In addition, many people knew about this matter, and it was impossible to hide it. Su Qingyu directly told her mother what happened during the day.

Before he finished speaking, Lan Xiaoyue's coercion erupted instantly, her beautiful eyes were unusually cold.

Su Qingyu was well protected by Lan Xiaoyue, but she was not affected by the coercion of the soul saint.

"It's unreasonable, what is he doing, Wang Tianlin, a dignified soul sect can let several soul masters break into the classroom!"

Although Lan Xiaoyue was angry, she soon understood that it might not be that simple.

After thinking for a while, Lan Xiaoyue put Su Qingyu down, "Don't go to the academy this month, and practice at home honestly."

"Do you want to call dad back?"

The first thing Su Qingyu thought of was Su Liefeng. Don't look at him being honest and honest, how humble he is in front of his mother Lan Xiaoyue.

But in terms of scheming, he heard from Mr. Feng Zhengjie, the dean of Shenfeng Academy, that "Su Liefeng's martial soul should not be a tiger. A fox is in line with his personality."

Su Qingyu doesn't know about this point, but hearing what old man Feng said, I'm afraid he is really not an easy father.

"Of course, I don't bother to deal with these stupid things that use my brain. Of course, let him come."

Lan Xiaoyue's upright look was caught in Su Qingyu's eyes, which made him more and more curious.

However, he still didn't intend to ask too clearly about the elders' affairs. If Lei was asked, Ms. Lan would have nothing to do with taking it out on him.

At the same time, information about Wang Tianlin had appeared on the Tianshui City Bishop's table in the main hall of the Tianshui City Martial Soul.

"Oh, sure enough, the Five Elements Academy is indeed the academy with the deepest foundation in the Heaven Dou Empire, and every generation of every family has leading figures."

The bishop of Tianshui City narrowed his eyes slightly, "This Shui Bing'er's calmness of mind is probably not as good as that of a saint. Although her talent may be worse than that of a saint, it should not be much worse, but she is too young. , may not necessarily be able to threaten my Spirit Hall."

Immediately, the bishop of Tianshui City saw Su Qingyu's message again, "There is nothing special about him. After all, both Su Liefeng and Lan Xiaoyue are mutated martial souls, and their innate soul power is not high. As his son, even if the martial soul is The mutation is probably just a change in attributes, and the innate soul power of the eighth level is not to be feared!"

Afterwards, the Bishop of Tianshui City handed over his opinion and Wang Tianlin's intelligence to a soul emperor who was in charge of the information, and asked him to send it directly to Bishop Salas of the Wuhun Temple in Tiandou City.

The same situation also happened in the Leng family of the city lord's mansion.

However, the Leng family is no better than Wuhundian after all, after Leng Yue finished reading it, he carefully put it away.

"Heh, although the quality of Ningshui Feiyuan is not as good as that of Baihu, it should be enough to satisfy His Highness the Crown Prince."

Thinking of His Highness the Crown Prince who just took over, Leng Yue felt extremely excited in his heart.

If his recommendation this time can improve the blood of the royal family, maybe he can be directly named a marquis, and a duke is also very possible!

Therefore, Leng Yue also directly handed over Wang Tianfeng's information and his own memorial to his cronies.

The target is also Tiandou City, different routes lead to the same goal, it is estimated that Wang Tianlin would never have imagined that this information would reach the same person in two ways.

All of a sudden, there was a sudden storm, but although this storm was vigorous, it was destined not to cause too many waves. For Tianshui College, it was not a storm, at most it was a gentle breeze.

Chapter 33

The time of the day is fleeting.

Heaven Dou City, the imperial capital of the Heaven Dou Empire, the top three cities in the Douluo Continent, its prosperity is close to that of the Spirit Hall of the Spirit Hall and the Star Luo City of the Star Luo Empire!

It's just that its prosperity has never belonged to the people of the Heaven Dou Empire. At night, the sky is fighting, the lights are feasting, the people are drunk, the people who come and go are dressed in luxurious clothes, and the cars and horses are rushing.

Nobles, in this ancient and intoxicated country, all this seems to be too normal.

In the middle of the night, this city only belonged to the nobles who were having fun, while the ordinary people kept their doors closed and trembled in fear inside.

However, in the center of Tiandou City, this place is already extremely close to the imperial palace of the Tiandou Empire.

There is silence here, but it does not belong to the Heaven Dou imperial family.

The clean white walls, towers, tall buildings, cross arches, and slender columns create a sense of lightness and slender flying.

What's more special is that there are a large number of angel patterns carved on the surrounding buildings.

The internal test located in the temple has a holy and pure angel statue.

The hazy face looked a little mysterious, but after getting closer, it gave people a kind of spiritual comfort.

The Spirit Temple, the Douluo Continent Spirit Hall is the highest governing body in the Heaven Dou Empire, and almost everything about the Spirit Hall, big or small, is transmitted from here to the Spirit City where the Spirit Hall is located.

In front of the angel statue, a tall and thin figure, with gray hair, hooked nose, and a slightly gloomy expression, was respectfully reciting the eulogy to the angel.

Salas, the red-clothed Archbishop of the Spirit Hall, an 86-level Contra, was just transferred from the Elder Hall to the Heaven Dou Empire two years ago, and is currently serving as the Hall Master of the Spirit Temple of the Heaven Dou Empire.

When he was praying, no one dared to disturb him. The Hall Master of the Spirit Temple was quite prestigious in the Heaven Dou City Spirit Temple.

When Salas finished everything, the man who had been following him handed over the secret letter.

"Master Bishop, this is information about the younger generation of Tianshui City. They have just arrived from Tianshui City not long ago."

Salas took the secret letter from the man, as if recalling it, "Tianshui City, it's been a few years, and the younger generation in Tianshui City are relatively young. I didn't expect to collect them all today. .”

In Douluo Continent, Wuhundian is undoubtedly the most transcendent and unique existence.

After them, there are two big empires, and the last three sects are the second-level forces.

Similar to the lower four sects, and the Five Elements Academy, the major kingdoms are all third-level existences.

Among them, the Academy of Elements is regarded as the third-tier middle class, and they only pay a little attention to it in normal times.

But now it is different, the situation in Douluo Continent has changed, before the big change, Wuhundian needs to distinguish clearly who is the enemy and who is the friend.

Especially since the one came to power, Salas, the old man of Wuhun Hall who has lived for most of his life, can't see clearly after a lot of drastic moves.

If you let Salas say it, the current Wuhundian under his leadership is really too radical.

It's a good thing that ordinary people joined them, but those gifted youths or soul masters who were born in nobles, or who wanted to join the noble class, were brutally suppressed.

This also caused the line between Wuhundian and the two empires to become very tight, to the point of being irreconcilable.

For the third-rate forces of the Elemental Academy, that one is also high-pressured.

It can be said that as long as that person is there, no one dares to complain.But if something unexpected happens to her, the current good situation of Wuhundian will easily collapse.

Salas sighed. After all, this kind of thing is beyond his mere interference. After all, even the great priest turns a blind eye.

After a careful look, Salas didn't think there was anything wrong, "Yes, although the comprehensive strength of the Element Academy is not as good as that of the major kingdoms, it is slightly inferior to the next four Zongze. But they have leaders in every generation, Brothers and sisters from the Huo family from Blazing Fire, Feng Xiaotian from Kamikaze, and Shui Binger from Tianshui. They are worth wooing, let's see what the young master has to say."

All things in the Heaven Dou Empire are generally controlled by Salas, and behind Salas is the Hall of Elders.

For some reason, the Palace of the Holy Father would not interfere with matters related to Tiandou City.

With his own autograph attached, Salas sealed the secret letter again and placed it flat on the table.

At the same time, in the East Palace of the Heaven Dou Empire, a fifteen or sixteen-year-old handsome, refined and gentle youth was reviewing the memorials from all over the Heaven Dou Empire.

The crown prince Xue Qinghe, the former great prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, just ascended to the position of prince last year.

In just one year, he won the support of many ministers of the Heaven Dou Empire by virtue of his strong personal ability.

As the emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire, Xue Ye, for the purpose of training the crown prince, entrusted him with some court affairs.

"The memorial of Tianshui City?"

Xue Qinghe opened it and saw that the most popular thing was the praise of Leng Yue, the lord of Tianshui City.

Ignoring these nonsense, Xue Qinghe looked behind, the corners of his mouth raised, showing a trace of sarcasm, "Oh, the position of the Leng family really needs to be moved!"

The vermilion pen and ink was light, and what he wrote in this stroke made Leng Yue directly unable to eat and walk around.

As if no one was around, I could only hear His Royal Highness muttering, "Forcibly plundering, these nobles are really rotten to the bone."

"Little Lord!"

A slightly icy voice sounded, which made "Xue Qinghe" say with some dissatisfaction: "Uncle She, you scared me!"

She Long didn't say anything, but just put the secret letter on Xue Qinghe's table, "This is the secret letter from Salas, I need you to decide."

Although she was slightly dissatisfied, she still didn't say anything, and quickly opened the secret letter.

Is it Tianshui City again?

A secret letter, a memorial, the above information came almost at the same time, and there are really too many similarities.

After reading it, her face turned cold, and she casually threw the letter and memorial into She Long's hands, "Tell Salas, let him check carefully, who is playing with me here!"

As a titled Douluo, She Long is not just a guard, he also understands that something must have happened to the intelligence network of Wuhundian.

Although this matter seems to be only a problem in Tianshui City, what about other places?

Does it mean that while they were collecting information from the Spirit Hall, they also sent a copy to the Heaven Dou Empire.

Seeing She Long leave, "Xue Qinghe" showed a smile on his face, "Uncle Lixue, I want to go out to get some fresh air during this time."

A deep voice sounded, "It doesn't matter, the East Palace is all our people, and we have already replaced a lot of people in the palace, but for Xue Ye, you have to go through it yourself."

Chapter 34

Su family, backyard.

Shui Bing'er sat quietly in the gazebo in the backyard, her eyes were slightly closed, and there was a trace of coldness all over her body, obviously she was cultivating.

Su Qingyu walked on the ridge of the field, watching the medicinal herbs that had just broken through the ground swaying slightly in the wind, and felt good in her heart.

"The purple secluded grass grows well. Compared with the cold marrow flower, the survival rate is much higher. In this case, after four years, it will be able to be used."

When Su Qingyu was fiddling with flowers and plants, an unkind look glanced at him, which immediately made him feel creepy.

Subconsciously looking up, I happened to see two familiar figures.

Besides Su Liefeng who came back after getting the news, why did Feng Xiaotian also come?

Su Liefeng moved his wrist, and said to Su Qingyu with a smile: "Yo, it seems that our young master is in a good mood, and he is still thinking about playing with flowers and plants."

Being targeted by her own cheap father, Su Qingyu smiled coquettishly, and quickly ran to Shui Binger's side.

In front of outsiders, he didn't believe that his father would be so shameless.

"It's alright, alright, you don't need to hide anymore, I'll let you off this time for Bing'er's sake, and don't forget that soul power is the foundation of a soul master, after all, you can't get far by relying on medicine!"

How could Su Qingyu not be clear about this? Although he is good at medicine, he is excellent at both medicine and poison, but he has never regarded it as too important.

After all, talent is the most important factor in any craft.

"Okay, you two stop fighting, go back to the room and talk!"

It was because of that incident that several days had passed, even if Wang Tianlin came to apologize in person, Lan Xiaoyue kicked him out directly.

In the past few days, Shui Bing'er was also handed over to Lan Xiaoyue by Shui Ningshuang to take care of her.

Shui Bing'er, who had been interrupted from practicing just now, had some resentment in her eyes, not to blame Su Liefeng, the elder, but this little emotion was mainly aimed at Su Qingyu.

Su Qingyu was a little helpless, Feng Xiaotian, who was still standing behind Su Liefeng in a serious manner, poked him secretly with his arm, "It's ok, boy, I heard you were fucked?"

"Hehe, I was fucked, are you so happy?"

Feng Xiaotian held his head high and raised his head proudly, "Of course not, I just prefer to see you make a fool of yourself."


This made Su Qingyu really didn't know what to say, Feng Xiaotian was really shrewd if he encountered something related to Huo Wu.

Of course, he wasn't mocking Su Qingyu either, after all, both of them are brothers.

Including Su Qingyu's family of three, Shui Bing'er and Feng Xiaotian all gathered in the living room of the Su family.

After understanding everything, Su Liefeng chuckled lightly, "Oh, Xiaoyue, I don't believe you don't understand such a clumsy temptation?"

"So what if you understand, can you stop them?"

One sentence directly made Su Liefeng shut up, they knew who did it, but if they were to fight against Wuhundian, it would be like hitting a stone with an egg.

Especially in these years, it has not been a day or two since Wuhundian has changed its previous aloof attitude, blatantly confronted the two great empires, and wooed them, the third-rate forces.

Among their elemental schools, the Thunder School embraced the big tree of the Blue Lightning Overlord School, and the Elephant Armor School and the Elephant Armor School behind it became the iron pole of the Pope's Palace.

The rest of Blazing Fire, Kamikaze and Tianshui were still scattered a few years ago, but now they have some cohesion only under the crisis.

It is precisely because of this that Su Liefeng, the soul emperor, can become the teacher of Feng Xiaotian, a super genius.

Everything is just the exchange of interests and the last resort in the general environment.

Su Liefeng sighed, "Congratulations, fortunately, we are not strong enough. In the eyes of others, we can only count as this at most!"

As he spoke, he stretched out a little finger.

Three points of desolation, six points of helplessness, and the rest is probably the unwillingness in their hearts.

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