As an old fritter here, naturally no one would be blind enough to provoke Tianshui Academy.

You must know that although the people in Tianshui College are all women, don't forget that their strength is not weak.At least within hundreds of miles of Tianshui City, they are the real overlords.

Under the leadership of Su Liefeng and Lan Xiaoyue, the two little ones purchased a lot of things.

As for Su Qingyu, his eyes were always on the stalls of the medicinal and mineral vendors.

It's just that, after looking at it for a long time, he couldn't find anything, and his immature and fair face was a little disappointed.

"Sure enough, it's all wasted!"

Su Qingyu muttered, just now he has been using his gifted eye of all things that existed in his previous life to investigate, to see if he can catch the leak.

But as the saying goes, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

All medicinal materials and minerals cannot be hidden in Su Qingyu's eyes of all things. Their functions, qualities, and usage methods are all included in his eyes.

As a result, after shopping for a whole street, either the timing of picking was wrong, or the damage was serious, there were almost no usable medicinal materials.

After staying in Fangshi for nearly an hour, the two young ladies and Lan Xiaoyue were already waiting for Su Qingyu and his son.

They came this time mainly to help the two younger sisters hunt soul beasts. Su Qingyu naturally knew the importance, and obediently followed in the footsteps of her mother, Lan Xiaoyue.

Soon, a group of people came to the gate of the hunting forest.

The gate wall made of refined iron was unusually thick, and the roar of spirit beasts could be heard from time to time in the distant forest.

Su Qingyu, who used to be a master of medicine, has very keen body perception, her nose moved slightly, and a rust-like breath mixed with it made people feel nauseous.

The smell of blood, a very strong smell of blood, made the faces of the two young ladies a little pale.

As a peak soul emperor powerhouse at level 69, Su Liefeng also sensed something was wrong.

At this time, a group of soldiers in heavy armor who happened to be guarding here rushed over and blocked the way of Su Qingyu and his party.

Lan Xiaoyue casually threw a token to the leader of the team.After checking clearly, the team leader respectfully handed the token back to Lan Xiaoyue.

Just as they were about to leave, Lan Xiaoyue stopped them, "Stop, I'll ask you a question. Why does the Hunting Forest have such a strong smell of blood? It seems that it's not yet time to cause a beast horde."

The team leader saluted respectfully, "Reporting to Lord Soul Master, several thousand-year-level spirit beasts suddenly appeared in the core area of ​​the Hunting Soul Forest some time ago, causing some confusion to the Hunting Soul Forest. However, those few The thousand-year-old soul beast has been killed. It has subsided a lot recently."

After getting the answer she wanted, Lan Xiaoyue nodded, and with a wave of her hand, the team leader left directly.

Su Liefeng also breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, it's nothing serious. Fortunately, we came later, otherwise there will be some trouble."

The iron gate was slowly opened, and under the watchful eyes of guard soldiers, Lan Xiaoyue led them into the Hunting Soul Forest.

Unlike the hunting spirit forest near Notting City, it is close to the extreme north ice field, and most of the spirit beasts have two attributes of ice and water.

Therefore, this place has also become an important way for most students of Tianshui Academy to come to obtain soul rings.

Not long after the group entered the forest, Su Liefeng walked behind alone. Lan Xiaoyue's slender white jade hands turned into ice crystal dragon claws, and the faint dragon coercion caused many soul beasts to flee.

"Wow, is this Dean Lan's Ice Jade Dragon? It looks so handsome!"

Yu Hairou, who was walking in the middle, sighed, and Xue Wu, who was also a sister, laughed, "Hey, your coral barracuda is not bad, at least it makes me look quite appetizing."

The two girls teased a few times, mobilizing the originally dull atmosphere.

Su Qingyu has been quietly observing the surroundings to see if there is anything worth noting.

In his previous life, he was able to become a medicine master, but the Eye of Everything played a very important role.

Perhaps it was because of the outbreak of the Soul Hunting Forest some time ago, their journey was very quiet, and they didn't encounter a single soul beast that was more than a hundred years old.

Although the soul beast was not found, Su Qingyu found some good things.

Douluo Dalu is different from his previous life, at least there are many medicinal materials that he didn't have in his previous life.

Therefore, Su Qingyu can only identify some unknown medicinal materials through the eye of all things.

When Yu Hairou was about to step on a small tuft of blue-green grass, Su Qingyu, who was walking beside her, suddenly squatted in front of her. The sudden movement somewhat made the little girl blush.

Su Liefeng, who was following behind, turned even darker, and directly pulled Su Qingyu up from the ground.

Sensing the movements of the people behind her, Lan Xiaoyue looked at her husband suspiciously, "What's going on, what's wrong with Xiaoyu?"

Miss Yu Hairou is kind-hearted, she didn't care about Su Qingyu's actions just now, and hurriedly explained: "It's okay, Dean Lan, brother Herring's things may have dropped just now."

"Little girl, you don't have to defend this kid, see if I don't deal with him!"

Su Liefeng raised his hand to hit him, but he wanted to teach Su Qingyu a lesson a long time ago.

Usually he is not at home, and Su Qingyu sleeps and rests with Lan Xiaoyue every time.

Although it is said that they are mother and son, Su Liefeng, who is a father, is still somewhat jealous.

Ever since Su Qingyu got this little thing, the interaction between him and Lan Xiaoyue has been much less.

Naturally, Lan Xiaoyue saw that Su Liefeng was planning to avenge his own personal revenge, and gave him a look with her beautiful eyes, "I can't let my son explain it first, why are you in such a hurry!"

As the one with the least status, Su Liefeng immediately withered, and honestly put Su Qingyu down.

Su Qingyu opened her small hand, a water-blue, graceful and elegant ring, which looked like a ring worn by a woman, lay in her hand.

Everyone present, except for Su Qingyu who has no martial soul, naturally everyone recognizes it. Isn't this just a soul guide storage device?

Lan Xiaoyue's eyes lit up, and she patted her son's head with a smile, "Xiaoyu is really amazing, I said how could our little fish be so rude."

Su Liefeng was completely dumbfounded, he couldn't believe that his dog son was so lucky.

But this is naturally not due to Su Qingyu's luck, and the information he just saw.

"Water Yuanjie, a thirty-cubic storage soul tool (including 20 gold soul coins), some women's clothes, some inedible food... cold spirit grass, common herbal medicine, has the effect of tempering the body!"

Su Qingyu also didn't expect that just entering the forest, she would gain something so quickly, and she still missed something.

The two young ladies are also very envious. After all, now that soul guides have been lost, storage soul guides are not cheap.

Lan Xiaoyue, who had finished checking the water mandarin ring, was in a good mood, and said with great pride, "Let's go, keep going. Today, the dean will definitely catch the most suitable soul beast for you."

"Thank you, Dean Lan!"

When several people's eyes were on the water mandarin ring, Su Qingyu murmured and put away a small cluster of cold spirit grass.After all, it can't be wasted, can it?

When Su Qingyu and his party went deep into the hunting soul forest, in the depths of the hunting soul forest, a cave covered with thick ice and snow exuded slight fluctuations of soul power.

Outside the cave, it was dark. Even in June, it was still very cold here, and there were many ice-attributed spirit beasts staying here non-stop.

On the opposite side of the cave, there is a river that is still shattered into ice. From time to time, some powerful fish and spirit beasts poke their heads, and none of the spirit beasts has a cultivation base of less than a hundred years.

Hundred-year-old soul beasts were not common in Hunting Soul Forest in the past. For some reason, these hundred-year-old soul beasts gathered here.

Chapter 3 Melting Snow Silver Snake

In the Hunting Soul Forest, Su Qingyu and his party have been going deep into the forest for a long time, but there is still no soul beast that is more than 300 years old.

The quietness and coldness in the forest was scary, and the spirit beasts they encountered along the way were only in the early 200s at most, so they definitely couldn't be used as the second spirit ring.

"Strange, where do those soul beasts usually go!"

Annoyed, Lan Xiaoyue shot a 100-year-old snow wolf away, and Su Qingyu just cleaned out a 50-year-old snow ginseng next to it.

Looking at the cautious Su Qingyu, Su Liefeng didn't understand that his son was just a medicinal herb, which could be bought for a little money.

Of course, even if Lan Xiaoyue was here, he didn't dare to pierce him. After all, the Su family's hierarchy was strict, and Su Liefeng was at the bottom of the Su family's food chain.

"This hunting forest is not very far from the extreme north, and the current situation is indeed a bit strange."

Following Lan Xiaoyue's words, Su Liefeng also realized something was wrong.

"It's okay, the strongest in this hunting forest is the 2000-year-old Ice Polar Bear, but it's still a little troublesome to bring these little guys."

The icy white dragon claws kept clasping the tree trunk beside her. Lan Xiaoyue's habit really made Su Liefeng's scalp tingle!

Su Qingyu's thoughts sank slightly, and she glanced at her cheap dad Su Liefeng, "Dad, why don't you go ahead and have a look?"

After being stabbed in the back by Su Qingyu, Su Liefeng was a little dazed, and pointed himself, "I, you let me go?"

"Why, can't you go?"

Lan Xiaoyue's beautiful eyes revealed a trace of unkindness, and Su Liefeng instantly became extremely well-behaved, "How can I, I'll go right away!"

Su Liefeng's speed is naturally undeniable for a peak Soul Emperor powerhouse of the Sensitive Attack Department.

In a blink of an eye, he disappeared into the forest.

But after a full stick of incense, Su Liefeng came back with a strange expression.

"I don't know what happened, those powerful hundred-year-old soul beasts are now staying by the river that crosses the Hunting Soul Forest. And I remember Xue Wu's martial soul should be Xianwu Xuesan."

Suddenly talking about her body, Xue Wu, who was still a little girl, was somewhat surprised, but she still nodded obediently.

Su Liefeng nodded with a smile and said: "I also happened to see a snow-melting silver snake among those soul beasts. It happened to have a cultivation base of 700 years, which is just right for Xue Wu."

Hearing the melting snow and silver snake, a gleam of light flashed in Xue Wu's beautiful eyes.

Different from those Ye Luzi from Shrek Academy, except for Tang San, the others' knowledge of spirit beasts is quite superficial.

It is well-known as the Tiandou Empire, and it is also an old school for the strong.Tianshui College is very strict in teaching students the knowledge of soul beasts.

Moreover, old colleges like Tianshui College have a lot of research on all kinds of soul beasts.

What kind of soul beast is suitable for what kind of martial soul, and what kind of soul skills are likely to be produced, these have all come out after a long time.

The snow-melting silver snake itself is a non-poisonous soul beast, and after a hundred years, there will be a white scale on its lower abdomen.

Possessing the ability to increase one's own soul power is a special soul beast that is very suitable for auxiliary system soul masters like Xue Wu.

"Okay, let's go. Those spirit beasts just happen to gather there. Maybe Hai Rou's spirit ring can be found too."

After changing some formations, under the leadership of Su Liefeng, the group quickly came to the deepest part of the Hunting Soul Forest.

There are no trees here, only a bare stone mountain with a radius of several hundred meters, and there are some holes of different sizes on the mountain.

Bypassing the low stone mountain, it happened to be the river that ran through the hunting forest.

The snow-melting silver snake that Su Liefeng saw just now.It happened to be coiled in a small piece of grass between the rocky mountain and the river.

Except for the white scales on the abdomen, the whole body is light blue, such an obvious color naturally cannot escape the eyes of everyone.

"Sure enough, it's only seven meters long, exactly 700 years old. I'll catch it for our classmate Xue Wu!"

Lan Xiaoyue pinched Xue Wu's fair and immature pretty face with a smile, and jumped directly towards the stone mountain cow with one explosive step.

However, Su Qingyu didn't pay attention to her mother, after all, she was just a 700-year-old soul beast.

Sister Lan is the battle soul sage of dragon martial souls. If an ordinary soul beast under 5 years encounters her, it is basically considered unlucky.

What he cares about is the surroundings, it seems that these hundreds of years of cultivation spirit beasts are all going out.

Before Su Qingyu could figure out what was going on, a loud noise interrupted him.

Lan Xiaoyue stretched out her slender white jade hand and easily grabbed the Huaxue Silver Snake, and just casually flung it, and fell directly on the rocky mountain. Just that one fell the Huaxue Silver Snake half to death.

Lan Xiaoyue, who caused a big commotion, naturally attracted the attention of other soul beasts, but the soul beasts were quite aware of danger.

When she saw the two yellow, two purple and three black circles on Lan Xiaoyue's body, seven small circles of different colors, she wished that her parents would lose two legs.

Lan Xiaoyue brought the half-dead Huaxue Silver Snake in front of Xue Wu, "Come on, classmate Xue Wu, this Huaxue Silver Snake is yours now."

Although she is still a girl, Xue Wu is not the kind who can't see blood. As a soul master, her heart is even more tenacious.

After thanking Lan Xiaoyue, she held a dagger in her hand and stabbed it fiercely on the head of Huaxue Silver Snake.

Bright yellow, the little stars gradually condensed, and a moment later, a bright yellow soul ring appeared in front of Xue Wu's eyes.

Soon, Xue Wu sat cross-legged, and under her guidance, the soul ring came to the top of her head.

This time the soul ring was absorbed for half an hour, until two bright yellow halos lit up on Xue Wu's body, the absorption was considered complete.

Su Qingyu was very curious, after all, it was the first time he saw someone absorbing a soul ring.

Looking at the curious Su Qingyu, Lan Xiaoyue, as a mother, slowly hugged him in her arms and gently rubbed his face, "Little fish, be good, next year Xiaoyu will be able to awaken his martial soul, maybe At that time, our little fish will be born full of soul power."

Su Liefeng on the side rolled his eyes. He was born full of soul power. It is really conceivable that the entire Heaven Dou Empire only produced one or two in ten years (According to a certain book friend, it will take more than ten years in 100 years) indivual).

Su Qingyu was not worried about her talent.

After Xue Wu who had just absorbed the spirit ring moved her body, Lan Xiaoyue also planned to find Yu Hairou's second spirit ring.

Unlike Xue Wu's Xian Wu Xue Duan, Yu Hairou's martial soul is still not easy to find in this Soul Hunting Forest.

Chapter 4 Dragon Cod

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