"Teacher, what are you talking about with my wife? Why can't I understand?"

Feng Xiaotian scratched his head, and said something a little embarrassed.

Glancing at Feng Xiaotian, Su Liefeng didn't say anything, just touched some water stains with his fingers, and wrote three words on the tea table.

Three words, Spirit Hall!

It directly made Feng Xiaotian shut his mouth.

"Don't worry, I guess it's just a test and an investigation. Do you think people will see us in their eyes?"

Hearing this, Lan Xiaoyue was still relieved.

They, Tianshui Academy, had no intention of going against Wuhundian. If they were just investigating, although it was a bit violent, they had big fists, and whatever they did was right.

This matter is probably over like this, firstly, there is no loss, and secondly, there is no need to put myself on the opposite side of Wuhundian because of such a trivial matter.

"However, according to what you said, there must be some guys in the junior academy who are picky. We can't deal with the people in Wuhundian. The person who planned the game has to be taught a lesson no matter what."

Su Liefeng's eyes narrowed slightly, his face was as handsome as a scholar's, and there was a hint of cunning at the corner of his mouth, which easily reminded people of a fox.

This world is so helpless, the big fish eat the small fish, and the small fish eat dried shrimps.

After all, this matter spread, and Tianshui Academy lost face and lost its prestige, and always needed an unlucky ghost to take the place of the dead.

All the crimes have already been laid out, secretly instigating, destroying the friendly relationship between Tianshui Academy and Wuhundian.

The plot between adults does not want Su Qingyu and Shui Binger, who are still children, to participate.

Feng Xiaotian, who was about to enter adulthood, took Su Qingyu and left, and Shui Binger followed quickly.

But Feng Xiaotian has never been an honest person, as soon as he came out, he looked at Su Qingyu with a half-smile.

"Junior brother, if this matter, I will definitely not be able to swallow this breath, and Wuhundian will not stand up for a few small shrimps. And I don't believe it, junior brother, do you have any ideas?"

In an instant, the martial spirit possessed his body, and Feng Xiaotian's hands turned into wolf claws, and the killing intent in his eyes was undisguised.

Su Qingyu's immature face is still so cute, her sky blue eyes are extremely clear, but the words in her mouth are...

"Of course, everyone wants my life, so why should I express it, Junior Brother?"

This made Feng Xiaotian smart, his hair suddenly turned cold!

Sure enough, I read it right, this kid is not a loser.

"This matter is related to Wuhundian, I think it's better to do it cleanly!"

The person who said this, somewhat surprising, was Shui Binger.

Su Qingyu is also a little unbelievable, this girl didn't see it!

Shui Bing'er gave him a cute look, "Brother Herring, although I don't like this, those four guys clearly want our lives!"

Those four teenagers were all from the Wuhun Palace awakened Wuhun from the village, they are pretty good seedlings.

Those who have power will swell to lawlessness, thinking that Wuhundian is their backer and will help them solve everything.

But they don't understand that their value is not enough to make Wuhundian lose a third-rate force worth wooing for no reason.

Similarly, this is also the reason why Su Qingyu dared to attack those four guys.

Somewhere, the price of everything in this world has been secretly decided.

For Wuhundian, the price of Su Qingyu's family is high enough compared to those four teenagers.

Chapter 35 Revenge Is Not Overnight

"I won't do it, you have to do it yourself!"

Feng Xiaotian resolutely refused, and casually returned the prescription that Su Qingyu had just written.

What a joke, he is a good young man, how could he use those things.

If his younger sister Huo Wu found out about this, what face would Feng Xiaotian have to mess around?

It's just that there are some things that he can't just do if he doesn't want to.

Su Qingyu smiled slightly, "Brother Feng, you have the right to do me a favor, and you can ask others to buy these things for you!"

Hearing this, Feng Xiaotian was a little bit dissatisfied, how could this guy in front of him be his junior brother, so he should help if he can.

After receiving the prescription from Su Qingyu, Feng Xiaotian went out directly, leaving only one sentence, "Just wait!"

Shui Bing'er at the side tugged at the corner of Su Qingyu's clothes, her pretty face was a little abnormally rosy.

"Brother Herring, are the medicinal materials you asked that masked guy to buy for Uncle Su?"

She usually spends a long time with Su Qingyu, and she also has a certain understanding of medicinal materials.

Among the herbs that Su Qingyu asked Feng Xiaotian to buy, one-third of them were to improve men's abilities.

This can't help the little girl not to think too much, after all, the thing Su Qingyu wants to make is really weird.

Looking at Shui Binger who was thinking wrong, Su Qingyu gently placed her palm on her soft ice-blue hair, "It's not like that, Binger, those things are not cheap, and my pocket money for this month is already not enough. enough."

That's right, Su Qingyu asked Feng Xiaotian to buy medicinal materials simply because he had no money.

It has to be said that Feng Xiaotian's ability to handle affairs is good, and he collected all the medicinal materials in less than half an hour.

This somewhat surprised Su Qingyu. In Tianshui City, there are a lot of yin and cold herbs, but those yang and fire herbs are too rare.

"Here, everything you want is here."

Feng Xiaotian casually handed the medicinal materials to Su Qingyu, and Su Qingyu respectfully bowed to Feng Xiaotian, "Thank you, brother, for your hard work!"

"You're welcome, we are brothers, we should help each other! Then you..."

It's rare that Su Qingyu is so polite to his senior brother, Feng Xiaotian is quite proud of it.

But before he could react, Su Qingyu ran away in a flash.

At this time, Shui Bing'er, who was explained by Su Qingyu, said appropriately: "Brother Feng, Brother Qingyu said, you can go directly to Uncle Su for reimbursement of the cost of medicinal materials, he still has something to do."

After finishing speaking, Shui Bing'er walked away lightly. In this world, only Feng Xiaotian was hurt.

What a joke, although those medicinal materials are quite expensive, costing him dozens of gold soul coins.

But if he reimburses his unscrupulous teacher for money, he doubts that his unscrupulous teacher can train him until he is reimbursed.

He also heard from his father that he, a cheap teacher, became a narrow-minded person after he got married and started a business.

For this money, I can only think of a way later to see if I can get it back.

On the other side, Su Qingyu, who got the medicinal materials, has already started his operation.

Medicine is divided into medicine and medicine, and medicine and medicine can be used as medicine. This is what fighting poison with poison in novels is like.

He had also heard of the ruthless senior who used poison to cure illnesses before, but unfortunately he had no chance to meet him.

Using poison as medicine, he has not and has not been exposed to it.

It can be treated as poison, but he has used it a lot.

Dozens of medicinal materials are all processed, but the method is too rough, and the efficacy of some medicinal materials is too serious.

Fortunately, for each type of medicinal material, the parts of the medicinal material he uses are different.

Some use leaves, while others use roots, whiskers, flowers, fruits, and even seeds.

There are many more, and he has sorted out all the medicinal materials that need to be used.

Afterwards, Su Qingyu carefully took out a clay pot and threw part of the medicinal materials into it.

This is not over yet, different medicinal materials need to be added during different periods of decoction.

It can be concluded that the liquid medicine is clear and transparent, but it has no toxicity, except that there are more nutrients, it is no different from ordinary boiled water.

The last step is the key, throwing a 50-year-old snow ginseng into the medicinal liquid to soak.

After soaking the snow ginseng, this copy of the Yin-Yang Strange Poison first created in the Douluo Continent through the Eye of All Things is considered complete.

The real colorless and tasteless is that the price of tasting is relatively high, between a cup of tea, there is no doubt that you will die!

This kind of toxin is quite vicious. If that guy didn't really intend to kill himself, he really didn't want to make such a vicious thing.

The props are ready, and killing people is naturally a piece of cake.

Although Su Liefeng and Lan Xiaoyue did not allow him to go to the Junior College during this time, it is still possible to go for a walk.

After carefully packing the medicinal liquid in a jade bottle, Su Qingyu cut off a piece of snow ginseng that was just used to soak the medicinal liquid and took it directly.

This is the only antidote to this strange poison of yin and yang, taking it in advance can prevent yourself from being hurt by the toxin.

Soon, the housekeeper, Old Uncle Li, arranged the carriage and found out the reason, and went to Mozhuxuan to buy books.

The whereabouts of those four teenagers have long been investigated by Su Qingyu, and Mozhuxuan is the only way for them to go to the main hall of Wuhun in Tianshui City.

There are not many people on this road, especially at this time of afternoon, almost no one passes by this road.

After waiting here for about half an hour, the four of them just left from the main hall of Wuhun in Tianshui City.

Su Qingyu, who had been waiting for a long time, sat in the carriage and took out the jade bottle containing the liquid medicine.

A darker yellow soul ring lingered around him, with a strong evaporative liquid medicine, which was quickly condensed into tiny grains of ice dust by his first soul skill, Extreme Ice Flame.

This process consumes a lot of soul power, and the requirements for the control of the Extreme Ice Flame are extremely strict.

The four teenagers who had just made their fortunes because of Wuhundian were about to leave this street.

Under Su Qingyu's control, a large cloud of ice dust formed by the colorless and odorless liquid medicine was directly thrown out.

Relying on the support of the last bit of soul power, the cloud of ice dust touched their faces.

The already cold weather made them think of a gust of cool wind, but they didn't know that it was the devil's claw to send them away from this world.

"Uncle Li, let's go back!"

Uncle Li, who was driving the carriage, heard Su Qingyu's order, and said gently, "Yes, young master!"

After Su Qingyu said this, her small face was pale and terrifying, "This kind of fine-grained operation is still a bit difficult for me, but the increase of soul power can be put on the agenda.

As the saying goes, ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge!

But Su Qingyu never thought of herself as a gentleman, because it was too difficult to live like that.

It is his true nature to avenge any grudge!

The effect of the yin and yang poison did not disappoint Su Qingyu. Within 3 minutes, the four teenagers had already collapsed on the ground in the busy city next door and began to howl.

Soul power didn't help, and they only lasted for another 2 minutes before completely losing their vitality.

The whole body is red, like a boiled shrimp, very strange!

Chapter 36 Qian Renxue

Su Qingyu retired, but Tianshui City seemed to be blown up.

At this time, the Wuhundian, a force as big as an imperial capital and as small as a village, finally showed its "fangs".

The bishop of the Wuhun main hall in Tianshui City directly ordered a strict investigation and asked those who knew the matter to report.

The corpses of the four teenagers were taken back by the Wuhun Palace, but when the staff of the Wuhun Palace came back, they were all terrified.

Outside Tianshui City, a simple and elegant carriage slowly entered Tianshui City.

She was wearing a white dress with streaks of golden patterns tattooed on it. She was tall and graceful, with long golden hair that reached her waist, and was simply pinned behind her back with a golden hairpin.

A white veil covered her pretty face, her starry eyes were dazzling, and her joyful expression was not deliberately concealed.

After finally changing back into the girl's outfit, the girl was very excited.

Since she used Xue Qinghe's current disguise to enter the Heaven Dou Imperial Palace, except for the first year of preparation, she never wore her beautiful dress again.

She is only 15 years old this year, and she is the most beautiful age for a girl. How could she like to wear men's clothes all day long, and appear in front of the world with a man's appearance.

In this trip to Tianshui City, there will be no conflicts in the family, no intrigues from the empire, she has already planned for this month, to be herself well.

After all, she rarely had time to come out after that.

All obstacles have been cleared away, and she, who pretends to be the prince of the Heaven Dou Empire, must earnestly carry out the plan to steal the Heaven Dou Empire.

At the same time, she also wanted to prove to that mean woman that her own abilities were thousands of times better than that little fox!

With Tianshui Academy, the real top snake here, the Heaven Dou Empire's control over this place is not even as good as Spirit Hall.

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