At this very moment, the old man on the stage had already noticed the change in the atmosphere of the entire auction house.

With a strange laugh, the skinny old man on the stage took out a lead box from the storage soul guide.

Put the lead box on the stage, open it slowly, a jewel-like gleam lights up, crystal clear, like jade, very much like a human calf bone.

"Hey, the left leg bone of the Wannian Crystal Chuanshan Beast, the low price is 200 million gold soul coins, and the price increase must not be less than [-]!"

In this era, the power of soul beasts is generally stronger than that of humans, and every soul bone is a hard-won treasure.

The 1-year-old spirit bone in front of him is extremely complete, even if the age is slightly lower, it is considered top-grade among spirit bones under 10 years old.

The appearance of the soul bone made everyone in a trance, as if they were dreaming.

On Su Qingyu's side, except for the three principals and Su Qingyu himself, Feng Xiaotian and the others almost put their eyes on the glass.

The price of this spirit bone is not low, but the type of this spirit bone makes Su Qingyu a little suspicious.

Crystal soul bones, logically speaking, should belong to gemstones, is it possible?

At this moment, a gentle voice sounded, "500 million gold soul coins!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, the price of this spirit bone was increased by 300 million, which was very close to the true value of this spirit bone.

Su Qingyu was a little helpless, sure enough, this thing was completely pre-determined.

As expected, the bidder just now should be Ning Fengzhi, the suzerain of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Su Qingyu was also amazed when he raised 300 million gold soul coins in one breath, is he really worthy of being the richest sect?

Moreover, before Ning Fengzhi bid, no one bid; after he bid, no one bid.

Su Qingyu said in her heart that there is definitely a shady scene in this auction.

However, so what if you know there is a shady scene, Ning Fengzhi also spent real money to buy it, and he can only say one word, it's inhumane!

In this way, the soul bone of the Crystal Mountain Beast, which was the finale of the auction, was auctioned off.

Box No. [-], Prince Kundera of the Barak Kingdom, a trace of jealousy flashed in his eyes.

He dared not have the slightest bit of dissatisfaction, let alone a crown prince, even if he was the king of the Balak Kingdom, he would not dare to offend the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

"What was just now was the finale. Please keep an eye on this last one!"

Another lead box was taken out by the skinny old man, this time it was a soul bone, and it was also a right arm bone.

"2-year-old light-winged tiger's right arm bone, the starting price is 150 million gold soul coins, and each increase must not be less than [-]!"

The atmosphere in the audience cooled down, and no one bid.

Of course, this doesn't mean that although the age limit is high, but the quality of the soul bone is relatively low, there is no desire for it.

Instead, everyone was observing, or staring at Ning Fengzhi, a rich man.

In terms of wealth, even the royal family of the Heaven Dou Empire might not be able to beat the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

It was a long time since I saw any movement in the second box, and Kundera in the fourth box was the first to be impatient.

"200 million!"

The calm was broken by Kundela, and everyone's expressions relaxed, followed by Bishop Luo Shu of Blazing City.

"My Wuhun Palace bids [-] million, please give me Wuhun Palace some face!"

As soon as these words came out, it was not Ning Fengzhi and Yu Yuanzhen who belonged to the top three sects, but Xue Qinghe who was sitting in the first box.

"Things that are not enough to succeed, but have more than enough to fail!"

Immediately, Xue Qinghe's eyes turned cold, she really wanted to kill Luo Shu, but now is not the time.

And she also understands that many of the lower levels of the Wuhun Temple have gone their separate ways, and that woman is their greatest confidence!

But fortunately, not all the people present were afraid of Wuhundian.

"300 million! Only an increase of [-], are you really the bishop of the Wuhun Temple?"

Yu Yuanzhen said lightly, 300 million is directly approaching Luoshu's bottom line.

This time, Luo Shu was naturally impatient, but in front of Yu Yuanzhen, how dare he bark his teeth as a little soul sage?

Luo Shu completely became a clown, and Kundera, who was still hesitant, raised the price again without hesitation.

Then there is the Eldest Princess of Silvester, the competition between the two is intensifying.

The old god Yu Yuanzhen was there, the same as Ning Fengzhi, he also went to the theater.

Chapter 20 Embarking on the Future

460 million, this is Kundera's last offer!

Princess Silves, who has been competing with him for this soul bone, no longer has any more gold soul coins.

The things that can be mortgaged have basically been mortgaged. After all, the background of the Barak Kingdom is slightly stronger, and in this battle, it has won.

Kundera himself was extremely excited!

The Martial Spirit inherited from the Barak Kingdom itself is a very powerful plant Martial Spirit, Sunflower!

As the top plant Martial Spirit, Sunflower itself also has an extremely rare light attribute.

This 2-year-old right arm bone of the light-winged tiger is really perfect for Kundera.

Aside from being excited, Kundela was also extremely cautious. After quickly handing over the property with the auction house, he immediately left through the secret passage prepared in advance by the auction house.

This is the auction house's protection for big customers, and ordinary people naturally don't have this kind of treatment.

In box No. [-], Shui Ningyuan rubbed Su Qingyu's short sky-blue hair, and said softly: "Okay, everything is over, let's meet Auntie in Tianshui City!"

Su Qingyu nodded, it really doesn't make much sense to stay in Blazing City.

In the next year, he will have to prepare for the awakening of his martial soul, so he can no longer be distracted.

And it's time for some things to be put on the table, otherwise, when the Wuhun Palace attacks the whole continent, they can only be slaughtered.

A group of people left the auction house. They didn't buy anything, so they didn't take the special passage, and left the auction house's main entrance swaggeringly.

As the dean of Blazing Academy, Huo Li came back soon. After all, that piece of Yaohuo peach gum is not a rare thing in the eyes of ordinary people.

After Su Qingyu told Huo Li how to take it, she didn't say anything more.

Things belong to others, and how to distribute them among their children is also their own business.

Shui Ningyuan glanced at it with some disdain, "I didn't expect that you would have a day of luck, it's strange!"

Huo Li glared unhappily at the yin and yang Shui Ningyuan, "I'm lucky, what happened?"

Immediately afterwards, Huo Li smiled and patted Su Qingyu's small head, "Little fish, wait for two years, and come to Chihuo Academy to play after you awaken your martial soul!"

Before Su Qingyu could speak, Shui Ningyuan hugged him directly, "Let's go, let's go home."

One old, two big and four young, although they don't represent the same forces, but compared to the upper three sects who are connected with each other, the three elemental academies that are now tending to form a group are better.

As the dean of Blazing Academy, Huo Li couldn't leave at ordinary times.

When Su Qingyu and the others were sent to the gate of Blazing Fire City, they went back directly.

Shenfeng Academy and Tianshui Academy were not on the same road, Shuiningyuan saluted slightly, "Senior Feng, there will be a date later!"

Feng Zhengjie nodded, and said quite seriously: "I have something to do later, let me know in time, old man, I still have strength."

Different from Shui Ningyuan who was sitting in a carriage, Feng Zhengjie followed the wind and smiled at the sky, each with a horned horned horse, and the distance was relatively short, probably much faster than Su Qingyu returning to Tianshui City.

Shui Ningyuan and Su Qingyu went back in a carriage, mainly because Su Qingyu was young and their speed was much slower.

It is estimated that it will take nearly ten days to get to Tianshui City.

When they left, the Sylvester Kingdom and Barak Kingdom, which were less than a hundred kilometers away from Blazing City, were about to usher in a new change.

The winner of this change has long been determined, no matter how many schemes are used, they are so pale and powerless in the face of absolute strength.

Ten days passed in a flash, and when Shui Ningyuan took Su Qingyu back to Su's house, Su Liefeng and his wife had already returned.

This time the soul hunt went very smoothly, they were not attacked by any powerful soul beasts along the way.

It's just that it took a lot of time to find a suitable soul beast.

"I've seen the dean!"

Although Lan Xiaoyue is usually quite off-line, but in front of Shui Ningyuan, the eldest sister, she is simply very obedient.

Shui Ningyuan smiled slightly, and glanced at Su Liefeng who was behind Lan Xiaoyue, "Congratulations, the two of you were the worst in talent back then, and now it's hard work."

What he said made Su Liefeng somewhat embarrassed, and suddenly, he also got married and started a career.

It's just that when I was young, some people who didn't come over were never seen again.

Shui Ningyuan pushed Su Qingyu in front of Lan Xiaoyue, "Here, I brought back your little leather monkey. I have something to do in the academy, so I'll go first."

The family delivered Shuining Yuan to the door, and Su Liefeng grabbed Su Qingyu in one go.

This time, the attitudes of the husband and wife were highly consistent. No matter how they said it, Su Qingyu had to explain why they ran away from home secretly.

Fortunately, what happened this time was all because of Feng Xiaotian, and Ms. Lan Xiaoyue showed mercy and let him go.

Su Qingyu ate the food prepared by Su Liefeng himself, and she didn't forget to complain about her cheap senior brother, "I also don't understand, the senior brother is five years older than him, and he was scared at that time, hey, Stop talking!"

Looking at their son who was eating sullenly, Su Liefeng and his wife looked at each other and smiled, Lan Xiaoyue stroked Su Qingyu's little head and said, "You are still young, you don't know about this. But in our generation, it is not What a secret, that senior brother of yours is actually engaged to Dean Huo Li's youngest daughter!"

Su Qingyu, who had just eaten and drank, was a little surprised. No wonder, Feng Xiaotian's licking method in the original book, except for Huo Wushuang, everyone in Blazing Academy turned a blind eye.

"Understood, I'm really envious!"

Indeed, Su Qingyu is quite envious of her cheap senior brother.

If it weren't for Tang Junzi, Yi Feng Xiaotian's talent would have been the protagonist's treatment.

After riding all the way in the carriage, Su Qingyu was somewhat tired.

After a night of rest, I finally regained my spirits.

Su Liefeng flew towards the direction of Shenfeng Academy early in the morning, and it is estimated that he will not come back within ten days and a half months.

Ms. Lan Xiaoyue also got up early in the morning, and wandered to the backyard alone.

In more than half a month, the beans that Su Qingyu arranged for someone to plant in the ground have grown.

A layer of sparse green cover, it seems to be growing well.But even if they grow well, Su Qingyu doesn't expect them to reap any harvest.

In the pavilion on one side, Su Qingyu is working hard to learn the theoretical knowledge of soul masters, striving to have more time to practice after awakening the martial soul.

Tempering his body is also proceeding step by step, and he has prepared some things.

As long as he awakens his martial soul, he can start to try. If he can succeed, his future road may be much easier.

A hero with three gangs, especially in Douluo Dalu, the power behind a person is also very important.

Chapter 21

Time flies, and a year has passed in a blink of an eye.

During this year, Su Qingyu not only soaked in medicinal baths step by step, but also through study, basically completed the theoretical content of elementary and intermediate colleges.

In this way, at least until he was 12 years old, he didn't have to worry about theoretical knowledge slowing down his cultivation progress.

In the future, when entering the advanced college stage, there will be much less theoretical courses and more about cultivation.

In addition, one of the things that attracts students to advanced colleges is that their unique mimic environment and other resources are unmatched by intermediate colleges.

Today is a very important day, both Lan Xiaoyue and Su Liefeng who is far away in Shenfeng City are back.

But what made Su Qingyu speechless was, "I said, it seems that I awakened the martial soul, why are you two so nervous?"

Lan Xiaoyue has never been used to Su Qingyu, and with her white fingers, she directly gave Su Qingyu his favorite fried chestnuts, "What are you talking about, your father and I are not nervous, you brat, if..."

Even if she is off-line like Lan Xiaoyue, she dare not say that awakening her martial soul is the greatest adventure in a Douluo Continent's life.

Even a family with a powerful martial spirit inheritance dare not guarantee it. After all, there are still things where a dragon turns into a pig's head.

For details, please refer to a certain person surnamed Yu who calls himself a master.

Of course, it is different from the small village where Tang San lives, who can only rely on the Wuhun Temple to awaken once a year.

In the city where the five elemental academies are located, at the end of each month, there are awakening ceremonies held by the major elemental academies.

During this period, as long as it is Tianshui City and the students from the surrounding villages, they will go to Tianshui College to awaken their martial souls.

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