The deepest impression on Su Qingyu was that 11 years later in the soul master elite competition, he gave a gentle and refined gentleman a blow in the head and admitted the existence of a tie.

It's just that that's her grown up, and now she's just a little girl who hasn't awakened her martial soul.

A pair of beautiful icy blue eyes sparkled with fluorescence, and she smiled at Su Qingyu very cutely, "Brother Qingyu, long time no see, you promised Binger that you will play with Binger today!"

Su Qingyu has a headache, indeed, he promised Shui Binger.

And Shui Bing'er seemed to have noticed something, tilted her head, and said with some doubts: "Brother Qingyu must have forgotten, right?"

Su Qingyu blushed, "How is that possible, I promised Aunt Ningshuang to take care of you, how could I go back on it!"

Shui Binger sneered, and held Su Qingyu's palm with her soft and slightly cold hands, "Let's go, these days, the Five Elements Academy is gathering, and there are many vendors from other places in Tianshui City. Brother Qingyu will accompany Binger Just take a stroll."

The girl's mind is delicate, she just wants someone to play with her, and she doesn't think about anything else.

Simply, Su Qingyu also plans to go out.

After telling Uncle Li to keep an eye on the house, the two of them got into Shui Binger's carriage directly.

A little girl, no matter how big Shui Ningshuang's heart is, it is impossible for her to let her run around in Tianshui City, and she usually takes care of her.

The layout of the carriage is in a cool tone, mainly in accordance with Shui Binger's habits.

Looking at the bustling street through the car window, Su Qingyu suddenly asked: "Bing'er, why didn't that girl Yue'er come, she usually likes to pester you."

Hearing Su Qingyu's words, Shui Bing'er lifted the blue silk by her ears, and covered her red lips with her little hand, "That girl still needs to learn how to read, Er Niang is so strict with her, naturally it is impossible to let her out."

Thinking of a little girl scratching her ears and cheeks in the school and forgiving Su Qingyu and Shui Binger, both of them laughed unkindly.

Girls generally like food and clothes, but Shui Binger is never an ordinary girl, and her hobbies are somewhat special among her peers.

Until the carriage stopped at the door of a bookstore, Su Qingyu jumped out of the carriage first, and then hugged Shui Binger who jumped out of the carriage.

Mo Zhuxuan, Shui Binger is a regular customer here, after saying hello to the owner, she quietly searched the shop.

Unlike Su Qingyu's previous life, Douluo Dalu, a world similar to the European Middle Ages, has a serious monopoly on knowledge.

Here, only soul masters can obtain part of the knowledge.

At least the strength of the soul master is required to obtain a lot of knowledge, and some restrictions will gradually disappear.

Mozhuxuan is the only bookstore in Tianshui City that has books about soul masters, and only soul masters are qualified to enter here.

However, Su Qingyu is different from Shui Binger, both of their fathers are powerful soul masters, this rule is completely invalid for them.

In fact, whether it is Shui Bing'er or Su Qingyu, they also like to be quiet.

Among the few people's bookstores, two children who have not yet awakened their martial souls can sit here and study safely, which naturally attracts the attention of others.

However, the soul masters who can come here are basically inextricably linked with Tianshui College.

The identities of the two are naturally relatively clear.

Sometimes, there are also young ladies from Tianshui College who come here and often tease the two of them.

The sun was setting and it was getting late.

Wisps of golden red rays of light sprinkled on Shui Bing'er's delicate face, she was a little surprised, is it so late already?

Su Qingyu, who sat across from him, had his back to the door and window, but he didn't notice it.

"Brother Herring, it's getting late, shall we go back?"

Su Qingyu raised her head slowly, and stretched her waist comfortably, "Ah, it's really getting late! But, Bing'er, can you accompany me to the Soul Master's Square City, I also want to go there to buy some thing."

This is just what Su Qingyu said casually, he just wanted to go there to see if there was anything good.If Shui Bing'er doesn't agree, it's fine.

However, Shui Bing'er, who is naturally gentle and kind, really doesn't reject others very much.

What's more, when Su Qingyu was one year old, Lan Xiaoyue was very busy and often sent him to Shui's house.

Knowing each other since childhood, Shui Bing'er has an unreserved trust in Su Qingyu.

"No problem, anyway, I will be annoyed by that girl Yue'er when I go home."

After leaving Mozhuxuan, the two sat in the Shui family's carriage and headed towards Soul Master's Square City not far away.

As the name suggests, Soul Master Square City is a market where soul master items are sold, and it is generally difficult for ordinary people to enter.

Most of the soul masters in Tianshui City are some ice-type soul masters, and some of them are ruthless people from the extreme northern ice field. Naturally, they also have a lot of good goods in their hands.

At the entrance of Fangshi, Su Qingyu and Shui Bing'er got off the carriage, and behind them was an old woman at the level of the soul clan, who was arranged by the Shui family to protect Shui Bing'er.

"Miss, Young Master Su, fish and dragons are mixed in Fangshi, remember to try not to conflict with people."

Hearing the old woman's warning, Su Qingyu and Shui Bing'er nodded obediently.

In fact, these words are nonsense to the two of them, not to mention that Su Qingyu has preserved the memories of her previous life, and Shui Binger is also a precocious person, so there is no need for others to warn about these things.

Walking into Fangshi, a strange smell that punches the nose makes people have an urge to feel sick.

Su Qingyu was fine, Shui Binger's face turned pale, and her immature hands tightly grasped his arm.

Fortunately, after a while, Shui Bing'er finally got used to it, and followed Su Qingyu, strolling around the city.

Soul beast materials are generally very valuable, and a hundred-year-old soul beast can be sold for dozens of gold soul coins.

After ignoring the soul beast materials around them, the two headed towards Fangshi in the medicinal materials area.

Unlike the Fangshi area where soul beast materials are sold, the medicine area smells better, but there are not many people.

Su Qingyu enjoyed the familiar fragrance of the medicine, which was a taste he hadn't seen for a long time.

Chapter 7

The Soul Master Square City in Tianshui City is controlled by three parties.

Among them is the City Lord's Mansion representing the Heaven Dou Empire, and a loose alliance formed by many mercenary regiments from the extreme northern ice field, and the last is Tianshui Academy, the local snake.

The medicinal materials area happened to be partly controlled by Tianshui Academy.

Different from those areas where soul beast materials are sold at Qianmen, the rules here are quite strict, and those who can come here to purchase medicinal materials are basically some powerful existences.

Fortunately, Su Qingyu was just wearing an ordinary white cotton coat.

However, Shui Bing'er, who had been holding Su Qingyu's arm, was different. The water-blue skirt had the pattern of Tianshui College on it. Many people who came and went showed fearful expressions when they saw her.

Although Shui Binger came with Su Qingyu, as smart as she is, she naturally understands the purpose of bringing her here.

"Brother Herring, are you planning to find medicinal herbs for the medicinal bath?"

Su Qingyu nodded, he was indeed looking for the medicinal materials needed for the medicinal bath.

That's right, Douluo Continent has medicinal baths.

For descendants of high-level soul masters like Shui Binger and Su Qingyu, medicinal baths are no secret.

The two of them have already received some medicinal baths since they were three years old, and these are not the exclusive abilities of the future master of talking.

And that master of mouth cannon, his medicinal bath prescription is very likely to come from the Wuhun Temple.Fortunately, someone deliberately concealed it for him, otherwise the talkative master might be gone.

After all, the inherited formula of the medicine bath is the foundation of the Wuhun Hall to cultivate talents, and the consequences of an outsider who steals it are naturally conceivable.

Since she was three years old, Su Qingyu has also received medicated baths. The recipes are from Tianshui Academy and Shenfeng Academy. Shui Binger's situation is similar to him.

Gently pulling her little hand, Su Qingyu showed a smile on her little face, and explained to her patiently: "It's like this, I dug out a secret medicine book when I was tidying up the backyard the day before yesterday. It’s a medicinal bath recipe, I’m going to try it.”

Shui Bing'er's lovely brows frowned, and her ruddy lips pursed lightly, "Is this really the case, then just in case..."

After all, she was still a child, and Shui Binger still couldn't hide anything on her face.

The medicinal bath formula from an unknown source, she was afraid that what would Su Qingyu do if something went wrong?

Seeing the little girl with ruddy eyes and hazy mist, Su Qingyu touched her little head helplessly, "Bing'er, don't worry, besides, I won't make fun of my own life, will I?"

While comforting, Su Qingyu made a funny face with Shui Binger, and the little girl burst into tears immediately.

Sadness comes quickly and goes away even faster.

Looking for some signs on the street, the two quickly found a shop with a large area.

On the counter, a pretty young lady of seventeen or eighteen years old in a sky blue dress was sitting there yawning very bored.

The moment Su Qingyu and Shui Binger entered the door, a hint of surprise flashed in the beautiful eyes of the bored young lady, "Ah, it's you two little guys, are you here to play with my sister?"

Su Qingyu is okay, Shui Bing'er cowardly hid behind Su Qingyu, "No, sister Sydney, I'm here with brother Qingyu to do some shopping."

This man named Sydney is a student of Tianshui College. His family background is not very good. He usually stays here as a part-time job to earn some extra money.

Hearing that Shui Binger didn't come to play with her, Xueli was somewhat disappointed.

At this time, an old voice sounded, "Little guys, long time no see, isn't the adult here, why did you two little guys come out?"

"Grandma Huanxin is good!"

Su Qingyu was the same as Shui Bing'er, the two of them were extremely obedient and respectful and called out kindly to the old woman in front of them.

Although Su Qingyu's soul is mature, it's not surprising that many people are polite, but children with a sweeter mouth are more popular, right?

Moreover, the purpose of Su Qingyu's coming here is also to ask for the help of this Grandma Huanxin.

After traveling to this world for five years, a very troublesome problem has been bothering him, that is, no money!

Yes, Su Qingyu only has pocket money of a few gold soul coins, and his most respected mother will take away all the lucky money he finally got in the name of "I will keep it for you" every year .

Now he is five years old, less than a year away from awakening his martial soul.In order to absorb a better spirit ring after awakening her martial spirit, Su Qingyu also went all out.

"You two, there are a lot of bad guys here, do you know that?"

Huanxin said something seriously, but did not reprimand loudly.

Su Qingyu nodded, and started his serious nonsense, "Grandma, it's like this. My dad said that Brother Feng Xiaotian, who came to communicate with Shenfeng Academy, was seriously injured, and asked us to come here to buy medicine."

Shui Bing'er on the side was a little puzzled, didn't Brother Herring talk about the medicinal bath formula?Also, that fellow Feng Xiaotian, why was he injured?

She had vaguely guessed something, but Shui Bing'er didn't say anything, she just stood steadily beside Su Qingyu.

The older Huanxin is a soul emperor-level powerhouse, and she used to be the teaching director of Tianshui College.

It's just that he is too old and his physical fitness has declined severely, so he only came here to support the elderly in these years.

After living for more than eighty years, how could she fail to see that Su Qingyu was lying?

After all, Su Qingyu was not very old when he died, and he was less than 30 years old. He is relatively homely and rarely communicates with others.

Lying in front of Huanxin, an old man with one foot in the coffin, is more or less overwhelmed.

"Oh, so that's what's going on, then I'll bring the medicine over here."

Su Qingyu's eyes flashed in panic, "No need, Grandma Huanxin, just tell me where the medicinal materials are in the store, and I can just go get them myself."

Interrupted by Su Qingyu's words, Huanxin didn't get angry, but lightly rubbed his little head, "Okay, Sydney, you take them to the medicinal material storehouse, just give him whatever he wants. "

"Thank you, Grandma Huanxin!"

Led by Xue Li, the two came to the warehouse used to store various medicinal materials.

Su Qingyu ran out quickly, looked at the medicine storehouse that was half the size of a football field, and instantly opened his eyes of everything.

Under the inspection of the Eye of All Things, all the medicinal material information is clear at a glance.

It can only be said that Tianshui Academy is worthy of being Tiandou Empire's old strong academy, and the quality and handling of the drug store are more than one level better than the ones he encountered in the Hunting Soul Forest Market.

It took a full hour for Su Qingyu to record all the medicinal materials in the medicine storehouse.

Shui Bing'er at the side was a little sleepy, she yawned slightly, and continued to stay by Su Qingyu's side.

Chapter 8

"Brother Herring, are you okay? If we don't go back, the family should be worried."

Rubbing the heavy eyelids, Shui Bing'er, who was already sleeping at this time, couldn't bear it any longer, and the eyelid fights were really uncomfortable.

Different from Shui Bing'er, Su Qingyu's soul is inherently powerful, plus the fusion of the souls of two human beings.

Although the body is still a little tired, but there is no problem mentally.

Su Qingyu, who ignored this point, rubbed Shui Binger's head apologetically, "I'm sorry, just wait for me here first!"

Shui Binger just smiled, "It's okay, Brother Herring."

There are a few emerald green leaves in her white hands, which are the young leaves she just tore from a mint plant in the medicine storehouse.

At this time, Su Qingyu didn't delay any longer, and his calf quickly checked through the Eye of Everything just now, and brought over some medicinal materials that he could use.

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