The coral barracuda itself is considered a type of sea soul beast, and Yu Hairou herself is also a sea soul master to some extent.

It's just that she is not a sea soul master, she is her, including that her family does not believe in the sea god, so she is not a sea soul master.

In Tianshui College, there are quite a few soul masters in a situation similar to that of Hai Rou, and most of them are from cities near the sea.

As the sky gradually darkened, Lan Xiaoyue also gave up her plan to find the soul ring for Yu Hairou, and waited until dawn tomorrow.

It was not the first time they had come to the Hunting Soul Forest. Xue Wu and Yu Hairou skillfully took out the tent and bedding from a necklace-style storage soul guide.

On Su Qingyu's side, the same goes for Su Liefeng, who is the lowest in the family of three.

After sprinkling special powder with high-level soul beast breath around, Su Liefeng quickly built a tent that could accommodate a family of three.

Although Su Liefeng didn't like Su Qingyu to disturb him and Lan Xiaoyue, but Su Qingyu was still young, and he didn't have any abilities at the age of five.

After all, there is only such a son, and Su Liefeng is also afraid that if Su Qingyu stays alone in a tent, he may be taken away by some spirit beasts.

After eating some dry food, they planned to rest. As the only real man, Su Liefeng was in charge of the night watch.

(Su Qingyu is still a boy, not a man.)

It was about midnight, when Lan Xiaoyue let go of Su Qingyu's hand, and was about to change shifts with her husband.

A burst of intense water flow woke up Su Qingyu, who was still sound asleep, and the two lovely young ladies from Tianshui College.

Su Liefeng, who was still on vigil, didn't say a word, and directly possessed his body with his martial spirit, and there was a faint roar of a tiger in the wind.

Fengmohu, a tiger-like spirit beast with wind attribute, has quite impressive strength itself.

As the owner of a martial spirit like Fengmohu, Su Liefeng is also among the top few soul emperors.

Lan Xiaoyue, Yu Hairou, and Xue Wu also quickly possessed martial souls, and Lan Xiaoyue, who is the soul sage, even protected the three little ones behind her back.

Their camp was right next to the river, and through the reflection of the moonlight on the water at night, they finally saw clearly the culprit who disturbed everyone.

It is two meters two and three meters long, covered with silvery white scales, and there is a golden light shining faintly on both sides of it.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a huge fish!

To be precise, it should be a cod!

Su Qingyu is usually at home and often reads some illustrated books about soul beasts when she is not accompanied by anyone.

He also knows this cod spirit beast in front of him, it is a very cherished spirit beast, dragon pattern cod!

"Great, it's the dragon-patterned cod, Sister Hairou's soul ring is here!"

Su Qingyu was not the only one who recognized the dragon-patterned cod, and the former academic master Lan Xiaoyue also recognized it, "That's right, the dragon-patterned cod is said to have a trace of dragon's blood, which is [-] meter in a hundred years, and grows [-] centimeters every century after that The length of this one is about [-] meters, which is just right for Hai Rou's soul ring."

Yu Hairou's youthful face also showed a hint of joy, "That's great, please, Dean Lan!"

Lan Xiaoyue waved her hand grandly, "Don't worry, I'll catch it for you."

Poor dragon-patterned cod, just now made a fuss because it crashed into a dam made by a group of beaver beasts, thousands of catties of trees pressed it firmly, and it couldn't break free at all.

Lan Xiaoyue's white hands grabbed it's fins immediately, and flicked it dizzily.

The whole process was smooth and smooth, and it took Ms. Lan less than a minute to throw the dragon-patterned cod in front of Yu Hairou.

"Thank you, Dean Lan!"

Whether it's Yu Hairou or Xuewu, the two little girls are very sweet-mouthed, making Ms. Lan very happy.

Like Xue Wu, Yu Hairou also has a dagger in his hand that is specially used to kill soul beasts.

Su Qingyu pointed to the gills of the dragon-patterned cod, and told Hairou, "Sister Hairou, use a dagger to stab in here, try not to hurt the fish, ⊙?⊙!"

Lan Xiaoyue at the side patted herself on the head, "Yes, yes, you must be careful, otherwise it won't taste good."

Under the advice of Su Qingyu and Lan Xiaoyue, Yu Hairou carefully stabbed into the gills of the dragon pattern cod.

Soon, another bright yellow soul ring was directly pulled onto Yu Hairou's body.

Looking at Yu Hairou who was absorbing the soul ring, she couldn't sleep.

Su Qingyu pulled Lan Xiaoyue's sleeve, pointed to the dead cod with dragon patterns on the ground, "Mother, should this be put away!"

Lan Xiaoyue, who knew the delicacy of dragon-patterned cod, touched Su Qingyu's head, "As expected of my good son, who can recognize this rare soul beast at a glance. You really study hard.”

After Lan Xiaoyue put away the dragon-patterned cod, about an hour later, when the sky was about to light up, Yu Hairou finally absorbed the spirit ring.

In Douluo Continent, soul beasts associated with dragons are symbols of power.

Even a dragon-patterned cod with a thin bloodline still caused Yu Hairou a lot of trouble.

Fortunately, there was no danger, and the group finally successfully completed the soul hunting this time.

Out of convenience, in order to leave the Hunting Soul Forest as soon as possible, Su Liefeng hugged Su Qingyu, and Lan Xiaoyue hugged the two little girls, and quickly left the Hunting Soul Forest.

Half a day later, Yu Hairou and Xuewu sent the two girls back to Tianshui Academy.

They were met by another deputy dean of Tianshui College, Dean Shui Ningyuan's younger sister, Shui Ningshuang, and Su Qingyu's other younger sister, Shui Yue'er's mother.

"I'm really sorry, Xiaoyue, the dean of the five colleges is too busy to leave!"

Shui Ningshuang said apologetically, after all, Lan Xiaoyue was supposed to be on vacation, so it was somewhat unreasonable to ask her to take someone to hunt for souls.

Lan Xiaoyue walked carelessly to Shui Ningshuang's side, and patted her body with white jade hands, "It's okay, the two little girls have been sent back to you, Lie Feng and I will leave first."

After finishing speaking, Lan Xiaoyue hugged Su Qingyu, gave Su Liefeng a wink, and the family of three went home directly.

"Hiss, Lan Xiaoyue, you're a dead girl, you're not serious, and you're the only one who can suffer from the strong wind!"


It's only a day away from home, Su Liefeng and Lan Xiaoyue are fine, but Su Qingyu, who is only five years old, can't bear the fatigue.

Just when Su Qingyu was about to tell Lan Xiaoyue and planned to go back to her room to rest, Lan Xiaoyue stayed behind.

In Su Liefeng and Lan Xiaoyue's bedroom, Su Qingyu didn't understand what was going on, and looked at her strange parents with puzzled eyes.

"Okay, old Su, now take out the things and let me hold my eyes!"

A smile appeared on Su Liefeng's somewhat honest and delicate face, and a ray of light emerged from his hand.

Chapter 5 Tidying Up the Backyard

A white crystal the size of an adult's fist exudes a gentle white light.

The moment Su Liefeng took it out, the temperature in the whole room dropped a lot.

Lan Xiaoyue, who possesses the Ice Jade Dragon Martial Soul, flashed her beautiful eyes, and she could naturally feel the joy of her own Martial Spirit, which was definitely very beneficial to her.

Su Qingyu quietly used the Eye of Everything, and all the information about this white crystal appeared in his mind.

The thousand-year-old cold marrow, the most precious treasure of heaven and earth, has the effects of washing the meridians and cutting the marrow, opening up the meridians, and strengthening the cultivation base. It is a very rare treasure.

"I said it was just to find a way in the Hunting Soul Forest. Dad, how could you spend such a long time? It turned out that you were looking for a baby for your mother."

Su Qingyu grinningly got into the middle of Su Liefeng and his wife, and touched the thousand-year-old cold marrow curiously.

There was a slight coolness, but it was not as cold as ice and snow, and there was a sense of clarity in the faintness, which really deserves to be a treasure of heaven and earth!

"I used to read a book when I was studying in the academy, which contained an introduction to this kind of treasure."

Lan Xiaoyue pursed her red lips and pulled Su Qingyu over, "Although the cold marrow has an excellent effect on ice-type soul masters, its real function is to wash the scriptures and cut the marrow. I am already a soul sage now. This thing doesn’t do much for me, so I’ll give it to Little Herring later.”

No matter which world it is, the love of parents for their children is so deep.

Lan Xiaoyue and Su Liefeng's innate soul power is not very high, Lan Xiaoyue's innate soul power is at level [-], and Su Liefeng just reached level six.

The two used to be the same group of students in the Five Great Elemental Schools, and they were able to have the current level of cultivation because they had a lot of opportunities when they were young.

Lan Xiaoyue is too old, she is 45 now, and the younger Su Liefeng is also 42 years old.

Their generation of soul sages is almost at the limit. If they are more talented, they may have a chance to break through Contra, but the bottleneck is there, and it is not so easy to break through.

It is true that Lan Xiaoyue has absorbed this thousand-year-old cold marrow, and is expected to break through Contra within ten years.

But if it is to break through the Title Douluo, basically it is not too much to say that it is wishful thinking.

Su Liefeng also stroked Su Qingyu's light blue short hair, "Well, I thought so too. We have almost seen the head in our life, but if we let Qingyu refine it, maybe our family can produce a titled Douluo .”

Although Su Qingyu still retains the memories of his previous life, he was an orphan raised by Xia Guo since he was a child, and he has never felt the love of his parents.

In this life, it feels really good to meet such a pair of parents!

Inadvertently moved, tears fell, making the last estrangement between him and the world disappear without a trace.

Hugging the thousand-year-old cold marrow from Lan Xiaoyue's hands, her immature and delicate face revealed a gleam of determination, "Dad, Mom! I will definitely become the first titled Douluo in our Su family! "

"Okay, our Xiaoyu will become a Title Douluo, but the Title Douluo also needs to rest. Put this thing here with me first, and after a few days, your father and I will help you refine this cold marrow."

Lan Xiaoyue's voice was extremely gentle, and Lan Yingying's eyes revealed a hint of relief. A son with ambition and promise is the best reward for being a parent!

In a blink of an eye, another day passed, Su Liefeng and Lan Xiaoyue both went to Tianshui College, and he was the only one left at home.

The restless Su Qingyu also planned to do something, so she went straight to her deserted backyard.

As a strong soul saint, Ms. Lan has a high status in Tianshui College and even Tianshui City.

This made their family occupy nearly ten acres of land in Tianshui City.

Except for the house in the front yard, the backyard of his house has been empty since Tianshui City was assigned to Lan Xiaoyue.

"Hey, it's really a drought to death, and a flood to death. Seven acres of open space in the city is really a luxury."

Su Qingyu sighed, then shook her head, how could she say that, after all, it was her home.

But fortunately, my parents didn't pay attention to these wastelands, otherwise how could it be my turn?

"Uncle Li, you go to the nearby village and recruit some farmers, let them clean up here, it's not a big deal to make this place panic all the time."

Beside Su Qingyu, Uncle Li is an old man over [-] years old with gray hair. He was the housekeeper of the Su family many years ago. It can be said that he has been watching Su Liefeng, the only seedling of the Su family, grow up.

Lan Xiaoyue was fine, she was teaching at Tianshui College, and she was usually able to come back at night.

However, although Su Liefeng's was far away in Kamikaze City, he only came back once a few days.

Therefore, when the husband and wife are not at home, it is usually Uncle Li who takes care of his daily life.

Old Uncle Li said with a smile: "Yes, such a big place, if it was put on the Su family in Kamikaze City, it would have been used long ago. Yes, your parents are too busy, and it will be abandoned for a long time."

"I don't know, little master, what are you planning to clean up?"

Su Qingyu didn't explain, but responded tactfully, "I don't need to care about this, I have my own use."

Seeing that Su Qingyu refused to speak, Uncle Li did not continue to ask.

Looking at Old Man Li who left, Su Qingyu shook his head. The reason why he didn't tell Old Man Li was not because he didn't trust him or anything.

And he was afraid that old man Li would tell his parents directly, Su Liefeng was a father, but it would be quite troublesome for Ms. Lan to ask.

Taking advantage of these few days, they also went to the gathering of the Five Elements Academy, which happened to renovate this piece of land.

About two hours later, Uncle Li came back with seven thin men.

They all looked yellow and emaciated, and their clothes were torn. When they saw Su Qingyu, the young master of the soul master's family, they were extremely cautious.

Looking at the thin farmers in front of her, Su Qingyu frowned and didn't say anything, and asked Uncle Li to arrange their work. After the work was done, each person would get two silver coins.

(Here’s a little water, the currency system of San Shao in the original book is too messy, here I changed it to 1 gold coin = 100 silver coins = 10000 copper coins)

Several people were also very excited when they heard Su Qingyu's order. They picked up tools and harvested the weeds on the wasteland.

Two silver coins are enough for their family's expenses for nearly a month, so they are very active in working one by one.

It wasn't until the next morning that several people finally cleared the land.

The length and width are almost 70 meters, and Su Qingyu divided them into 36 ten-meter-long and wide squares of the same size, and he planned the remaining few meters into several paths.

Seeing the divided land, Su Qingyu showed a smile on his small face, now his medicine garden can be regarded as settled.

And as an authentic Chinese, it's really a pity that such a big place is empty and nothing is planted.

Chapter 6 Meet Fangshi

Just when Su Qingyu was going to ask Uncle Li to take her to Tianshui City for a stroll, an acquaintance arrived.

Old Uncle Li had just settled the bill for those farmers, and after sending them away, he brought over a little girl in a blue dress with exquisite facial features.

The first time she saw the little girl, Su Qingyu was a little dazed, "Binger, why are you here?"

The person who came was Shui Bing'er, the captain of Tianshui Academy's team in the original book, only 16 years old, and reached the super genius of Soul Sect without relying on any external force.

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