As for the children of college teachers like Su Qingyu, as long as their birthdays come, there will be a special place in the college for awakening their martial souls.

To be able to become a teacher of Tianshui Academy, at least one must have the cultivation base of the Soul Sect.

The descendants of high-level soul masters have a relatively high chance of appearing geniuses, so Tianshui Academy still does a good job of keeping secrets.

Under the leadership of Lan Xiaoyue, Su Liefeng carried Su Qingyu in his arms, and the family of three came to the place specially for the children of their teachers to awaken their martial souls.

The person in charge here is also quite familiar to Su Qingyu. It is Shui Ningshuang, who is also the vice president of Tianshui College with Lan Xiaoyue.

"Hey, herring is here, have you missed Auntie recently?"

Shui Ningshuang ran over quickly, pinched Su Qingyu's face with her slender fingers, and raised the corners of her mouth.

Not to mention, the child's face is quite comfortable to pinch, and the narrow and beautiful eyes are narrowed together.

Lan Xiaoyue angrily knocked off Shui Ningshuang's hand that was playing tricks on her son's face, "Okay, Xiao Yu has been pinched by you since childhood, isn't it over?"

Suddenly interrupted, Shui Ningshuang was slightly displeased with the best friend in front of the old man, "Hmph, I came here for the sake of Little Herring, otherwise I wouldn't have come, female Tyrannosaurus!"

A black line appeared on Lan Xiaoyue's forehead, but when she thought about it, she didn't say anything.

Shui Bing'er followed Shui Ningshuang, and the two had the same birthday, so the awakened martial souls were naturally together.

The little girl was still so quiet, holding a thick book of soul master theory in her hand.

Until seeing Su Qingyu, there was a hint of joy in his eyes, "Brother Qingyu, you also come to awaken the martial soul!"

Su Qingyu's height is slightly taller than Shui Binger's, and the palm of her hand is gently stroking her ice-blue hair, which feels really good.

"Well, girl, have you forgotten that you and I were born on the same day?"

Shui Binger pulled her small face, and her red lips muttered, "You still said that you are half an hour older than me. Otherwise, you would be my younger brother."

The three adults on the side have been keeping an eye on Su Qingyu and Shui Binger.

For some reason, Shui Ningshuang suddenly turned a little colder, "You two, come here!"

It was the two of them who awakened their martial souls today. Based on the principle of giving priority to women, Shui Bing'er was the first to walk into the awakening circle.

It was Shui Ningshuang who presided over the awakening of the Martial Soul, and smiled gently at Shui Binger, "Wait a minute, don't be nervous, stay calm, and you'll be fine in a while."

"Got it, Second Niang!"

In an instant, seven soul rings appeared on Shui Ningshuang's body, two yellow, two purple and three black, and a mysterious blue fish shadow, which was her martial soul Yingyu dolphin.

Level 74 Soul Sage is one level lower than Lan Xiaoyue, but who would have thought that she was the leader of Tianshui Academy back then?

A stream of pure soul power, within the circle of awakened martial soul, six crystals continuously surrounded Shui Bing'er.

A moment later, there was a crisp phoenix cry, and an ice-blue phoenix phantom appeared on Shui Bing'er.

Shui Bing'er looked at her martial soul curiously, and having learned a lot since she was a child, she naturally recognized her own martial soul, which was the legendary ice phoenix!

"Erniang, my martial a Phoenix?"

The most excited one is of course Shui Ningshuang. Although Shui Binger is her sister's child, she has always regarded him as her own.

Hugging Shui Bing'er's petite body in her arms, two lines of clear tears flowed from the corners of Shui Ningshuang's eyes unconsciously.

Similarly, Su Liefeng and Lan Xiaoyue were also a little sad, after all, they knew about it.

After Shui Ningshuang vented the uncomfortable feelings in her heart, she tested Shui Binger's innate soul power.

The moment Shui Bing'er put her little hand on the crystal ball, golden light filled the air, no doubt, she was born with full soul power.

After Shui Bing'er awakened, Su Qingyu followed immediately.

"Little Herring is here. I want to see if Lan Xiaoyue, the female tyrannosaur's martial soul, can compete against Gale Feng's Fengmohu."

The red lips are covered slightly, this is Shui Ningshuang, the two have been bad friends since childhood, otherwise Lan Xiaoyue would have fought with someone else.

Su Qingyu obediently walked into the magic formation for awakening the martial soul, and Shui Ningshuang was familiar with it, and activated the awakening formation in an instant.

The six crystal stones kept surrounding Su Qingyu, and in an instant, a turquoise light radiated from the crystal stones.

Staying in the awakening formation, the corner of Su Qingyu's mouth twitched, he knew it would be like this!

When he was reincarnated, the judge of the underworld told him that he was a descendant of a powerful person, and the blood in his body could still affect him even if he was reincarnated.

The next moment, a strange feeling suddenly appeared in Su Qingyu's left and right hands.

When Su Qingyu slowly opened his right hand, there was a crisp dragon chant sound, and the huge dragon shadow looked somewhat similar to the ice jade dragon.

Before Su Qingyu could react, a special force erupted from his body uncontrollably.

In an instant, with Su Qingyu as the center, the surrounding ten meters were shrouded in a turquoise light.

Shui Bing'er was still young, so she couldn't see what happened.

However, the faces of the three adults changed, and they were even more horrified in their hearts. At the same time, they said the answer, "Innate Domain!"

Chapter 22

Su Qingyu was somewhat unable to react, but he was clearer, it seemed that his talent was not bad?

His talent is indeed good, to be precise, it is terrifying!

Shui Binger was the first to react to the influence of Su Qingyu's innate domain, "It's so warm and comfortable."

Lan Xiaoyue picked up Su Qingyu and rubbed against Su Qingyu's forehead, "My good son, you are really amazing, tell me, what's going on in your field?"

Looking at Lan Xiaoyue who was offline, Su Liefeng just planned to persuade her.

People with innate domains don't say that there is no one in a million, even if all the soul masters in the world add up, there may not necessarily be a few.

Before this kind of talent grows up, it's better to keep it as secret as possible.

However, when Su Liefeng looked at Shui Ningshuang and Shui Binger's mother and daughter, he didn't say anything.

Su Qingyu felt a little uncomfortable being rubbed against by Lan Xiaoyue, "My domain is called the Sting of All Things. As long as it is within my domain, it can restore 1% of the soul power and physical strength every minute. Besides, as long as With enough soul power, I can heal injuries infinitely, especially for dark wounds."

As soon as the voice fell, the three adults suddenly fell silent.

Shui Ningshuang also squatted down, stroked Su Qingyu's small face and said, "Xiaoyu, listen to Auntie, try not to use it in this field in the future, and don't tell outsiders, do you understand?"

Sometimes being too talented is a sin.

Especially in the current Wuhundian, under Bibidong's leadership, the factional conflicts in Wuhundian have intensified.

For genius soul masters who have awakened their spirits in the Douluo Continent, if they have no background, there are basically only two paths, either join the Spirit Hall, or die without a place to die!

Even people like Su Qingyu and Shui Bing'er need to be careful.

At least before the age of ten, things about their innate soul power cannot be revealed.

"Understood, Aunt Shui, I haven't tested my soul power yet?"

Seeing Su Qingyu's delicate and immature face, Shui Ningshuang twitched amusedly, "Okay, my little genius, I'll test your soul power here."

Putting the palm of the hand on the crystal ball for testing the soul power, once again the golden light filled the air. Like Shui Bing'er, Su Qingyu was born full of soul power.

"Well, I really didn't expect you two little guys to be born full of soul power. Now it's over, the next generation of Tianshui College can be regarded as an heir."

Lan Xiaoyue held Su Qingyu and Shui Bing'er in her arms one by one.

Su Qingyu is lucky to say that Lan Xiaoyue has been punished in various ways since she was a child, and she got used to it after a long time.

It was Shui Bing'er, a blush appeared on the little girl's delicate face.

After sorting out the awakening formation, Shui Ningshuang snatched her daughter from Lan Xiaoyue's arms, "Okay, let's talk to the elder sister first, Bing'er is okay, your kid is in some trouble."

At this time, Su Liefeng, who had been standing still, suddenly said: "No trouble, although I'm not sure about the ability of the herring martial soul, although he is a mutated martial soul of the ice jade dragon, as long as he has wings, he can come to Shenfeng Academy. That's it."


Shui Ningshuang and Lan Xiaoyue were on the same front and rejected Su Liefeng's proposal together.

In this way, three adults and two children came to the residence of Shuining Yuan in Tianshui College.

It was still the same hut. After listening to it, Shui Ningyuan sighed, "Unexpectedly, the two little guys are both benign martial soul mutations, and their luck is really not ordinary!"

Lan Xiaoyue was a little surprised by what she said, "Sister, Binger's ice phoenix should have evolved from his father's Ningshui Feiyuan, but herring's dragon spirit is a variant of my ice jade dragon spirit." ?”

"Impossible. There are not many spirit masters who can produce innate domains. However, I have read from the Tianshui Academy's secret code that there is only one spirit that exists in the innate domain as soon as it is awakened. , the seraph martial soul inherited by the successive popes of the Wuhun Hall."

"Besides, even those who awaken the Seraphim spirit may not necessarily awaken the domain!"

The Seraphim Martial Soul can be said to be an existence that everyone in the Douluo Continent knows.

Moreover, it is also the only god-level martial soul recognized in the soul master world!

Thinking of this, both Su Liefeng and his wife and Shui Ningshuang couldn't help looking at the dean Shui Ningyuan.

Shui Ningyuan also nodded to the three of them, and sighed, "Take one step at a time and see one step at a time, this world will not be peaceful for long."

The storm is coming, but Lan Xiaoyue and Su Liefeng are better off.

But for a person like Shui Ningyuan, who is really in charge of a power, the first feeling is fear.

It is precisely because of this that Su Qingyu and Shui Binger's innate full soul power proved that Shui Ningyuan both wrote level eight.

Although it is a talent, it is also the top one in the soul master world.

Shui Binger's martial soul was also concealed by Shui Ningyuan, and Ningshui Feiyuan was the same as Shui Binger's father's martial soul.

It's easy for Su Qingyu to say, as long as he doesn't release the Territory of Shocking Insects, his martial soul is completely a mutant of the Ice Jade Dragon, which won't arouse too many people's vigilance.

Of course, regarding Su Qingyu's disguise, it was mainly to guard against the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect.

In Douluo Continent, Wuhun is the eternal theme.

It is self-evident what a dragon-like martial soul whose real quality is far superior to that of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex means.

If Su Qingyu didn't want to be plundered by the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect to be used as a human-making machine, he had to keep quiet and hide the true ability of his martial soul.

After all, the link of Wuhun inheritance is blood, and no one dares to test the darkness of the human heart.

Shui Ningyuan handed the two opened letters of introduction to Shui Ningshuang and Lan Xiaoyue respectively, "Okay, then, just take them to the junior department of the college in a few days."

"Thanks, Dean!"

Shui Ningyuan is usually not very busy, only the vice presidents Shui Ningshuang and Lan Xiaoyue are busy.

After staying with her for more than two hours, Su Liefeng took Su Qingyu back to Su's house first, after all, Ms. Lan Xiaoyue still had to work.

After returning home, Su Qingyu immediately closed the door of her room.

On his left hand, a square black jade appeared, on which were nineteen white lines vertically and horizontally.

Overwhelming heaven and earth, unparalleled vertically and horizontally!

The eight words were deeply imprinted on Su Qingyu's soul, and an inexplicable memory appeared in his mind.

The name of the chessboard is Mobai, which looks like a martial soul, and its effects are ethereal. To put it bluntly, it doesn't know what it is used for.

After understanding the martial soul in her left hand, Su Qingyu had a black thread, "Forget it, let's take another look at you, Sapphire Dragon!"

A small dragon shadow emerged from his right hand, just as he thought, this mutated sapphire dragon is very special.

Chapter 23

"Fire, wind, water, earth, thunder, light, darkness, birth and death, time and space?"

Su Qingyu murmured.Just now, his Qingyu Shenlong Wuhun told him a lot of things, the most important of which was the attribute of obtaining the spirit ring.

There are nine soul rings, the first seven soul rings are not required, but the last two must be strictly in accordance with the opposite attributes, and you still need to obtain the soul rings of opposite attribute soul beasts that are more than 10 years old.

The 10-year soul beast itself is extremely harsh, and the opposite attribute soul beast is nothing more than the existence of water and fire, light and darkness.

This rarity is even worse than the national treasures of the previous life!

Of course, Su Qingyu doesn't have to follow this, that is, in terms of strength, he is no different from ordinary geniuses, and at most is equal to the level of the golden generation of Wuhundian.

"Two spirits, this one is not very tricky, and it is not difficult to obtain the first few spirit rings."

Concentrating her mind, Su Qingyu quickly came to the backyard.

A few acres of green land were sorted out, with large areas of immature green bean sprouts growing.

Old Uncle Li, who is the housekeeper, saw Su Qingyu coming, and immediately walked to him from the field, "Master, is it still buried in the field this year?"

Su Qingyu nodded, "That's right, bury all the green bean sprouts in there, and then arrange to collect some dead leaves and rotten soil, and you don't need to worry about the rest."

Hearing that Su Qingyu planned to shovel the green beans and bury them in the soil again, Uncle Li, who was born in a farm when he was a child, felt very distressed.

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