Tianshui Academy is a neutral force, that is, a grasshopper, and they don't know her existence even if they are third-rate.

After all, she was killed by her grandfather, and the only ones who knew that she was still alive were the direct descendants of the Elder Hall and the Pope Hall.

"The scenery of the northern country really has a special charm!"

Putting on women's clothes, she is her, Qian Renxue!

Since she was young, the farthest place she has been to is Tiandou City, where the four seasons are distinct, which is quite different from her hometown of Wuhun Sacred City where the four seasons are like spring.

Like Tianshui City, it was the first time Qian Renxue had seen such a city covered with ice and snow for most of the year.

"Hehe, it's rare to come out, miss, as long as you are happy."

Piercing Blood Douluo, as the old man of the Wuhun Palace who watched her grow up, he is also very concerned about this young master who is almost almost his granddaughter.

At this time, Lian Xue's conversation changed, "It's just that I didn't expect that Tianshui City has been very lively recently, and the elite disciple trained by the main hall of Wuhun died without anyone noticing."

The pretty brow frowned, and Qian Renxue's red lips parted slightly, "Could it be that he offended someone? The situation in Tianshui City is really complicated due to the same information as last time."

She came to Tianshui City mainly for fun, and by the way, to check what happened to Tianshui City's intelligence network.

Something happened just after entering the city gate. This is not a good sign!

Although her identity is considered an absolute secret in the Spirit Hall, for safety reasons, she did not contact the Spirit Hall in Tianshui City, but planned to investigate secretly.

A fairly good hotel, and then under her order, Lianxue has started to collect information in Tianshui City.

Even though the Su Family and the Wuhun Palace were just for the sake of the four teenagers, it still made the whole city go crazy.

For some reason, the first thing Su Liefeng and Lan Xiaoyue thought of was their dog son.

At this time, Su Qingyu was meditating honestly in the room.

Meditation in Douluo Dalu is similar to the breathing method of Taoism, which he also dabbled in in his previous life.

However, he didn't have a deep contact with it, and what he knew was only the most basic one of Taoism.

Even so, it has greatly improved the meditation to improve the soul power, at least it has increased the efficiency of Su Qingyu's meditation by [-]%.

Originally, it would take nearly three months for him to break through level fourteen, so at least his breakthrough could be advanced by about 20 days.

Meditating for too long is not a good thing, and at his current level, he can't replace rest with meditation.

After meditating for a while, Su Qingyu slowly opened her eyes.

The first thing he saw was Shui Binger who was reading a book in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, there were Su Liefeng and his wife, and the cheap senior brother Feng Xiaotian who was wearing a mask.

"Well, my dear mother, I don't know why you came to find your son?"

Although he was very disdainful, Su Qingyu still made friends with Lan Xiaoyue in this way that he thought he hated the most.

After all, Feng Xiaotian is from Kamikaze City, so she doesn't see this kind of scene very often, but Shui Bing'er is really used to it.

Covering her hands lightly, a pair of icy blue eyes blinked and blinked, and she almost couldn't hold back her smiling face.

"It's nothing, it's just that the news came from the Spirit Hall just now, that they had four young geniuses who died unexpectedly, and they are currently looking for the murderer."

Su Liefeng glanced at Su Qingyu meaningfully. His friend in the Wuhun Temple in Tianshui City told him an inside news that the cause of death of the four teenagers was most likely poisoning.

"Dead? Heh, I knew I had committed a crime and I couldn't live!"

Feng Xiaotian thought it was right, all these years the Spirit Hall only knew about blind expansion, and the quality of its members can be said to be uneven.

He heard from Su Qingyu that the talents of those four teenagers were not bad, but they were so arrogant as soon as they got a soul ring.

It's just that Su Qingyu's reaction made him feel a little weird, maybe this guy really did it.

This can't be said in the open, Su Liefeng and Lan Xiaoyue looked at each other, as long as the family knows about this kind of thing.

However, before leaving, Su Liefeng still warned Su Qingyu to stay at home honestly and not to go out again.

They have figured out exactly who is collecting information.

Wang Tianlin, who used to be a mercenary regiment, could not resist Tianshui College, the real boss of Tianshui City.

Some things had already surfaced when he became the dean of the junior college.

In short, Su Qingyu didn't have to figure it out before Tianshui Academy solved Wang Tianlin.

In the same city, only a few miles away from the Su family, the hotel where Qian Renxue stayed.

With the strength of the Titled Douluo, it is too easy for him to find out some information.

She doesn't care how many people die in the Wuhun Palace, anyway, the Wuhun main palaces everywhere are subordinate to the Pope's Palace.

What she really cared about was the strange poison of yin and yang in the body of those four teenagers, and Su Qingyu even gave it a nice name-Shuiguangliangyan!

Chapter 37 Encounter

On the street, the commotion in the main hall of Wuhun in Tianshui City lasted less than three days, and everything that should be done was done.

It seemed that at the same time, Shui Ningshuang, the deputy dean of Tianshui College, personally captured Wang Tianlin, the dean of the Junior College.

The crime has been woven long ago, and this guy is also destroying the friendly relationship between Tianshui Academy and Wuhundian.

At the main hall of Wuhun in Tianshui City, everyone didn't know that its bishop was directly replaced by a certain lady because of corruption the day before.

Regarding this matter, because the group control has no leader, in the end only a strong man at the level of a soul emperor from the main hall of Wuhun could come forward and admit this matter.

As one of the few people who knew the truth about this matter, Su Qingyu sighed after learning about Wang Tianlin after being locked up at home for several days.

Wang Tianlin, the dean of the junior college, has the support of the Wuhun Temple himself, and Tianshui College also tacitly acknowledges his existence.

Putting a chess piece, such an innocuous matter, is really not worth provoking Wuhundian.

Moreover, this guy is also a member of the Pope Palace faction headed by Bibi Dong.

This guy usually sells some not very important information about Tianshui Academy, just turn a blind eye and turn a blind eye.

But no one thought that this guy was on three boats, as a non-staff member of the Wuhun Temple, working under the name of Tianshui Academy, and also a spy of the Tiandou Empire.

Let's play Infernal Affairs here!

In any case, Wang Tianlin became the weakest party in this conflict, and naturally became the point of relaxation between the Spirit Hall, the Heaven Dou Empire and Tianshui Academy.

Other things are easy to say, Wuhundian even prepared to send a lot of treasures, saying it was compensation for Su Qingyu and Shui Binger.

They also invited Su Qingyu to study at Wuhun Academy in Wuhun Holy City. They also know the rules of Tianshui Academy very well.

It's just that on the Tiandou Empire's side, the memorial from Tianshui City Lord Leng Yue still fell into the hands of Emperor Xue Ye.

Compared with the sincere Wuhundian, Emperor Xue Ye was not so sincere, and instead proposed a marriage with Tianshui Academy.

Just as the sisters Shui Ningyuan and Shui Ningshuang of the Shui family were worried, Emperor Xue Ye was really thinking about it and wanted Shui Binger to get engaged to his fourth son Xue Beng.

The Heaven Dou imperial family has already jumped the wall in a hurry. For hundreds of years, the imperial family itself has not even appeared a Contra.

Its national power has declined even more, not to mention the fact that there are no high-end soul masters who really belong to it, even ordinary troops have been beaten by the Star Luo Empire.

To use Dai Mubai's words in the original book, if it weren't for the existence of the Spirit Hall, the Star Luo Empire would have really overthrown the Heaven Dou Empire.

Xue Ye also understands that after all, it is the imperial family's inherited martial spirit swan, which limits the ambition of the royal family members to become strong, and also makes the Emperor Xue Ye of Tiandou City move some other thoughts.

"Hmph, the toad wants to eat swan meat, this Xueye old thief has a good idea!"

It was none other than Su Qingyu's mother, Lan Xiaoyue, who said this.

As the owner of a dragon martial soul, even if it is a control system, its loud voice is comparable to the legendary Hedong lion's roar.

Seeing his wife so furious, Su Liefeng felt weak and chilled!

"Okay, let's put the fire out first. You don't know the situation of the Tiandou imperial family. If it is not for maintaining the rule of the huge empire, even a soul saint can wipe them all out."

Su Liefeng was also really angry, after all, someone wanted to snatch the treasure in his hands, how could he not be angry.

Su Qingyu, who was practicing at the side, had already accumulated more than half of his spirit power for advancing to level fourteen. He reckoned that he could break through level twenty at the age of eight at most.

Opening his eyes slightly, although he was meditating and practicing just now, he heard some words.

"Just ignore them. Xue Ye is just a toad, jumping on your feet and disgusting you. If there is a Titled Douluo in Tianshui Academy, even if he kills the prince, he won't dare to say a word!"

With a pair of clear eyes and no ripples in the ancient well, it is hard to imagine that the murderous words just now came from his mouth.

Lan Xiaoyue flicked Su Qingyu's forehead, "Okay, don't say that, it's been closed for so many days, go out and have fun."

Being educated by her mother as if comforting, Su Qingyu touched her swollen forehead, "Oh, I got it!"

I've been bored at home for several days, even though Shui Bing'er has come to look for him these days.

But that bastard Feng Xiaotian seemed to be taking revenge, he greeted him kindly every day and said, "Little brother, do you want to go out and play?"

In this regard, Su Qingyu had no choice but to show him a pair of dead fish eyes of the same style as classmate Ke.

Since the drug was released, it has been out for several days, and the streets are also quite lively.

Perhaps it was a regret from his previous life, he guarded the gate of the country all the year round, and he had a natural yearning for the bustling city.

Moreover, he has really brought in the identity of a child, and he has a lot of snacks along the way.

Outside of Soul Master's Square City, there are quite a few street stalls. Their own strength is very weak, and most of them don't even have a soul ring.

Basically, they are all from Tianshui City. In order to support their families, a group of people teamed up to pick up some corners from around some soul beast forests.

I don't deny that there may be good things in it, but the probability is quite touching.

Unlike the many people in Soul Master's Square City, this place is basically a place where soul masters look down.

On some stalls, there are various animal bones, ores, and unknown plants.

These things are basically fake, and some go too far, just using unknown animal bones as soul bones, and blue silver grass as cold spirit grass, it's really like you are blind.

There are some things that they don't even know, but to Su Qingyu who has the eyes of everything, they are all rubbish at a glance!

But beside a middle-aged man who was setting up a stall, there was a large piece of charcoal-like black shell, with sharper protrusions, and bronze-colored flesh in the middle of the shell and the meat.


Another name for chaga, this thing is considered a good medicinal material, and it can also be said to be a tea.

In the previous life, Mao Xiong's colleagues sent many of them, and he still likes them.

The one in front of me looks good, and it should be more than 30 years old.

Just when Su Qingyu was about to pick it up, a white and slender soft jade hand covered his hand.

This made Su Qingyu somewhat surprised. Looking up, it was Qian Renxue who was wearing a white dress and a veil.

Tall, with a beautiful figure covered by a veil, only a pair of star eyes looked at Su Qingyu curiously.

She also knows the birch velvet in front of her. When she was a child, her second grandfather, Golden Crocodile, had some in his hand.

When studying in the Hall of Elders, after being reprimanded by grandpa Qian Daoliu, the other six priests all brought out a lot of good things to comfort the little princess.

The chaga velvet that Golden Crocodile Douluo drank all year round was among them. Although she didn't cherish it very much, she loved the unique taste.

Chapter 38 Su Qingyu's Blind Eyes

After leaving the Presbyterian Hall for many years, she naturally missed those few priests who treated her well.

Under Bibi Dong's hatred, she was lonely and helpless since she was a child, and Qian Daoliu has always been taking care of her.

But since the awakening of Wuhun, Qian Daoliu has been too strict with her.

She, Qian Renxue, was still just a little girl after all, she still needed someone to comfort her when she was wronged.

But in order to maintain the majesty in Qian Renxue's heart, Qian Daoliu couldn't do this in person.

As for Bibi Dong, out of resentment towards the Qian family, it would be fine not to mock Qian Renxue.

Therefore, Qian Daoliu had no choice but to put down his old face and ask his old brothers to help comfort the crying Qian Renxue who was reprimanded by him every day.

For Qian Renxue who grew up under her watch, the several priests naturally readily agreed.

Seeing this familiar thing, Qian Renxue fell into the memories of the past at first, then she took a step slower and pressed her palm on the back of Su Qingyu's hand.

When she saw Su Qingyu, who was only less than 1.4 meters long, Qian Renxue's starry eyes revealed a look of surprise.

Immediately, he said in a gentle tone: "Little brother, can I give this to my sister?"

Su Qingyu looked up and saw that Qian Renxue's height was nearly 1.8 meters. An adult's height was a bit unfriendly to Su Qingyu.

After seeing Qian Renxue's beautiful figure, Su Qingyu was a little sluggish.

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