Among them, the most famous is a special product of the extreme arctic ice field, spicy fried snow rabbit, and fried ice silkworm.

A certain big bug sleeping and drifting on the sea suddenly shivered violently.

In order to eat, Qian Renxue also took off her veil for the first time.

The fair and pretty face has exquisite features, the red cherry lips are full of a smile, the star pupils are agile, and the beauty of her appearance makes Su Qingyu feel a little dazed.

It is true that he has been a human being in two lives, but he has never seen such a beautiful girl.

Now she has not fully grown, and the eyebrows are still somewhat green, and there is still room for further development.

Qian Renxue was not annoyed at Su Qingyu's stupefaction, and was even a little proud.

She just knew that she couldn't hold back a little furry boy with her looks?

A pair of starry eyes smiled, "How is it, little brother Herring, is sister beautiful?"

Chapter 40 Siblings?

Before Su Qingyu could reply, someone had already answered!

"Pretty, of course she is beautiful, the girl is naturally as beautiful as a fairy!"

But the voice of praise made Qian Renxue's face turn cold in an instant.

Outside the door of Tianxueju, a young man dressed extremely luxuriously looked at Qian Renxue greedily with his triangular eyes.

Leng Que, the third young master of Leng's family in the city lord's mansion, who was born with seventh-level soul power.

Although his family's triangular eyes are ugly, they are mainly influenced by Wuhun Xuanbinglang, and they are not ugly in themselves.

But his greedy gaze made Qian Renxue very uncomfortable and uncomfortable!

Su Qingyu on the side is more emo, he can encounter such bloody plots, there is really no one else.

Relying on his status as the heir of the Leng family of the City Lord's Mansion, Leng Que directly stretched his dog's paw towards Qian Renxue's shoulder.

But this guy didn't even know that the two popular and ugly guys at the table next to them were Title Douluo.

A murderous intent flashed in She Lance's eyes, and Su Qingyu was fine, after all, she was still a child, and she looked quite good-looking.

What kind of a thing are you, you dare to come out to insult our young master, not to mention it, but also dare to make up our young master's idea.

Apart from anything else, Luo Shelong, the Snake and Spear Fighter, directly crushed the genius of the Leng family to the ground with his enormous soul power.

The floor of Tianxueju is a kind of stone similar to white marble, but this time it almost knocked his teeth out.

Qian Renxue's starry eyes are still slightly cold, she is very unhappy now!

Lianxue put down the rabbit's leg in his hand, and grabbed Leng Que directly with his oily hands.

Su Qingyu doesn't know what will happen to the cold discussion. Anyway, if he provokes this person, he is basically doomed.

After walking around with Qian Renxue for a day, Qian Renxue didn't get off the Su family's carriage until it was getting late.

At the end, Qian Renxue pinched Su Qingyu's immature face again, "Hehe, Xiao Qingyu, remember to come and find my sister tomorrow, otherwise..."

The white jade hands were clenched into fists, and the demonstrators made gestures with Su Qingyu a few times.

Su Qingyu didn't hesitate, and directly agreed.

In front of the hotel, Qian Renxue watched Su Qingyu leave in a carriage, and her pretty face instantly became indifferent.

"Today, the offending person just silenced him, and went to check Su Qingyu's background. Remember, try not to disturb his family!"

This time the task naturally falls on Li Xue, he and She Lance usually have at least one of them guarding Qian Renxue's vicinity.

Back in the room, Qian Renxue's starry eyes were calm, her red lips parted slightly, "Uncle She, what do you think of Little Herring?"

"Careful, cunning, and flexible. Although his behavior is a bit childish, I always feel that he doesn't want to be a child who is only six years old."

As the loyal guard arranged by Qian Daoliu, She Long naturally told the truth to Qian Renxue, the young master.

The white jade hand rubbed his forehead, "Yeah, children nowadays are so difficult, and those old foxes in the royal family of Tiandou City are even more difficult to deal with. I really don't know now, when I was with that woman It's a bet whether it's right or wrong."

Upon hearing this, She Long immediately shut up.

Although he is also a titled Douluo, and his status in the Wuhun Hall is not low, but this is the family affairs of the great priest, and he dare not speak nonsense.

The speed of stabbing blood was very fast, and more than [-]% of the Su family's information was quickly detected.

This information, just as Su Qingyu said, also made Qian Renxue more interested in Su Qingyu.

"It's getting late, the two uncles hurry up and go to rest, tomorrow we have to go play with little brother Herring."

The two left in an instant after receiving Qian Renxue's order.

On the other side, Su Qingyu, who was sitting on the bed meditating, was a little worried.

He never thought that Qian Renxue, who has only been lurking for three or four years now, would come to Tianshui City.

For the safety of his family and Tianshui Academy, he didn't tell his parents about meeting Qian Renxue during the day.

The main reason was that he really didn't want to be involved in the struggle between the Tang family and the Qian family, let alone the two families.

Su Qingyu also understands that Qian Renxue has now pretended to be Xue Qinghe, and she won't be able to stay in Tianshui City for long.

He also strives to send this great god away as soon as possible. The Wuhun Temple is not accessible to him at present.

The next day, Su Qingyu left the house early in the morning.

This time, he left by himself, and did not let the housekeeper, Old Uncle Li, follow him.

Fortunately, Lan Xiaoyue and Su Liefeng were busy in their respective colleges recently and didn't go home, otherwise it would be hard for him to explain.

But Su Qingyu forgot that a certain girl with sky blue hair didn't find him yesterday, she was quite sad.

Arriving at the agreed place, Qian Renxue had been waiting here for a long time.

Today, she changed into a white one-piece dress, and a golden patterned belt gently bound her slender waist, her beautiful face was still covered by the veil.

The star pupils closed slightly, and the brows looked very happy.

"You are late!"

Su Qingyu couldn't help feeling a little bit bitter, the distance he came here from home was not close, and with his short legs, it was considered pretty good to be able to come here so quickly.

"Yes, I will come over as soon as possible next time."

Without complaining, Su Qingyu planned in her heart to come as early as possible tomorrow.

Qian Renxue smiled, and gently held his hand with her white and jade-like gentle palm.

"Let's go, I'll take you out of town today!"

Before Su Qingyu could speak, the white wings behind Qian Renxue stretched out, and a pair of jade hands hugged him directly, and appeared in the air the next moment.

"Be honest, or you won't be responsible for falling!"

There was a hint of playfulness in Qian Renxue's words, but this made Su Qingyu quite honest, letting Qian Renxue hold her without moving.

Although the current Qian Renxue's strength is not as strong as the soul king, it is not difficult to fly with Su Qingyu, who weighs only a few dozen catties.

Soon, the two flew directly out of Tianshui City, covered by two Titled Douluo, the soldiers in charge of city defense didn't notice them at all.

After flying dozens of miles outside the city, Qian Renxue slowly released Su Qingyu.

They are located in the south of Tianshui City, which is not far from Hunting Soul Forest. This is his second time here.

I remember the last time I came, last year, he followed his parents to help the young lady of Tianshui Academy hunt down the second soul ring.

He was also a little puzzled, not understanding why Qian Renxue would bring him here.

For Su Qingyu, Qian Renxue quite likes it, and of course this kind of liking is mainly between siblings.

She came to Hunting Soul Forest for nothing more than to relax and let Su Qingyu practice her hands by the way.

After all, no matter how young he is, he is still a soul master. How can a soul master not know how to fight?

Qian Renxue's smile made Su Qingyu's heart tremble, and she always felt that something bad was about to happen.

Chapter 41 Shui Binger's Vigilance

Tianshui City, Hunting Soul Forest.

Su Qingyu's expression was a little dignified. Opposite him was a five-meter-tall Red Demon Snow Ape.

With red eyes and sharp claws, and snow-white fur, this kind of spirit beast is rumored to be related to the Titan snow demon clan.

Its figure is naturally burly, although the one in front of Su Qingyu is five meters high, it is actually a soul beast that has just broken through 500 years.

For the past half month, Qian Renxue has been bringing him to the Hunting Soul Forest.

In the name of exercising his fighting ability, in fact, he was watching him being raped by various souls.

In the beginning, it was just a century-old soul beast.Now, his opponent is the 500-year-old Red Demon Snow Ape in front of him.

Qian Renxue on the side was sitting pretty on a huge boulder covered with white fur, with her white jade hands resting her forehead lightly, she said to Su Qingyu with a smile: "Little Qingyu, come on, otherwise you won't be here later." The meal is eaten!"

Su Qingyu ignored Qian Renxue, after all, the Scarlet Demon Snow Ape in front of him only had 500 years of cultivation.

However, its race is strong, and in terms of strength, even some ordinary soul beasts that have just broken through the millennium will not fall into a disadvantage.

Converted into a human soul master, his combat power is equivalent to that of a peak soul master, one step short of advancing to the soul master.

As an ape-like soul beast, the Red Demon Snow Ape has an extremely irritable personality. After roaring and beating the ground a few times, the blood-red sharp claws directly grabbed Su Qingyu.

Su Qingyu knew that he couldn't match his hard steel, and his figure was ethereal, and he dodged the attack of the Red Demon Snow Ape smoothly like a freehand painter.

A dark yellow soul ring emerged from his body, his right hand directly turned into a dragon's claw, and a pale flame appeared.

Su Qingyu saw the right moment, and threw it directly towards the back of the Red Demon Snow Ape.

In an instant, the back of the Red Demon Snow Ape was covered by a thick layer of frost.

Although in the extreme northern ice field, most soul beasts are not afraid of cold and snow.

But it doesn't mean that they won't be hurt by attacks like ice and snow.

The suddenly formed ice layer had a lot of ice thorns directly piercing the Red Demon Snow Ape's back, which really caused him to suffer serious injuries.

Similarly, this completely enraged the Red Demon Snow Ape.

The huge sharp claws kept attacking Su Qingyu like a madman.

After all, it was because she was too young, Su Qingyu could only rely on her flexibility to avoid the madness of the Red Demon Snow Ape.

Qian Renxue at the side also had a trace of worry in her beautiful eyes.

She had secretly ordered the snake spear just now, as long as the situation was not right, she would immediately kill the red demon snow ape.

After some maneuvering, Su Qingyu finally got close to the back of the Red Demon Snow Ape.

Another pale flame of extreme ice, Su Qingyu saw the solid ice still on the back of the Red Demon Snow Ape, and threw the flame of extreme ice directly.

The moment the ice flame collided with the solid ice, a powerful force erupted instantly.

A roar, the sound of the explosion directly shocked the entire Hunting Soul Forest.

The human beings in the hunting soul are better, but the soul beasts in the hunting forest are quite frightened.

The power of the explosion is quite terrifying, not to mention that Su Qingyu is just a soul master, even a soul sect, such a short distance is more than auspicious.

In front of Su Qingyu, a middle-aged man holding a spear blocked the explosion for him.

It was the Snake Spear Fighter Luo Shelong, one of the bodyguards secretly guarding Qian Renxue.

"The little guy is really not serious. If the old man hadn't shot, the explosion just now would have blown you into a pile of minced meat!"

She Long said angrily, if it wasn't for Qian Renxue's order, he wouldn't bother to talk to Su Qingyu.

How to put it, it was She Long who saved his life just now, a few words of reprimand and a lot of meat, Su Qingyu also acquiesced.

"Okay, Uncle She, needless to say, I will personally teach him a lesson!"

With a hint of coldness, Qian Renxue's beautiful eyes were cold when she turned gently to hear the voice, obviously not very happy with Su Qingyu's adventure just now.

Seeing Qian Renxue's stop, She Long quickly retreated and disappeared from the sight of the two of them.

Qian Renxue unceremoniously covered Su Qingyu's head with her jade hands, and rubbed her ice-blue hair into a chicken coop, "Little Herring, do you know how dangerous you were just now!"

Facing Qian Renxue's questioning, Su Qingyu admitted her mistake decisively, "I'm sorry, Sister Xue, I was wrong."

"Forget it, don't be so reckless in the future, but the self-created soul skill you just used may be able to be used after you become a soul sage. I didn't expect that the ice burst you accidentally made would be so powerful. With such a great power, I don't know how powerful those soul beasts that can burst into ice are."

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