Although the landing posture is not very good-looking, but it is indeed down.

"Hey, thank you grandpa, grandson understands."

Feng Zhengjie glared at him angrily, and immediately used his soul power to set up an enchantment around him, "Okay, the next thing, you must keep it a secret, and rot in your stomach what you heard today."

The sudden seriousness made Su Qingyu and Feng Xiaotian uncomfortable.

But the old man must have her considerations, and it's not up to the two juniors to worry about it.

When the old man finished speaking, Feng Xiaotian was so excited that he almost jumped up.

"What, Grandpa, what you said is true!"

Feng Zhengjie gave Feng Xiaotian his favorite big mouth, "Sit down, or do you think that the old man will come out to find you two brats in person?"

Su Qingyu was also a little surprised by what old man Feng said just now, he never thought that someone would sell that kind of thing.

However, according to old man Feng, he doesn't intend to participate in it, and coming here is just to join in the fun.

Kamikaze, Chihuo and Tianshui, the three of them are colleges after all, although they have not weak financial resources, but they are really powerless to sell that thing.

"Grandpa, what do you mean, we're just here for a formality?"

Feng Xiaotian was a little depressed, but he also understood that with the background of Shenfeng Academy, he really couldn't keep that thing.

Of course, it wasn't just the Kamikaze Academy family that got the news. The Tianshui, Leiting, and Elephant Armor families also came to Blazing Fire City in turn.

In addition, there are many deeply involved forces, such as those from Tiandou City, several major kingdoms, and even Luo Shu, the bishop of Wuhun Temple, also received the invitation.

A few days passed, Huo Li, the host of Blazing Academy, was pouring tea for Feng Zhengjie.

"Come on, Feng Lao, try our Huoyu tea from Blazing Fire City, you liked it the most back then."

Feng Zhengjie took a sip of his tea, "Oh, Huo Li, how are you managing it? Logically speaking, you shouldn't have revealed this kind of news."

There is another person sitting here, and it is the dean of Tianshui College, Shui Ningyuan.

"Yes, Xiao Li, eat it quietly, even if you don't need it, you can exchange it with our two families!"

However, Huo Li smiled wryly, "Old Feng, Sister Yuan, I only found out about this not long ago, do you believe me?"

The room suddenly became a little silent, and it was not until Feng Zhengjie spoke, "I probably understand this matter, we can't take that thing!"

This sentence also expresses the opinions of the three families. This time things are really hot.

However, although they couldn't touch the last thing, they still wanted to take a look.

The main reason is that they are afraid of being seen by caring people, and sometimes it is very necessary to pretend to be confused with understanding.

Outside the door, Su Qingyu, Feng Xiaotian and Huo Wushuang siblings were already waiting quietly.

Shui Ningyuan, who was most familiar with Su Qingyu, came to his side, pinched his little face with a pair of jade hands and twisted it back and forth.

"Little guy, I didn't expect you to be so dishonest. If Bing'er hadn't come here to tell me, I probably wouldn't have known that you were brought here by some kind of monkey."

As she said that, Shui Ningyuan glanced at Feng Xiaotian next to her with a half-smile, which really scared him a lot.

"Let's go, I'll take you there to learn more. When we go back, your parents will probably come back too."

There are four people in a group, and each dean is accompanied by one or two juniors. Although they don't look high-profile, they are not low-key, and they are doing very well on the surface.

Chapter 18: An Over-the-top Opener

"Oh, there are a lot of smart people in the world, at least these three families can see through it, and then arrange for our people to get in touch. Remember, don't use your real identities, understand?"

Opposite the auction house, in an inconspicuous attic.

A young man with a handsome face, who seemed to be about the same age as Feng Xiaotian, was calm and breezy, but the nobility between his brows was awe-inspiring.

In the secret darkness, there was only a dull voice, "Yes, Your Highness!"

Arriving at the gate of the auction house, Shui Ningyuan got off the carriage first, and then hugged Su Qingyu who was with her.

It was the first time for Su Qingyu to come to this kind of place, and Su Qingyu was somewhat curious.

In his previous life, he also went to some auctions, and some rare and unusual medicinal materials made those rich old men who were afraid of death scramble for them.

There are even quite a few people who will do anything just because of such a medicinal herb that can hang their lives.

He was also watched by people, but at that time no one could get within one meter of him.

Basically, those who dared to move their minds against him had already disappeared before they had time to make a move.

In this life, the environment is different, and he also has some expectations for the auction here.

The difference is that when participating in an auction in the Douluo Continent, one has to hide one's identity.

Without a certain amount of strength and influence, and no matter how well you can hide your identity, the probability of being murdered to seize the treasure is extremely high.

For the privacy of customers, almost every auction house has set up boxes.

People with certain financial resources and status usually choose to enter the box.

Of course there are exceptions, but those who dare to sit in the public area and take pictures of heavy treasures are either fools or bosses.

The specification of this auction was quite high, and only one box was obtained thanks to the partnership of the three academies.

In the entire auction house, there are a total of eight boxes, and there are no simple figures in each of them.

"Everyone, welcome to the Blazing Fire Auction. I won't say much about the other old men. Now that the auction starts, the first piece of Yaohuo Peach Gum can enhance the attributes of a fire-attributed soul master. It's cheap, one thousand gold soul coins !"

A thin old man on the stage, with a gloomy face and a soul king-level soul power fluctuation, is definitely the best among the soul kings.

Su Qingyu's eyes lit up, the opening of the Blazing City Auction was impressive enough.

"7-year-old demon fire peach tree peach gum, low-level natural material and earthly treasure, enhances the potential of fire-attributed soul masters, and can be used as medicine..."

His Eye of Everything gave a lot of detailed information about this piece of peach gum. Not only can this thing be taken directly, but it is also a supplementary material for refining top-level elixir, which is really good.

Of course, Yaohuo peach gum is not uncommon, and this black jade-like existence is definitely the best.

There are quite a few people present who know what to do, especially in Blazing Fire City, the gathering place for fire attribute soul masters in the Douluo Continent, which has been fiercely contested from the very beginning.

Su Qingyu glanced at the Huo Wushuang brothers and sisters beside her, and made up her mind to pay attention.

He can't use this thing at the moment, but for the Huo Wushuang brothers and sisters who are in the best growth period, it is definitely a rare treasure.

Immediately, Su Qingyu wrote the year of Yaohuo Peach Gum in the surprised eyes of everyone in the private room.

As the dean of Blazing Academy, Huo Li understood immediately.

But this kind of thing can't be made public, and can't even show too much strangeness.

Although the box can isolate the probe of the soul power, but because of the last auction item, there is a great possibility that there will be a strong person at the Title Douluo level in this battle.

Although their soul power is impenetrable, it is not a problem to use their mental power to check the changes in each box.

This is also the reason why Su Qingyu just wrote down the year of the Yaohuo peach gum on the paper, not daring to make too many moves.

Of course, Huo Li knew it well.

The current Demon Fire Peach Gum is regarded as a good start. Although many people are pursuing it, it is nothing in the eyes of senior soul masters.

But if the real age of the Yaohuo peach gum is revealed, the big shots in several boxes will also end up fighting for it.

Soon, Yaohuo Peach Gum was bought by a fire attribute middle-aged soul master at a price of [-] gold soul coins.

Huo Li just glanced at it silently, carefully remembering the aura of that soul master, and didn't care about it any more.

If he did something for a seemingly inconspicuous demon fire peach gum, it would easily arouse others' suspicion.

After all, they're just here to show the scene this time, and they won't make a move if they can't.

Next, a few items were not very good, and the most expensive one did not exceed a thousand gold soul coins.

I photographed dozens of items in a row, but none of them caught my eye.

Su Qingyu yawned a little bored, but it's normal to think about it. With that kind of thing, it's no problem to auction off a blue silver grass.

Also boring, there are Feng Xiaotian and the three of them.

They also know about that thing, after all, it is the heart of young people, even if they don't get it, they are very excited to see it for a while.

And at this time, among the No. [-] boxes, here is a special box specially reserved for the royal family of the Heaven Dou Empire.

After all, behind every city's auction house is the imperial family of the Heaven Dou Empire, and there are not many people who are qualified to enter this No. [-] box.

"Your Highness, the people in each box have been checked, and six of them need attention."

A middle-aged man with an ordinary face respectfully reported to the young man in front of him.

And the young man in front of him was no ordinary person, he was the eldest prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, Xue Qinghe.

Xue Qinghe's tone was gentle, although he was young, his gentle and refined temperament was very eye-catching.

"Let's hear it, I also want to know what my good third brother is trying to kill two birds with one stone."

The middle-aged man looked very ordinary, without the slightest fluctuation of soul power on his body.

However, it seems like no one can get the reliance of a prince, which is somewhat absurd in the eyes of ninety-nine out of ten people.

"In the second box, Sect Master Ning of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect; in the third box, Bishop Luoshu of the Lord Hall of the Blazing Fire City; in the fourth box, Crown Prince Kundla of the Barak Kingdom; in the fifth box, the Eldest Princess of the Sylvester Kingdom , and finally there are three elemental academies crowded in the seventh box. People from the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect are actually sitting in the public area."

"Heh, you are really clever. Fishing in this place has a high success rate."

The middle-aged man wiped his neck casually, "Your Highness, then we..."

Xue Qinghe shook his head, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, you can just go there after the auction is over, remember not to make it too obvious."

The middle-aged man backed away quickly, not disturbing Xue Qinghe any more.

In an environment where there was no one else around, His Highness Xue Qinghe touched his cheek with some regret, "I don't know how long I will have to bear this face, all of this is really disgusting!"

Chapter 19

In the auction field, it is drawing to a close.

Su Qingyu could clearly sense that the surrounding atmosphere had changed.

He didn't know about the other boxes, the only thing Su Qingyu could see was the old man sitting in the public area.

Standing beside him was a young man who looked a little older than Huo Wu.

Straight black hair, with a special mark similar to lightning between the eyebrows.

However, what is more eye-catching is the old man's domineering aura, which Su Qingyu can sense even from a long distance away.

The characteristics of the young man, coupled with the unfathomable old man, the identity of the grandson in front of him is already clearly revealed.

Blue Electric Overlord Sect!

After all, they are the only ones who can make the three headmasters of Contra level fearful, and possess the Thunder and Lightning Martial Soul.

The old man in front of him, Su Qingyu also guessed his identity, the suzerain of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, and also the cheap father in the original book, the good-for-nothing master who never saw him until his death, Yu Yuanzhen.

As for that young man, he is probably Yu Tianheng. After all, Yu Tianxin is a collateral lineage, and he is not as good as Yu Tianheng in terms of status.

In the second box, a gentle and elegant middle-aged man stood beside him a tall, but skinny old man.

Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect Master Ning Fengzhi, Bone Douluo Gu Rong!

"Oh, Uncle Yu's old man is still that violent, but I don't know if his old man will intervene."

Gu Rong at the side suddenly said: "Don't worry, this old dragon is very smart, he won't wade in this muddy water."

After finishing speaking, regardless of Ning Fengzhi's attitude, Gu Rong closed his eyes and began to cultivate with peace of mind.

This also made Ning Fengzhi shake his head helplessly, another family has an old man like a treasure.

But his family has two treasures, so it's a lot of trouble!

In the third box, Luo Shu, the bishop of Blazing City, was secretly annoyed. Why did he let him auction that thing with gold soul coins, and the benefits were theirs.

Moreover, it didn't take him a day or two for him to be suppressed by the boss of the Blazing Academy in Blazing City, and with the addition of up and down management, his money was not so tight.

Luo Shu secretly gritted his teeth, it was really impossible, so he used the name of Wuhundian to take a photo forcibly.

At that time, I will be considered to have completed the task, besides, who would dare to pursue their Wuhundian?

Kundera in the fourth box has long been itchy, as long as he gets that thing, he will see who dares to prevent him from ascending the throne!

Similarly, the Eldest Princess of the Silves Kingdom also had the same idea. She had always regarded the current Pope of the Spirit Hall as her idol.

As a woman, she ascended to the supreme position of the pope, and although she, Manliss, could not touch the position of the pope, she did not allow anyone to touch the throne of Silves!

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