It is estimated that tomorrow, they will be able to leave the outer periphery of the extremely northern land, so as to enter the inner circle, and see the real extreme northern ice sheet.

Although there are many ten-thousand-year soul beasts in the Ice Soul Forest, under the leadership of Su Qingyu, as long as they can't become soul rings, they avoid them.

Along the way, most of the soul beasts that were below ten thousand years old were also scared away by them.

After casually killing a century-old ice wolf with no eyes, Su Liefeng sighed, "Looking at the outer part of the Ice Soul Forest, I don't need to find a suitable soul ring for Xiaoyue, I can only look at the inner circle. "

But at this time, there was a slight tremor, and the snow on some trees slid down, which immediately attracted the attention of the old river and lake crocodile and Su Qingyu.

One of the two was strong in cultivation, and the other was mentally abnormal, and they soon understood what was going on.

"It's the beast tide coming from the inner circle, run back quickly!"

Upon hearing Su Qingyu's words, several people quickly rushed to the hillside where they were stationed yesterday.

The crocodile followed behind everyone, it was considered to be a cover for Su Qingyu and the others.

It's just that the wave of spirit beasts was too close to them, and after a while a ten thousand year heavy armored ice rhino rushed over, and behind it, there were even more terrifying and powerful spirit beasts.

The horde of soul beasts is no joke, the scale of powerful soul beasts is enough to kill Super Douluo, even the crocodile has to deal with it carefully now.

Chapter 222 Extreme Northern Hunting——Snow Demon Fang

On the nameless hillside, Su Qingyu and his party of six stood quietly, looking at the scattered and scattered spirit beasts that kept galloping and roaring in the distance, destroying the Ice Soul Forest.

Rao Su Qingyu couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

It's only been a long time, and he has already discovered that there are more than a hundred thousand-year-old soul beasts in this beast tide, and there are many soul beasts over 5 years old.

In this huge wave of spirit beasts, the hundred-year-old spirit beasts may be just bait, not even qualified to attack.

"Such a large-scale wave of soul beasts, I don't know what happened in the inner circle of the extreme north."

Su Qingyu sighed, and said immediately: "Mom, let's see if there is any soul beast suitable for you in this wave of soul beasts. You can let Senior Tiancrocodile have a try!"

The crocodile nodded acquiescingly, and Lan Xiaoyue did not hesitate, and led Su Liefeng to start looking for a suitable soul beast.

Possessing the Ice Jade Dragon, the sub-dragon spirit, Lan Xiaoyue has a wide range of options for choosing a spirit ring, as long as it is a powerful ice-attributed spirit beast with high attack power.

There is no such distress as that of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect and the Xingluodai family who can only obtain dragon or tiger spirit rings.

Sub-dragons are sub-dragons, and instead of using dragon spirit rings to gamble on the slightest hope of martial soul evolution, it is better to match yourself with a suitable soul ring system.

Although Lan Xiaoyue's collocation was crooked, her own strength was not affected.

Su Qingyu was not idle either, he was still on the hillside and used his powerful mental power to pass the soul beast that was rushing out of the Ice Soul Forest.

Sure enough, with so many soul beasts, there are many soul rings suitable for Su Qingyu's mother.

In a short while, Su Qingyu had selected six 6-year-old soul beasts.

Being able to use a 6-year-old soul beast as the eighth soul ring is considered very rare in the current Douluo Continent.

Among them is a blizzard white dragon, 3000 years old, and has a good dragon bloodline, which is of great benefit to my mother Lan Xiaoyue's ice jade dragon.

After a while, Lan Xiaoyue came back with Su Liefeng, and said excitedly: "Great, that big guy is very good, with a cultivation base of just over 6 years, please help me .”

Su Qingyu was quite surprised, he thought that his mother had also discovered the Blizzard White Giraffe.

But in fact, it surprised Su Qingyu.

Because Lan Xiaoyueyuan's big guy was not in Su Qingyu's pre-considered plan, his size was really ridiculously big.

Snow Demon Fang, a mutated soul beast of the extreme arctic ice seal.

Different from ordinary arctic ice seals, this Snow Demon Fang mutated from extreme arctic ice seals is really ridiculously big.

Its body is snow-white, with short limbs, but its body is ten times larger than that of ice seals of the same age. With a body length of 60 meters, it is really a huge monster that makes people despair.

As for why it is called Snow Demon Fang, it is because this guy has not only mutated in size.

Its mouth was actually like a walrus, with a pair of fangs, more than ten meters long, black in color.

Because of its huge stature, this Snow Demon Fang, which has just reached 6 years, is very eye-catching.

Seeing Xue Moya's huge figure, Tian Crocodile said suspiciously for the first time: "Are you sure this is what you want to catch?"

Lan Xiaoyue was about to agree, but Su Qingyu stopped in time and explained to her the whereabouts of the Blizzard Baiji.

Su Liefeng, who was heard from the side, was somewhat moved. A soul beast with a relatively strong dragon blood is indeed very good.

But both father and son underestimated Lan Xiaoyue's determination, "No need, that's it!"

Seeing that Lan Xiaoyue's attitude was so firm, Su Qingyu didn't say anything more, and signaled to Tiancrocodile.

The crocodile didn't even have a martial soul, so he shot directly, but he seemed to have underestimated the weight of this thing, and he didn't grab it with one hand.

Snow Demon Fang, caught by the crocodile, also sensed that something was wrong, and the huge body that was already sluggish came down directly, with a hint of doubt in its wise eyes, it didn't understand that someone was tickling it just now.

Xue Moya decisively ignored the "fly" Tiancrocodile, and continued to run forward.

The Tian crocodile, who had just overplayed his head and was a bit impatient with his old face, stopped talking about martial arts, and the golden crocodile possessed his martial soul, and the two crocodile claws directly scratched the flesh and blood of Xue Moya.

The scratched Xuemoya let out a growl, and when it was about to react, it immediately exerted all its strength. Under the huge force of the natural crocodile, this huge monster was finally lifted up.

With such a weight, even a strong attack super Douluo with such strength as Tiancrocodile would feel a little strenuous.

The next moment, the crocodile threw it directly at the nearby forest where there was no beast tide.

Like an earthquake, some trees were blown away by Xue Moya's huge body.

There were even some unlucky soul beasts who didn't dodge in time, and died directly under Xue Moya's huge size.

Taking advantage of Xuemoya being stunned for a while, the crocodile continued to attack, and after a while, it finally hit Xuemoya with more air and less air.

Lan Xiaoyue was also unambiguous, and directly smashed the forehead of Xue Moya with all her strength.

Snow Demon Fang, which was like a hill, trembled from Lan Xiaoyue's punch.

Seeing that Xue Moya was not dead, Lan Xiaoyue was not polite, and gave another two punches!

This Xuemoya, which had an outrageous vitality and defensive power, finally lost its vitality, and a black soul ring appeared above it.

Tian crocodile, who had dealt with the soul beast, went to rest directly, Su Liefeng and Shui Ningyuan were in charge of protecting the law, Su Qingyu and Shui Bing'er were in charge of guarding against the approaching soul beasts.

At the moment when Su Qingyu's mother, Lan Xiaoyue, absorbed the soul ring, Su Liefeng checked the snow monster skillfully, and then shook his head.

Obviously, they didn't have such a good life. This 6-year-old soul beast didn't produce soul bones.

Although there is no soul bone, but based on Yan Guo's choice of plucking hair, Su's father Su Liefeng directly picked up some black fangs on Xue Moya's body that were broken during the fight.

He didn't know what this thing was for, but it was something from a 6-year-old soul beast, so it must be worth some money.

Different from Shui Binger's absorption of the same origin martial spirit, Lan Xiaoyue's eighth spirit ring has a higher lifespan and a longer absorption time.

Three hours later, Lan Xiaoyue finally completed the absorption of the spirit ring.

"Haha, let you take a good look, Snow Dragon Domain!"

Upon hearing Lan Xiaoyue's words, Su Qingyu and Shui Bing'er turned their heads directly, even Tiancrocodile was very surprised.

Su Qingyu took Shui Bing'er to congratulate her. He was naturally very happy that his mother could obtain such a powerful soul skill.

Shui Ningyuan looked suspicious, she didn't know why, she always felt that Lan Xiaoyue's so-called Snow Dragon Domain was a bit weird, but for a while, she couldn't tell.

Two hunting spirit rings have been completed, and the last spirit ring is Su Qingyu's spirit ring.

He also thought about it, not to mention whether the 10-year-old soul beast really helped the crocodile.

Even if the 10-year-old soul beast is really hunted, how should the things be distributed? There are too many things involved in the 10-year-old soul beast!

Finally, he was not the same person, how could Su Qingyu trust Tiancrocodile without reservation.

In the end, Su Qingyu made a decision, the light attribute soul beast with 8 to [-] years old is currently the best choice.

Chapter 223 Hunting the Soul of the Extreme North——Titan Snow Demon Ape

Unlike ice and fire attributes, these are very demanding on the environment, which leads to their concentrated distribution.

Light attribute soul beasts have very broad environmental requirements, and they are scattered throughout the Douluo Continent.

Even in a place as bitter and cold as the extreme north, there are many light attribute soul beasts distributed.

However, soul beasts with attributes are a minority among soul beasts, except for the extremely cold weather in the extreme north, which leads to a large number of ice attribute soul beasts.

Non-attribute soul beasts without attributes are the mainstream among soul beasts.

The beast tide in the Ice Soul Forest will not stop for a while, Su Qingyu and others plan to bypass the Ice Soul Forest and enter the inner circle of the extreme north from other places.

Led by Su Qingyu, the group left the Ice Soul Forest in another direction without any risk.

Although he encountered a 7-year-old frost tiger, Su Qingyu discovered it in time and was not discovered by him.

The current Ice Soul Forest is really too dangerous, the slightest movement may attract a wave of beasts.

Tiancrocodile's bodyguard is indeed powerful, but he will only help Su Qingyu on the premise of ensuring his own safety.

When encountering a beast horde, the crocodile would at best protect itself, so how could it care about them?

Two hours later, under the guidance of Su Qingyu, he finally walked out of the Ice Soul Forest.

After passing the thousand-meter-high snow mountain in front of you, you can reach the inner circle of the extreme north.

Around this snow-capped mountain, there are many snow-capped mountains with similar heights.

It is precisely because of the existence of these snow-capped mountains that the inner circle of the extreme north can be distinguished from the outer circle.

In addition, these snow-capped mountains surrounding the inner circle also block the severe cold of the inner circle.

Otherwise, Tianshui City may be covered in ice and snow now.

On one side of the snow mountain, there is a valley, which happens to be the channel between the inner circle and the outer circle.

It's just that with the outbreak of the beast tide, the place has already been occupied by soul beasts, and it is basically impossible to pass there.

Crossing the snow mountain is the only way for Su Qingyu to enter the inner circle.

If you take a detour and find another entrance, you may have to walk seven or eight days longer.

"Cross the snow mountain first today, and we may have to wait until tomorrow to find the soul beast."

Su Liefeng sighed, if there was no beast horde, they wouldn't have to take a long detour, they might have reached the inner circle by now.

Along the surrounding mountain road, it is not so cold here, but because of its peaceful environment, many mild-tempered spirit beasts inhabit here.

Just as everyone was advancing cautiously, a snow-white figure suddenly struck.

Su Qingyu subconsciously used elemental attacks, and the fiery flames erupted, and the surrounding snow of tens of meters square meters instantly melted.

The flame hit the white figure, and a strange scream sounded.

When everyone looked away, a lavender soul ring suddenly appeared.

"Ice silkworms with a thousand-year cultivation base are really rare."

The corner of Su Qingyu's mouth twitched. This thing is at the bottom of the food chain in the extreme north, and its race directly determines that they will not have too much power.

Ten thousand years later, the Skydream Iceworm of their clan who has reached a million-year cultivation level is at most comparable in strength to Xiao Wu's 10-year soft bone rabbit, or even worse!

However, their soul skills are quite strange, and simulation is not very useful for some people with spiritual martial souls.

Just because of the ice silkworm's ability, Su Qingyu didn't discover it immediately.

After solving the small episode of the ice silkworm, they soon approached the top of the mountain.

It was also at this time that the temperature dropped sharply, and it felt getting colder and colder, with bursts of biting cold wind blowing from time to time.

Although their group of people are either ice martial souls or people with profound soul power.

But the cold from the very center of the extreme north still made them shiver.

When they came to the top of the mountain, Su Qingyu and Shui Binger saw the inner circle of the extreme north for the first time.

Different from the periphery, there can also be forests such as the ice forest.

In the inner circle, here is a snow-capped plain. The whiteness under the feet and the gray sky in the distance seem to be the true appearance of the extreme north.

The temperature plummeted, even Su Qingyu and Shui Binger, who had extreme attributes, tightened their clothes.

Along the relatively gentle road, slowly walked down the mountain.

Compared with the outer circle, the soul beasts in the inner circle are even rarer, but there are basically no soul beasts that can survive here that are less than a thousand years old.

To be able to survive here, every soul beast has its own uniqueness.

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