The two colors of ice and red were attached to the sword body, and Su Qingyu immediately slashed out with a sword, and the ice and fire shattered the sword!

The sharp and powerful sword light directly slashed on the arm of the golden holy dragon. With the mournful cry of the golden holy dragon, Yu Xiaogang immediately vomited blood.

The carrier of the Golden Dragon is Yu Xiaogang. No matter who is injured on both sides, it will have a huge impact on the other.

With the help of controlling the wind element, Su Qingyu stepped in the air, and the Blazing Sun Sword in his hand turned into streaks of blue sword light.

This is also Su Qingyu's application of the wind element, the speed is extremely fast, even the afterimage has a strong lethality.

This time, Su Qingyu's target was Yu Xiaogang, the weak soul master was injured, and this sword was enough to kill him.

But Yu Xiaogang really didn't know what to say, at the critical moment, Liu Erlong withdrew from the martial soul fusion and stood in front of Yu Xiaogang.

But she underestimated Su Qingyu, the breeze fluttered slightly, and there was no sign of Su Qingyu in front of her eyes.

Accompanied by a pig-killing scream, Liu Erlong turned his head violently, just in time to see Su Qingyu piercing Yu Xiaogang's head with the Blazing Sun Sword.

"Little Gang!"

Chapter 216 The Phantom of the Phoenix


Ma Hongjun and the others who were frozen by Su Qingyu froze immediately. Did Master just die like this?

Immediately afterwards, Su Qingyu kicked the master's body away, and used his control over the water element to clean up the Chiming Yang Divine Sword.

The blood stains on the Chiming Yang Excalibur disappeared, Su Qingyu didn't want her weapon to be stained with the blood of a villain.

Liu Erlong, who caught Yu Xiaogang's body in time, began to cry in his arms, his heartbroken.

Except for the blood stains on Yu Xiaogang's head, it is not disfigured. After all, Chiming Yangshen is extremely sharp, cutting Yu Xiaogang's head is like cutting tofu.

Putting Yu Xiaogang's body aside, Liu Erlong yelled mournfully, "Go to hell!"

Flender also shot together, his figure was flying in the air like a ghost, and dozens of black flying feathers attacked Su Qingyu.

The main purpose was to cover Liu Erlong, but it was impossible for Flender of the agility department to fight a person whose strength surpassed him head-on.

It's just that in the eyes of Su Qingyu, Flender's attack is not even a tickle.

The blazing fire of bright light burned, and immediately burned the dozens of flying feathers fired by Flender.


Flender, who was flying in the air, was in a trance. He didn't expect that he would feel lonely.

Immediately, Su Qingyu met the furious Liu Erlong, the blazing sun god danced lightly, and frost bloomed.

Using his own ultimate ice, he directly suppressed Liu Erlong, the violent fire dragon.

Countless ice blades condensed around him, it was Su Qingyu's Ice Blade Slash developed by using his own ice element.

Countless ice skates were controlled by Su Qingyu and slashed towards Liu Erlong. The coverage of this blow was so great that Liu Erlong couldn't dodge it even if he wanted to!

Facing the ice skates all over the sky, it seemed that the only thing waiting for her was to be crushed to pieces.

Flender, who had been assisting in the sky, was very anxious, "No, Erlongmei!"

Su Qingyu frowned, it seemed that it was caused by Flender, and he moved a little faster.

The ice blades were like rain, and just when Liu Erlong thought he was going to die, a huge dark white figure stood in front of him.

With the end of the roar of ice skates, the dark white figure was also revealed, but it was the martial spirit of Gu Rong of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect.

"I said, Your Majesty Bone Douluo, what is your intention of meddling in our personal grievances?"

For the two titled Douluo of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, he was indeed somewhat apprehensive.

But that's all, there is a black dragon scale on his body, which is Ditian's reverse scale.

If it wasn't for fear of being owed too much favor, he would have directly shaken people.

Being questioned by Su Qingyu, Bone Douluo Gu Rong immediately became intimidated, he smiled and said, "I misunderstood, Mr. Su, the old man is just entrusted by the suzerain, you can come too late, the master has already died in your hands inside."

Even though he said so, Gu Rong had no intention of saving Yu Xiaogang at all.

How can I say that he is a mere great soul master, he is a super douluo, saving Yu Xiaogang is really a waste of time.

Liu Erlong is different, although she has mutated, but her talent can be counted in the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

There is a certain chance to become a Titled Douluo in the future. For the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, this is a good opportunity to sell favors to the Blue Lightning Overlord School. How could Ning Fengzhi behind Gu Rong let it go?

He is really old and cunning. In the original book, he maintains the relationship with Tang San through the master, and uses the guilt of Yu Xiaogang from the bottom of the old dragon's heart, thinking of pulling the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect onto the battleship of the Heaven Dou Empire and the Qibao Glazed Tile Sect.

It's a pity that Bibi Dong didn't follow the routine, and directly brought justice from heaven, and the soul hunting operation made Ning Fengzhi's plan mess up.

Su Qingyu took a deep look at Gu Rong, "Okay, but you have to think about it clearly, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School owes me a favor."

"Su Xiaoyou was joking, if you have any request, just ask directly, and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School will definitely help you as much as possible."

Ning Fengzhi walked out with some disciples from the inner and outer sects of the Qibao Glazed Tile Sect, but his words were very ambiguous, he could be said to have played the businessman to a peak.

Liu Erlong, who was knocked out, was taken over by the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School like this. Under the crisis of life and death, Flender couldn't care less about face now, and directly asked Ning Fengzhi.

"Sect Master Ning, please take us all the way!"

Ning Fengzhi's face was still so elegant and gentle, but his words were a little hurtful, "I'm sorry, Dean Flender, your value may not be enough."

Flender's heart fell to the bottom, when he saw Dai Mubai, Ma Hongjun, Zhu Zhuqing and others who were frozen, his expression became firm, "Master Su, I came up with the idea, please let it go my students."

Ning Fengzhi also looked over, he just wanted to take Ning Rongrong away, he didn't care what happened to the others.

Su Qingyu unlocked the ice seal for Ning Rongrong, and by the way Oscar, "You have nothing against me, get out!"

After hesitating for a while, when he didn't know what to do, Ning Rongrong pulled him to his side.

Being pulled by Ning Rongrong, Oscar was more or less pleasantly surprised.

But he was also very nervous, if Su Qingyu didn't like him, it would be a disaster if he chopped him up with a knife!

Taking Ning Rongrong and Oscar away, the others, Ning Fengzhi, didn't even look at them.

Flender sighed, "If I had known this would happen, I would stop Xiaogang no matter what I said!"

"Unfortunately, there are no ifs in this world!"

Before the words fell, Su Qingyu came directly in front of Flender with lightning speed, and without waiting for Flender to react, he directly struck the head with a sword!


Lan Xiaoyue and Shui Ningshuang escorted Ma Hongjun, who was crying so heartbreakingly, and Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, the sad pair of mandarin ducks.

Shui Ningshuang pointed to the weeping Ma Hongjun who had his lower body frozen and said: "It's this guy, should you kill him, or let Bing'er kill him?"

At this time, Shui Bing'er held Su Qingyu's right hand, smiled at Su Qingyu, and took over Su Qingyu's Blazing Yang God.

"Leave it to me, I always feel a voice echoing in my mind, asking me to kill him myself!"

Su Qingyu was taken aback by these words, the voice in his head?

Immediately, Su Qingyu hugged Shui Binger's little head, and her mental power slowly penetrated into Shui Binger's spiritual sea.

Shui Binger's trust in Su Qingyu was unreserved, and Su Qingyu's mental power came in in the blink of an eye.

The moment Su Qingyu entered, a nine-colored phoenix phantom appeared in front of his eyes.

"Little friend, hold your hand high, I will not hurt your wife."

A neutral voice came from the phantom of the nine-colored phoenix, its nervous appearance seemed to be very afraid of Su Qingyu.

Chapter 217 The Arrogant Star Luo

"My name is Phoenix God, and I was the innate holiness of this universe 200 million years ago. Later, because I failed to compete for power with the same innate sacred Dragon God, I fell for countless years."

Listening to the Phoenix God's explanation, Su Qingyu's mental power always exudes a coercion that can destroy the entire universe in an instant, so that the Phoenix God, who has only a wisp of consciousness left, has to admit his cowardice.

"What do you think, tell me and listen."

Hearing Su Qingyu's words, Phoenix God also heaved a sigh of relief.

Although he only has a sliver of consciousness left now, he still wants to live. Why should he die if he can live?

"Your wife, that is, Miss Bing'er, she has a trace of my origin, and she can inherit my god."

"And there is one prerequisite for her to inherit my deity, and that is to become the only phoenix in the world. That means that the little fat man who only mutated with a trace of phoenix blood must die at the hands of Miss Bing'er."

Su Qingyu already understood a little bit, but he didn't know much about the Phoenix God. He only knew that there was a so-called second-level god in the God Realm, the Phoenix God.

But the Phoenix God in front of him can resist the Dragon God?

It's just a word difference, is the gap that big?

From a personal point of view, Su Qingyu very much hopes that Shui Binger can inherit the powerful deity of the Phoenix God, and can be comparable to the God of the Dragon God, which has surpassed the God King of the Douluo God Realm.

Of course, there is a condition for the Phoenix God to do this, that is, after Shui Binger inherits his godhood, he must be resurrected.

After thinking about it for a while, Su Qingyu directly used her mental power to gather the phantom of the Phoenix God in one place, surrounded by blue light, and disappeared above the consciousness of the Phoenix God.

This is Su Qingyu's backhand, using his own blood power to restrain the Phoenix God.

As long as he has the slightest thought of being unfavorable to Shui Bing'er, the blue light that had been hidden in his consciousness just now will burst out brazenly, leaving him with no chance to survive.

Immediately, Su Qingyu withdrew from Shui Binger's sea of ​​spirits, and held Shui Binger's jade hand, "It's okay, now this guy is in your hands, you can kill it as you like."

Shui Bing'er nodded obediently, smiled gently at Su Qingyu, and walked in front of Ma Hongjun with Su Qingyu's blazing Yang God.

Different from the gentleness towards Su Qingyu, Shui Binger's pretty face was cold to the guy who plotted against her, and the aura of extreme ice on her body could not be suppressed. There was a shudder.

Shui Binger is a very conservative girl, except for her dead father and Su Qingyu, she has never had any physical contact with anyone of the opposite sex!

A chill flashed in a pair of icy blue eyes, Shui Bing'er didn't hesitate at all, and directly chopped off at Ma Hongjun's head with the Blazing Yang God in her hand.

"No, don't, I don't want to die..."

Ma Hongjun who was trapped in ice kept struggling, but except for his head, Su Qingyu had frozen his neck down into ice bumps, so how could he escape.

As the sword light flashed across, Ma Hongjun's voice stopped abruptly, but there was nothing unusual about his head, it was still on his neck.

A moment later, Ma Hongjun's head fell off, the incision was smooth without a trace of blood.

After beheading Ma Hongjun, Shui Bing'er washed the Blazing Yang God with ice elements, and handed it to Su Qingyu with a smile.

After that, he held Su Qingyu's arm very skillfully, like a well-behaved childhood sweetheart.

After dealing with the most disgusting Ma Hongjun and Yu Xiaogang, and sending away the irrelevant Oscar and Ning Rongrong, the rest is more difficult.

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, one of the heirs of the Xingluo royal family, and a political bargaining chip of the Xingluo Zhu family, are not simple roles.

If one is not handled well, it will easily offend the Star Luo Empire.

According to the nature of the Star Luo Empire, Dai Mubai could only die in Davis' hands, or Davis could die in Dai Mubai's hands.

The same goes for sisters Zhu Zhuyun and Zhu Zhuqing, only one can live.

If someone else killed them, that would be absolutely impossible, otherwise it would be against the entire Star Luo Empire.

Dai Mubai also expected that Su Qingyu would not be able to kill him, so he said viciously: "You wait, when I get rid of that guy Davis, I will definitely lead the army of the Star Luo Empire to conquer Tianshui Academy and destroy Tianshui Academy." Teachers and students from all over the world have rewarded my Xingluo soldiers!"

Su Qingyu said softly: "I said you really don't want me to kill him!"

Dozens of figures came out from the forest not far away, and the leader laughed lightly, "How is that possible, I just came from the Star Luo Empire, and I plan to take the third prince and the third concubine back. "

Su Qingyu stopped in front of Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, and said with a half-smile: "You all heard what your prince said just now, didn't you express anything?"

Lan Xiaoyue and Shui Ningshuang also noticed that this member from the Xingluo Royal Family was just a soul sage of the white tiger martial soul, plus some soul kings and soul emperors, he couldn't turn the sky!

The White Tiger Soul Sage was slightly taken aback, and said with a smile: "What my prince said is the truth. If the third prince wins, he said that if Tianshui destroys you, he will destroy you. It is useless for you to go up and resist. Do you have any questions?"

"You kind of say it again!"

Lan Xiaoyue was so angry that she was directly possessed by her martial spirit. Although she was missing a spirit ring, she was still a Contra.

If they really wanted to keep them, none of the people from the Star Luo Empire would be able to escape.

This also made Baihu Hunsheng a little flustered, why is he so ungrateful, and he is also complaining about Dai Mubai in his heart, why did you offend someone for no reason!

However, he has been brainwashed by the military thinking of the Star Luo Empire for a long time, and his mouth is still unusually cold, "Let the third prince go, or you will bear the consequences!"

Su Qingyu threw Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing over like throwing stinky salted fish, his right hand turned into a dragon's claw, and came to the White Tiger Soul Saint's side as if teleporting.

With one hand, he crushed the shoulder of the White Tiger Soul Sage, "I remember that the duel between your royal family will have to wait until the youngest prince is 25 years old, which means that this white cat still has a little more than seven years to go."

The White Tiger Soul Saint was grabbed by Su Qingyu's shoulder, but Su Qingyu's hand was slightly tilted, and he felt angry on the spot.

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