Brainwashed by the military thinking of the Star Luo Empire, he could only compromise, sweating all over his body, and said tremblingly, "That's right!"

"That's easy to say, let's just make a bet, within seven years, see if the Star Luo Empire will drive straight into the territory of Tiandou, or I will go straight into Star Luo and kill until the surname of Dai disappears completely. From then on, no one can Word!"

The intense murderous intent almost frightened the White Tiger Soul Sage to death. Even though he didn't die, he was still so frightened that he lost his mind. Simply put, he was frightened into a fool.

After the people of Star Luo Empire took Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing, and White Tiger Soul Sage away.

Shui Ningshuang's cold voice sounded, "Hingyu, I feel that you have some intentions to let the tiger go back to the mountain."

Su Qingyu shook her head, "That's not a tiger, that's a cat, just let a cat go home."

Chapter 218 Returning to Tianshui, Difficult Soul Hunting

After Shrek Academy was over, the remaining substitutes ran over immediately, telling their grievances one by one.

The original Purple Star Academy, under Yu Xiaogang's plan, not only lost the place to participate in the soul master competition, but the entire academy was branded with the notoriety of Shrek.

The most important thing is the old dean of their Purple Star Academy. After Zi Yuanshan was abolished by Shrek's people, he died not long after his old age relapsed.

After listening to the words of several former Zixing Academy students, everyone in Tianshui Academy sighed.

But they didn't say much, and didn't make things difficult for them, so they let them go.

After letting go of a few students from the former Purple Star Academy, Tianshui Academy can finally go home with peace of mind.

After coming out for three or four months, they were also very eager to go back to Tianshui City and relax.

Qian Daoliu, who had witnessed everything, was still trembling in the air, "How could Xue'er do this!"

Although Qian Daoliu is old, he is still not old-fashioned. Su Qingyu and Shui Binger's intimacy, and Ye Lingling's affectionate eyes are all seen by him.

Now that he's getting old, Qian Daoliu never imagined that Tiancrocodile told him that Qian Renxue was interested in a boy who was eight years younger than her and had a fiancee.

Trying hard to suppress the surging soul power in his body, Qian Daoliu kept warning himself not to get angry.

He also saw Su Qingyu's strength just now, before he got the sixth soul ring, he could compete against the weaker Title Douluo.

This strength, even Qian Daoliu has to admit, even when he was young, he couldn't do it.

Watching Su Qingyu and Tianshui Academy leave, Qian Daoliu sighed and flew towards Wuhun City...

The girls of Tianshui Academy, who were eager to return home, returned to Tianshui City in less than eight days.

Among them, Lan Xiaoyue and Shui Ningshuang, the team leaders, took Tianshui College's colleges to apply for graduation certificates.

Of course, there are exceptions. The youngest, Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er, and Ye Lingling, who came to Tianshui halfway, followed Su Qingyu back to Su's house.

As soon as he entered the house, the smell of food wafted from the small dining hall of Su's family, and the snack shop Shui Yue'er ran quickly.

Shui Bing'er flicked her icy blue hair by her ear, and sighed, "It feels like time has passed so fast. I have been away from Tianshui City for so long, but I find that everything seems like yesterday."

"Yeah, time is really magical."

Ye Lingling looked at Su Qingyu's cheek intentionally or unintentionally, and the hands holding Su Qingyu's arms couldn't help tightening, which also made Su Qingyu feel the beauty of her figure.

Although there is previous wisdom, age and intelligence are still accumulated from this life.

With a young body full of vigor, Ye Lingling's movements were unavoidably unbearable for him.

Shui Bing'er sneered, and gave Su Qingyu a reproachful look, "You said, we can't cultivate to be a soul sage, but we can't be too close."

Just at this time, Su Qingyu's father, Su Liefeng, also just came out of the kitchen, holding a large plate of soul beast barbecue, and the plates in the hands of the servants of the Su family, such as Uncle Li who followed behind, were quite normal , just some normal dishes.

After changing his clothes, Su Liefeng took the initiative to let Shui Bing'er and Ye Lingling, the daughters-in-law of the Su family, take their seats, followed by the girl Shui Yue'er.

As for Su Qingyu, Su Liefeng pulled him to sit in front of the plate of barbecue meat he brought out just now, "Come here, Herring, boys should eat more meat!"

With that said, Su Liefeng threw a large piece of barbecue in front of Su Qingyu.

Su Qingyu didn't know what to say. If he read correctly, those dishes were actually some precious plants or medicinal materials planted in the backyard.

It has been almost ten years now, and it was actually taken away by my father to cook.

Fortunately, Su Liefeng did not leave Su Qingyu alone to eat the soul beast barbecue, "Herring, don't tell me, the vegetables you grew in the yard all those years are quite delicious."

Su Qingyu didn't know what to say anymore, it was delicious, of course it was delicious, every bite was a gold soul coin!

With tears in her eyes, Su Qingyu took a bite of the barbecue, which made Ye Lingling feel a little unbearable when she was tasting it. She didn't expect that these dishes would be made from the rare treasures Su Qingyu planted.

But the girl Shuiyue'er eats happily, anyway, it's not the first time, every time she comes to eat, she can improve her cultivation, if she doesn't eat, she's an idiot!

When Shui Yue'er was eating happily, Shui Bing'er picked some dishes from each plate and put them in the bowl with great skill, and pushed the bowl and chopsticks to Su Qingyu's side.

Su Qingyu and Shui Binger looked at each other and smiled, making Su Liefeng who was caught in the middle was stuffed with dog food.

"Humph╯^╰, the little brat has really grown up, and will show his affection in front of the old man."

Shui Bing'er covered her red lips lightly, and smiled calmly, "Uncle Liefeng, you did show your love to Auntie Xiaoyue in front of us, as the old saying goes, it's retaliation!"

In this harmonious and cheerful atmosphere, the dinner was over, and Lan Xiaoyue, who was going to report to the college, also rushed back.

Seeing his wife came back, Su Liefeng was about to put his face on it, but he didn't expect Lan Xiaoyue's reaction speed. Before he could see clearly, he just had a big mouth.

"Hey, Lie Feng, what are you doing?"

Su Liefeng, who had been slapped by his wife for no reason, was a little puzzled, what's going on, isn't his speed too fast?

Although he was not very in tune, Su Liefeng was exceptionally smart, and soon understood, he tentatively said, "My lord, you have made a breakthrough!"

Lan Xiaoyue raised her head a little arrogantly, and hummed lightly.

This made Su Liefeng extremely happy. Lan Xiaoyue's breakthrough meant that she was already the dean of Tianshui College.

Picking up Su Liefeng's teacup, Lan Xiaoyue drank the tea in one gulp, "Miss Ningyuan will retire in the next month, and from then on, she will concentrate on breaking through her title, and leave the affairs of the academy to me."

Shui Bing'er smiled softly, and congratulated, "Congratulations, Aunt Lan!"

Lan Xiaoyue fondled Shui Bing'er's little head, "My Bing'er is just a good boy, when I go to the extreme north, Auntie will definitely help you find a super good soul ring!"

As soon as he said this, Su Qingyu's face was quite solemn, "I have something to say, the absorption of my sixth soul ring has reached 10 years."

Immediately, everyone fell silent, the 10-year soul ring, Tianshui Academy really can't help it!

As elders, Lan Xiaoyue and the others already wanted Su Qingyu to obtain the best soul ring, but there was nothing they could do for a 10-year-old soul beast!

In fact, it's not just Su Qingyu, the eighth soul ring that Lan Xiaoyue needs is not simple.

Soul beasts over 5 years old can hardly succeed just by relying on the help of Shui Ningyuan.

Of course, Su Qingyu is not unprepared, speaking of being able to have this hole card, it is thanks to Mr. Xiong!

Chapter 219 Extreme Northern Hunting - Ice Phoenix

The land of the extreme north, the periphery.

Su Qingyu, Shui Bing'er, and Lan Xiaoyue have all reached the bottleneck of cultivation, and they all need soul rings suitable for the age limit to break through their cultivation.

The lowest age requirement is Shui Binger's fifth spirit ring, a 2-year-old ice-attributed spirit beast, which is definitely a lot to catch in places like the extreme north.

Along with the three of them to hunt for soul rings, besides the ex-principal Shui Ningyuan, there was also Su Qingyu's dear father Su Liefeng.

There are five people in the group, except for the Soul Douluo Shui Ningyuan, Su Liefeng and Su Liefeng are not weak, but they are only Soul Saints after all.

Of course, this is when Su Qingyu is excluded.

Generally speaking, their strength is not weak, but in front of the soul beasts in the extreme north, they are no different from ants.

"Hingyu, do you think that person is here?"

Su Liefeng asked Su Qingyu in a low voice, "Why do I feel that the helper you hired may be a bit unreliable!"

"Junior, do you think this old man is unreliable?"

I saw a burly old man with gray beard and hair coming from the snow in the distance.

"Senior Tiancrocodile, I didn't expect you to come so early."

Su Qingyu saluted the crocodile with a smile, "I thought you might be late."

What Su Qingyu didn't expect was that Tian Crocodile seemed to dislike him, "Oh, I don't dare, you have saved my life, how dare an old man like me procrastinate?"

Listening to the words of the crocodile with a gun and a stick, Su Qingyu smiled awkwardly, and introduced it to her parents and the two members of the Shui family.

Including Shui Bing'er, everyone saluted the crocodile very respectfully.

Su Qingyu didn't care, after all, this is a normal thing in the world of soul masters where strength is paramount.

The crocodile glanced at it casually, but stayed on Shui Binger's body for a while.

I was also admiring in my heart, such a talent, even if it is not as good as their young master, it is not far behind.

Tian Crocodile also didn't understand why Su Qingyu would provoke their poor young master even though she had such a beautiful and excellent fiancée.

After all, he was too far behind Su Qingyu in his generation, and he didn't understand that when a girl met a person who was too amazing when she was young, it would be very difficult for anyone in this world to walk into her heart again.

It is true that Su Qingyu was just a genius at the beginning, but with the passage of time, his impression on Qian Renxue was too deep, so that it was indelible.

Facing the respectful and courteous people, Tian Crocodile's mood improved a lot, "Ahem, please forgive me, this time the old man is also a favor, so don't worry so much."

With Tian Crocodile, a level 98 Super Douluo, leading the team, it is undoubtedly much safer for Su Qingyu and his party to enter the extreme northern ice field.

Although the periphery of the extreme north is also extremely cold, there are still many forests in this kind of place, such as the ice soul forest, which connects the two great gathering places of soul beasts, the outer periphery of the extreme north and the inner circle of the extreme north.

Although it is on the periphery, there are not a few powerful soul beasts in the Ice Soul Forest.

Among them, there are not many more than 6 years old, but 5 to [-] years are definitely not many.

According to Shui Ningyuan's plan, they try their best to find the soul beast that Shui Bing'er needs here, and if they are lucky, they can find the soul beast that Lan Xiaoyue needs.

As soon as he entered the forest, several snow shadow poisonous pythons hidden in the snow suddenly attacked.

Unlike ordinary snakes that need to hibernate, in the icy environment of the extreme north, they have long evolved to no longer be afraid of the cold.

Usually they hide in the snow, in a peculiar state of being motionless, almost sleeping, but not sleeping.

This can reduce their own demand for food. After all, the resources in the extreme north are relatively scarce in general.

But once someone or a spirit beast passes by them, the snow shadow poisonous python will withdraw from this strange state and launch an attack with lightning speed.

It has to be said that in the snow-capped extreme north, this kind of soul beast is really quite shady.

Among the few snow shadow poisonous pythons, except for one thousand year old, the others are at the century level.

But this is also very outrageous, they came in less than 1 minute.

Lan Xiaoyue snorted coldly, her right hand turned into a dragon, and quickly pinched the head of the thousand-year-old snow shadow poisonous python.

With a little force, the snake's head burst instantly, and the dots of purple halo formed a lavender soul ring. The snow shadow poisonous python has become a dead snake without a head.

The others fell into Su Qingyu's hands, and the flame of bright light burned instantly when it touched the body of the snow shadow poisonous python.

In a short while, except for the one crushed to death by Lan Xiaoyue, all the others were burned to ashes by Su Qingyu.

The crocodile walking in the middle glanced at the flame in Su Qingyu's hand with a little fear.

He has seen countless soul masters with flame elements in his life, but no one's flame is as powerful as Su Qingyu's bright flame.

Moreover, besides the fire of bright light, Su Qingyu also controls other elements, which are as powerful as the fire of bright light.

It's hard to imagine what level Su Qingyu will reach with so many powerful elemental abilities.

For a moment, the crocodile wanted to kill Su Qingyu, but his subconscious mind told him that if he did this, he would be the only one who died.

After all, the extreme north is a place of bitter cold, with vast land and few beasts. Since being attacked by the snow shadow poisonous python, Su Qingyu and his party have never encountered any soul beasts again.

On the contrary, Su Qingyu has gained a lot, and along the way, he discovered a lot of precious medicinal materials that can be used to promote cultivation.

Until a few people came under a towering giant tree nearly 200 meters high, Su Qingyu and the crocodile showed dignified expressions at the same time.

"I think the soul beast Bing'er needs has been found."

The crocodile also nodded, he did not expect to meet such a legendary soul beast in this inaccessible ice forest.

Shui Bing'er's pretty face showed a hint of surprise, and her moist ice blue eyes were a little cute.

Picking up a branch on the ground that is as thick as a child's arm, through the Eye of Everything, I learned its information.

"Tianshuang sycamore, a variant of the plant soul beast. Legend has it that the ice phoenix among the Phoenix clan likes to use the branches of this plant soul beast to build their nests."

Shui Ningyuan, who was about to retreat to the second line, was moved, and looked up at the huge black bird's nest above the towering giant tree.

"I'll check it out, you guys wait for me here for a while."

After all, Su Liefeng disappeared into the jungle, and then found a hillside from a distance.

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