There was a black mask next to the young man, and the clothes looked very familiar to Su Qingyu. Isn't it the school uniform of Kamikaze Academy?

Seemingly aware of Su Qingyu's arrival, the young man turned his head abruptly, but it was Feng Xiaotian.

Holding a roast leg of lamb bigger than his face in his hand, Feng Xiaotian ate it and said, "Yo Hoo, little brother, you're here!"

Chapter 14

Su Qingyu's face darkened, why did this guy come back?

"Brother Feng, haven't you returned to the Kamikaze Academy?"

Looking at the roast leg of lamb in his hand, Feng Xiaotian smiled mischievously, and put it away decisively.

"Well, isn't this just the beginning of school? You know, I'm already a student of the advanced academy, and it's okay to skip a few classes!"

Feng Xiaotian patted Su Qingyu's shoulders a few times, looking very forthright.

However, Su Qingyu was disgusted and took his hand off her shoulder.

A pair of dead fish eyes of the same style as classmate Ke made it somewhat embarrassing to look at Feng Xiaotian.

He had known Feng Xiaotian very early, when Feng Xiaotian was apprenticed to his teacher, he was held in Su Liefeng's arms.

It was precisely because of this incident that Feng Xiaotian had often played tricks on him before.

In the past two years, Feng Xiaotian's temperament has gradually matured, and he has become much calmer.

With the current appearance, it is estimated that there is nothing to ask for.

Su Qingyu is also too lazy to chat with this guy, and this guy seems to have become a habit of rubbing oil on his body every time he eats a leg of lamb.

"Tell me, what are you doing in Tianshui City, don't tell me, you are here to see my father."

Feng Xiaotian didn't feel ashamed when his thoughts were exposed, and he said it out of a very bachelor.

What Su Qingyu didn't expect was, "What did you say, you fell in love with a girl, let me go to Blazing City with you!"

Good guy, let Su Qingyu break the defense directly.

If he guessed correctly, Feng Xiaotian had just turned 13, and Huo Wu...

If I remember correctly, Huo Wu is five years younger than Feng Xiaotian, an eight-year-old girl!

"That little junior brother, I can't do anything about it. Look at my age, if people find out about this, that old guy Chi Huo will kill me."

Su Qingyu really doesn't understand this cheap senior brother, you know this and go ahead, pull me in, are you planning to let me be buried with you?

"No, you can settle your own affairs!"

Without saying anything, Su Qingyu decisively rejected Feng Xiaotian.

Just kidding, if Dean Chi Huo knew that Feng Xiaotian was plotting against his daughter, he would definitely have no good fruit as an accomplice.

"Really, my dear little junior brother, have you thought it through?"

Feng Xiaotian let out a sinister smirk, since the kid doesn't help senior brother, don't blame senior brother for being cruel!

Just sitting in the seat, the sweet Su Qingyu he was eating suddenly felt a little wrong.

Looking up, Feng Xiaotian was looking at him with malicious intentions.

"Feng Xiaotian, I warn you, if you bully me, believe it or not, I will tell Mr. Feng to beat you to death!"

Mr. Feng is exactly Feng Xiaotian's grandfather, and also the dean of this year's Shenfeng Academy.

When Su Qingyu was a child, when she went to Shenfeng Academy, she met the old man a few times.

It's just that every time they met, Feng Xiaotian was hung from a tree by the old man and whipped.

Sure enough, upon hearing this, Feng Xiaotian's legs trembled unnaturally, and his butt even ached.

But Su Qingyu still underestimated him, underestimated his incomparably pure dog-licking obsession.

Although Feng Xiaotian was afraid of Old Man Feng, but as a being who could lick till the end and had everything he wanted, he ignored the majesty of Old Man Feng.

"Heh, junior brother, you said that if I tell the story about you and that girl of the Shui family, you will be rotten in Tianshui City!"

With a sound of touching, Su Qingyu put down the bowl and chopsticks, and said coldly: "I and Bing'er are just friends, and you dare to make such rumors, Dean Shui and Aunt Shui, you can experience it for yourself!"

Su Qingyu didn't threaten him with his cheap parents. His son knows what his parents are like.

"I don't care, anyway, they can't control the mouths of the entire Tianshui City people!"

"Why do you control the people in Tianshui City?"

Shui Bing'er walked in with Shui Yue'er who had changed her clothes. Although she was young, she was graceful and elegant, and she grasped the temperament of a lady just right.

"It's okay, I'm joking with Senior Brother Feng, don't you think so? My dear Senior Brother Feng!"

As soon as the voice came to the end, Su Qingyu paused every word, the meaning was obvious, so naturally he was not allowed to talk nonsense.

As long as Huo Wu is not involved, Feng Xiaotian is still very smart.

"That's right, I'm here to talk to my junior brother about when Master and the others will come back. Also, my junior brother was a little anxious just now. Seeing that you haven't come, I thought something happened to you, sister Bing'er."

Feng Xiaotian somewhat covered up his words, after all, Shuining Yuan was still in Tianshui City.

If Shui Ningyuan detains him here and asks his old man to come over, it will really cause trouble.

With Shui Bing'er here, Feng Xiaotian was a lot more honest, and took out his roast leg of lamb and started to eat it.

But the weird behavior of the two just now caught Shui Binger's attention.

Sitting beside Su Qingyu, after eating slowly, he said softly: "What happened just now, can you tell me?"

"It's nothing, Senior Brother Feng has a brain disease, he committed it, just now he really suffered from a severe headache."

Under Su Qingyu's understatement, Shui Bing'er didn't ask any more questions.

As the owner of a wolf martial spirit at the soul master level, Feng Xiaotian's ears are naturally very sharp.

Although he was scolded by Su Qingyu without a word of swearing, luckily he didn't say anything, otherwise he was really afraid of being made into an ice sculpture by Dean Shui Ningyuan, I heard that it would be more uncomfortable than hanging from a tree.

After lunch, Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er took a medicinal bath, and Su Qingyu, who was planning to learn some knowledge, was disturbed by Feng Xiaotian again.

"Junior brother, you have to help me with this matter. Isn't it just being hung up by the old man and whipped, and frozen into an ice sculpture by the head of the water? I'm going to fight it!"

Looking at the extremely serious Feng Xiaotian in front of him, he knew that this dog licking was really hopeless!

She looks like she wants to die with Su Qingyu, either you die or I die!

The corner of Su Qingyu's mouth twitched, and without a word, he threw the book in his hand, which was as thick as half a dictionary, directly towards Feng Xiaotian's face.

He didn't have much strength, and Feng Xiaotian took the book in his hand very easily.

"You are so shameless!"

"Thank you for the compliment!"

This time, Su Qingyu has learned a lot. What else can he not do if he can be a dog licking?

No wonder, this guy was born full of soul power, he was only level 24 at the age of 44, but after five years, he caught up with the Shrek Seven Monsters who ate the fairy grass and washed the marrow.

Talented and persevering, even though they are all used in the wrong place, but even so, it is really unacceptable for Feng Xiaotian not to become a strong person.

Su Qingyu even made a plan, no matter what he said, he would not be allowed to practice his self-created soul skills again.

In this way, when it comes to that competition, this guy is definitely the most dazzling existence, and the so-called golden generation may not be better than him.

But that's for the future, and I still have to go to Blazing City with her recently.

In the case of Huo Wu, no matter what, he would help his cheap senior brother.

Chapter 15 Huo Wushuang's Roar

Five days passed, and Su Qingyu followed Feng Xiaotian to Blazing Fire City.

Blazing City is located in the south of the Heaven Dou Empire, very close to the Silves Kingdom, and only a few hundred kilometers away from Barak City, the capital of the Barak Kingdom.

In order to rush to Blazing City as soon as possible, Feng Xiaotian used a pair of hundred-year-old horned horses raised by his grandfather to pull the cart.

In this way, in just five days, the two of them came to Blazing City.

At this time, Su Qingyu's expression was quite bad, and he hardly had a rest in the past five days.

The wind horned horse was too fast and bumped all the way, even Feng Xiaotian, the soul master, was a little awkward in his legs and feet.

"I said, why are you in such a hurry? Blazing Fire City is here, and it can't run away. Why are you in such a hurry?"

Su Qingyu complained, after all, he was really uncomfortable these few days.

"Hey, you forgot that I ran out secretly. How did you say that sentence, the night is long and there are many dreams. I don't want to be caught by the old man before I see Sister Huo Wu."

When it comes to Huo Wu, Feng Xiaotian's usual cleverness is gone, Su Qingyu always wants to beat him up because of his sluggish and insane appearance.

But when he thought that this guy was still a soul master, he would have to wait a long time to beat this guy, so he endured it.

"Hehe, I have never been to Blazing City, and I don't know where Blazing Academy is!"

Feng Xiaotian patted his chest, and said confidently: "Don't worry, when I come, I have already planned it!"

Regarding this, Su Qingyu doesn't think about anything, as long as you are happy.

Not long after the two entered Blazing City, they searched around in Blazing City for a long time, and finally came to Blazing Academy.

However, it was not very easy to enter Blazing Academy, Su Qingyu and Feng Xiaotian were immediately stopped by a white-haired and kind old man.

It can only be said that as soon as he entered Blazing City, Feng Xiaotian's IQ suddenly dropped.

Facing the kind old concierge just now, he planned to force his way without saying a word.

As a result... Su Qingyu was fine, but was punished to stand.

As for Feng Xiaotian, he was not so lucky, with a bruised nose and swollen face, it was completely impossible to tell that he was a handsome young man with a handsome face.

Of course, Feng Xiaotian's heart was even more sad, he originally thought that the concierge of the Blazing Academy was at most the same as their Kamikaze Academy, but a great soul master.

But who would have thought that two yellows, two purples and three blacks, the soul sage of the seven rings, scared him green from face to hair.

Just after tidying up Feng Xiaotian, an amiable smile appeared on the old man's face, "As you get old, your shots are not light or heavy, please be considerate, my little friend!"

Feng Xiaotian felt chills down his spine, trembling with fear, "Old man, if you want to hit me up, you can just say it straight, needless to say it so tactfully."

The old man in a red linen robe glanced at Feng Xiaotian with a little satisfaction, as if to say, you boy is on the road!

Immediately, the old man turned his attention to Su Qingyu again, "Tell me, why did you escape from Tianshui City, is there no one at home?"

Su Qingyu's heart trembled, he was thinking now, whether he should sell this cheap brother who sold himself!

After thinking hard for about two seconds, Su Qingyu resolutely did not sell Feng Xiaotian.

"Senior Brother Feng is here to visit Big Brother Huo Wushuang, and by the way, bring me over to find some fire-attributed treasures."

Hearing this, Feng Xiaotian was overjoyed, the boy has you, he didn't sell me, brother, it seems that he will treat you better in the future,

The old man had a half-smile, "Oh, so that's what happened, but you came at the wrong time, and the students in the advanced department are still in class, so you just wait here for a while."

Whether it was Su Qingyu or Feng Xiaotian, both of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"That little guy from Tianshui City, come here, just let him stand on his own."

The old man's voice sounded, and he called Su Qingyu away, leaving only Feng Xiaotian standing there for punishment.

Su Qingyu came to the old man, but found that the old man had prepared a lot of snacks, including some pastries unique to Blazing City.

"Boy of the Su family, come and eat something first, there will be a good show later."

Such enthusiasm made him a little overwhelmed.

Also, the old man in front of him seemed to know the purpose of Feng Xiaotian's visit, and even beat him up.

However, Su Qingyu didn't think too much, and sat on the small stool honestly, chatting with the old man.

It turned out that this old man who was the concierge turned out to be Akabane, the previous dean of Blazing Academy, and the master of the current president of Blazing Academy.

He also went to the Tianshui Academy party not long ago, and he also witnessed Feng Xiaotian's love at first sight.

Uh, this, Su Qingyu really doesn't know what to say.

This senior Chiyu is of the same generation as Feng Xiaotian's grandfather, and whenever Shui Ningyuan comes, he has to be called Uncle Chiyu.

And to a certain extent, Huo Wu is the granddaughter of the old man, so it is not wrong for Feng Xiaotian to suffer this beating!

Until the afternoon, the senior department of the Blazing Academy was also out of school. Two fiery figures, one tall and one short, came to Akabane's hut.

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