"Compared to a soul master or a sect master, he is more like a businessman, and he is also a businessman who is good at using small things to make big gains."

Su Qingyu's words immediately aroused Qian Renxue's interest, and she held her cheek with her fair white hands.

After drinking the tactical water-drinking action reserved in the previous life, Su Qingyu explained his own understanding of Ning Fengzhi, "The current situation is nothing more than the fact that the Wuhundian family dominates,"

When she was speaking, Su Qingyu glanced at Qian Renxue vaguely, which also caused Qian Renxue to stare angrily.

"If you want to talk, just say it well, don't make so many mistakes!"

After being reprimanded, Su Qingyu didn't care about it, and continued, "It stands to reason that sects like the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect are powerful in strength, but their own inherited martial souls prevent them from fighting martial arts. How much harm does the Soul Palace cause?"

"Really, after the Wuhun Temple unifies the mainland, they will also need their financial resources and business methods to restore the vitality of the Douluo Continent when facing the ruined mainland."

Stand up slowly from the seat, "So this is Ning Fengzhi's greatest confidence, even if he unites with other sects to oppose the Spirit Hall, even if Ning Fengzhi dies, the Ning family can still exist and continue."

"After all, the Ning family directly or indirectly controls more than [-]% of the business transactions of the Heaven Dou Empire, and more than [-]% of the entire Douluo Continent. This is the largest capital of their Ning family. business network."

This made Qian Renxue a little puzzled, "What do you mean by saying this, does it have anything to do with Ning Fengzhi's liking for small things?"

Shui Bing'er and Ye Lingling, who were sitting on the side talking privately, approached curiously.

The three stunning beauties are present, making the crocodile a little jealous.

This kid is really He Dehe Neng, who has won the hearts of so many outstanding women!

Thinking that he, Tian Crocodile, spent most of his life in the world of soul masters and earned the title of Golden Crocodile, he also saw all kinds of people.

How could he not see what Qian Renxue was thinking?

The crocodile was also thinking in his heart, the last time he went back to his elder brother to retreat, this time no matter what, he had to tell his elder brother.

Su Qingyu didn't deliberately leave any suspense, and said it directly, "Worries for the future, as long as there are ties in this world, they cannot be avoided."

"With the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect's back route resolved, Ning Fengzhi can carry out even bigger schemes. Even if the chances of winning are slim, once he wins, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School will definitely be able to make a lot of money, not to mention skyrocketing." .”

There was one sentence that he didn't say, because he was afraid that Qian Renxue might commit a crime.

That is Sword Bone Douluo, he will definitely die!

After defeating Wuhundian, only when they are dead can they seek the greatest benefit for Qibao Liuli.

Super Douluo is rare, but ordinary titled Douluo, if the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect really smashes it hard regardless of the cost, it can also be smashed out.

(Here we can see what the master craftsman Zhenhua said to Tang Wulin during the Dou San period, ordinary Titled Douluo can be smashed out with Tiancaidibao.)

At that time, two Titled Douluo will be spent to temporarily support the sect. In less than a few decades, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School will be able to cultivate a new generation of strong men.

The reason why he didn't tell Qian Renxue about this was because he was afraid that Qian Renxue would really lose her mind and try to recruit Chen Xin and Gu Rong.

It's not that Su Qingyu is worrying unnecessarily, but that the name given to the little angel is too scary.

After thinking about it, Qian Renxue also understood that her cheap teacher was not as simple as it seemed.

Ning Fengzhi is such a shrewd person, do you think he can't see that it is impossible for the last three sects to unite?

He could see that the reason why he yelled that the three sects were in harmony with each other every day was just to paralyze others.

There is a saying that is good, what is said is all about doctrine, and what is behind it is all about business. It is about people like Ning Fengzhi.

The present Ning Fengzhi is still on Tang San's side and Su Qingyu's opposite for his future bets.

And Yu Xiaogang and the others, since they dared to attack his fiancée, don't blame him for being cruel.

After talking about Ning Fengzhi, Qian Renxue really realized that she underestimated herself as a cheap teacher, she would never lose in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School anyway, which made her quite admire.

Qian Renxue had already made up her mind that she would not be able to bear the bad reputation of being a master chef in the future, but let Ning Fengzhi, a cheap teacher, be the chancellor of the empire, would it be okay for her to be the emperor?

For some reason, Ning Fengzhi, who had just come out of the Shrek Academy camp, sneezed for no reason.

If Ning Fengzhi was not a soul master, Jian Douluo would have suspected that he had a cold.

The most important thing still depends on Shrek. When intercepting and killing them, they cannot be discovered by outsiders.

Whether it is Tianshui Academy, Tiandou Empire, or Wuhundian, the identities cannot be revealed.

"It stands to reason that if we intercept Shrek's people, it would be best on the way home. But we can't wait that long, if we do that, the spirit ring may not be yours by then."

There was a hint of deep meaning in Su Qingyu's eyes, without concealing it, just happened to be seen by Qian Renxue.

"Hmph, we'll do it when we get near the Barak Kingdom. I don't believe that woman can still do it to the Heaven Dou Empire!"

Qian Renxue gave a soft drink, and there was a hint of complexity in her beautiful eyes.

The incident of being attacked by the Barak Kingdom eight years ago, she still had a grudge in her heart, and suspected that it was Bibi Dong who did it.

Although it really had nothing to do with Bibi Dong, that guy Kundera still planted a thorn between their mother and daughter.

After sending Qian Renxue away, Su Qingyu also intends to break through the bottleneck of the Soul Emperor, and then go hunting with Shui Binger to kill the soul beast.

A few days later, the remaining six academies of the Heaven Dou Empire, led by the crown prince of the Heaven Dou Empire "Xue Qinghe", together with five hundred soldiers of the Royal Knights escorted them to the Holy Land of Spirits in the Douluo Continent, Spirit City.

When the main force was just about to set off, Yu Xiaogang, the tutor of Shrek Academy, had already arrived at the city of Wuhun.

After leaving Wuhun City for nearly 30 years, Yu Xiaogang also misses him when he comes back again.

In his heart, more or less, he really liked Bibi Dong, but he can only blame himself.

He never thought that his identity as the son of the master of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect was the culprit for all this.

Chapter 201 Hunting Soul Xiao Wu, Start!

At the invitation of a certain prince, Su Qingyu left the Tianshui Academy's convoy and came to the front carriage that belonged exclusively to the Tiandou imperial family.

The carriage looks very luxurious, and its volume is much larger than ordinary carriages. The most important thing is that the swan pattern on it shows the majesty of the Heaven Dou Empire all the time.

But in this carriage carrying the supreme power and majesty of the Heaven Dou Empire, there are two people who never belonged to the empire.

"Xue Qinghe" sat opposite to Su Qingyu, both of them had a cup of fragrant tea in front of them.

"According to our current speed, we will be able to reach Barak's border in the afternoon, but I can tell you clearly, it's just the two of us, don't lose the chain!"

For the 10-year soul ring, Qian Renxue attached great importance to it. Without Tang Hao, a headache-provoking thorn, this action really would have fewer variables.

Su Qingyu held the exquisite white porcelain teacup in both hands, and said calmly, "Don't worry, I'm much more reliable than you, Flender, Liu Erlong, and that Zhao Wuji, these three high-level souls Holy I will stop it for you."

Barak Kingdom, like Wuhun City, is in the south, where it borders the Star Luo Empire.

But they were going to Wuhun City, and the shortest road didn't pass through the edge of Barak Kingdom.

The nearest road is actually directly passing through the Silvis Kingdom, passing through a province and arriving at Wuhun City.

This road is basically a flat and wide road, without any obstacles, and the distance is still close.

But if you go from Barak Kingdom, it won't be far away, but the troublesome thing is the terrain here, most of which are hills, which is really not a good thing for a convoy of dozens of horse-drawn carriages.

After a morning's long journey, the group of Tiandou Empire finally saw the border of Barak Kingdom.

At noon, under the hottest weather, the soldiers of the Royal Knights were basically unable to hold on.

Such a hot weather is really unfriendly to the heavy armored troops.

Every soldier is covered with such heavy armor, few of them can resist for a long time in the scorching summer.

Especially at noon, as long as you wear a heavy armor, you will be sweating profusely in the sun for a while.

The captain of the Royal Knights who was in charge of the escort wiped the sweat dripping from his body with a rough cloth, and observed the already exhausted team.

Then he came directly to the carriage where "Xueqinghe" and Su Qingyu were in, and the captain of the Royal Knights bowed respectfully to "Xueqinghe", "His Royal Highness, the weather is really unbearably hot today. At the risk of death, please ask your highness to let the soldiers correct it on the spot."

In the carriage, "Xue Qinghe" glanced at Su Qingyu who was meditating at the side, and said, "Okay, it's really hot in the south, let the soldiers correct it, and when the heat is gone, we will set off again."

The captain of the Royal Knights who got permission from "Xue Qinghe" said excitedly, "Thank you, Your Highness, Your Highness, Your Highness is wise!"

After finishing speaking, let the Royal Knights rest nearby.

In addition to the Royal Knights, several colleges who went to participate in the competition also began to rest in place.

Taking advantage of this time, Su Qingyu took "Xue Qinghe" to step on the plates around Shrek Academy.

Su Qingyu searched carefully with her mental strength, and found one thing, that guy Yu Xiaogang doesn't seem to be here!

If he guessed correctly, at this point in time, he should have played the emotional card with Bibi Dong.

He claims to be a master day by day, but he can't find a way to cultivate twin martial souls, so he can only ask for help from Bibi Dong, the old lover who had to abandon him.

This is also a pity that Su Qingyu thinks is very pity, originally he planned to get rid of Tang San, the pair of master and apprentice, as well as the old rabbit.

Now it seems that Tang San and Old Rabbit Xiaowu can only be sent on the road first.

At noon, even for soul masters, except for those with ice and fire attributes, other soul masters would have a hard time in this hot weather.

The teachers and students of Shrek Academy were sitting in four carriages, except for Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong who were in the same carriage, the others were assigned according to the distribution of male and female students.

Not far from Shrek Academy, Ning Fengzhi and Sword Douluo followed them not far away, as long as there was any movement, they would be able to come to support in time.

After confirming the surrounding environment, the two quietly left the convoy.

At this time, Qian Renxue had changed back into her daughter's costume, and with the function of the strange disguised soul bone on her body, a burst of golden light flashed.

Afterwards, Qian Renxue's appearance changed a lot. Now she can only be described as delicate and handsome, not so beautiful anymore, it's like a completely different person.

Su Qingyu's eyes lit up, not to mention, he really envied Qian Renxue's ability.

If he had this ability in his previous life, he wouldn't have died during the mission.

He was envious of such an ability, but he couldn't learn it.

With his martial soul possessed, Su Qingyu also transformed into the image of a middle-aged man.

Su Qingyu's method still comes from the soul beast he acquired the fourth soul ring, the 2-year-old Shi Jing Huanbiao itself has the ability to transform.

As the old saying goes, if a tiger has three sons, there must be one.

Shi Jing Huanbiao is the mutated soul beast of Shi Jinghu, in addition to its own earth attribute, it also has the ability to transform.

Different from Qian Renxue's kind of change that even his own father can't recognize, Su Qingyu's illusion is flawed, because it is just an application of illusion. Once Su Qingyu's mental power is stronger than his, this ability will be lost makes no sense anymore.

However, Su Qingyu's spiritual power has reached the perfection of Lingyuan, and the next step is to break through the spiritual realm. Under normal circumstances, as long as he is not a limit Douluo, he will not see through his illusion.

Taking advantage of the time when everyone in Shrek Academy had just finished their lunch and rested.

The two who stepped on the plate in advance avoided the sentry of the Royal Knights and came directly to the residence of Shrek Academy.

At the beginning of the action, Su Qingyu directly attacked Flender, who had the highest soul power and was the most difficult, without saying a word.

In an instant, before Flender could react, Su Qingyu came directly in front of him.

An extremely strong force of darkness caught him by surprise.

Zhao Wuji and Liu Erlong, who are both soul sages, reacted in time, and attacked Su Qingyu again and again, shouting, "There are assassins!"

Qian Renxue on the other side also took the opportunity to act and came to the camp of the Shrek Seven Monsters.

The angel's wings, which were originally as holy as snow, also became the wings of an eagle martial soul under her disguise.

Two yellows, two purples and two blacks, the strength of the Soul Emperor immediately put a lot of pressure on Shrek.

The most clever Oscar hurriedly opened his voice and shouted, "Come here, there is an assassin!"

Chapter 202 The kidnapped Qian Renxue

The camps of several colleges and the camps of the Royal Knights are not very far away.

Especially the Royal Knights, as soon as Oscar shouted that there was an assassin, the soldiers who took off their heavy armor and rested hurriedly began to put on their armor.

(In ancient my country, it was impossible to wear heavy armor weighing tens of kilograms all the time. Similar to the Modao team, they could only fight for an hour. Tang San and the others couldn’t bear the weight for a long time when they were soul masters. The Royal Knights are after all Ordinary people, unavoidable)

However, Shrek Academy's cry for help was so sudden that the Royal Knights panicked.

When the other academies heard Oscar's voice, they all began to move closer to each other.

Thunder, Chihuo, Kamikaze, and Tianshui quickly gathered together with the School of Botany.

As for Shrek Academy, except for the Royal Knights who are still changing their costumes, no one pays attention to them.

Among the five academies gathered, they didn't pay attention to Shrek Academy's call for help.

One is that they took the benefits of the blazing fire, and the other is that everyone is not familiar with it. If you have nothing to do, why should I save you?

The thoughtful Shui Bing'er suddenly thought of Su Qingyu, and understood something for a moment.

It's just that she kept her composure and didn't do anything, pretending to be the same as the other colleges, vigilant around her.

Although the martial spirit has been changed, Qian Renxue's strength is real, and she directly overwhelmed Shrek Academy before she could react.

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