It's like, hiding under the snow now, waiting for an opportunity to sneak attack a passing soul beast or a human cold pluto scorpion!

With a cultivation base of 8 years, it is still one of the lower races of the Ice Jade Scorpion.

Although not as powerful as the Ultimate Ice of the Ice Jade Scorpions, their toxins are abundant in the extreme north.

The Cold Pluto Scorpion family also has 10-year-old soul beasts, and there are more than one of them!

Su Qingyu was the only one who discovered the clue, and even the crocodile didn't notice that there was such a big treasure hidden under the years of snow.

"Wait, everyone stop!"

When they heard Su Qingyu's words, everyone stopped, and so did the crocodile.

Immediately, after Su Qingyu explained, everyone's expressions changed.

"As expected of the inner circle, I didn't expect to meet an 8-year-old soul beast so soon."

It was none other than Shui Bing'er who said this, which immediately caused everyone to laugh.

She is still young after all, this is the first time she has come to the inner circle of the extreme north, the older generation like Shui Ningyuan and Lan Xiaoyue have come here more than once.

Looking at her somewhat cute Shui Bing'er, Su Qingyu said dotingly: "The soul beasts in the inner circle are powerful, but it is actually very rare to encounter 8-year-old soul beasts as soon as you enter."

The thin-skinned Shui Bing'er blushed, and shyly hid her body behind Su Qingyu.

After teasing Shui Bing'er for a while, it's time to deal with the cold pluto scorpion blocking the way.

The crocodile's right hand turned into a claw, and hit the cold pluto scorpion directly.

The cold pluto scorpion was not stupid, as soon as it noticed the movement of the crocodile, it immediately jumped out of the snow.

It's a pity that he still didn't escape, and got slapped by the crocodile.

Being slapped away by the crocodile, the cold scorpion screamed a few times and wanted to run away in despair.

But the natural crocodile would not give it a chance to escape, it just used the crocodile's claws to deal with it.

It's a pity that the crocodile's luck is not very good, the 8-year-old cold pluto scorpion did not burst out its soul bone.

Just when the group of people planned to continue walking for a while before it was dark.

But they encountered the real reason that led to the appearance of this beast tide.

The cold wind was biting, and not far away was like an earthquake, and some small black spots could be clearly seen rushing towards the direction.

Su Qingyu, who has the strongest mental power, has already discovered it, but he never thought that he would encounter this thing, and there are still hundreds of them.

The person who came was none other than one of the overlord races in the icy and snowy regions of the extreme north, the relative of the Titan Giant Ape, the Titan Snow Demon Ape!

Chapter 224 Extreme Northern Hunting Soul - Snow Emperor

Compared to their relative, the titan giant ape Erming who lives far away in the Star Dou Great Forest, these titan snow demon apes are even bigger.

Even a hundred-year-old Titan Snow Demon Ape can reach a height of more than ten meters, and the height of the leading Titan Snow Demon Ape is actually nearly 200 meters.

A group of titan snow demon apes were running on this vast ice field, which made Su Qingyu feel a little uncomfortable.

Behind them, the snow-capped mountains they had just crossed trembled.

Su Qingyu hugged Shui Bing'er's soft waist, Lan Xiaoyue also hugged Su Liefeng, Shui Ning Yuan and Tian Crocodile also quickly avoided and rose into the air.

The next moment, the snow on the snow-capped mountain collapsed instantly, and more and more snow fell from the snow-capped mountain, turning into a white ocean in an instant.

The Titan snow demon apes who just arrived at the foot of the snow mountain also stopped in their tracks, resisting the avalanche with all their might.

Fortunately, the height and size of the Titan Snow Demon Ape are not comparable to humans, and such a terrifying avalanche is just the neck of some Titan Snow Demon Apes that have not passed a hundred years.

Having reached the border of the inner circle, the patriarch of the Titan Snow Demon Ape Clan, Artest the Titan Snow Demon Ape, stood in front of many Titan Snow Demon Apes.

"Xue Di, I really love you, just like the blood of the ice god in my body, there is no falsehood!"

"Hmph, you also know that you have the blood of the Ice God in your body!"

In the sky, white clothes and white hair, beautiful appearance, white and exquisite jade feet stepping lightly in the void, with a peerless temperament like a god and fairy.

She has a beautiful figure, and her exquisite body is swaying, looking forward and looking like a treasure most cherished by God.

Her phoenix eyes were cold as she held the icy long sword, and her powerful aura was built together with the entire ice field in the extreme north, as if she was the master of this world.

The only thing that ruined her beauty, or the only blemish on the beloved person in this world, was that indifferent face.

The group of people hid in a crack not far away, quietly looking at the beautiful person in the sky.

"Such a powerful person, why hasn't the old man heard of it?"

The crocodile caressed his gray beard, with dim yellow eyes revealing a puzzled expression.

Just as he was speaking, the Snow Emperor also dissipated the ice sword in his hand, and a pair of white and tender hands directly hit the head of the Titan Snow Demon Ape Patriarch Artai.

It also belongs to the category of fierce beasts. Artest only broke through the level of fierce beasts a few years ago, but Xuedi is a leader in the level of fierce beasts.

Apart from the evil-eyed tyrant who is far away in the Sun Moon Continent, Snow Emperor's strength is second only to Di Tian in the Star Dou Great Forest.

After living for a long time, her strength has already surpassed the level of a demigod, reaching the pinnacle of the world, the limit of a quasi-god!

Many Titan Snow Demon Apes watched with their own eyes, Artest, the leader of the Titan Snow Demon Ape, was being beaten constantly.

At this time, none of the snow demon apes would be foolish enough to intercede with their super brave patriarch.

After a long time, Artest, the patriarch of the Titan Snow Demon Ape, was smashed by the Snow Emperor directly, and all the bones in his body were smashed, and he collapsed on the ground like mud.

"This time it's just because of your bloodline of the Ice God, and next time, die!"

Although Xuedi's voice was pleasant to hear, the bone-piercing chill emanating from the depths of his soul made people shudder.

Many titan snow demon apes watched the snow emperor leave before they dared to rescue patriarch Artai.

Not far from the crack, watching Xuedi leave, Su Qingyu and others also jumped out.

But what Su Qingyu didn't expect was that as soon as he came up, he met that beautiful person——Xue Di!

Beside her, there was a huge scorpion about two or three meters long, ice blue all over, with claws like emeralds!

"Xuedi, it was him, my nephew died at his hands!"

A clear and sweet voice came from the mouth of the giant scorpion, and Su Qingyu immediately understood that the big scorpion in front of her was none other than the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion, one of the Three Kings of the Extreme North——Ice Emperor!

Immediately, the Bingdi didn't say a word, and started directly.

Her target was the crocodile, and Su Qingyu and the others were directly and gorgeously ignored by her.

With a cultivation base of more than 30 years, the Ice Emperor has reached the level of a beginner Douluo, that is, a quasi-demigod, which is still far from the realm of a demigod.

But even so, the crocodile was no match for the Ice Emperor.

Except for those existences who are able to leapfrog fighting at the title level, it is very difficult for Super Douluo to win against the Ice Emperor who has just entered the limit Douluo level.

The crocodile is very powerful, and used to be the top genius of the Wuhun Temple.

But after reaching the title level, his advantage is not much.

As a Super Douluo, he is confident that with a level 98 soul power, he is an absolute leader at the Super Douluo level.

But let him leapfrog to fight, even if it is a half-hearted extreme powerhouse like Bingdi, he is not an opponent.

The ice emperor's pair of scorpion claws are extremely powerful, even if the golden crocodile king of the crocodile is known for his strength, he still can't take advantage of it.

With the ultimate ice attribute, coupled with the extreme northern ice cold, the crocodile was crushed by the Ice Emperor to death.

Not to mention trying to save people, even being able to run away is not easy.

What's more, there is Xue Di, an existence that makes him despair.

After thinking about it again and again, the crocodile sighed slightly in his heart: I'm sorry, this time it's my crocodile who is greedy for life and afraid of death, don't blame it!

A gleam of determination flashed across Tiancrocodile's dim yellow eyes, and the huge crocodile tail smashed towards the Bingdi.

Bingdi has a fiery personality, and he is also a master who likes to fight head-to-head, "Haha, well done, look at me!"

In an instant, countless ice crystals condensed around the Ice Emperor, covering a large area with emerald green light.

This move is exactly the Ice Emperor's housekeeping skill, the eternal frozen domain!

The crocodile was terrified, he never imagined that there would be such a powerful ice attribute soul beast in this world.

The crocodile's tail collided with the ice, and the crocodile took the opportunity to fly towards the extreme north.

By the time the Bingdi reacted, the crocodile had already flown a long distance.

"Well, you can run fast!"

After finishing speaking, the Ice Emperor turned back the same way and saw Su Qingyu and others who were still staying in the same place, without saying a word, he directly hit them with the Ice Emperor's Claw.

Before the Ice Emperor's attack came, Su Qingyu had already pinched the Nilin given by Ditian in her hand.

"Wait a minute, Bing'er, wait a minute!"

Xuedi grabbed Bingdi's pincers, and said coldly, "Can you tell me, who is your Excellency?"

Like Ditian, she also came to the end under the gods, so she naturally noticed the peculiarity of Su Qingyu.

Su Qingyu didn't know what to say, so she had to tell the story of her coming to hunt the soul.

"Xuedi, why don't you let me kill them?"

Wearing a green dress, she has a delicate and beautiful face, with some light green lines on her pretty face. Although she is not as good as Snow Empress, she is still a first-class beauty.

Seeing Bingdi, Xuedi's eyes softened a little, and said softly: "A few days ago, Ditian told me that if someone comes to the extreme north with his Nilin within 30 years, let me do my best to help!"

There are some things that Xuedi didn't tell Bingdi, that is about whether the soul beasts can break through the shackles, but it all depends on Su Qingyu, this weak human cub, who is standing in front of them.

Chapter 225 The Soul Hunt Ends——The Sacrifice of the Dragon King of the Golden Land

At this time, the hearts of Su Qingyu and his party have already reached their throats.

Su Qingyu, who kept Ditian's hole card, was also quite nervous. If Xue Di really made a move, Ditian might not be able to keep them.

After all, Xue Di is much stronger than Xiong Jun, if there is a fight, even Di Tian will have a hard time dealing with Xue Di.

But it turned out that Su Qingyu was a little surprised that Ditian had explained to Xuedi in advance?

Hearing that it was Ditian's confession, although Bingdi was still a little upset, he didn't make any more moves.

No matter what Ditian said, he was also the representative of the soul beasts in the Douluo Continent. The Snow Emperor could not give Ditian face because of his strength, but the Ice Emperor could not.

After saying oh, Bingdi silently followed behind Xuedi, and came to the side of Su Qingyu and his party.

"You also said just now that you are here to obtain spirit rings. For Di Tian's sake, I can help you. Tell me, who needs a spirit ring and what kind of spirit ring is needed."

Hearing Xuedi's words, Su Qingyu felt a little more at ease, and said, "I am the only one who needs a soul ring, a light-attribute soul ring with a lifespan of more than 7 years."

Out of caution, Su Qingyu did not say 10 years.

A soul beast that has reached 10 years is very different from an ordinary soul beast.

This kind of soul beast is the backbone of the extreme north, and it is unlikely that Snow Emperor will give it to him.

Even, it is not impossible to turn your face directly!

There was no expression on Xuedi's face, and he glanced coldly at Su Qingyu, "There is a soul beast that is quite suitable for you, so I don't know if you dare to."

"I don't know what kind of soul beast Senior is talking about?"

The Ice Empress on the side seemed to have suddenly remembered something, her emerald-like eyes showed a hint of surprise, and said in surprise: "Snow Empress, you are not talking about Xiaodi who failed to cross the tribulation a while ago, right?"

Regarding Bingdi's question, Xuedi did not deny it, but nodded indifferently, "That's right, it's it, after all it doesn't have a few months to live."

When Xuedi said this, Su Qingyu could feel that Bingdi was a little depressed.

As for the small land that Snow Emperor mentioned, Su Qingyu speculates that it should be a 10-year-old soul beast.

Moreover, Xue Di also said that the soul beast is suitable for him, that is to say, it is a 10-year-old soul beast with a light attribute!

Xuedi was still so cold, alone in front, a cold voice rang in Su Qingyu's ear, "Follow me!"

After finishing speaking, Xue Di flew up immediately, but the speed was not very fast, it seemed that he was waiting for them.

The crocodile was beaten away by the Ice Emperor, and among the remaining five, except for Su Liefeng, all of them could fly.

Su Qingyu held Shui Bing'er in her arms, fluttered her wings, and followed behind Snow Emperor and Ice Emperor.

Although she didn't know what was going on, Shui Ningyuan also followed.

Su Liefeng, the only one left who could not fly, pulled Lan Xiaoyue's sleeve pitifully.

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