At the table, Su Liefeng said with some confusion, "Xiaoyue, you know the situation of our herring, he has learned all those soul master theories, why should he go to the junior college, it won't delay him Is your cultivation progress?"

Judging from the current cognition on Douluo Continent, the faster the cultivation, the better.

As for the foundation, people on Douluo Continent don't pay much attention to it, the only thing they pay attention to may be the number of years of the spirit ring obtained.

Lan Xiaoyue put down the bowls and chopsticks in her hand, and said in a soft voice: "Sister Ning Yuan told me that the two of them have to stay in the Junior Academy for at least five years, and they can only enter the Advanced Academy if they break through to become a Great Soul Master."

These words made Su Qingyu's face change.

No one is a fool, breaking through level [-] in five years is nothing more than a smoke bomb released to the outside world.

At least on the side of the main hall of Wuhun in Tianshui City, it will have a certain paralysis effect.

No one in this world is a fool, and there must be a reason why the Wuhun Palace can become a transcendent existence on the Douluo Continent.

The Bishop of the Wuhun Palace in Tianshui City is also a strong soul sage, and his main purpose in Tianshui City is nothing more than to monitor Tianshui College.

"In the junior college, you and Bing'er acted a little childish, so mature it is easy to arouse suspicion from others. And..."

Lan Xiaoyue took out the Water Mandarin Ring and a blue necklace, and needless to say, Lan Xiaoyue kept the Water Mandarin Ring for him.

This blue necklace is a lost soul tool used to cover up the aura of soul power. It is difficult to see his true cultivation level below the title Douluo.

Chapter 29

"As expected of an unprecedented organization in the history of Douluo Continent, this oppressive force is really terrifying!"

At this time, Su Qingyu had already put on the uniform of the Junior College.

Although the junior college in Tianshui City is only named under Tianshui College, the color and style of the school uniform is still quite similar to Tianshui College.

Especially the boys' school uniform of the Junior College, blue and white, very loose at the top and bottom, at least six points similar to the school uniform of his primary school in his previous life.

Half a month has passed, and Su Qingyu and Shui Binger came to Tianshui City Junior Soul Master Academy together.

This time, Shui Ningshuang was the one who sent them here. As soon as the two arrived at the gate of the junior college, the first grade director personally came to receive them.

As for why it wasn't Wang Tianlin, after all, he is the dean of a college.

This school day, not to mention very busy, he can't start it.

Let other students and parents see that he, the dean, can't bear face.

Therefore, Wang Tianlin Zhihao sent his cronies and friends to come.

Under his leadership, Su Qingyu and Shui Binger came to Class One, Grade One.

When they came here, there were already quite a few little kids playing around here.

Most of them are children from Tianshui City and nearby villages who have awakened martial souls, and most of them are from Tianshui City.

But they are too young, and the family members are not at ease, and they don't know much about each other.

However, following the exchange of words, these little bean dings also faintly divided into two factions.

Some of them are well-dressed, some can even be described as gorgeous, and they are the children from Tianshui City.

The other part, honestly wearing the uniform of the junior college, cherishes it very much, it is the Wuhun Temple awakened from various villages.

When Su Qingyu and Shui Binger arrived, the school uniforms on their bodies undoubtedly made the students from Tianshui City look down upon them.

"Heh, here are two more muddy legs. I really don't know how Tianshui Academy would accept people like them!"

The leader is the seventh son of the current Tianshui City City Lord, and also the youngest son of the Tianshui City City Lord.

Leng Jie, Xuanbinglang Wuhun, has a sixth-level innate spirit power, and is the second genius of the Leng family in the city lord's mansion.

He also has a third elder brother with a seventh-level innate soul power, and his martial soul is also a Xuanbing wolf, because his innate soul power is one level higher than him, and he is currently the young head of the Leng family.

According to the status of the Lord and Earl of Tianshui City, he can go directly to Tiandou Royal Academy.

But this guy didn't go, he just stayed in Tianshui City, and even boasted that he must enter Tianshui College.

Su Qingyu has heard about this incident.

In other words, this incident was well known in Tianshui City, and the city lord Leng Yue also went to Tianshui Academy for his son.

As for the result, heh, a mere soul emperor still wants Shuiningyuan to give him face?

As soon as his father entered the gate of Tianshui College, he was directly slapped by Lan Xiaoyue, who looked like a door god.

Neither Su Qingyu nor Shui Binger paid any attention to him, and found a double-row seat to sit down on their own.

The head of the first grade was really in a bit of trouble, the city lord's mansion and Tianshui college, his little soul master couldn't afford to provoke anyone!

Simply, 36 plans are the best, and those as smart as him left directly.

Leng Jie's person is not big, but the swear words in his mouth can be as bad as possible, and a pair of triangular eyes glanced at Shui Bing'er from time to time.

Therefore, some people always like to find a sense of presence. If you don't provoke him, the more he wants to provoke you.

While making you angry, he reads jokes, and even makes you unable to resist hitting him.

Naturally, Su Qingyu would not be fooled by a child, and the son of a mere city lord, he didn't need to be afraid.

Just when he was about to teach this unknown son of the city lord a lesson, Shui Bing'er suddenly said in a cold voice, "If you are so mean, believe it or not, your father will not be able to save you!"

In an instant, the temperature in the entire classroom dropped, and those noisy little kids also calmed down obediently.

Leng Jie, who was directly targeted by Shui Bing'er, was even more stunned. Just as he was about to refute, Shui Bing'er stared coldly, "Shui Bing'er, do you think I have the right to say this?"

As soon as these words came out, Leng Jie immediately shut up.

The other children followed Leng Jie, and those children who fawned on him also dispersed.

Are you kidding, the Shui family is the real owner of Tianshui City, Leng Jie's father, the soul emperor, is really nothing in front of the Shui family.

Chasing away the boring children, Shui Bing'er quietly took a book of elementary soul master theory and read it.

And Su Qingyu was lying on the table directly. Although he seemed to be asleep, how many people knew that he was meditating.

Everything that happened in the classroom of Class One, Grade One was seen by the mysterious figure in the corridor.

The next moment, that figure appeared in Wang Tianlin's principal's office.

Take a closer look, isn't the person peeping outside the classroom just now the principal Wang Tianlin?

"As expected of Principal Tianlin, he acted quickly. How is the situation observed?"

Wang Tianlin respectfully said to the man sitting in his principal's seat: "My lord, the kid from the Leng family and the Su family didn't see anything special, but the girl from the Shui family was very different, her temperament and talent were both excellent. "

"Oh, you don't need to pay too much attention to the Leng family, but the kid from the Su family tries his best to observe. Arrange a wave of senior students to trouble them. If the boy from the Su family and the girl from the Shui family behave well, eh!"

The man made a movement of cutting his throat, no doubt intending to kill him.

This also surprised Wang Tianlin, being so ruthless, sometimes made him doubt whether his decision was right or wrong?

After the mysterious man left the Junior Academy, he wandered around Tianshui City for a long time.

Finally, at dusk, he came out of a store selling clothes, but changed his face and attire.

After changing his face and attire, the mysterious man didn't care about anything, and went straight towards the direction of the main martial arts hall in Tianshui City.

Everything is self-evident, and the identity of the mastermind behind the scenes is clear.

But so what, let alone no evidence, even if there is evidence, how many people dare to confront Wuhundian?

In class one, first grade, Su Qingyu immediately got up from the table as soon as the class started, with sleepy eyes.

It's only the first year of the Soul Master Academy, considering that many academies from the farm are illiterate, so the first two months, the junior academy taught only literacy.

For many people born in Tianshui City, this is simply not too easy.

In order to cater to the emotions that a normal child should have, Su Qingyu also showed a foolish look, no different from those students from Tianshui City.

Therefore, he also successfully fought with the students of Tianshui City without any violation.

It was Shui Bing'er, who made Su Qingyu a little confused. Didn't we agree that everyone would act together? .

Chapter 30 Bingxue Smart Shui Binger

As the sun goes down, students living in Tianshui City basically have family members to pick them up, and they will not choose to live in junior colleges.

As for those who came from outside Tianshui City, whether they were self-financed students in the farm or work-study students, they all chose to stay.

It was Su Qingyu's offline mother, Lan Xiaoyue, who came to pick up Su Qingyu and Shui Bing'er.

Seeing her mother who was so affectionate with Shui Binger, Su Qingyu was somewhat helpless.

In her eyes, Su Qingyu, who is a son, is not one ten thousandth as good as Shui Binger.

Holding Shui Binger's small body in her arms, she got into the carriage and drove towards the direction of the Su family.

It was still early, and Shui Binger was not in a hurry to go home.

Su Qingyu hurriedly dragged her into her living room, and asked why Shui Binger didn't act with him.

Su Qingyu's perception is quite sensitive. When he was in the classroom, he always felt that someone was watching him.

However, Shui Bing'er tilted her head and looked at him with a pair of ice blue eyes smiling.

Just at this time, Lan Xiaoyue, who had changed into home clothes, also came.

After listening to Su Qingyu's explanation, Lan Xiaoyue's pretty face was slightly serious, "Bing'er, have you forgotten why you promised your second mother?"

"Binger is naturally clear, but Binger feels that some things cannot be done too perfectly."

After experiencing the dangers of the soul master world, Lan Xiaoyue's eyes flashed, her red lips parted slightly, "Tell me, if you can't convince me, I will still tell your second mother and even Dean Shui what happened today. "

As for Lan Xiaoyue's words, Shui Bing'er didn't seem to take it to heart, and explained it patiently.

"Aunt Lan, our Tianshui Academy can be regarded as a long-standing influence in the Douluo Continent. Is it not necessary to have one or two amazing geniuses?"

Su Qingyu heard what Shui Binger meant.

Yeah, it's not quite right for a school with a long history to not have a standout or two.

Tianshui Academy is deliberately concealing his and Shui Binger's true talents, but if Tianshui Academy does not have a leader, it will also arouse suspicion.

"I am a daughter, and I am different from Brother Herring. I will definitely appear in the public eye in the future. This time, at the latest, will be the next Continental Senior Elite Soul Master Competition. Before that, our Tianshui College Exchange gatherings with other colleges will inevitably expose some things."

Shui Bing'er continued to explain patiently, "So my idea is to let me walk in front of the stage and cover up Brother Herring's light, so that if something happens to me, it can also save our Tianshui College a chance..."

"Okay, shut up!"

Lan Xiaoyue immediately stopped Shui Bing'er with a harsh voice, but her eyes were full of love and compassion.

As if frightened by Lan Xiaoyue, Shui Binger subconsciously took two steps back.

However, this simply cannot escape the actions of Lan Xiaoyue, the soul sage.

Taking her soft body into his arms, a pair of jade hands caressed her small face, "Little girl, you are really smart, but you have to understand how dangerous it is to do so!"

I saw that Shui Binger's little face flushed, she was that shy girl after all, she kept silent and did not answer Lan Xiaoyue.

Su Qingyu was also greatly touched, and had a different feeling for this shy girl who had played with him since she was a child.

She is so intelligent at such a young age, but her intelligence really makes people feel distressed.

But what Shui Bing'er said is indeed correct, if she hides too deliberately, it is more likely to arouse the suspicion of Wuhundian.

The current Wuhundian is very abnormal. Not to mention the fierce battles between the various factions, there are not a few assassins who do not join their geniuses.

Fortunately, Shui Binger's innate soul power has been changed to level eight, which is not as dazzling as her innate full soul power.

Moreover, Shui Bing'er also has a soul guide that conceals the detection of soul power.

After hugging Shui Binger for a while, Lan Xiaoyue said to Su Qingyu very seriously: "Xiaoyu, you heard what your little sister Binger said just now. I don't care if Wuhundian is targeting us or not, but you must Protect your little sister Binger, understand?"

"Well, I will definitely protect Bing'er!"

Su Qingyu said something very firmly, and then he felt that someone was observing him in the junior college.

"Sure enough, you don't need to worry about this matter. I'll send Bing'er back first, and I'll talk to the dean later."

Lan Xiaoyue took Shui Bing'er and left Su's house, leaving him and some servants at home.

The Wuhun Palace put a lot of pressure on him, Su Qingyu quickly returned to her room, and soaked in the medicinal bath that Old Man Li and the others had prepared in advance.

An hour later, Su Qingyu came out of the medicinal bath.

Putting on sackcloth, he brought Old Man Li to his backyard.

"Master, according to your order, all the seeds have been sown. It's just that there are not many live medicinal materials collected. If we collect them directly..."

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