"One, two...five, exactly five blue tail feathers, more than 500 years!"

Chapter 25 Frost Prison

With a sound of touch, Lan Xiaoyue threw the extremely brave Snow Wing Condor to the ground.

The whole bird was dying, but even when it was dying, it still stared straight at the cold Xuezhi held by Shui Binger.

Su Qingyu was really speechless, this is the one who would not even take his life just to eat!

At this moment, Su Qingyu quickly handed a dagger to Shui Binger.

"Bing'er, this snow-winged divine sculpture has less than 600 years of cultivation, which is just enough for your first soul ring. Let's absorb it now."

Hearing Su Qingyu's words, Shui Bing'er did not hesitate at all, took the dagger handed over by Su Qingyu, and decisively inserted it into the head of the Snow Wing Condor.

The Snow Wing Condor is a bird after all, and its cultivation base is less than 600 years old. Its weak defense made its head easily pierced by Shui Binger with a dagger.

With the death of the Snow Wing Condor, dots of light continued to appear from the body of the Snow Wing Condor.

After a moment of effort, a darker yellow soul ring condensed into shape.

According to the method Su Liefeng taught her, Shui Bing'er sat cross-legged on the ground, pulling the spirit ring, and the spirit slowly began to contain the spirit ring of the Snow Wing Condor.

The process of absorbing the spirit ring is quite dangerous, and the person who absorbs the spirit ring should not be disturbed in the slightest.

Su Qingyu's family of three quietly guarded Shui Bing'er.

The nearly 600-year-old soul ring is the result of Shui Binger's test by Dean Shui Ningyuan.

In other words, Su Qingyu's medicinal bath for that year fully increased the lifespan of her first soul ring by more than 150 years.

This also led to the power of Shui Bing'er's soul ring, which may be much better than the original book.

Even a powerful and rare soul beast like the Snow Wing Condor is very likely to provide her with a powerful soul skill.

Su Qingyu remembered that in the original book, Shui Bing'er's first soul skill was Frozen, and it was instant, and her control was quite powerful.

It was also relying on this soul skill that made Tang Junzi suffer a lot.

Strong control is indeed good, but for Shui Binger to develop only as a control system soul master, it is really a bit of a loss for her ice phoenix martial soul.

Su Qingyu thought for a while, Shui Binger's first few soul skills don't need to be changed, but when she reaches the fifth ring, see if she can be persuaded to absorb some offensive soul rings.

Shui Bing'er is not suitable for taking the pure control route, nor is it suitable for being an attack system soul master.

If according to his plan, the first few spirit rings would absorb the low-life control spirit rings, and the later powerful spirit rings would be used to absorb the powerful attacking spirit rings.

In this way, through the combination of high and low years of soul rings, Shui Bing'er can walk a brand new path.

But all this can only be done when Shui Binger wakes up and persuades Shui Ningshuang, Shui Binger's second wife.

Protecting others is actually a very boring thing, especially for Lan Xiaoyue, who is lively by nature.

Feeling a bit depressed, she patted Su Qingyu's little head boredly, "Xiaoyu, Bing'er's soul ring has been found, and you are the next one. Have you thought about it, what path should you take?"

Su Qingyu smiled slightly, and nodded her head a few times, "Well, I've thought about it, but my martial spirit has requirements for the elemental power of the spirit ring..."

Immediately, Su Qingyu spoke out the requirements of his Qingyu Shenlong Wuhun for the type of spirit ring.

Before Lan Xiaoyue could speak, Su Liefeng on the side complained, "Can you control such multi-elemental power?"

"You talk too much!"

Su Liefeng didn't know what to say after being given a blank look by his wife.

After confirming with Su Qingyu, Lan Xiaoyue, who loved her son, also agreed.

The goal of this first soul ring, Lan Xiaoyue intends to obtain an ice or water element soul ring for Su Qingyu first.

Su Qingyu's first seven soul rings represent the seven elements of wind, fire, water, earth, thunder, light, and darkness.

There is no difference in the order of acquisition, but there is one spirit ring representing each element.

The ice element itself is just an extension of the water element, so Su Qingyu can also obtain the ice elemental soul ring.

After a full hour, absorbing the spirit ring of the Snow Wing Condor, a nearly six hundred spirit beast, still caused her a little bit of trouble.

When the bright yellow soul ring with a darker color appeared on Shui Bing'er's martial soul, the absorption of the soul ring was finally completed.

Shui Bing'er woke up leisurely, a look of joy appeared in her ice blue eyes.

It seems that Shui Bing'er has obtained a good soul skill, but I don't know if it is still the original ice seal.

Although that soul skill is not group control, its instant attribute is enough to cause headaches for many people.

While sitting on the ground, Shui Binger stretched out her hands directly to Su Qingyu, and Su Qingyu who understood also pulled him up from the ground.

"How about it, how about the soul skill of the first soul ring?"

Su Liefeng and Lan Xiaoyue's eyes brightened, and they were very much looking forward to what kind of surprises Shui Bing'er's soul skills could bring them.

Still a little girl after all, Shui Bing'er is a little shy.The blush on the little face, I don't know if it's from the low temperature or the shyness in my heart.

Under Su Qingyu's persuasion, Shui Bing'er took the initiative to use her first soul skill against the rough-skinned, attack-type soul saint Su Liefeng.

The bright yellow soul ring flashed, and a large number of ice blocks directly froze Su Liefeng, trapping him in the ice.

"The name of my first soul skill is Frost Imprisonment, a group control soul skill. Its main function is to trap enemies with ice. However, with my current soul power, I can only control three people at the same time!"

Shui Bing'er patiently told Su Qingyu about her soul ring's ability, and she was very happy that she could obtain such a powerful soul power.

This really surprised Su Qingyu, Shui Binger's soul skill has indeed changed, it is still a control system, but the control ability has been raised by more than one level!

All in all, this Frost Prison is very powerful, group control, and it is an instant group control!

Such a powerful skill is more than a little bit stronger than the frozen soul skill in the original book.

Su Qingyu could even imagine how ugly Tang Junzi's face would be when he encountered this soul skill in the future.

Next, Lan Xiaoyue took out another crystal ball to test Shui Binger's soul power.

Just at the twelfth level, the power of the Snow Wing Condor is enough to save Shui Binger almost two months of training time.

This time, he came out to hunt for spirit rings, and he had already completed half of the task in just one day.

Next, Su Liefeng, as the pioneer of the pathfinder, was also in high spirits, just as he helped Su Qingyu hunt down a suitable soul beast before the sun set, and returned to the hunter town to have a good night's rest, so that he would not have to suffer from the cold in the wild.

Chapter 26 Ice Flame Star Tiger

Unlike other places, the nights of the Arctic Ice Field are very bright.

Douluo Continent still doesn't have any industrial pollution. There are many stars in the sky, and the frosty moon is bright.The long-term snow on the extreme arctic ice sheet is extraordinarily bright under its illumination.

Under Lan Xiaoyue's command, Su Liefeng built two very warm tents made of soul animal skins.

"Okay, Xiaoyu's soul ring seems to be useless, and I will just rest here for the night honestly today. Wait for Liefeng to take Xiaoyu to watch the night first, and remember to call us in the middle of the night!"

Shui Bing'er also waved to Su Qingyu, her icy blue eyes were full of smiles, "Brother Qingyu, good night!"

"OK, good night!"

One big and one small, two women got into a tent together.

The father and son of the Su family were in charge of the first round of vigil.

Although it was dark night, the surrounding visibility was still good.

Along with the soothing sound of breathing from the tent where Lan Xiaoyue and Shui Binger were, Su Qingyu followed Su Liefeng to start a confrontation with the night.

"Hey, I shouldn't be talking during the day, if it weren't for us, we might be back in Hunter Town by now."

Su Liefeng deliberately lowered his voice, not to disturb the two girls who were resting, so he made a casual remark.

Not many people know about his crow mouth in Tianshui Academy, but he is well-known in Shenfeng Academy.

Good spirits and bad spirits, sometimes the dean of Kamikaze Academy, Mr. Feng Zhengjie, looks at him strangely.

He only found out about his cheap father's crow's mouth when his mother, Lan Xiaoyue, accidentally leaked it in front of him.

"I'm talking about you, just say a few words and you'll be fine!"

Su Qingyu threw a piece of firewood into the fire, and then tightened her leather jacket casually.

On the periphery of the extreme northern ice field, there are no soul beasts over ten thousand years old. With Su Liefeng and Lan Xiaoyue, two soul sage masters, there is no need to worry about ignition.

Of course, if it is the inner circle of the extreme arctic ice sheet, igniting the fire is simply courting death.

However, according to the storm and ice and snow in the inner circle of the extreme arctic ice sheet, there is actually no possibility of igniting a fire.

Although the surroundings are very bright under the bright moonlight, the moonlight itself always gives people a cool feeling.

In this way, under the cold moonlight, Su Qingyu and Su Liefeng persisted until the second half of the night.

After Lan Xiaoyue woke up, she also woke up Shui Bing'er, and asked Su Liefeng and his son to rest.

After all, she was still a child, Shui Bing'er was woken up with sleepy eyes, her small body snuggled up against Lan Xiaoyue, trying hard not to let herself fall asleep.

In fact, this is a test in itself for Su Qingyu and Shui Binger.

As a qualified soul master, the two of them cannot always rely on the help of their elders, growth is an inevitable process.

Soul hunting vigil is a test for two people, which is really not difficult for Su Qingyu.

But for a good girl like Shui Bing'er who has been working on time since she was a child, it is quite a challenge.

However, good self-cultivation made Shui Bing'er understand that she couldn't fall asleep.

The little girl was very tenacious, and accompanied by Lan Xiaoyue, she persisted until dawn the next day.

At dawn, Su Liefeng and Su Qingyu woke up early.

The bitter cold of the extreme arctic ice field kept them from getting too much sleepiness. After eating some dry food they carried with them, they continued to search for a suitable soul beast for Su Qingyu.

The outer area of ​​the extreme arctic ice field is quite vast. After walking through a forest covered with ice and snow, the group came to an ice field.

There is white snow everywhere, and from time to time, ice and snow are mixed with strong winds and blown from the inner circle of the extreme arctic ice sheet.

Not far away, a group of behemoths were leisurely looking for food, and their goal was obviously the forest behind Su Qingyu and his party.

Icefield elephants, a large herbivorous spirit beast, there are at least fifty of them in this group.

Among them, the tusk of the leading ice elephant has five purple lines, one of which is not so easy, and even a little blurry.

There is no doubt that the leader of this ice field elephant has 5000 years of cultivation.

This kind of herbivorous big guy has a gentle temperament, but his combat power is quite good. If you can't provoke them, try not to provoke them.

In the elephant herd, apart from the head elephant, there are more than a dozen baby elephants among the many adult elephants, which seem to be newborn cubs.

Just when the elephant herd was about to enter the forest, a vigorous figure with golden patterns quietly followed behind the elephant herd on the ice field.

Su Qingyu's perception was keen, and he saw the guy hanging behind the elephant group in the ice field at a glance.

"You brat is so lucky, I'm a little jealous of you!"

That's right, Su Liefeng also spotted the figure following behind the elephant in the ice field.

Snow-white hair all over the body, with sporadic golden lines on its body, upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a tiger-type soul beast!

Lan Xiaoyue knows a lot about the soul beasts in the extreme northern ice field, and she even knows some extinct soul beasts.

Soon, she remembered the real origin of this tiger.

"Ice Flame Star Tiger, I didn't expect to find this kind of top product! If the Star Crown Sect of the Star Luo Empire knows about this, it's too late!"

Su Qingyu's knowledge of soul beasts is still inferior to that of her mother, Lan Xiaoyue, with hope in her blue eyes, "Dear mother Xiaoyue, is this soul beast really suitable for me?"

Lan Xiaoyue was naturally very concerned about her dog son's first soul ring.

According to Lan Xiaoyue's introduction, the Ice Flame Star Tiger is a soul beast with dual attributes of ice and stars.

It itself is extremely rare, and this time they were able to meet one, it was simply a burst of luck.

What's more special is that the soul beasts of this race have an ability called ice flame. Although it is fire, it is still of ice attribute.

Su Qingyu thought about it, and had to say, if this Ice Flame Star Tiger is of the right age, it is indeed very suitable to be his soul ring.

After he chose to agree, Su Liefeng directly possessed his martial soul, and a pair of cyan wings flapped fiercely, heading directly towards the Ice Flame Star Tiger.

As the top soul beast of the extreme northern ice field, the combat power of the Ice Flame Star Tiger is also quite terrifying.

Its own cultivation is only a few hundred years old, but it can fight head-on with the 5000-year-old ice elephant, and it still won't fall into a disadvantage.

But this is not very good in front of Su Liefeng, the soul sage, a wind blade directly cut a big hole in its tiger body.

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