Among them, those former members of the Purple Star Academy took the opportunity to slip away without any hesitation.

Qian Renxue's goal is very clear, just for Xiao Wu, a 10-year-old soul beast.

But Tang San's hidden weapons were really annoying like flies, so she who was about to succeed just now was forced to retreat.

A violent sound wave resounded, like the roar of a god in the sky, immediately restrained Tang San, and brought a great blow to the spirits of the others in Shrek Academy.

A sinister look flashed across Tang San's eyes, and a square box flew out of the storage soul guide.

This scene was naturally noticed by Qian Renxue, how to put it, before leaving, Su Qingyu made up a lot of things about Tang San for him.

Sixteen black arrows shone with a piercing cold light, heading straight for the vital points on Qian Renxue's body.

Ding, ding... ding!

There was a crisp sound of crashing, and to Tang San's surprise, a golden transparent light shield actually took down all the arrows of his Godly Zhuge Crossbow.

Level [-] soul power defense shield, trigger energy shield, consume soul master or store soul power, can ignore the attack of the soul emperor (excluding poison and transformation skills).

Su Qingyu lent this to Qian Renxue, and he was also afraid that this girl would turn over in front of Tang San because of her high cultivation.

Seeing the light shield that easily blocked the arrows of the Godly Zhuge Crossbow, Tang San's face turned slightly pale. This was his trump card in terms of power, second only to the Clear Sky Hammer and Eight Spider Lances, how could he be fooled so easily.

Being teased by Tang San, Qian Renxue, who is the eldest lady of the Spirit Hall, was furious, and immediately used the sixth soul skill, Angel Divine Light.

Dazzling divine light came on, Tang San's heart was horrified, how could a soul emperor's sixth soul ability be resisted by a soul sect like him.

It is true that he is confident that he can learn to fight at a higher level, but this level-up fighting is also divided into people.

Facing Qian Renxue, who possesses the top martial spirit like an angel, how could he, who has not yet awakened, resist it?

For a moment, Tang San resolutely pushed Xiao Wu beside him away, and he also retreated towards the other side.

I don't know that he did this, and he just fell into Qian Renxue's trick.

I saw a sly smile flashing across her long and narrow eyes, it was directly a first soul skill - angelic thrust.

In an instant, she was pulled to the old rabbit Xiao Wu's side, and before Xiao Wu could resist, Qian Renxue's left hand threw some powder at Xiao Wu very skillfully.

As soon as Xiao Wu used her soul power, she suddenly felt dizzy and passed out.

"Oh, this thing is really good, since I got it, then goodbye!"

Qian Renxue grabbed Xiao Wu and flew towards the sky with her wings flapping.

As the only flying soul master of the Shrek Seven Devils, Ma Hongjun rolled his eyes, "Oscar, hurry up, make mushroom sausages, let's catch up!"

Oscar looked at Ma Hongjun meaningfully, and quickly made the flying mushroom sausage.

Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin who followed had long since discovered the big commotion on the Shrek Academy side.

It's just that they can't get away now, the crocodile in front of them is here to hold them back.

Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin, neither of them can do without the other, only after defeating the crocodile, can they have a chance to save others.

For such a long time, without Yu Xiaogang around, Flender and Liu Erlong would not be able to perform martial soul fusion skills comparable to ordinary Title Douluo.

Su Qingyu also found out that Yu Xiaogang was not here, but it reduced his pressure too much.

A Soul Sage is still a Soul Sage after all, three Soul Sages may be able to match one Contra, but three Contras cannot be an opponent of a Titled Douluo (Dugu Bo can fight three, right?) .

The current Su Qingyu has just reached level [-], and his real combat power is almost invincible under the Title Douluo.

Even with only dark elements, they can easily fight Flender, Liu Erlong and Zao Wou-ki in front of them.

"Dark Realm"

A black smoke filled the air, and Liu Erlongdou kept trembling in front of him, "Ah, damn it, I must kill you!"

Su Qingyu delayed the three of them like a cat playing with a mouse, and Liu Erlong, who had the most fiery temper, was about to explode.

At this time, Qian Renxue, who just succeeded, flew past Su Qingyu, and shouted at Su Qingyu, "I got the goods, let's go!"

When Su Qingyu heard that it was Qian Renxue's voice, she always felt that she was a little weird. Could it be that this eldest lady was a little nervous when she was bored in the palace?

These are not things he needs to consider, because Flender, the sixth child, is attacking him with flying feathers.

Su Qingyu was also unambiguous, mobilizing his own dark elements, covering a radius of hundreds of meters in an instant.

Both Flender and the Shrek Seven Devils who were chasing up from behind were temporarily trapped.

The Dark Realm has the effect of devouring soul power and spiritual power, and corroding martial souls. Although Flender, the peak soul sage, doesn't have much influence, for Tang San and others, it is enough to make them feel uncomfortable for a while.

Qian Renxue and Su Qingyu left the Shrek Academy's camp one after the other, and Tian Crocodile, who had been paying attention to the situation, also left in time.

Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin didn't have time to chase the crocodile, after all Ning Rongrong was still there, if something happened, as a slave to his daughter, the two veterans controlled by his granddaughter (both over sixty, not too much!) couldn't bear it !

In a silent forest, this was their pre-arranged meeting place. With the arrival of the crocodile, it was time to share the spoils.

猫~九{{老{|字}{号|小/=说|>群<-9~4-0|}7%5/7$~3&0<3第203章 小舞献祭

With Ning Fengzhi in Gu Rong's arms, he rushed over in a hurry, just in time to catch up with the people from Shrek Academy who were still trapped in the realm of darkness.

Martial soul itself is biased towards the ancient banyan with dark and undead attributes, and it was also the first time to discover the strangeness of the dark world.

Immediately, he directly summoned his martial soul, a dark white bone dragon burning with icy spiritual fire.

The bone dragon's body is very huge, a full 200 meters, like a behemoth.

Under Gu Rong's control, the bone dragon directly began to charge the Dark Realm.

The realm of darkness covering hundreds of meters was broken open by Gu Rong in just a few minutes.

The two also came to their precious daughter (granddaughter) together, "How about it, Rongrong, are you injured, tell Grandpa Gu who did it, and see if Grandpa Gu pulls his skin."

Ning Rongrong is just a frail auxiliary system soul master, who has absorbed the most soul power and spiritual power, and her delicate and pretty face is white.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly glanced at the other members of the Shrek Seven Devils behind him, and said eagerly: "Father, Grandpa Gu, hurry up and save Xiao Wu, she was captured."

For Xiao Wu, Ning Fengzhi's impression was simply not too deep.

Through Tiandou Royal Academy's secret line, he knew that this old rabbit had been captured by that old guy Yu Yuanzhen.

Later, for some reason, he returned to Shrek Academy.

In fact, during this period of time, Yu Yuanzhen and Dugu Bo, who lived in Tiandou City for a long time, did not discuss their actions.

But Yu Yuanzhen really has some scruples, the attitude of Wuhundian these years is self-evident, it is really not worthwhile to turn against Haotianzong again at this time.

That's right, in Yu Yuanzhen's eyes, even if Tang Hao was expelled, he was still a member of the Haotian School.

A Super Douluo, even Wuhundian couldn't ignore it, let alone the Haotianzong who was seriously injured.

So things froze here, the 10-year soul ring and soul bone on Xiao Wu's body was certainly attractive.

But in the face of the life and death of one's own clan, it is completely insignificant.

In the eyes of Yu Yuanzhen and Dugu Bo, Tang Hao allowed Xiao Wu to exist, maybe he was raising her a 10-year-old soul beast.

It is very likely that Tang San, the eldest son, will do it directly when he has grown to a certain level.

It's just that the news that Tang Hao has died can't be hidden for long, so Qian Renxue and Su Qingyu acted as soon as possible, otherwise they wouldn't even be able to drink soup.

In the forest, Qian Renxue casually threw Xiao Wu on the ground, patted Su Qingyu on the shoulder, and said, "Here, here, do you need to wake her up?"

Su Qingyu thought for a while, then nodded, "Wake up first, after all, your 10-year soul ring can only be sacrificed by her, otherwise it is impossible for you to forcibly absorb it now."

Tian Crocodile also recognized Su Qingyu's words and stroked his gray beard, "That's right, but it's really a bit difficult."

It is indeed a little difficult for Xiao Wu to sacrifice to a stranger, but the problem is not too big.

If it really doesn't work, don't blame him, Su, for playing tricks.

Using the refreshing potion, Su Qingyu successfully awakened Xiao Wu.

Just after waking up, Xiao Wu's body was sore, but her movements were still not slow, and she quickly retreated to a corner.

The red rabbit eyes fixedly stared at Qian Renxue, he clenched his big white teeth, and said viciously, "Who are you, why did you kidnap me!"

As soon as the words fell, two yellows and two purples appeared on Xiao Wu's body, four soul rings, and pink rabbit ears stood up.

The crocodile is not used to her, and the aura of the titled Douluo directly pressed Xiao Wu to the ground, "Little rabbit, sacrifice to my young master, otherwise, the old master will definitely let you live or die!"

Tian Crocodile Titled Douluo's aura was displayed, Xiao Wu also knew that she had been seen through again.

Immediately, the heart of this poor little rabbit turned cold. I'm afraid it's really hard to protect itself this time.

But it's hard to protect herself, Xiao Wu is still a 10-year-old soul beast, no matter how weak she is, she still has her own pride, and she won't easily bow to humans.

Gritting his white teeth, he cursed angrily, "Don't even think about it, you kill me, I won't sacrifice to you evil humans."

The crocodile, who was bitten by a rabbit, was about to get angry and tried to make a move on Xiao Wu, but was stopped by Su Qingyu.

"Really, it turns out that the dearest third brother is also like this in your hearts. I really don't know how Tang San will feel when he hears this."

There was a flash of panic in the red rabbit's eyes, "You are talking nonsense, how could you compare with my third brother!"

Su Qingyu smiled slightly, and kept pinching Xiao Wu's face with both palms, "Zuzu, this cry is quite friendly, it seems that the kid from the Clear Sky School really deserves to die!"

As soon as she heard Tang San, Xiao Wu immediately panicked, "Nonsense, what did you do to Brother San!"

"It's okay, but it won't be necessarily the case in the future, after all, he is the enemy of the Spirit Hall!"

In the last few words, Su Qingyu deliberately paused, pointed to the crocodile behind him and said, "I think the soul rings of the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape will be of interest to many people."

"You are a beast!"

Xiao Wu scolded Su Qingyu angrily, but this made Su Qingyu unbearable, a little speechless, "Please, you are a beast, and think about your third brother and two younger brothers. After all, I let you The person offering the sacrifice is the young master of the Wuhun Hall, so there are many benefits!"

Su Qingyu gave Xiao Wu some time to think, which made Qian Renxue a little puzzled, "Will this rabbit really be willing to sacrifice to me?"

"Hmph, you think it's beautiful!"

Taking advantage of Xiao Wu's stubborn mouth and relaxed mental power, Su Qingyu quickly used the hallucination ability attached to the fourth soul ring, and a strange wave of soul power enveloped Xiao Wu.

Qian Renxue looked at Su Qingyu's operation with great interest, and a look of joy appeared in her bright golden eyes.

It took only a cup of tea, Xiao Wu's body quickly released a kind of pink soul power, enveloping towards Qian Renxue.

Then, an elliptical transparent pink sphere enveloped a man and a beast.

Sacrifice, even Limit Douluo cannot break this rule.

Unable to do anything, Tian Crocodile had no choice but to exchange "feelings" with Su Qingyu.

Until the shield disappeared, Xiao Wu was already a half-dead rabbit.

Qian Renxue's body came from a strong wave of soul power, two yellow, two purple and two black, and finally it was the blood-red 10-year soul ring that was like blood.

The sacrifice was very successful, and it was raised from level 69 to level 73 in an instant. This level of improvement was exactly what Qian Renxue was obsessed with.

Regardless of her image, she stretched her waist, but when she saw Su Qingyu's appearance, she immediately laughed, "Haha, you deserve it!"

Chapter 204 Arrival, Wuhun City!

Perhaps the rabbit died at a different time, and a torso bone burst out unexpectedly.

Miss Qian Renxue, who has a god-level spirit bone, looked down upon this spirit bone at all, and threw it to Su Qingyu like trash.

As for Su Qingyu, the spirit bone on the rabbit didn't quite fit.

It is true that it is a 10-year-old soul bone, but in terms of the quality of this product, it is really contemptible.

After thinking about it carefully, Su Qingyu decided to turn around and give this thing to her father.

Maybe my father can rely on this soul bone to successfully rebel against his mother, Lan Xiaoyue!

This is what Su Qingyu imagined. He guessed that his father Su Liefeng's spirit power level had risen, and he probably couldn't stand it on his mother's side.

Afterwards, under the cover of Tian Crocodile, the No. [-] Limit Douluo, Dashouzi, the two successfully returned to the carriage of the Tiandou imperial family.

Looking at the various small animals drawn by the crocodile on Su Qingyu's face, she who had already changed into "Xue Qinghe" smiled, and took out a bottle of special potion.

"Here, I used those paints when I was young. I didn't expect Grandpa Crocodile still has them. Just wipe them with this and it will be fine."

A trace of resentment flashed across Su Qingyu's blue glass-like eyes, and she took the potion she gave her and wiped it off.

After Su Qingyu sorted out his influence, "Xue Qinghe" brought a cup of fragrant tea in front of him, "I have already told Grandpa Crocodile that he will go with you when you return to Tianshui. But he I also said that unless it is absolutely necessary, he will not make a move."

After hearing that the crocodile agreed to the previous conditions, Su Qingyu's face softened a little.

After returning to Tianshui, this time the soul hunting was different. For a Contra with eight rings, the life of the soul ring is generally 6 to [-] years.

And this level of soul beasts generally only appear in the interior of the extreme north, and the degree of danger is self-evident.

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