"Xue Qinghe" sighed, she never thought that this kind of soul-lost beast, which had been extinct long ago, still existed.

After the introduction by "Xue Qinghe", everyone present finally understood the horror of this kind of soul beast.

Its toxin is fierce, and it can also absorb the soul power to increase continuously. Once this toxin is injected into the soul master's body, the Title Douluo will undoubtedly die!

After fighting against the toxin for more than an hour, Ye Shengxin's soul power also completely bottomed out.

When taking back the spirit, Ye Shengxin almost fell down, but was fortunately supported by Gu Rong, "Brother Ye, how is Madam doing?"

Ye Shengxin shook his head, and slowly stretched out three fingers, "I can suppress the toxin for three days at most, after three days..."

Even Ye Shengxin, who is as strong as the contemporary descendant of Jiuxin Begonia, can't do anything about it, this kind of poison is really weird.

Ning Fengzhi at the side had red eyes, and his voice was hoarse, "Uncle Jian..."

Chen Xin sighed softly, he knew Ning Fengzhi felt uncomfortable, after all Yan Yun was his real wife.

Ning Fengzhi married more than one woman in his life because of the interests of the sect, but Yanyun was the one who grew up with him since he was a child, and he was also the true love in his heart.

Immediately, Chen Xin directly stepped on the Seven Killing Sword and flew towards the south where the Star Dou Forest is located.

Even Ye Shengxin couldn't help it, now Ning Fengzhi completely gave up.

Su Qingyu, who had been hesitant for a long time, suddenly stood up, "Saint Ye, if there is a taste, can the strange poison that burns soul power and freezes the soul master's body to kill people in two ways can solve the poison of the ghost spider?"

Ye Shengxin was a little startled by these words, and after thinking for a while, "Of course it is possible, but as long as there is a titled strong person to help, it is enough to supplement it with rare treasures. But is there such a strange poison in the Douluo Continent?"

"If not, why would the junior ask such a question?"

Chapter 53

The water was glistening, if Su Qingyu didn't say it was a strange poison, even Ye Shengxin thought it was just a jade bottle of clear water.

But when Ye Shengxin put in a blue silver grass that he picked up casually, the grass blade was melted away as soon as it got close to the mouth of the bottle.

Ye Shengxin was so scared that he almost threw the jade bottle out. Fortunately, as a rare healer among soul masters, he was calm and didn't really throw it out.

Gu Rong was also taken aback, this little rabbit...Your body is really not simple!

"Sect Master Ning, Ye Shengzhe also said just now that this strange poison is just a poisonous inducement, and this rare treasure and Titled Douluo still depend on your opinion, suzerain master."

It is related to Yanyun, this is his first wife, Ning Fengzhi said without the slightest hesitation, "Okay, you can use the rare treasures in the sect's treasury as you please. As for the titled Douluo's support, I'll trouble you, Uncle Gu .”

Gu Rong didn't care about anything. From the sect's point of view, Yan Yun is now in his early 50s, a level 82 Soul Douluo, and he still hopes to hit the Title Douluo level in this life.

Although it will be difficult for him to become a Super Douluo in the future, becoming a Titled Douluo can also enhance the foundation of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Furthermore, from a personal level, as Ning Fengzhi's elders, they naturally did not want Yan Yun to die.

"Don't worry, leave it to me, and I will fully cooperate with you two then."

Afterwards, Ning Fengzhi handed Su Qingyu the Sovereign Token on his body, "This is my token, Your Highness the Crown Prince, please go with Su Xiaoyou."

After taking the suzerain token from Ning Fengzhi, a direct elder of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School appeared, and he was arranged by Ning Fengzhi to lead them.

Judging by his appearance, he was about the same age as Ning Fengzhi, and probably belonged to Ning Fengzhi's generation.

Under the leadership of this direct elder, Su Qingyu and "Xue Qinghe" walked for a whole stick of incense before arriving at a quiet place.

The trees are dense, and from time to time there will be bursts of roars from soul beasts.

This is the depths of the Soul Hunting Forest established by the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect. It is hard to imagine that they would build the sect's treasure house in such a place.

"Xue Qinghe" was quite surprised, but Su Qingyu, who had participated in house raids in her previous life, was clear that this could only be a hidden treasure of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

As the so-called Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit, especially the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, a sect that is very good at business, they are definitely very good at hiding things.

Not long after, a strong soul sage level appeared in front of them, with a team of soul masters behind him, who seemed to be the guardians of this place.

When he saw the Sovereign Token in Su Qingyu's hand and the direct elder, the soul sage chose to let go.

This treasure house is completely underground, Su Qingyu and "Xue Qinghe" followed the elder's footsteps, and finally came to the treasure house.

Just as Su Qingyu guessed at the beginning, all the things hidden here are medicinal materials.

At the beginning, I saw some rare things in the world, but it was not so rare.

But looking back, Su Qingyu's mood was slightly solemn, and there was a look of surprise in her ice blue eyes.

In the deepest part of this drug storehouse, there are hundreds of jade boxes, large and small, all placed on a single shelf.

Each medicinal material has been marked with its name, and the highest grade among them is a fifth-grade ginseng king.

It's a pity that this ginseng king was killed too early. Although it was preserved with the best quality warm jade, it still lost a little of its medicinal power.

Su Qingyu was also unceremonious, and directly took down this fifth-grade ginseng king with a cultivation base of 5 years.

This directly made the direct line elder close his eyes, and he was really distressed.

In order to make himself feel less distressed, he could only make such a bad move, and he didn't see it at all!

On the other side, "Xue Qinghe" also found something good, it was a snow-white lotus.

Su Qingyu remembers that this is a special product in the inner circle of the Extreme North Ice Field, but at least only soul saints can enter it, and this thing can only be obtained by such powerful forces as the Wuhun Palace and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

Its effect is to accumulate spiritual power, which is beneficial to repairing soul trauma.

No problem, take it!

Su Qingyu also knows how to start, after picking out more than a dozen rare treasures in jade boxes, she stopped directly.

On the contrary, "Xue Qinghe" has a feeling that she still has more to say, she used to have a lot of these good things, but unfortunately after coming to Tiandou Empire, she no longer has them.

Although he wanted it very much, "Xue Qinghe" knew that these things were not his own.

After selecting the medicinal materials, Su Qingyu and "Xue Qinghe" left the sect's treasury under the eyes of the direct elder who wanted to kill them both.

But when he thought of saving the suzerain's wife, the anger in his heart disappeared in an instant.

When Su Qingyu and "Xue Qinghe" reappeared in Liuli Pavilion, Gu Rong was already impatient.

In fact, besides the plan, it was Gu Rong, the Title Douluo, who made the most of this treatment.

At this time, a disciple of the Neizong of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect handed over some tiny golden needles to Su Qingyu.

This is what Su Qingyu asked people to prepare in advance.

"Su Xiaoyou, it's not too late, let's get started!"

The one who said this was naturally Ye Shengxin.

With the help of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect just now, his own soul power has been recovered.

Su Qingyu also handed the sparkling water to Gu Rong, and asked Gu Rong to swallow it directly for Yan Yun.

The water was shining brightly and at the same time the toxicity was overbearing, which naturally caused the toxin of the evil spirit ghost spider that was suppressed by Ye Shengxin and dormant in Yan Yun's body.

It does not allow anyone to occupy its territory, and directly mobilizes toxins from all the meridians of Yanyun's body and the soul power transformed by it to start chasing and intercepting Shuiguang.

Shui Guangyan is also domineering, and is also full of hostility towards the evil spirit spider.

Both sides quickly converged into the heart veins, and Su Qingyu was also quick-witted at this time, and quickly blocked the meridians of Yanyun's whole body with golden needles.

In order to prevent the golden needle from being broken, Ye Shengxin poured soul power into the golden needle with all his strength.

The sudden sealing of the acupoint completely angered the toxin of the evil spirit ghost spider, and its attack on the shimmering water became even crazier.

Under Su Qingyu's signal, Gu Rong quickly used his soul power to extract the essence of many rare treasures, and quickly entered Yanyun's heart veins with his soul power.

The main function of the rare treasures is to protect her heart veins, if Yanyun's heart veins had not been constantly impacted by the violent soul power of the evil spirit ghost spider, it would be easily broken.

At this time, the sparkling water's effect of burning soul power was also manifested.

With the passage of time, under Yan Yun's frozen heart, the sparkling water finally burned away the soul power and poison of the evil spirit ghost spider.

Finally, Su Qingyu cut off a small piece of the soaked snow ginseng and put it into Yan Yun's mouth.

The glistening water in her body also disappeared, and her body gradually began to return to normal.

Chapter 54 One medicine and one copper, live up to the sacred heart!

This treatment lasted for two full days and one night, and the battle between Shui Guangyan and the evil spirit Nether toxin undoubtedly took the longest.

During this time, Su Qingyu, Ye Shengxin, and Gu Rong didn't dare to separate themselves.

Su Qingyu was better, he was only responsible for watching the battle between the two toxins.

But Ye Shengxin and Gu Rong, the two old brothers, never got to rest.

Ye Shengxin needs to use soul power to maintain the lily needles to seal the meridians, and Gu Rong also needs to use soul power to maintain the vitality of Yanyun.

The three are indispensable, and after a lot of cooperation, the toxin of the evil spirit spider on Yan Yun's body was finally released.

Gu Rong and Ye Shengxin were also sent down to rest by Ning Fengzhi's arrangement, and they kept sending soul power for two days and one night, even the Titled Douluo couldn't support it.

Su Qingyu's expression was also very haggard. He was still very tired after [-] consecutive hours of high concentration.

"Sect Master Ning, Mrs. Ning's poison has been cured, and the rest only needs to be respected with peace of mind. But after all, it hurts the foundation. Without a real master to restore vitality, it is difficult for Mrs. Ning to go any further. Contra is already a treasure. It's over."

Yanyun came back from the ghost gate, how could Ning Fengzhi expect anything else?

He is usually as elegant as him, but at this time he is also very sloppy, "It is already a blessing for Yun'er to recover a life, how dare Fengzhi ask for it?"

On the Douluo Continent, Ning Fengzhi is still the one who deals with people and the worldly sophistication.

After a brief exchange of pleasantries, Su Qingyu also went to the guest room prepared in advance by the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

He also ignored "Xue Qinghe" and slept in the guest room until dawn the next day before waking up.

In the early morning, Su Qingyu stretched lazily, seeing that the sky was getting darker, she sat on the bed and meditated for a while.

In such a short period of time, Su Qingyu found that the soul power in her body had already increased.

Taking advantage of the small tide of soul power in his body, Su Qingyu jumped directly, breaking through one level again, and his soul power level officially stepped into the fifteenth level.

It has only been more than three months since Su Qingyu awakened her martial spirit, and she is only six years and three months old.

With a soul power of level [-], except for the non-human Qian Renxue, it is impossible for people of the same age to have better soul power than him.

"Young Master Su, the suzerain is here to invite you!"

Outside the door, a girl's voice came.

Su Qingyu finished her meditation and quickly changed her clothes.

When he opened the door, an eight or nine-year-old girl who looked very delicate looked at him with a smile.

This scene directly made Su Qingyu's face darken.

Good fellow, Ning Fengzhi, I didn't expect you, a harmless fellow, to be so dirty in your heart.

Along the way, through talking with this girl, Su Qingyu got some useful information.

That is, this girl is precisely the daughter of Ning Fengzhi's brother, that is, Ning Fengzhi's niece.

According to the girl's words, she came here voluntarily.

Su Qingyu said hehe, I believe in you, but I don't believe in Ning Fengzhi.

Marriage is too common in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School dominated by the Ning family.

Ning Fengzhi had his niece come over because he was also cautious.

The girl's name is quite pleasant, Ning Yuxin, and her personality is very gentle and talkative.

After chatting with Su Qingyu all the way, when they arrived at the Liuli Pavilion, the little girl was also a little reluctant to part.

He didn't care, after all, she was just a little girl, and the real mastermind was probably watching a play.

Ning Fengzhi who was sitting in the center of the Liuli Pavilion saw Su Qingyu coming in by himself, he roughly understood something.

Although he was disappointed, Ning Fengzhi didn't take it to heart.

In the Ning family, apart from the hard rule that both parties cannot be auxiliary system soul masters, they are quite open-minded in terms of marriage.

Otherwise, if there is a tragedy due to emotional discord, it will always be the Ning family, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, who will be injured.

In addition to Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo Chenxin, Bone Douluo Gurong, Crown Prince "Xue Qinghe", and Saint Ye Shengxin were all present.

And Yanyun, although she looked haggard after recovering from a serious illness, she still wanted to see Su Qingyu, the person who saved her life.

As for Ning Fengzhi, it was also because of Yan Yun's life that he was saved, and he returned to his usual appearance.

"Su Xiaoyou rescued Yan Yun, and Ning is here to thank you. Here, Ning can assure you that the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School is willing to unconditionally help Ning complete a thing that does not violate morality."

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