Of course, he took three people's shares. Although that little girl Shui Yue'er is a bit weird, she can't be forgotten, right?

For a moment, Xueli looked at the hill of medicinal herbs piled up on the ground that was much taller than Su Qingyu himself, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help twitching.

This kid is so self-willed when he has money. Although they are not of high value, the price of such a pile is quite high!

This is not over yet, some of the medicinal seeds stored in the medicine storehouse were carried over by Su Qingyu, which seemed to weigh more than a dozen catties.

"Okay, we're done picking things out, let's go out."

Su Qingyu took Shui Binger's little hand, and came to the main hall of the medicine shop leisurely under the eyes of a certain young lady.

Afterwards, Sydney who came over glared at Su Qingyu angrily, and then released the medicinal materials selected by Su Qingyu in the storage soul guide.

Looking at the exaggerated number, Rao Huanxin couldn't figure out what Su Qingyu was going to do.

After some counting, Su Qingyu and Mr. Su spent more than 200 gold soul coins to buy these medicinal materials.

"Grandma Huanxin, my dad said that these things will be charged directly to his account. Binger is tired today, so I will go back with her first!"

The medicinal materials had already been stuffed into Shui Binger's carriage, Su Qingyu casually said something to Huanxin, and couldn't wait to take Shui Binger home.

Huanxin was still smiling at Mimi, and Su Qingyu didn't notice that there was even a trace of pity in the eyes of this kind old grandma.

Helping Shui Bing'er into the carriage, Su Qingyu just opened the curtains, and all she saw was a familiar figure, who was also the last person she wanted to see now.

Leaning on the mattress of the carriage, Ms. Lan Xiaoyue threw a grape casually and caught it easily.

Lan Xiaoyue had a half-smile, and a hint of narrowness flashed in her beautiful eyes, "Hey, isn't this our Young Master Su? Why, you're tired from shopping with your little girlfriend, and you know you're home?"

Seeing Lan Xiaoyue teasing her in front of her, Su Qingyu said in her heart that it's unlucky, unlucky, unlucky!

Shui Bing'er's face was also rosy after being molested by Lan Xiaoyue, and her white and tender hands quickly let go of Su Qingyu's palm.

"Ms. Lan, listen to me..."


"Ah yes, ah no, it's an explanation!"

However, Lan Xiaoyue didn't seem to listen to his explanation at all, her pretty face was slightly cold, and she stared at the two cubs seriously.

"You'd better go home and explain! Also, Fangshi is full of fish and dragons, how could you bring Binger here!"

Su Qingyu knew she was wrong, so she didn't say anything, and silently endured Ms. Lan's criticism.

Half an hour later, the carriage took them out of Fangshi, and it was the Su family who went first.

After saying goodbye to Shui Binger, Lan Xiaoyue led him by the collar and went directly to the living room at home.

To Su Qingyu's surprise, he thought his mother had come back alone, but Su Liefeng was sitting in the living room drinking tea.

Regarding Su Qingyu's "crime" today, Lan Xiaoyue told Su Liefeng everything.

At the beginning, Su Liefeng tried to comfort Lan Xiaoyue with good words, but when Lan Xiaoyue said that Su Qingyu used his name to buy more than 7000 gold soul coins of medicinal materials, Su Liefeng's face turned pale down.

"Xiaoyue, you are right, this little tree is not repaired, it is straight, it is not repaired, it is time to repair him."

Seeing Su Liefeng's slap the size of a cattail leaf fan, Su Qingyu had already resigned to his fate, it was just a pain, and he was done.

However, the pain did not happen as imagined, Su Liefeng gently patted Su Qingyu's shoulder with his broad palm, "Okay, I won't hit you, but you are still young, and you haven't even awakened your martial soul. Take Binger to such a dangerous place."

Su Qingyu nodded subconsciously, feeling extremely moved in her heart.

"Look at you scaring your son. If you scare him badly, I'll see if I won't punish you!"

A pair of beautiful eyes glared at Su Liefeng viciously, and immediately hugged Su Qingyu.

At this time, how could Su Qingyu still not understand that her parents were also worried about herself.

After going out with Shui Bing'er for a whole afternoon, he hadn't eaten yet, but fortunately Lan Xiaoyue was considerate and asked Su Liefeng to save a meal for him.

After eating, Su Qingyu told Su Liefeng and his wife about her plan to change the medicine bath.

And the backyard, which he planned to use to grow medicinal herbs.

Lan Xiaoyue frowned slightly, "The backyard is already empty, so you can spoil it no matter what, but the medicinal bath formula you mentioned is really better than the Tianshui Academy you are using now?"

"Of course, it just requires a special way to treat the medicinal materials, which is different from ordinary medicinal baths."

Su Qingyu replied, and also reminded the two of them that they would need the help of their husband and wife when handling the medicinal materials.

The use of medicinal materials in Douluo Dalu is much worse than in his previous life. For them, medicinal materials are just taken and used, or refined into various medicines.

They didn't have any in-depth research on why the medicinal materials themselves have effects.

Lan Xiaoyue glanced at Su Liefeng, and the two decided to take a look, if it was really useful, it would be nothing to help their son.

After dinner, Su Liefeng reminded him to go to Tianshui College with them tomorrow afternoon.

He will awaken his martial soul next year, and it is also necessary to get to know the young representatives of his generation from the five elemental academies.

The night passed quietly, and Su Qingyu got up early.

Su Liefeng, who was with him, and Lan Xiaoyue, the vice president of Tianshui College, had already gone to Tianshui College.

The father and son are at home in the morning, and the most important thing is to dispose of the huge pile of medicinal materials that Su Qingyu bought yesterday.

After all, Su Qingyu is only a five-year-old child, so Su Qingyu directs Su Liefeng to operate in the kitchen.

And at the gate of Su's house, Shui Bing'er came again.Since her birth, she has stayed by Su Qingyu's side for at least eleven months throughout the year.

But before entering the door, she smelled a strange medicinal fragrance.

Chapter 9 Tianshui Party

It is different from the Douluo Continent, where the medicinal materials are used as they are, just like cattle chewing peonies.

As a top drug master who became famous at a young age, Su Qingyu not only relied on the talent of the Eye of Everything.

He also has quite deep insights into medicine.

Similar to the treatment of medicinal materials, different treatment methods will lead to the enhancement or weakening of the efficacy of the same medicine, and may even completely change into another effect.

Generally speaking, the most common and common methods of processing medicinal materials are four types, namely repairing, water, fire, and water and fire.

There are also some special treatment methods, such as frost treatment, fermentation, germination, refining, and medicinal mixing.

Different medicinal materials have different processing methods, which also enhance the function of the medicinal materials, improve the efficacy of the medicinal materials, and expand the range of efficacy of the medicinal materials themselves.

Su Liefeng's face is not very good-looking, he regrets now why he stayed to help this brat.

"Don't stop, if you don't stir fry, this medicinal material will be ruined, you have to buy it again!"

With a word from Su Qingyu, Su Liefeng didn't dare to be distracted anymore.When he heard that he had to buy again, Su Liefeng felt that his small coffers were almost empty.

Su Qingyu, who was directing at the side, didn't notice that a slightly cool little hand suddenly held his palm.

Looking back, Shui Bing'er tilted her head, and glanced at Su Liefeng who was working hard to process the medicinal materials with some doubts.

She had been here for a while, but seeing that Su Qingyu and Su Liefeng were busy, she didn't bother them.

It wasn't until Su Liefeng finished processing all the medicinal materials according to the method Su Qingyu said, that he came to him.

"Bing'er is here, do you want Tianshui Academy this afternoon?"

Shui Bing'er nodded obediently, and spoke in a very soft voice, as if she didn't want to disturb Su Liefeng who was still working.

"Well, but the two of us plus that girl Yue'er will be more embarrassing, after all we are the youngest in this generation, and the others have at least awakened their martial souls."

As Shui Bing'er said, compared to the other elemental academies, the current Tianshui Academy's younger generation has a very obvious disadvantage.

Some are too old, nearly 20 years old, and are about to step out of the category of the younger generation.

The younger ones are the Shui Binger sisters, and Su Qingyu at most, who haven't even awakened their martial souls.

Today, the only juniors who are around ten years old are Yu Hairou and Xue Wu. The two have just broken through to become great soul masters, and they can only be regarded as the top among the five elemental academies.

Su Qingyu is not very clear about the other elemental colleges.But at Shenfeng Academy, Su Qingyu heard about it some time ago, and Feng Xiaotian, who was eight years older than him, just broke through to the soul master.

In his early thirteens, he broke through to Soul Master, that guy Feng Xiaotian was also in the limelight all of a sudden.

But Su Qingyu couldn't understand that Feng Xiaotian had a mutated martial soul, full of soul power innately.Later on, for what reason, he racked his brains to fix his self-created soul skill.

Time passed quickly, and while Su Qingyu was chatting with Shui Binger, Su Liefeng completed all the preparation of medicinal materials according to Su Qingyu.

Looking at the cold herbs, Su Qingyu was very satisfied after inspecting them.

Not to mention, soul masters are really powerful.

If these medicinal materials were left in the previous life, even if he was as skilled as him, it would take a day to process them.

And even if it is finished, it is estimated that it will be half dead from exhaustion. Some delicate tasks are not easy.

But for Su Liefeng, who is a high-level soul master, this is just a little tired.

"So it's Bing'er, long time no see!"

Su Liefeng smiled warmly and greeted him cordially.

"Long time no see, Uncle Su, Er Niang said that she is very busy at the college and asked you to take me there in the afternoon."

"Haha, it's okay, Bing'er is still so cute, and I don't know who will be so lucky in the future to marry our lovely Bing'er!"

What she said made Shui Binger's little face blush.

Although she is still a child, she is precocious and mature, and she understands some things.

A momentary slip of the tongue, Su Liefeng realized his mistake.

After Uncle Li took care of the door at home, Su Liefeng took Su Qingyu and Shui Bing'er towards Tianshui College.

Because it was a gathering of the Five Elements Academy, it could be said to be a grand event held every five years in Tianshui City.

Near Tianshui Academy, soul masters from some nearby cities also came to participate, or to trade some items.

Although it is said that Douluo Dalu's level in the fantasy plane is relatively low, but it can't escape the law of the wealthy couple.

The cultivation of soul power is not just about burying your head in painstaking practice, so there are many soul masters who come from other places to trade around Tianshui Academy.

However, the real protagonist of this grand event, that is, the place where the teams of the five great colleges are located is inside Tianshui College, and it is difficult for ordinary people to enter.

Although Su Liefeng is said to be a teacher of Shenfeng Academy, because of Lan Xiaoyue, many people in Tianshui Academy know him.

After exchanging pleasantries, Su Qingyu and Shui Binger followed Su Liefeng to the exchange hall specially set up by Tianshui College.

Unlike the other four elemental colleges, Tianshui College is a women's college after all. In order to avoid trouble, visitors from other elemental colleges are usually arranged in this hall.

"Okay, Qingyu will take care of your little sister Bing'er. I'll go to the Shenfeng Academy first, and I'll be back in a while. Don't run around, understand?"

After Su Liefeng left, Su Qingyu nodded obediently, and wandered around the hall with Shui Binger.

Those who can come to this guild hall are all from the Elements Academy, and Su Liefeng is also more at ease, the reason for letting them stay here.

However, the arrival of the two still attracted the attention of many people, including those from the Elephant Armor Academy, or the Elephant Armor Sect.

"Heh, where did these two little beans get in here, why don't you hurry home and feed yourself, what are you doing sneakily here!"

A loud voice sounded. The person who came was tall and burly, with bronze skin and a young face. He was at least 1.8 meters tall.

Su Qingyu frowned, who is this person, so arrogant!

"Oh, Hu Yanli, it seems that your Elephant Armor Academy really can't afford to lose, what kind of skill is it to come here and bully two children!"

Two more people came, um no, to be precise, it was two people plus a licking dog.

Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu, this pair of brother and sister have a three-point similarity between their eyebrows, and their long fiery red hair is extremely conspicuous.

Beside the two of them, a young man in Tsing Yi with a height of more than 1.7 meters and wearing a black mask is the only soul master of the Kamikaze Academy, with two heads licking... Demon Wolf Feng Xiaotian!

It was he who sprayed Huyanli just now, and his soul master's strength was enough to make Huyanli, a great soul master, shut up.

Just at this time, Xue Wu and Yu Hairou also came over. Except for Thunder Academy, which hardly participated in academy gatherings, the younger generation of the four elemental academies were all present.

Chapter 10

Strength is the key to solving all problems. If there are still problems that cannot be solved, there is only one reason, that is, your strength is not enough!

As the young suzerain of the Elephant Armor Sect, even in the communication between the elemental colleges, there are still two high-level soul venerables by his side to escort him.

Just now when his two bodyguards were not there, he was bullied by Feng Xiaotian, but when his own bodyguard came, he was no longer afraid of Feng Xiaotian.

"Hmph, Feng Xiaotian, aren't you amazing, do you have the guts to challenge our brothers?"

Feng Xiaotian's face changed, he had just broken through to the soul master, he was only 31 soul masters, and he was not sure at all when facing two soul masters who were at least level 37 or above.

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