Ning Fengzhi was five points similar to the face of the person who received "Xue Qinghe". Apart from that gentle and refined temperament, Ning Fengzhi also had a dignified body, after all, he was also the master of the sect.

The moment he saw Ning Fengzhi, "Xue Qinghe" also understood some of Ning Fengzhi's intentions in letting the sect deacon receive her.

Just when the two were discussing some things about the Heaven Dou Empire, Ning Fengzhi always intentionally or unintentionally brought the topic to Su Qingyu.

This also made her curse inwardly, old fox!

Isn't this a lice on the bald man's head? It's obvious that Ning Fengzhi is planning to poach someone from her just now as a teacher!

However, Su Qingyu is her bottom line for Qian Renxue, and her grandfather also agreed, so how could she let him out.

Just when "Xue Qinghe" was about to refuse, a bad news came to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, or rather, to Ning Fengzhi.

Chapter 51 I Can Solve This Poison

Outside Qibao City, three flying martial souls were rushing towards Qibao City.

Among them is a female soul emperor, she is the most powerful existence among the three.

Behind him, there is a woman on her back, with fiery red hair, elegant and luxurious, which shows that her identity is extraordinary.

But from time to time, an abnormal purple-blue color appeared on his face, which was obviously a sign of poisoning.

They quickly attracted the attention of the soul masters around Qibao City. Just as some soul masters were about to stop them, the woman carrying someone on her back suddenly shouted, "Get out of the way! I am Yu Qiu, the lady's guard. Madame is poisoned, call someone quickly!"

At this time, those soul masters also saw the identity of Yu Qiu and the woman behind her.

"Quick, go and inform the suzerain and the two elders!"

For a while because of the woman, or Ning Fengzhi's wife, Qibao City fell into quite a bit of chaos.

Soon, Yuqiu came to the foot of Qibao Mountain with the woman on his back.

Everyone here is from the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, and there is almost no one who does not know Yu Qiu.

Moreover, as soon as the members of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School heard the news that their wife had been poisoned, they hurried to the outside world to block the news.

Yuqiu was also unimpeded under the arrangement of the Qibao Liuli Sect, and soon came to the vicinity of the Liuli Pavilion.

Chen Xin, who had been standing beside Ning Fengzhi, changed his expression, "Not good!"

Upon hearing Chen Xin's words, Ning Fengzhi felt a little nervous.

"Xue Qinghe" who was sitting on the side asked with concern: "Teacher, did something happen?"

But before Ning Fengzhi could speak, Chen Xin grabbed Ning Fengzhi's shoulders, and rushed out of the Liuli Pavilion with one explosive step.

"Xue Qinghe" didn't understand what happened, but at this moment, she felt that it was better for her to keep up.

When Ning Fengzhi saw the poisoned woman behind Yu Qiu, his heart trembled, and the scepter inlaid with gems fell from his hand.

"Yuqiu, this... Yanyun, what's going on!"

Running all the way from the Star Dou Forest with someone on his back, Yu Qiu was also exhausted.

"Sovereign, Ma'am, in order to protect us, she was severely injured by a purple ten-thousand-year-old spider-like soul beast, and everyone else..."

Undoubtedly, apart from them, other people who went to the Star Dou Forest to hunt soul beasts had already encountered accidents.

There was no way to do this, after all Yan Yun, who was the most powerful, was seriously injured.

The others, except for the three of them, have not even reached the soul king.

Ning Fengzhi who reacted did not hesitate to use his martial soul ability to heal Yanyun, trying to contact the poison on her body.

The Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda, in addition to boosting the soul master.It also has an extremely powerful healing ability.

Moreover, Ning Fengzhi had already cultivated to the peak of level 40 when he was around 79 years old. If it wasn't for the limitation of his martial soul, he might break through the title now.

Since cultivating to the peak of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda, although Ning Fengzhi did not give up the advancement of his own martial soul ability, most of the time he used it to develop his own martial soul ability.

Among the auxiliary system soul masters, apart from the Tree of Life, Nine Hearts Begonia, etc., which are countless healing system spirits, Ning Fengzhi's healing ability can also be said to be unique in the world.

The trauma on Yan Yun's body was almost visible to the naked eye.

But after a while, Yan Yun's injuries basically recovered.

But the toxin in her body made Ning Fengzhi really unable to deal with it, even though he had been in the world of soul masters for many years, he had never seen such a strange poison.

Sword Douluo, who was the most accomplished in soul power, was the first to see the clue, and immediately flew towards the back mountain of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

In just a moment, Chen Xin came to Su Qingyu and Bone Douluo.

Gu Rong also sensed the aura of the old man, "Old sword man, didn't you follow Fengzhi, why did you come here!"

"Old guy, I don't have time to explain to you, come with me!"

Seeing Chen Xin's serious look, Gu Rong also understood that something happened!

However, to Gu Rong's surprise, Chen Xin hugged Ning Rongrong.

After apologizing to Su Qingyu, Gu Rong followed behind Chen Xin and headed towards the front mountain of Qibao Mountain.

"An accident happened to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, but it seems that it is not an outsider!"

Su Qingyu glanced around, and he found that the soul masters of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School were still sticking to their posts and had no intention of transferring them.

Immediately, Su Qingyu looked in the direction where the two titled Douluo of Sword Bone were flying, and it should be the important place of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect.

Although he didn't understand what happened, but when he thought about where Qian Renxue was still, he thought it was better to go and have a look.

What he held in his hand was Gu Rong's token, and no one in the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School could stop him.

Relying on the token, he quickly arrived at the front mountain gate of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

At this moment in the Liuli Pavilion, Ning Fengzhi was already in a state of desperation.Usually calm and elegant, now he looks more like a nobleman in trouble.

Beside his wife Yanyun, a doctor looked guilty, "Sovereign, I'm really sorry, I'm incompetent."

Ning Fengzhi waved his hand and asked someone to send the doctor down, his eyes revealed a look of despair.

"Is there really no other way?"

Ning Rongrong, who was hugged by Chen Xin, also cried loudly. Although she didn't understand what happened, the atmosphere in Liuli Pavilion was so oppressive. She was only four years old, even younger than Shui Yue'er. Almost a year old.

Ning Fengzhi took the weeping Ning Rongrong from Chen Xin's arms, with a slightly hoarse voice, "Rongrong, be good, let's take a look at your mother..."

"Xue Qinghe" felt very sad at this time, life and death, this kind of thing, as long as it is a person, it will empathize.

Although the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School was equated by her as an enemy from the bottom of her heart, she really wanted to be willful this time.

She made a decision in her heart, "Teacher, some time ago, I heard that Old Sage Ye came to Heaven Dou City."

Undoubtedly, her words naturally brought a glimmer of life to Yan Yun, the wife of the suzerain of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Ning Fengzhi also seemed to have grasped hope, "Uncle Gu..."

Without waiting for Ning Fengzhi's order, Gu Rong headed directly towards Tiandou City, his speed with space ability was much faster than Chen Xin's.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness!"

Ning Fengzhi was also very grateful, if it wasn't for the news of "Xue Qinghe", he probably would have given up by now.

"Don't dare, the teacher has something to do, Qinghe will naturally do his best to help."

Just at this time, Su Qingyu came to the Liuli Pavilion with Gu Rong's token.

It's just that the vicinity of the Liuli Pavilion has been strictly prohibited, and Su Qingyu is a stranger again. After some announcements, he finally came.

"Xue Qinghe" was a little surprised. Wasn't this kid arranged in the back mountain? Why did he come here?

Su Qingyu's eyes were also attracted by the poisoned Yanyun, and she already had some calculations in her heart, "I can cure this poison!"

Chapter 52 The Helpless Ye Shengzhe

"Xue Qinghe" turned her head abruptly, as if what were you talking about!

Ning Fengzhi frowned slightly, "Thank you for your concern, little friend, Uncle Gu has gone to look for Ye Shengzhe."

As the head of a sect, Ning Fengzhi naturally wouldn't get angry because of a child's words.

But his wife was critically ill, and he was still a little angry.However, he knew that the other party was brought by his disciple whom he had just met, so he couldn't care too much about it.

After "Xue Qinghe" made a confession, he pulled Su Qingyu out of the Liuli Pavilion.

"What are you doing, don't think that the poison is very simple, you must know that even Ning Fengzhi can't cure the poison!"

"Xue Qinghe" glanced at Su Qingyu with some reproach, "Now, only the one from Jiuxin Haitang can save this Mrs. Ning."

When Su Qingyu heard about Nine Hearts Begonia, what Su Qingyu thought of was Ye Lingling, the group favorite of Tiandou Royal Academy.

But judging from the time, Ye Lingling was at most nine years old, not much older than Su Qingyu.

The person "Xue Qinghe" mentioned should be Ye Lingling's elder, whose soul power is at least not weaker than that of Ning Fengzhi, one of the top support system experts.

Fortunately, Ye Lingling's reputation is not small.

Gu Rong found it in less than an hour and a half in Tiandou City.

A space crack opened, and the person who came was Bone Douluo Gu Rong. Behind him, a white-haired and kind old man walked out with a silver-haired little girl.

Seeing this person coming, even Ning Fengzhi stepped forward to greet him personally, "Senior Ye, Fengzhi is not good at learning, so I'll trouble you this time."

The old man surnamed Ye who was called senior by Ning Fengzhi shook his head, "Fengzhi, what you and I are good at is different, there is no saying that you are not good at learning."

The old man's name is Ye Shengxin, he is a Level 82 support system Contra, the top support system powerhouse in the Douluo Continent.

He has saved countless people on the Douluo Continent, even if he is as powerful as Wuhundian, he would not dare to embarrass him, let alone Ning Fengzhi.

Ye Shengxin glanced casually, and happened to see Su Qingyu beside "Xue Qinghe", and said to the granddaughter beside him, "Lingling, go over there and wait for grandpa for a while."

Although Ye Lingling had a pretty little face that was extremely cold, she was also very well-behaved, standing quietly beside Su Qingyu.

As for Ye Shengxin, a red, white and pink flower suddenly appeared in his hand, it looked so elegant and indifferent, even in the hands of a white-haired old man like Ye Shengxin, it was so natural.

A faint fragrance of flowers is exactly the smell of Nine Hearts Begonia, Ye Shengxin in front of him has clearly reached a very high level of control over the Wuhun.

The crabapple flower seemed to be alive, swaying in the wind.

Soon, eight soul rings lit up on Ye Shengxin's body one by one.

Yellow yellow purple purple black black black black!

Different from ordinary Contras, Ye Shengxin's soul power is much softer than other powerhouses of the same level, and its thickness is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

With the release of Ye Shengxin's martial spirit, a soft force quickly enveloped Yanyun.

Under non-death, unlimited healing, the terrifying ability of Jiuxin Haitang has just been revealed.

Just using two century-old soul rings, Yan Yun's complexion has become much better.

"Xue Qinghe" also understands why his grandfather treats this person with extra courtesy. I have to say that this person is indeed worthy of admiration.

At this time, the eyes of Ye Shengxin, who was in charge of the treatment, froze, and the third, fourth, and fifth spirit rings bloomed on his body at the same time.

The healing power once again reached a new peak, but Yan Yun's face, which was being healed, became much uglier.

From time to time, purple lines appeared on her fair and pretty face.

"What, it's actually it, it's not dead yet!"

Ye Shengxin had a look of horror on his face, and a trace of fear in his slightly yellow eyes.

The Jiuxin Begonia was also directly stimulated to the extreme by him. With the appearance of Ye Shengxin's martial soul avatar, there were begonia flower petals everywhere.

Seeing all this, Su Qingyu's icy blue eyes flashed with surprise.

"I didn't expect the poison to be alive, and after absorbing so much soul power, is the poison finally activated?"

As soon as the words fell, a purple spider figure appeared on Yan Yun's body, which was a sign of the activation of the toxin.

Similarly, Ye Shengxin, who was fighting against the toxin with all his strength, also said the name of the owner of the toxin, "Evil Soul Spider!"

Hearing this name, Ning Fengzhi's face changed drastically, Evil Soul Phantom Spider, he only found this name in the ancient books of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

It is a strange soul beast that will die if you touch it, and there is no medicine to cure it.

However, because it caused huge damage to both soul beasts and soul masters, it was slaughtered by the top powerhouses of the two races in ancient times.

Not many people know about this top secret, only Ye Shengxin, Ning Fengzhi, and "Xue Qinghe" were present.

Even the two titled Douluo of Sword Bone didn't know about the existence of the Evil Soul Spider.

Su Qingyu touched "Xue Qinghe", "Your Highness, can you tell me about this kind of soul beast?"

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