Qian Renxue sighed, and hugged Su Qingyu casually.

After flying for half an hour, the two landed on the edge of Tianshui City.

"Okay, go back by yourself, sister, I won't see you off."

Just as Qian Renxue was leaving, Su Qingyu grabbed the corner of her skirt.

This made Qian Renxue somewhat strange, she squatted down slightly, and asked curiously: "What's the matter, is there anything else?"

For more than half a month, Qian Renxue found that she liked Su Qingyu, a cute little guy, more and more.

When she was a child, she was very lonely, and the priests in the Hall of Elders were her elders after all.

Being with Su Qingyu, she felt a lot more relaxed, and she yearned even more for having such a younger brother who would accompany her.

"That's my mother, she said she wants to see you!"

Su Qingyu was extremely embarrassed to say this, but after more than half a month, he was finally discovered by Lan Xiaoyue.

"Ah, why?"

Qian Renxue blinked curiously.

Without hiding anything, Su Qingyu directly told her what he had been running out for the past two days and was discovered.

Qian Renxue didn't think it was strange, after all, she abducted Su Qingyu every day, and it wasn't enough to attract a mother's attention, that was a strange thing.

"Okay, then we'll go directly to your house, and you will lead the way!"

The white jade hand straightened Su Qingyu's slightly messy hair, and held his palm.

Under the leadership of Su Qingyu, the two soon came to Su Qingyu's home.

However, in front of the door, there was a small figure with a cold face staring at Su Qingyu very unkindly.

"Bing'er, are you here?"

Shui Bing'er nodded, but was wary of Qian Renxue for no reason.

"Well, just arrived, brother Herring has a good relationship with this big sister!"

On the way here, Qian Renxue took off her veil, revealing her beautiful appearance.

Seeing Shui Binger's vigilant look, Qian Renxue seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help covering her cherry lips lightly, trying not to let herself laugh.

The three of them walked into Su's house together, and it happened that Lan Xiaoyue also took a day off specially to meet the mysterious friend Su Qingyu mentioned.

Chapter 42 Investing in Qian Renxue

"Hehe, I didn't expect Miss Snow to know my silly son so well."

Lan Xiaoyue was overjoyed because Qian Renxue told Su Qingyu that she was Yueguan.

Although there are some concealments, they are also telling the truth.

This is also very embarrassing for Su Qingyu.

After all, although Yueguan is said to be a woman's dress, there are not many feminine characteristics on her body, so she can only be called a fake mother.

Qian Renxue's figure is so well developed, and Su Qingyu thinks that her eyesight is really not very good to be able to recognize such a beautiful woman as a fake mother.

Sitting beside Lan Xiaoyue, the well-behaved Shui Binger also laughed, and the little girl winked at Su Qingyu slyly.

Although Lan Xiaoyue and Qian Renxue were about thirty years older than each other, they got along very harmoniously.

Inadvertently, Qian Renxue narrated some things about her childhood.

Of course, she didn't mention Wuhundian, not to mention that she died young in the eyes of the world.

Even about the secrets of the Hall of Spirits and the Hall of Elders, she had to hide some secrets.

Basically, my mother didn't want to see me, and I grew up with my grandfather as a child.

This directly touched Lan Xiaoyue's inner softness, because her situation was somewhat similar to Qian Renxue's.

Lan Xiaoyue didn't know who her parents were. She was raised by her grandfather in the countryside since she was a child.

It wasn't until she broke through to the soul emperor that her grandfather died peacefully in his eighties.

The similar experience also made Lan Xiaoyue feel sorry for Qian Renxue, a girl who was a generation younger than her.

Lan Xiaoyue, who is usually offline, also muttered, "Axue, you are so kind, I don't want this little bastard in my family to make me angry all day long. At the beginning, Lie Feng and I also hoped to be a girl, but I didn't expect it, hey !"

As the saying goes, he was shot while lying down, Su Qingyu said that he was tired.

Looking at Su Qingyu with a black thread, Qian Renxue smiled, "Herring is also very cute, but she has a little more heart."

After being judged by the two women for a while, Su Qingyu immediately planned to resign. He found that if he listened to it any longer, he would probably vomit blood in anger.

Lan Xiaoyue and Qian Renxue ignored him, but Shui Binger quietly followed behind him.

After more than half a month of getting along, Su Qingyu also figured out Qian Renxue's current age and soul power level.

14 and a half years old, 48-level high-level soul sect.

This achievement is extremely dazzling no matter where it is.

But for Qian Renxue, the unique super genius with full soul power at level [-] in history, it was a bit lower.

The current Qian Renxue has only been pretending to be Xue Qinghe for three or four years, and she just became the crown prince last year, so she doesn't usually do much government affairs.

But as time went by, Qian Renxue pretended that Xue Qinghe would become more and more busy, and gradually neglected to practice.

Just like in the original book, at the age of almost thirty, the cultivation base of a soul sage is really a waste of too much talent.

Otherwise, with Qian Renxue's dedicated cultivation from beginning to end, it's hard to say that at the age of 30, she would break through to the Title Douluo, and it would definitely be a high-level Contra.

During this period of time, Qian Renxue gave him very good senses.Su Qingyu could feel Qian Renxue's concern for him, without any affectation.

For the safety of his family and Tianshui College, and to prevent her from being hurt by Tang Junzi, he has already planned to help her.

In a sense, Qian Renxue is the true master of the Wuhun Hall.

Qian Daoliu and that group of priests doted on her without bottom line, even Bibi Dong, who didn't want to see her, was still very concerned about her as a daughter.

At that time, Bibi Dong will definitely consider Qian Renxue's feelings, and Wuhundian won't be too embarrassing for Tianshui Academy.

In this case, [-]% of the future crisis from Douluo Continent has been resolved.The remaining [-]% are mainly the Tang family's father and son.

For the Tang family father and son, Su Qingyu really couldn't think of any good solution.

Tang Hao is arrogant and unreasonable, and there is almost no possibility of communication.

As for the modest gentleman Tang San, he himself is an exquisite egoist.

Not to mention anything else, Tang San's repayment is divided into people, those with valuable benefits will definitely repay, and those without valuable benefits, he will not care who you are.

This kind of person should not be approached, let alone befriended deeply.

However, the most important thing at the moment is to find a way to keep Qian Renxue's cultivation speed, at least not let her be slowed down by things of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Sitting in the gazebo in the backyard, Su Qingyu was thinking about how to help Qian Renxue.

After all, once she returns to Heaven Dou City, she will no longer be Su Qingyu's sister Xue, but the prince Xue Qinghe of the Heaven Dou Empire.

"Brother Herring, what are you thinking?"

Shui Bing'er sat beside him, her icy blue eyes revealed a hint of curiosity.

"It's Bing'er! It's nothing, it's just that if a friend's cultivation is delayed by some trivial matters, what should she do if she wants to improve her soul power?"

Shui Bing'er was a little confused by Su Qingyu's words, "It's still important to increase your soul power. Since it's a trivial matter, let's put it aside for a while."

This is true, but Qian Renxue is pretending to be the prince of a country, how can she refuse the usual imperial affairs?

"No, my friend can't get rid of trivial matters, otherwise, she wouldn't be distressed."

As she spoke, Su Qingyu gently stroked Shui Binger's little head with her palm.

Maybe it's because his demeanor was really intimate, which directly made Shui Bing'er's fair little face rosy.

"Then... Bing'er is really unexpected."

Shui Bing'er's voice became softer and she hid her little head behind Su Qingyu like a quail.

In fact, if the matter is really so easy to solve, there is no need for Qian Renxue to work hard in the Heaven Dou Empire.

There is really no rush for this matter, and if it is impossible, he has already thought about cutting off Hu Binghuo's heavenly talents and earthly treasures before Tang Junzi.

With the blessing of heaven, material and earth treasures, at least Qian Renxue can break through to the high level of Soul Emperor before the age of 20, and it is not impossible to even get a glimpse of the realm of Soul Sage.

After making up his mind, Su Qingyu began to think about it, and based on the medicinal materials collected in his mind, tried to make a medicine that could speed up the movement of soul power.

As for the Taoist breathing method he has learned, although it is the most basic thing of Taoism, it is enough to be an absolute treasure in the current Douluo Continent.

At home, he has given this breathing method to Su Liefeng and Lan Xiaoyue, husband and wife, plus Shui Binger who grew up with him.

Apart from the three of them, there is no fifth person who knows the existence of breathing method.

Qian Renxue is a good investment for Su Qingyu, but that's all.

Moreover, there are many people who keep a hand of cards like this.

Chapter 43

Just do what you say, but Su Qingyu found that there are many medicinal materials that can promote the operation of soul power from the medicinal materials that can be found on the market.

It's just that the effect is a bit horrible, how to say, it's almost the same as nothing.

Moreover, at this time, Douluo Dalu is pursuing a high cultivation speed while following the steps in his cultivation.

Between the two, it can be said to be quite contradictory.

Some methods that can quickly increase soul power are basically heresy, and most of them need to sacrifice life essence.

Of course, Su Qingyu also understands that if the soul power is increased too quickly, the combat experience cannot keep up, and it is easy to cause the soul power to be vain.

But Qian Renxue was different, usually dressed as Xue Qinghe, her cultivation time was greatly restricted.

Even though she took some medicines to promote the operation of soul power, her daily practice time was too short, and the increase in soul power was pitiful.

Therefore, starting from the face-to-face operation of soul power will basically not have any impact on her.

And even if it has influence, there are many treasures in Dugu Bo's medicine garden that consolidate the foundation and gather the soul.It really doesn't work, any high-grade medicinal material can make up for Qian Renxue's vain soul power.

A few days passed by in a flash.

Qian Renxue took the initiative to come to him several times, but he declined them all.

On the other hand, Shui Bing'er has a very good relationship with Qian Renxue. Recently, it was Sister Xue who called her a kiss!

The two girls are the kind of girls who are extremely intelligent. Even though there is a gap in age, they still get along well.

In the backyard of the Su family, Shui Bing'er muttered with some resentment, "Really, Brother Herring does this every time, and I don't know what he's doing."

Qian Renxue smiled slightly, her attitude towards Shui Bing'er was much better, "It should be fine, but I didn't expect this kid to have such abilities."

With two bodyguards at the title Douluo level, she naturally knew exactly what Su Qingyu was doing.

Judging from the news sent to him by Snake Spear Douluo Luo Shelong, he should be adapting a kind of medicine.

For the production of medicines, there are not many inheritances on the Douluo Continent, and some medicines used in Wuhundian are basically from the Pozhi Clan and Ju Douluo Yueguan.

Just as Qian Renxue was meditating, the door of Su Qingyu's room was pushed open.

First of all, the good news is that Su Qingyu has broken through the fourteenth level.

For a young man who has just awakened his martial soul for less than three months, this speed is not slow.

Furthermore, there was a faint scent of medicine coming from a blue jade bottle in Su Qingyu's hand.

Qian Renxue was not polite at all, and took the jade bottle from Su Qingyu's hand directly with her white and slender jade hands.

A pair of golden star eyes glanced curiously, "This is the result of you hiding in the room for five days and deliberately avoiding me."

Su Qingyu smiled awkwardly, "That's okay, this thing is just my whim, nothing special."

Regarding Su Qingyu's remarks, Qian Renxue gave him a beautiful look.

Immediately, she opened the jade bottle curiously, and golden yellow, round pills appeared in her hand like amber.

Unlike the strong medicinal fragrance on the jade bottle, these pills have no smell at all.

She Long appeared at the right time, and said respectfully: "This medicine looks very good, can I let my subordinates try it?"

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