scale, there is no substitute, if she dares to get her attention, she is destined to be completely obliterated by Su Qingyu!

Chapter 200 Businessman Ning Fengzhi

"It's still the same sentence, remember to leave that little rabbit to me, do you understand?"

Looking at the mature and charming Qian Renxue in front of her, Su Qingyu naturally agreed.

He didn't ask for any remuneration, but there was nothing he could do. Whoever made Su Qingyu owe her more would be repaying the favor.

After getting a satisfactory answer, Qian Renxue said hesitantly, "Well, what do you think of Ning Fengzhi?"

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