"No, that's too much noise, and you know some things at home."

Upon hearing this, Old Man Li also understood, so he didn't say anything more.

Su Qingyu checked all the places where medicinal herbs were planted in the backyard, and sighed, "Take your time, it's still early."

Not far from the medicine garden in the backyard of Su's family, it is the place where Su Liefeng and Lan Xiaoyue usually practice and learn from each other.

It's just that as the two of them are getting busier at work, they are rarely used here.

Some time ago, it was also under Su Qingyu's suggestion, and with the help of Uncle Li, this place was rearranged.

He had been meditating for a day in the college during the day, if he hadn't been afraid that breaking through level [-] would attract the attention of others, he would have broken through during the day.

Sitting cross-legged, Su Qingyu mobilized the soul power of her whole body, and easily broke through the thirteenth level.

It was less than half a month since he returned from hunting the soul, and the speed of this breakthrough was not too slow.

After the breakthrough was completed, Su Qingyu directly chose the martial soul possession.His right hand was covered by fine cyan dragon scales, and a yellow soul ring lingered around him.

"Ability similar to dragon transformation?"

After careful observation, Su Qingyu directly hit the iron and wood stakes used for training without hesitation.

There was a sound of touch, a little dull, and there was no trace left on the iron and wooden stake.

Well, the first feeling is that it doesn't hurt much.

Afterwards, Su Qingyu used the iron stake to directly perform a set of Bajiquan!

That's right, it's Bajiquan!

The heirloom of medicine and martial arts is not just talk.

In his previous life, as a secret talent reserve, he also had contact with various schools of martial arts in China.

Among the many martial arts, his favorite is nothing more than punch and gun, Bajiquan, and big guns!

The extremely fierce punches of each move kept bombarding the iron and wooden stakes, sending out bursts of roar.

Before he finished practicing a set of boxing techniques, he couldn't hold on anymore.

However, he also understands that this ability similar to dragon transformation can save him the trouble of being approached by others in the future.

After all, his sapphire dragon spirit has the ability to control eleven elements, so it would be a pity not to be a mage.

Chapter 31 The Arrogant Temptation

Early in the morning, Su Qingyu got into the carriage of the Shui family and came to the academy with Shui Binger.

This time, unlike before, the two of them had no escort from anyone.

It was still in one class per year, and Su Qingyu was so sleepy that she couldn't keep her eyes open as soon as she entered the door. In order to perform well, he also worked hard.

It has already been discussed, and Shui Binger, who is a genius on the bright side, still sits quietly in her seat and studies.

I don't know what's going on, but there are also evil after-school homework on this Douluo Continent.

The students of the junior college don't have soul rings, so apart from meditating to improve their soul power, most of them study courses such as soul master theory and soul beast identification.

Maybe it's really too lazy to write, Su Qingyu didn't move a single word.

In fact, it's not just him, Shui Bing'er is the same, after all, which college student have you ever met who is willing to do a kindergarten subject?

But from the very beginning, she planned to create a character set of genius and hard work, so Shui Binger wrote it honestly.

This point is nothing, after all, it is only a junior college, if you learn or not, those teachers who are the highest level are nothing more than great soul masters will not care at all...

In Tianshui City Martial Soul Main Hall, it is rare that Wang Tianlin, who is the dean of Tianshui City Junior College, will appear here.

In front of him were four and a half teenagers, who looked only eight or nine years old.

However, the eyes of these teenagers were very flamboyant, even if Wang Tianlin in front of him was the Soul Sect, these kids didn't show him much respect.

These children are the geniuses who awakened their martial souls in the surrounding villages in the main hall of Tianshui City's martial arts a few years ago, and they were all sent to the Tiandou City's martial arts hall to be trained.

Their innate soul power level is at least level five, and it will be no problem to become a soul king without accidents in the future.

It was precisely because of this that the young men didn't take Wang Tianlin who was just the Soul Sect seriously.

However, I heard that in their generation, there was an innate soul power that reached the seventh level. He was a child of a nobleman who had been down for an unknown number of years.

The child's hometown naturally wanted him to join the Tiandou Imperial Academy, but he was intercepted and killed by the evil soul master on the way.

They knew about this, and they even knew that the person who shot was the bishop of the main hall of Wuhun in Tianshui City.

But it was precisely because of this that he was even more determined to the Wuhun Palace, not daring to have the slightest thought of rebellion.

"Have you guys heard clearly?"

What Wang Tianlin asked them to do was to test Su Qingyu and Shui Binger. The two children were bullied, so what could they hide?

"Okay, okay, I got it!"

There was a look of impatience on the faces of the four teenagers, and they did not notice the flash of killing intent in Wang Tianlin's eyes at all.

As the saying goes, chivalry is prohibited by martial arts, especially the status of soul masters is transcendent in the Douluo Continent, and the profession of soul masters is quite cruel.

Whether it's an evil soul master or a normal soul master, it's not uncommon to kill people if they disagree.

The same is true in the world of soul masters, they never care about bullying the small by the big, some always say whoever has the hardest fist is the truth!

In order to avoid his own suspicion, Wang Tianlin deliberately walked in front of the four Wuhundian youths.

When the four teenagers from the Wuhun Temple arrived at the gate of the Junior Academy, Wang Tianlin had already played a full role, the image of a conscientious and hardworking principal.

The only pitiful one was the concierge of the Junior Academy, who was four or fifty years old and hadn't reached the tenth level, and was directly smashed to death by the leader of the Wuhundian youth.

The four teenagers didn't say anything, and didn't intend to get entangled, and ran towards the direction Wang Tianlin had told them about, Class One, Grade One.

It was the boy with the hammer again, smashing the door of the room in one fell swoop.

"Hey, everyone is really a good baby, so honest to attend class here!"

One of the youths from the Wuhun Temple sneered, and his eyes were directly locked on the students from Tianshui City.

The most unlucky thing was Leng Jie who was wearing the tallest one. When he saw the yellow soul rings on the four boys from the Wuhun Hall, he was completely frightened.

"What are you doing, tell you, my father is the city lord of Tianshui City, a soul emperor level powerhouse!"

As soon as these words came out, the young man who possessed the wild boar spirit and grabbed Leng Jie's neck immediately put him down.

Compared with a soul emperor, the status of a soul emperor is much higher.

But the other students from Tianshui City were not so lucky, and they were beaten one by one.

"Stop! Who the hell are you? Who let you in."

The one who spoke was the teacher who was in class, a 40-level great soul master in his 23s.

Two soul rings, one white and one yellow, were released, and the teacher was holding the iron rod in his hand, which was his martial soul.

The cultivation base of the Great Soul Master, but the four teenagers in the Wuhun Hall didn't have the slightest fear, and directly released their own Wuhun.

A white leopard, a white fox, a black short-handled hammer and a dagger with a bluish glow.

Next to their martial souls, there is a light yellow soul ring, which is no more than 200 years old at most.

But even so, the junior college students are very envious, a century-old soul ring is just a luxury for most of them.

The teacher who just wanted to get ahead also ran out, even though he was a great soul master, he might not be the opponent of these four spirit hall youths.

Moreover, the first soul ring is a hundred years old, which also let the teacher understand that these young people are not something he can afford to provoke.

Having fun for a while, the four teenagers in Wuhundian almost forgot their mission.

The characteristics of Shui Binger and Su Qingyu are very obvious, and they are the only two of them with sky blue hair and eyes.

The boy with the short-handled hammer came directly in front of the two of them, and without a word, the short-handled hammer in his hand directly smashed towards Su Qingyu's head.

Such a ruthless attack directly aroused the killing intent in Su Qingyu's heart!

Although he has never killed a chicken in this life, in his previous life he was also the Poison Yan Luo of the dark world, and his superb poison skills made those Xiaoxiao who coveted China disappear without bones.

Fortunately, Shui Bing'er quickly pulled him over, otherwise, even at the risk of being exposed, he would have killed them silently and poisonously.

Shui Binger's ice phoenix had long been disguised as a water-condensing flying mandarin bird, and with a soft cry, she released her martial soul and naturally blocked Su Qingyu.

"Why, are you trying to make things difficult for our Shui family? Although you are soul masters, your family is just ordinary farmers!"

She is indeed a kind girl, but she is also kind. To the enemy, she is the cold winter.

Sure enough, when these words were said, the four spirit hall youths were extremely afraid.

The meaning is very clear, if you dare to do something, your relatives will not have to live!

The leader of the four was always the boy with the short-handled hammer. He was very unwilling to be threatened by Shui Binger!

But Shui Bing'er was right, Wuhundian couldn't offend Tianshui Academy just because of their "geniuses" who were dangling with less than half a bottle.

Chapter 32

"Trash, a bunch of trash!"

Wang Tianlin, who had been observing secretly, was cursing in his heart when he saw the four teenagers who were scared off by Shui Binger.

"But it's not that there's nothing to gain, at least that Shui Bing'er is really not easy."

In the junior academy, he, the soul sect, is already the strongest, and with his status as the dean, it is really not too easy to do some things.

When he came to the office, he quickly wrote down the situation of the test, but he wrote two copies.

After shaking off the ink stains on the two sheets of paper, Wang Tianlin nodded with great satisfaction.

"If that's the case, both Heaven Dou Empire and Wuhundian are my heroes!"

It was really hard to imagine that the dean of a small junior college would be from three parties.

The superimposed identities of Tiandou Empire, Wuhundian, and Tianshui Academy make him like a fish in water.

Different from the backcountry like Notting City, the dean of a junior college in a big city like Tianshui City is very lucrative, and it's not something a soul sect can be.

One piece of information sells for two copies. Compared to a soul master, Wang Tianlin is more like an elite businessman.

In the first grade classroom, under the threat of Shui Bing'er, the four teenagers from Wuhundian disappeared long ago.

Except for Su Qingyu, people from Tianshui City and nearby villages all looked at her with great admiration.

Even Leng Jie, the youngest son of the lord of Tianshui City, subconsciously hid himself for fear of being caught by Shui Bing'er.

When Shui Binger sat down, she still kept her cold face.

Su Qingyu seemed to have noticed something, and quietly grabbed Shui Binger's palm, which was slightly cold.

Although she was calm and sharp just now, after all, she was just a shy girl who was more reserved and somewhat nervous.

"It was amazing just now!"

Su Qingyu smiled gently and comforted Shui Binger.

"Is it...? But I was also worried just now. If they are not intimidated, the best result may be to expose my true strength."

"Don't think too much, we'll talk about the rest later."

Soon, another day passed, and this time it was still only the old woman from the Shui family who came to pick them up.

Whether it is Shui Ningshuang or Lan Xiaoyue, both of them are vice presidents of Tianshui College, and they are usually very busy.

If you come to pick them up every day, it's hard not to arouse suspicion.

Still the same as before, the Shui family's carriage first sent Su Qingyu home, and then brought Shui Bing'er back to Shui's house.

The first time she got home, Su Qingyu took a dip in the medicinal bath. This was a persistent practice, which she insisted on every day.

In the 650th year of the first soul ring, Su Qingyu's ambition has been placed on the second ring of the millennium.

Compared with the fourth ten thousand year ring of Tang Junzi in the future, the second thousand year ring he plans to get is nothing.

After soaking in the medicinal bath for an hour as usual, Lan Xiaoyue also returned from Tianshui College.

As the saying goes, knowing a child is better than parents, as soon as Lan Xiaoyue saw Su Qingyu, she knew that something must have happened during the day. It was Su Qingyu's current state that made her feel a little palpitated as a mother.

Holding Su Qingyu in her arms slowly, Lan Xiaoyue said softly, "My dear son, what happened today, can you tell mom?"

Although he has Su Hui from his previous life, special blood and abilities, he still cherishes his parents in this life extremely.

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