The bean sprouts grew well, but he didn't understand what was going on with his young master, so he asked him to shovel them again.

Although he felt distressed, he didn't say anything, the young master has the thoughts of the young master, as a servant, he just needs to do his job well.

A few days later, Lan Xiaoyue brought Shui Binger back.

Seeing Su Qingyu's beautiful eyes, Shui Bing'er greeted him with a smile.

After awakening her martial spirit, the little girl seemed to be a different person, becoming more shy.

Even though they had known each other since childhood, she looked at Su Qingyu with a different look in her eyes.

Even so, Shui Binger is still that gentle and sensible girl.

"Excuse me, Brother Herring, Er Niang said that this time I will go hunting with you to hunt for the first spirit ring."

Su Qingyu looked up and glanced at Lan Xiaoyue.

Lan Xiaoyue nodded, and said: "That's right, your Aunt Shui can't leave. This time, your dad and I will take you two little guys to get the first soul ring."

"Okay, everything is ready, let's go."

Outside the door, Su Liefeng's voice came, and he who went to rent the carriage also came back.

He got into the carriage from the door of his house and left Tianshui City slowly.

Lan Xiaoyue took out two sets of leather jackets from the Shui Yuan Ring, which seemed to be for him and Shui Bing'er.

Sure enough, just as Su Qingyu guessed, Lan Xiaoyue handed a set in front of the two of them, "Here comes a set for each of you, you two little guys are about the same size, I bought a model, choose one yourself!"

The two sets of fur jackets are exactly the same, with white fur inside and outside, and the white fur on the outside is probably a kind of bear fur, which is very thick and hard.

The inner layer is much softer, and the material is completely intangible. It should be a special artificial material.

The two of them took the leather jacket from Lan Xiaoyue's hands, and the hands sank, the weight was quite heavy.

This made Su Qingyu a little surprised, "Mom, this is..."

Lan Xiaoyue sighed with a dignified expression, "That's right, just as you thought, this is also to hide your identities."

The reason why I didn't go to the safer hunting forest, but took a great risk to go to the extreme arctic ice field.This is the main reason.

In a sense, the Hunting Soul Forest is completely the private property of the Hall of Spirits, in which the two great empires are interspersed.

If you don't want to become a pawn in the game between these big forces, it's best not to go to the Hunting Soul Forest.

According to Shui Ningyuan's plan, Su Qingyu and Shui Bing'er cannot appear in front of people at least before the Fourth Ring Road.

When they reached the fourth ring, they basically possessed a certain strength.

Moreover, at that time, as the pride of the Douluo Continent, all the forces on the surface would cherish the feathers, and there would be much less targeting of them.

Of course, this does not include that lunatic Bibi Dong.

She lost her mind, except for that good-for-nothing master Yu Xiaogang, anyone can die.

Thinking of this, Su Qingyu's heart became heavy again.

Strength, everything is because there is no strength!

After the four elemental academies were destroyed, they became bereaved dogs, and the background accumulated over the years finally became the resources of a pheasant academy.

Although Tianshui City is not very far from the Extreme North Ice Field, it took more than two days to travel all the way.

The further north it got, the colder it became. Su Qingyu and Shui Binger, who had not yet become soul masters, had already put on leather jackets.

Wearing a white leather jacket, the two of them looked like two white fur balls.

Especially Shui Bing'er, she is a real child, the colder the weather is, the more soundly she sleeps.

Dim sleepy eyes opened, and Shui Binger happened to see Su Qingyu reading a book.

Su Qingyu self-taught more than half of the courses in the theory of soul masters in the advanced college, which really made the little girl feel a sense of frustration.

Su Qingyu's perception is quite keen, and when Shui Bing'er woke up, he naturally noticed it.

"woke up?"

Shui Bing'er's face flushed slightly, and she fell into a coma suddenly, she was indeed a little embarrassed to be found.

"Well, Brother Herring, are we here yet?"

The temperature is very low, but Su Qingyu can still feel some fierce aura, and none of the characters who can travel to the extreme northern ice field, which is forbidden by the soul master, is simple.

The hunting town is the same as the Xingdou Great Forest where the largest spirit beast gathers in the mainland. There are also many hunting teams or mercenary groups that intercept and kill spirit beasts.

Leaving the carriage in a store, Su Qingyu and Shui Binger headed towards the periphery of the extreme northern ice field under the leadership of Su Liefeng and his wife.

It took a full half a day to walk more than 100 miles, from the hunting town to the periphery of the Arctic Ice Field.

Coming here, Su Qingyu couldn't help tightening her leather jacket, "It's really cold, obviously I can't feel so cold in the hunting town."

Different from the two cubs who were tightly wrapped, Su Liefeng and Lan Xiaoyue, the two soul sage-level powerhouses, could resist the cold outside just by relying on their bodies.

Of course, if you entered the inner circle, everyone except Title Douluo had to wear warm clothes honestly.

Not long after the group of them entered the periphery, people have already looked towards them, and there are many strong people among them.

In the forbidden land of humans in the extreme arctic ice field, apart from spirit beasts, humans are also very dangerous existences.

Especially soul masters.

Chapter 24 Super Brave!Snow Wing Condor

Su Liefeng is an old Jianghu, if he was normal, he would naturally not pay attention to these hyenas.

But with the existence of Su Qingyu and Shui Binger, he must minimize some troubles.

I saw the aura on his body burst out instantly, and the coercion of the soul saint made many people's expressions change drastically.

Two yellows, two purples and three blacks, Douluo Dalu's long-recognized best soul ring equipment has made many people daunted.

Of course, in this extreme northern ice field, there are many soul saints.

But soul saints are generally the top figures here, and no one is willing to provoke a soul saint unless necessary.

After seeing all the birds and beasts leave lazily, Su Liefeng put away his soul power coercion.

Just kidding, if he maintains the coercion of the soul sage, not to mention the soul power, [-]% of the soul beasts around the extreme north ice field will be scared away.

Their current location is still on the outskirts. Although the temperature is very low, there is not much ice and snow.

Su Liefeng, who was born in the assault department, took the lead in exploring the way, and he would block any soul beasts.

Lan Xiaoyue, who had gone astray, followed Su Qingyu and Shui Binger as a control system, carefully checking the surrounding situation.

The extreme north is bitterly cold, and the density of soul beasts is not as high as that of the Star Forest, but the number is still quite terrifying.

At least, the Sunset Forest near Tiandou City is not comparable to the Extreme North Ice Field.

There are even rumors that in the deepest part of the extreme arctic ice sheet, there are fierce beasts that have been cultivated for more than 10 years.

But in Su Qingyu's eyes, these rumors are indeed true, after all, he has read the script.

The most famous is the Ice and Snow Emperor, and the Titan Snow Demon, the relative of the Titan Giant Ape.

But for Su Qingyu now, these are too far away.

The periphery where they are located is even rarer, even the most powerful soul beasts will not exceed 5000 years of cultivation.

After walking about a few hundred meters, dozens of white and graceful figures surrounded them.

Looking carefully, it turned out to be a wolf-like soul beast.

However, unlike ordinary wolf spirit beasts, they all have a pair of white hook-like teeth growing around their mouths.

"It's the crescent wolf, and they're mostly on the periphery of the extreme northern ice sheet. Most of this group are ten-year-old soul beasts, and the strongest one is around 70 years old."

The knowledgeable Shui Bing'er naturally recognized the Crescent Wolf at a glance, and even saw the specific age of the Crescent Wolf.

However, these little wolves are nothing to Su Liefeng and Lan Xiaoyue.

Su Liefeng immediately showed a strong soul power, and the leader of the Crescent Wolf immediately ran away when he saw that something was wrong.

A crescent wolf that was too late to run was caught by Su Liefeng.

Su Liefeng brought the struggling crescent wolf to Su Qingyu and Shui Binger, and with Lan Xiaoyue's acquiescence, he began to teach them lessons.


Su Liefeng said something, and with a slight force on his palm, the crescent wolf who was still struggling just now lost his breath in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, dots of light shone from Crescent Wolf's body, and a white, almost transparent soul ring appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Next, Su Liefeng patiently introduced to them the method of soul ring absorption and the precautions for soul ring absorption.

Of course, these are basically for Shui Binger.

Last year, Su Qingyu followed them to the Hunting Soul Forest, so she knew a lot about these things.

How to put it, Shui Binger's ability to accept is still very strong.

When Su Liefeng pinched Crescent Moon Wolf to death, he gave her a fright.It was precisely because of this that Lan Xiaoyue gave Su Liefeng a hard look.

The crescent wolf was just a small episode. Under the leadership of Su Liefeng, the group walked towards the depths of the periphery again.

As they got deeper and deeper, they encountered a lot more soul beasts.

Su Liefeng threw a white ape that was nearly two meters long to the ground, and a yellow soul ring was easily shattered by him.

"You boy, your eyes are good enough, even Hanrong Xuezhi can be spotted by you!"

I saw that Su Qingyu gently dug a flower that was almost the same color as Xuezhi and was about the size of two adult palms, Xuezhi with a cold face, from the tree.

"This is a good thing. Fortunately, this thing is almost the same color as snow, otherwise it would not be our turn."

Su Qingyu was somewhat excited to pick Hanrong Xuezhi.

Fortunately, he has the eye of all things, otherwise, he might have missed this treasure.

"Hanrong Xuezhi, a half-day treasure of the Douluo Continent, improves the cultivation level of an ice attribute soul master, and works below the fourth ring!"

This is the answer given by Su Qingyu's Eye of Everything. Although the quality is not as good as that piece of demon fire peach gum, it is still very rare.

Lan Xiaoyue opened Su Qingyu's little hand with a smile, "My dear son, it's dangerous for you to hold this thing, how about letting your mother keep it for you?"

What he said, although Su Qingyu was a little bit reluctant, he didn't dare to compete with Lan Xiaoyue.

Besides, this thing is of no use to him, so it should be given to her as a 50th birthday gift in advance.

To Su Qingyu's surprise, Lan Xiaoyue turned her head and delivered it to Shui Bing'er.

Seeing Shui Binger's dilemma, Su Qingyu nodded and asked her to accept it first.

Just at this time, a hiss sounded.

Su Liefeng's expression changed, and a pair of blue wings quickly appeared behind him.

A smear of white snow flew past quickly in the sky, and Lan Xiaoyue also activated her martial spirit, and a pair of ice-blue dragon wings stretched out, protecting Su Qingyu and Shui Bing'er behind her.

Lan Xiaoyue couldn't be more familiar with this kind of soul beast in the snow region of the extreme northern ice field.

When she saw the white shadow in the sky, she soon discovered what it was coming from.

"Snow Wing Condor!"

There was a hint of excitement in Lan Xiaoyue's beautiful eyes, "Great, now Bing'er's soul ring has been found!"

With a flick of the dragon wings, Lan Xiaoyue quickly flew into the air, and shouted to Su Liefeng on the opposite side: "Look at the two little guys, and leave this thing to me!"

Flying in the air, the Snow Wing Divine Condor also found Lan Xiaoyue, it just wanted to eat the Hanrong Xuezhi in Shui Binger's hand, but this human being chased it to the sky!

The anger in his heart made the Snow Wing Condor somewhat lose his mind, and a pair of eagle claws directly rushed towards Lan Xiaoyue.

This made Lan Xiaoyue happy, she had never seen such a silly bird before.

Similarly, the movements of the Snow Wing Condor also stunned Su Qingyu and the others on the ground.

This Snow Wing Condor is a soul beast that has been around for hundreds of years. How brave is he to provoke Lan Xiaoyue?

Immediately afterwards, the Snow Wing Condor really confirmed it, just kidding, is it super brave, okay?

There was a sly smile in Lan Xiaoyue's beautiful eyes, taking advantage of the attack of the eagle claws of the snow-winged eagle, her white jade hands directly grabbed the neck of the snow-winged eagle.

At this moment, Lan Xiaoyue's seven soul rings were released, scaring the bird souls of the Snow Wing Condor.

As a top-notch soul beast, how could it not understand the power of humans with seven circles? Now it is really cool!

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