At this time, Huo Wu was not as fiery and pungent as before, she was just a cute little lolita.

"Hee hee, Grandpa Master, here we come!"

The little girl was extremely happy, and jumped in, followed by the boy who was Huo Wushuang.

At present, he has just turned 12 years old, but he is already a great soul master with 27 soul powers. After another year at most, he will definitely be able to enter the realm of soul masters.

"Brother Feng, why are you here?"

Huo Wushuang stopped in his tracks, and at a glance he saw that the person with the bruised nose and swollen face was Feng Xiaotian.

Feng Xiaotian was somewhat embarrassed to be beaten like this and yet be recognized by acquaintances.

Moreover, Huo Wu is still watching, he doesn't want to embarrass himself in front of his sister Huo Wu!

"Okay, you three come in!"

Feng Xiaotian thanked God, finally he didn't have to stand for punishment.

Just like that, Feng Xiaotian followed the Huo family brothers and sisters to Chiyu's hut.

The old man didn't mean to expose Feng Xiaotian, Chi Yu himself didn't want to care about this kind of thing.

Not to mention that Huo Wu is just his student's daughter, and her children and grandchildren have their own blessings, if Huo Wu really can't accept Feng Xiaotian, he doesn't want to go to this villain either.

After chatting with senior Akabane for a long time, Huo Wushuang and his sister decided to leave.

But at this moment, Feng Xiaotian suddenly called Huo Wushuang away.

Somewhere, Su Qingyu always has a bad feeling.

Sure enough, the next moment, Huo Wushuang's martial soul was summoned.

The one-horned fiery dragon spirit possessed him, and two bright yellow spirit rings lingered around his Huo Wushuang.

"Feng Xiaotian, today there is you without me!"

The corner of Su Qingyu's mouth twitched, well, it's really over now!

Chapter 16

The gate of Blazing Academy, it is reasonable to say that it is the time after school.

At this time, students who generally live in Blazing City will basically go home directly.

After studying for a day, I have to continue to practice hard when I go home. Everyone comes and goes in a hurry, and no one will waste time at the school gate.

But now, there are quite a few students from Blazing Academy gathered at the entrance of the academy to watch the excitement.

Blazing Academy seemed to turn a blind eye, pretending not to see it.

Two teenagers, one of them was wearing a bluish-white school uniform of the Kamikaze Academy, two yellow and one purple, at the level of a three-ring soul master.

The other has short fiery red hair, a tyrannosaurus rex spirit possessed, and two bright yellow spirit rings. At first glance, he is a student of Blazing Academy.

Normally, when the soul master fights the great soul master, it should be the soul master who runs after the great soul master.

But the current situation is somewhat abnormal.

Huo Wushuang, who has two rings, desperately pursues Feng Xiaotian, who has a three-ring soul, regardless of the consumption of soul power.

"Feng Xiaotian, stop for me!"

Huo Wushuang let out an angry roar, his eyes turned red, and now he can't wait to chop up Feng Xiaotian.

This damned guy dared to set his sister's idea. You must know that his sister is only eight years old, eight years old!

He couldn't figure it out, this guy Feng Xiaotian was despised by others, but he wanted to come here to woo his younger sister, Huo Wu.

Although Feng Xiaotian took the strong and sensitive double attack route, his two-headed wolf spirit itself was more inclined to the agility attack system.

Coupled with Feng Xiaotian Hunzun's cultivation base, it is much stronger than Huo Wushuang.

The two chased after a while, Feng Xiaotian was fine, Huo Wushuang was very tired.

Huo Wu, who didn't know it yet, had doubts flickering in her big agate-like eyes.

As Huo Wushuang said, Huo Wu is only eight years old now.

Even for the precocious Douluo Dalu, eight years old is too young.

Su Qingyu didn't know what Feng Xiaotian was thinking, anyway, Huo Wushuang definitely wanted to kill him.

"Hey, boy from Tianshui City!"

A crisp and tender female voice sounded, and Su Qingyu turned her head to see that it was Huo Wu.

The little girl pinched her waist and said to him with some pride in her eyes: "Tell me what's going on, how did that white hair offend my brother?"

This made Su Qingyu really don't know what to say, he couldn't say, that big white-haired brother has taken a fancy to you, and your brother is arguing for you?

"Honestly, otherwise you won't be able to eat and walk around!"

The crimson eyes stared at Su Qingyu viciously, her delicate appearance was fierce and fierce.

Behind her, a fiery red shadow about the size of her appeared, it was Huowu's martial soul Hokage, and it was her own shadow.

On that shadow, there was also a bright yellow soul ring, which made Su Qingyu feel extremely aggrieved.

I'll go, your awakened martial soul is amazing!

Well, awakening the martial soul, having soul power, and having a soul ring is really remarkable.

Although Huo Wu is just an eight-year-old girl, except for the top cavalry of the Tiandou Royal Knights, ordinary people can't beat a soul master with one ring at all, even if she is just a little girl.

There was no other way, so Su Qingyu had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue making up nonsense, "Well, he is your brother's friend, and he came here to compete with your brother. Look how happy the two of them are fighting!"

Huo Wu's small face showed a look of suspicion, she didn't know whether she should trust Su Qingyu or not.

But she found that Su Qingyu was very young, and he didn't even have a trace of soul power. A little guy who didn't awaken his martial soul shouldn't be able to lie to her.

Successfully muddling through, just when Su Qingyu was rejoicing, for some reason, Feng Xiaotian fell in front of Su Qingyu like a broken sack.

The corner of the mouth was bloody, and the figure was in a mess, which made the little girl Huo Wu look unbearable, "Brother, stop quickly, he is about to be beaten to death by you!"

Huo Wushuang couldn't react, but he saw Feng Xiaotian's smug smile.

How to put it, if Feng Xiaotian's head crashes when he meets Huo Wu.

Huo Wushuang didn't turn his head around much, and in Feng Xiaotian's desperate eyes, he revealed Feng Xiaotian's true face.

In this situation, Feng Xiaotian naturally wanted to stop it, but someone played tricks and directly fixed Feng Xiaotian in place.

When Su Qingyu turned her head, she was so happy to see a smiling and kind old man, who was the old dean Akabane.

Old man, you are really naughty. If the game fails, Blazing Fire Academy and Shenfeng Academy will be sworn enemies in the future.

Of course, Su Qingyu didn't understand either, the older generation had their own perspective on problems.

"Ah, you... you shameless person!"

Although Huo Wu's personality may be more aggressive, but she is also a lady, so at such a young age, she naturally doesn't understand swearing.

Huo Wu, who was tearful, ran quickly, and Huo Wushuang, who loved her sister and was mad, gave Feng Xiaotian a vicious look, and quickly followed.

Just at this moment, the old man Akabane also let go of the suppression of Feng Xiaotian.

"It's over, it's over, now I don't have any good feelings for Sister Huo Wu."

Feng Xiaotian drooped his head, looking desperate, the defeated temperament on his body made Su Qingyu unconsciously stay away from him.

"Hmph, very good, I said where did my wildebeest go? It turned out that you, a little white-eyed wolf, stole it!"

The slightly old voice was like thunder, and the strength of the comer was quite strong.

It's just that the owner of this voice, whether it's Su Qingyu or Feng Xiaotian, is quite familiar to them.

"Grandpa Feng, you are here!"

That's right, the person who came was Feng Xiaotian's grandfather, Feng Zhengjie, the dean of Shenfeng Academy.

The old man is quite strict with Feng Xiaotian, but he is very kind to Su Qingyu. Every year during Chinese New Year, Su Liefeng will take him to the old man's house.

Still the same sentence, sweet-mouthed children are more popular.

Feng Zhengjie's anger dropped by half, and he smiled kindly at Su Qingyu.

However, Feng Xiaotian will be miserable, the old man will definitely come to arrest him.

"Xiaotian, this is what you said Tianshui City took care of Herring, how did you take care of him to Blazing Fire City!"

In front of the old man, Feng Xiaotian didn't dare to breathe, the little wolf cub is just a little wolf cub, without two heads!

"Okay, old limelight, don't scold him now, go to my house for a while, I have something, I'll tell you."

Feng Zhengjie snorted coldly, but this is Blazing Fire City after all, so no matter what he said, he wanted Akabane to save face.

On the other side of Blazing City, the Huo Family, one of the largest families in Blazing City.

A little stunned, Huo Wushuang didn't say anything, and directly told about Feng Xiaotian's matter to his father, Huo Li, who is now the dean of Chihuo Academy.

After all, the peaceful Blazing City became noisy, but this was also seen by some people with ulterior motives, and what they thought was different.

Chapter 17 Undercurrent

Blazing Fire City, Spirit Hall.

As the well-deserved transcendent force in the Douluo Continent, it is the most dazzling existence no matter which side of the continent it is on.

The huge Spirit Hall occupies the most prosperous place in Blazing Fire City, not far away is the Great Soul Arena jointly established by the Heaven Dou Empire and the major families of soul masters.

Luo Shu, the bishop of the main hall of Wuhun in Blazing Fire City, a level 78 Soul Sage powerhouse.

When he came out of the soul fighting field, his complexion was not very good. The soul master he had a crush on just now was instantly killed by people from Blazing Academy during the soul fighting.

In this way, all the gold soul coins he bet on were lost.

Behind him was also a man in black from the main hall of Wuhun in Blazing Fire City, but the other party's identity was sensitive, and he often helped Wuhun hall deal with some shady things.

Luo Shu naturally noticed him. Although he felt a little unhappy, he had to endure it.

"Tell me, what's the matter with you here?"

The man in black is only the cultivation of the Soul Emperor, but he doesn't have much respect for Luo Shu, the master of the Wuhun Palace.

"That old bastard from Shenfeng Academy has come to Blazing Fire City, and you are ordered to get the things. If you mess up, hum!"

After speaking, the man in black disappeared quickly. Because of the special spirit, even Luo Shu didn't see when the other party disappeared.

However, although Luo Shu was upset, he couldn't show it, otherwise he would definitely be the one who died.

Thinking of what the man in black said, Luo Shu felt even more aggrieved.

It stands to reason that his soul power of level 78 is considered a master among soul saints.

But it happened that he was arranged in Blazing Fire City, and the dean of Blazing Fire Academy kept suppressing him so much that he couldn't hold his head up.

Now there is another Contra, and that kind of old Contra, you really think too highly of him!

When Luo Shu was distressed, in a small courtyard of a single family, on an old tree with a crooked neck, a black shadow swayed from side to side, and it turned out to be a person when he looked carefully.

After all, he was still hung on the tree by Mr. Feng, Feng Xiaotian kept wailing, "Grandpa, can't I be wrong, just let me down!"

At this moment, Feng Zhengjie had just finished dinner with Su Qingyu, so he didn't leave anything for Feng Xiaotian.

Feng Zhengjie pointed at Feng Xiaotian's nose angrily and said, "Xiaotian, you kid still know you're wrong? I figured things out, that little girl is only eight years old, you kid..."

While talking, Feng Zhengjie's hands kept shaking, it seemed that the old man was really angry this time.

"But Grandpa, I really..."

"Shut up, I'll tell you, five years, within these five years, if you dare to come to this fiery city again, I will break your father's leg!"

Hearing this, Feng Xiaotian decisively shut up.

The old man did what he said, and if he said to break his old man's leg, he would really break it!

And before his old man broke his leg, he would definitely break his leg first.

Of course, I don't know what this guy was thinking, so he agreed directly, and promised that he would never enter Blazing City within five years.

Su Qingyu was a little surprised, but Mr. Feng Zhengjie was very satisfied.

The next moment, the old man directly swung a white wind blade, and put Feng Xiaotian down directly.

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